schema: 1 bugzilla: product: "Toolkit" component: "UI Widgets" origin: name: "lit" description: "Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components." url: "" license: "BSD-3-Clause" release: lit@2.5.0 (2022-12-14T16:42:02-06:00). revision: lit@2.5.0 # Since this tracks the latest tag, it's possible that lit isn't the latest tag # in lit/lit. In that case we may need to manually update lit. See for # more info. vendoring: url: "" source-hosting: github tracking: tag # lit/lit is a monorepo that publishes multiple packages. The tags for lit # are formatted as "lit@2.5.0". # tag-prefix: 'lit@' vendor-directory: toolkit/content/vendor/lit/lit update-actions: - action: run-script script: '{yaml_dir}/' cwd: '{yaml_dir}'