// This file expects `tests` to have been declared in the global scope. /* global tests */ var RemoteCanvas = function (url, id) { this.url = url; this.id = id; this.snapshot = null; }; RemoteCanvas.CANVAS_WIDTH = 200; RemoteCanvas.CANVAS_HEIGHT = 200; RemoteCanvas.prototype.compare = function (otherCanvas, expected) { return compareSnapshots(this.snapshot, otherCanvas.snapshot, expected)[0]; }; RemoteCanvas.prototype.load = function (callback) { var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.id = this.id + "-iframe"; iframe.width = RemoteCanvas.CANVAS_WIDTH + "px"; iframe.height = RemoteCanvas.CANVAS_HEIGHT + "px"; iframe.src = this.url; var me = this; iframe.addEventListener("load", function () { info("iframe loaded"); var m = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("av"); m.addEventListener( "suspend", function () { setTimeout(function () { let mediaElement = iframe.contentDocument.querySelector("audio, video"); const { widget } = SpecialPowers.wrap(iframe.contentWindow) .windowGlobalChild.getActor("UAWidgets") .widgets.get(mediaElement); widget.impl.Utils.l10n.translateRoots().then(() => { me.remotePageLoaded(callback); }); }, 0); }, { once: true } ); m.src = m.getAttribute("source"); }); window.document.body.appendChild(iframe); }; RemoteCanvas.prototype.remotePageLoaded = function (callback) { var ldrFrame = document.getElementById(this.id + "-iframe"); this.snapshot = snapshotWindow(ldrFrame.contentWindow); this.snapshot.id = this.id + "-canvas"; window.document.body.appendChild(this.snapshot); callback(this); }; RemoteCanvas.prototype.cleanup = function () { var iframe = document.getElementById(this.id + "-iframe"); iframe.remove(); var canvas = document.getElementById(this.id + "-canvas"); canvas.remove(); }; function runTest(index) { var canvases = []; function testCallback(canvas) { canvases.push(canvas); if (canvases.length == 2) { // when both canvases are loaded var expectedEqual = currentTest.op == "=="; var result = canvases[0].compare(canvases[1], expectedEqual); ok( result, "Rendering of reftest " + currentTest.test + " should " + (expectedEqual ? "not " : "") + "be different to the reference" ); if (result) { canvases[0].cleanup(); canvases[1].cleanup(); } else { info("Snapshot of canvas 1: " + canvases[0].snapshot.toDataURL()); info("Snapshot of canvas 2: " + canvases[1].snapshot.toDataURL()); } if (index < tests.length - 1) { runTest(index + 1); } else { SimpleTest.finish(); } } } var currentTest = tests[index]; var testCanvas = new RemoteCanvas(currentTest.test, "test-" + index); testCanvas.load(testCallback); var refCanvas = new RemoteCanvas(currentTest.ref, "ref-" + index); refCanvas.load(testCallback); } SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); SimpleTest.requestCompleteLog(); window.addEventListener( "load", function () { SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv( { set: [["media.cache_size", 40000]] }, function () { runTest(0); } ); }, true );