/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // This is loaded into all XUL windows. Wrap in a block to prevent // leaking to window scope. { const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs" ); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs" ); let lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { BrowserUtils: "resource://gre/modules/BrowserUtils.sys.mjs", Finder: "resource://gre/modules/Finder.sys.mjs", FinderParent: "resource://gre/modules/FinderParent.sys.mjs", PopupBlocker: "resource://gre/actors/PopupBlockingParent.sys.mjs", SelectParentHelper: "resource://gre/actors/SelectParent.sys.mjs", RemoteWebNavigation: "resource://gre/modules/RemoteWebNavigation.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "blankURI", () => Services.io.newURI("about:blank") ); let lazyPrefs = {}; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazyPrefs, "unloadTimeoutMs", "dom.beforeunload_timeout_ms" ); Object.defineProperty(lazy, "ProcessHangMonitor", { configurable: true, get() { // Import if we can - this is a browser/ module so it may not be // available, in which case we return null. We replace this getter // when the module becomes available (should be on delayed startup // when the first browser window loads, via BrowserGlue.sys.mjs). const kURL = "resource:///modules/ProcessHangMonitor.sys.mjs"; if (Cu.isESModuleLoaded(kURL)) { let { ProcessHangMonitor } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(kURL); // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/valid-lazy Object.defineProperty(lazy, "ProcessHangMonitor", { value: ProcessHangMonitor, }); return ProcessHangMonitor; } return null; }, }); // Get SessionStore module in the same as ProcessHangMonitor above. Object.defineProperty(lazy, "SessionStore", { configurable: true, get() { const kURL = "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionStore.sys.mjs"; if (Cu.isESModuleLoaded(kURL)) { let { SessionStore } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(kURL); // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/valid-lazy Object.defineProperty(lazy, "SessionStore", { value: SessionStore, }); return SessionStore; } return null; }, }); const elementsToDestroyOnUnload = new Set(); window.addEventListener( "unload", () => { for (let element of elementsToDestroyOnUnload.values()) { element.destroy(); } elementsToDestroyOnUnload.clear(); }, { mozSystemGroup: true, once: true } ); class MozBrowser extends MozElements.MozElementMixin(XULFrameElement) { static get observedAttributes() { return ["remote"]; } constructor() { super(); this.onPageHide = this.onPageHide.bind(this); this.isNavigating = false; this._documentURI = null; this._characterSet = null; this._documentContentType = null; this._inPermitUnload = new WeakSet(); this._originalURI = null; this._searchTerms = ""; // When we open a prompt in reaction to a 401, if this 401 comes from // a different base domain, the url of that site will be stored here // and will be used for auth prompt spoofing protections. // See bug 791594 for reference. this._currentAuthPromptURI = null; /** * These are managed by the tabbrowser: */ this.droppedLinkHandler = null; this.mIconURL = null; this.lastURI = null; ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "popupBlocker", () => { return new lazy.PopupBlocker(this); }); this.addEventListener( "dragover", event => { if (!this.droppedLinkHandler || event.defaultPrevented) { return; } // For drags that appear to be internal text (for example, tab drags), // set the dropEffect to 'none'. This prevents the drop even if some // other listener cancelled the event. var types = event.dataTransfer.types; if ( types.includes("text/x-moz-text-internal") && !types.includes("text/plain") ) { event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "none"; event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } // No need to handle "dragover" in e10s, since nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp in the child process // handles that case using "@mozilla.org/content/dropped-link-handler;1" service. if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { return; } let linkHandler = Services.droppedLinkHandler; if (linkHandler.canDropLink(event, false)) { event.preventDefault(); } }, { mozSystemGroup: true } ); this.addEventListener( "drop", event => { // No need to handle "drop" in e10s, since nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp in the child process // handles that case using "@mozilla.org/content/dropped-link-handler;1" service. if ( !this.droppedLinkHandler || event.defaultPrevented || this.isRemoteBrowser ) { return; } let linkHandler = Services.droppedLinkHandler; try { if (!linkHandler.canDropLink(event, false)) { return; } // Pass true to prevent the dropping of javascript:/data: URIs var links = linkHandler.dropLinks(event, true); } catch (ex) { return; } if (links.length) { let triggeringPrincipal = linkHandler.getTriggeringPrincipal(event); this.droppedLinkHandler(event, links, triggeringPrincipal); } }, { mozSystemGroup: true } ); this.addEventListener("dragstart", event => { // If we're a remote browser dealing with a dragstart, stop it // from propagating up, since our content process should be dealing // with the mouse movement. if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { event.stopPropagation(); } }); } resetFields() { if (this.observer) { try { Services.obs.removeObserver( this.observer, "browser:purge-session-history" ); } catch (ex) { // It's not clear why this sometimes throws an exception. } this.observer = null; } let browser = this; this.observer = { observe(aSubject, aTopic, aState) { if (aTopic == "browser:purge-session-history") { browser.purgeSessionHistory(); } else if (aTopic == "apz:cancel-autoscroll") { if (aState == browser._autoScrollScrollId) { // Set this._autoScrollScrollId to null, so in stopScroll() we // don't call stopApzAutoscroll() (since it's APZ that // initiated the stopping). browser._autoScrollScrollId = null; browser._autoScrollPresShellId = null; browser._autoScrollPopup.hidePopup(); } } }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIObserver", "nsISupportsWeakReference", ]), }; this._documentURI = null; this._originalURI = null; this._currentAuthPromptURI = null; this._searchTerms = ""; this._documentContentType = null; this._loadContext = null; this._webBrowserFind = null; this._finder = null; this._remoteFinder = null; this._fastFind = null; this._lastSearchString = null; this._characterSet = ""; this._mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu = null; this._contentPrincipal = null; this._contentPartitionedPrincipal = null; this._csp = null; this._referrerInfo = null; this._contentRequestContextID = null; this._rdmFullZoom = 1.0; this._isSyntheticDocument = false; this.mPrefs = Services.prefs; this._audioMuted = false; this._hasAnyPlayingMediaBeenBlocked = false; this._unselectedTabHoverMessageListenerCount = 0; this.urlbarChangeTracker = { _startedLoadSinceLastUserTyping: false, startedLoad() { this._startedLoadSinceLastUserTyping = true; }, finishedLoad() { this._startedLoadSinceLastUserTyping = false; }, userTyped() { this._startedLoadSinceLastUserTyping = false; }, }; this._userTypedValue = null; this._AUTOSCROLL_SNAP = 10; this._autoScrollBrowsingContext = null; this._startX = null; this._startY = null; this._autoScrollPopup = null; /** * These IDs identify the scroll frame being autoscrolled. */ this._autoScrollScrollId = null; this._autoScrollPresShellId = null; } connectedCallback() { // We typically use this to avoid running JS that triggers a layout during parse // (see comment on the delayConnectedCallback implementation). In this case, we // are using it to avoid a leak - see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1441935#c20. if (this.delayConnectedCallback()) { return; } this.construct(); } disconnectedCallback() { this.destroy(); } get autoscrollEnabled() { if (this.getAttribute("autoscroll") == "false") { return false; } return this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("general.autoScroll", true); } get canGoBack() { return this.webNavigation.canGoBack; } get canGoForward() { return this.webNavigation.canGoForward; } // While an auth prompt from a base domain different than the current sites is open, we want to display the url of the cross domain site. // This is to prevent possible auth spoofing scenarios. // The URL of the requesting origin is provided by 'currentAuthPromptURI', this will only be non null while an auth prompt is open. // See bug 791594 for reference. get currentURI() { if (this.currentAuthPromptURI) { return this.currentAuthPromptURI; } if (this.webNavigation) { return this.webNavigation.currentURI; } return null; } get documentURI() { return this.isRemoteBrowser ? this._documentURI : this.contentDocument?.documentURIObject; } get documentContentType() { if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { return this._documentContentType; } return this.contentDocument ? this.contentDocument.contentType : null; } set documentContentType(aContentType) { if (aContentType != null) { if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { this._documentContentType = aContentType; } else { this.contentDocument.documentContentType = aContentType; } } } get loadContext() { if (this._loadContext) { return this._loadContext; } let { frameLoader } = this; if (!frameLoader) { return null; } this._loadContext = frameLoader.loadContext; return this._loadContext; } get autoCompletePopup() { return document.getElementById(this.getAttribute("autocompletepopup")); } set suspendMediaWhenInactive(val) { this.browsingContext.suspendMediaWhenInactive = val; } get suspendMediaWhenInactive() { return !!this.browsingContext?.suspendMediaWhenInactive; } set docShellIsActive(val) { this.browsingContext.isActive = val; if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { let remoteTab = this.frameLoader?.remoteTab; if (remoteTab) { remoteTab.renderLayers = val; } } } get docShellIsActive() { return !!this.browsingContext?.isActive; } set renderLayers(val) { if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { let remoteTab = this.frameLoader?.remoteTab; if (remoteTab) { remoteTab.renderLayers = val; } } else { this.docShellIsActive = val; } } get renderLayers() { if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { return !!this.frameLoader?.remoteTab?.renderLayers; } return this.docShellIsActive; } get hasLayers() { if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { return !!this.frameLoader?.remoteTab?.hasLayers; } return this.docShellIsActive; } get isRemoteBrowser() { return this.getAttribute("remote") == "true"; } get remoteType() { return this.browsingContext?.currentRemoteType; } get isCrashed() { if (!this.isRemoteBrowser || !this.frameLoader) { return false; } return !this.frameLoader.remoteTab; } get messageManager() { // Bug 1524084 - Trying to get at the message manager while in the crashed state will // create a new message manager that won't shut down properly when the crashed browser // is removed from the DOM. We work around that right now by returning null if we're // in the crashed state. if (this.frameLoader && !this.isCrashed) { return this.frameLoader.messageManager; } return null; } get webBrowserFind() { if (!this._webBrowserFind) { this._webBrowserFind = this.docShell .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebBrowserFind); } return this._webBrowserFind; } get finder() { if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { if (!this._remoteFinder) { this._remoteFinder = new lazy.FinderParent(this); } return this._remoteFinder; } if (!this._finder) { if (!this.docShell) { return null; } this._finder = new lazy.Finder(this.docShell); } return this._finder; } get fastFind() { if (!this._fastFind) { if (!("@mozilla.org/typeaheadfind;1" in Cc)) { return null; } var tabBrowser = this.getTabBrowser(); if (tabBrowser && "fastFind" in tabBrowser) { return (this._fastFind = tabBrowser.fastFind); } if (!this.docShell) { return null; } this._fastFind = Cc["@mozilla.org/typeaheadfind;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsITypeAheadFind ); this._fastFind.init(this.docShell); } return this._fastFind; } get outerWindowID() { return this.browsingContext?.currentWindowGlobal?.outerWindowId; } get innerWindowID() { return this.browsingContext?.currentWindowGlobal?.innerWindowId || null; } get browsingContext() { if (this.frameLoader) { return this.frameLoader.browsingContext; } return null; } /** * Note that this overrides webNavigation on XULFrameElement, and duplicates the return value for the non-remote case */ get webNavigation() { return this.isRemoteBrowser ? this._remoteWebNavigation : this.docShell && this.docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation); } get webProgress() { return this.browsingContext?.webProgress; } get sessionHistory() { return this.webNavigation.sessionHistory; } get contentTitle() { return this.isRemoteBrowser ? this.browsingContext?.currentWindowGlobal?.documentTitle : this.contentDocument.title; } forceEncodingDetection() { if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { this.sendMessageToActor("ForceEncodingDetection", {}, "BrowserTab"); } else { this.docShell.forceEncodingDetection(); } } get characterSet() { return this.isRemoteBrowser ? this._characterSet : this.docShell.charset; } get mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu() { return this.isRemoteBrowser ? this._mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu : this.docShell.mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu; } set mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu(aMayEnable) { if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { this._mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu = aMayEnable; } } get contentPrincipal() { return this.isRemoteBrowser ? this._contentPrincipal : this.contentDocument.nodePrincipal; } get contentPartitionedPrincipal() { return this.isRemoteBrowser ? this._contentPartitionedPrincipal : this.contentDocument.partitionedPrincipal; } get cookieJarSettings() { return this.isRemoteBrowser ? this.browsingContext?.currentWindowGlobal?.cookieJarSettings : this.contentDocument.cookieJarSettings; } get csp() { return this.isRemoteBrowser ? this._csp : this.contentDocument.csp; } get contentRequestContextID() { if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { return this._contentRequestContextID; } try { return this.contentDocument.documentLoadGroup.requestContextID; } catch (e) { return null; } } get referrerInfo() { return this.isRemoteBrowser ? this._referrerInfo : this.contentDocument.referrerInfo; } set fullZoom(val) { if (val.toFixed(2) == this.fullZoom.toFixed(2)) { return; } if (this.browsingContext.inRDMPane) { this._rdmFullZoom = val; let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("FullZoomChange", true, false); this.dispatchEvent(event); } else { this.browsingContext.fullZoom = val; } } get fullZoom() { if (this.browsingContext.inRDMPane) { return this._rdmFullZoom; } return this.browsingContext.fullZoom; } set textZoom(val) { if (val.toFixed(2) == this.textZoom.toFixed(2)) { return; } this.browsingContext.textZoom = val; } get textZoom() { return this.browsingContext.textZoom; } enterResponsiveMode() { if (this.browsingContext.inRDMPane) { return; } this.browsingContext.inRDMPane = true; this._rdmFullZoom = this.browsingContext.fullZoom; this.browsingContext.fullZoom = 1.0; } leaveResponsiveMode() { if (!this.browsingContext.inRDMPane) { return; } this.browsingContext.inRDMPane = false; this.browsingContext.fullZoom = this._rdmFullZoom; } get isSyntheticDocument() { if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { return this._isSyntheticDocument; } return this.contentDocument.mozSyntheticDocument; } get hasContentOpener() { return !!this.browsingContext.opener; } get audioMuted() { return this._audioMuted; } get shouldHandleUnselectedTabHover() { return this._unselectedTabHoverMessageListenerCount > 0; } set shouldHandleUnselectedTabHover(value) { this._unselectedTabHoverMessageListenerCount += value ? 1 : -1; } get securityUI() { return this.browsingContext.secureBrowserUI; } set userTypedValue(val) { this.urlbarChangeTracker.userTyped(); this._userTypedValue = val; } get userTypedValue() { return this._userTypedValue; } get dontPromptAndDontUnload() { return 1; } get dontPromptAndUnload() { return 2; } set originalURI(aURI) { if (aURI instanceof Ci.nsIURI) { this._originalURI = aURI; } } get originalURI() { return this._originalURI; } set searchTerms(val) { this._searchTerms = val; } get searchTerms() { return this._searchTerms; } set currentAuthPromptURI(aURI) { this._currentAuthPromptURI = aURI; } get currentAuthPromptURI() { return this._currentAuthPromptURI; } _wrapURIChangeCall(fn) { if (!this.isRemoteBrowser) { this.isNavigating = true; try { fn(); } finally { this.isNavigating = false; } } else { fn(); } } goBack( requireUserInteraction = lazy.BrowserUtils .navigationRequireUserInteraction ) { var webNavigation = this.webNavigation; if (webNavigation.canGoBack) { this._wrapURIChangeCall(() => webNavigation.goBack(requireUserInteraction) ); } } goForward( requireUserInteraction = lazy.BrowserUtils .navigationRequireUserInteraction ) { var webNavigation = this.webNavigation; if (webNavigation.canGoForward) { this._wrapURIChangeCall(() => webNavigation.goForward(requireUserInteraction) ); } } reload() { const nsIWebNavigation = Ci.nsIWebNavigation; const flags = nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE; this.reloadWithFlags(flags); } reloadWithFlags(aFlags) { this.webNavigation.reload(aFlags); } stop() { const nsIWebNavigation = Ci.nsIWebNavigation; const flags = nsIWebNavigation.STOP_ALL; this.webNavigation.stop(flags); } _fixLoadParamsToLoadURIOptions(params) { let loadFlags = params.loadFlags || params.flags || Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE; delete params.flags; params.loadFlags = loadFlags; } /** * throws exception for unknown schemes */ loadURI(uri, params = {}) { if (!uri) { uri = lazy.blankURI; } this._fixLoadParamsToLoadURIOptions(params); this._wrapURIChangeCall(() => this.webNavigation.loadURI(uri, params)); } /** * throws exception for unknown schemes */ fixupAndLoadURIString(uriString, params = {}) { if (!uriString) { this.loadURI(null, params); return; } this._fixLoadParamsToLoadURIOptions(params); this._wrapURIChangeCall(() => this.webNavigation.fixupAndLoadURIString(uriString, params) ); } gotoIndex(aIndex) { this._wrapURIChangeCall(() => this.webNavigation.gotoIndex(aIndex)); } preserveLayers(preserve) { if (!this.isRemoteBrowser) { return; } let { frameLoader } = this; if (frameLoader.remoteTab) { frameLoader.remoteTab.preserveLayers(preserve); } } deprioritize() { if (!this.isRemoteBrowser) { return; } let { remoteTab } = this.frameLoader; if (remoteTab) { remoteTab.priorityHint = false; remoteTab.deprioritize(); } } getTabBrowser() { if (this?.ownerGlobal?.gBrowser?.getTabForBrowser(this)) { return this.ownerGlobal.gBrowser; } return null; } addProgressListener(aListener, aNotifyMask) { if (!aNotifyMask) { aNotifyMask = Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_ALL; } this.webProgress.addProgressListener(aListener, aNotifyMask); } removeProgressListener(aListener) { this.webProgress.removeProgressListener(aListener); } onPageHide() { // If we're browsing from the tab crashed UI to a URI that keeps // this browser non-remote, we'll handle that here. lazy.SessionStore?.maybeExitCrashedState(this); if (!this.docShell || !this.fastFind) { return; } var tabBrowser = this.getTabBrowser(); if ( !tabBrowser || !("fastFind" in tabBrowser) || tabBrowser.selectedBrowser == this ) { this.fastFind.setDocShell(this.docShell); } } audioPlaybackStarted() { if (this._audioMuted) { return; } let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("DOMAudioPlaybackStarted", true, false); this.dispatchEvent(event); } audioPlaybackStopped() { let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("DOMAudioPlaybackStopped", true, false); this.dispatchEvent(event); } /** * When the pref "media.block-autoplay-until-in-foreground" is on, * Gecko delays starting playback of media resources in tabs until the * tab has been in the foreground or resumed by tab's play tab icon. * - When Gecko delays starting playback of a media resource in a window, * it sends a message to call activeMediaBlockStarted(). This causes the * tab audio indicator to show. * - When a tab is foregrounded, Gecko starts playing all delayed media * resources in that tab, and sends a message to call * activeMediaBlockStopped(). This causes the tab audio indicator to hide. */ activeMediaBlockStarted() { this._hasAnyPlayingMediaBeenBlocked = true; let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("DOMAudioPlaybackBlockStarted", true, false); this.dispatchEvent(event); } activeMediaBlockStopped() { if (!this._hasAnyPlayingMediaBeenBlocked) { return; } this._hasAnyPlayingMediaBeenBlocked = false; let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("DOMAudioPlaybackBlockStopped", true, false); this.dispatchEvent(event); } mute(transientState) { if (!transientState) { this._audioMuted = true; } let context = this.frameLoader.browsingContext; context.notifyMediaMutedChanged(true); } unmute() { this._audioMuted = false; let context = this.frameLoader.browsingContext; context.notifyMediaMutedChanged(false); } resumeMedia() { this.frameLoader.browsingContext.notifyStartDelayedAutoplayMedia(); if (this._hasAnyPlayingMediaBeenBlocked) { this._hasAnyPlayingMediaBeenBlocked = false; let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("DOMAudioPlaybackBlockStopped", true, false); this.dispatchEvent(event); } } unselectedTabHover(hovered) { if (!this.shouldHandleUnselectedTabHover) { return; } this.sendMessageToActor( "Browser:UnselectedTabHover", { hovered, }, "UnselectedTabHover", "roots" ); } didStartLoadSinceLastUserTyping() { return ( !this.isNavigating && this.urlbarChangeTracker._startedLoadSinceLastUserTyping ); } constrainPopup(popup) { if (this.getAttribute("constrainpopups") != "false") { let constraintRect = this.getBoundingClientRect(); constraintRect = new DOMRect( constraintRect.left + window.mozInnerScreenX, constraintRect.top + window.mozInnerScreenY, constraintRect.width, constraintRect.height ); popup.setConstraintRect(constraintRect); } else { popup.setConstraintRect(new DOMRect(0, 0, 0, 0)); } } construct() { elementsToDestroyOnUnload.add(this); this.resetFields(); this.mInitialized = true; if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { /* * Don't try to send messages from this function. The message manager for * the element may not be initialized yet. */ this._remoteWebNavigation = new lazy.RemoteWebNavigation(this); // Initialize contentPrincipal to the about:blank principal for this loadcontext let aboutBlank = Services.io.newURI("about:blank"); let ssm = Services.scriptSecurityManager; this._contentPrincipal = ssm.getLoadContextContentPrincipal( aboutBlank, this.loadContext ); this._contentPartitionedPrincipal = this._contentPrincipal; // CSP for about:blank is null; if we ever change _contentPrincipal above, // we should re-evaluate the CSP here. this._csp = null; if (!this.hasAttribute("disablehistory")) { Services.obs.addObserver( this.observer, "browser:purge-session-history", true ); } } try { // |webNavigation.sessionHistory| will have been set by the frame // loader when creating the docShell as long as this xul:browser // doesn't have the 'disablehistory' attribute set. if (this.docShell && this.webNavigation.sessionHistory) { Services.obs.addObserver( this.observer, "browser:purge-session-history", true ); // enable global history if we weren't told otherwise if ( !this.hasAttribute("disableglobalhistory") && !this.isRemoteBrowser ) { try { this.docShell.browsingContext.useGlobalHistory = true; } catch (ex) { // This can occur if the Places database is locked console.error("Error enabling browser global history: ", ex); } } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } try { // Ensures the securityUI is initialized. var securityUI = this.securityUI; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars } catch (e) {} if (!this.isRemoteBrowser) { this._remoteWebNavigation = null; this.addEventListener("pagehide", this.onPageHide, true); } } /** * This is necessary because custom elements don't have a "real" destructor. * This method is called explicitly by tabbrowser, when changing remoteness, * and when we're disconnected or the window unloads. */ destroy() { elementsToDestroyOnUnload.delete(this); // If we're browsing from the tab crashed UI to a URI that causes the tab // to go remote again, we catch this here, because swapping out the // non-remote browser for a remote one doesn't cause the pagehide event // to be fired. Previously, we used to do this in the frame script's // unload handler. lazy.SessionStore?.maybeExitCrashedState(this); // Make sure that any open select is closed. let menulist = document.getElementById("ContentSelectDropdown"); if (menulist?.open) { lazy.SelectParentHelper.hide(menulist, this); } this.resetFields(); if (!this.mInitialized) { return; } this.mInitialized = false; this.lastURI = null; if (!this.isRemoteBrowser) { this.removeEventListener("pagehide", this.onPageHide, true); } } updateForStateChange(aCharset, aDocumentURI, aContentType) { if (this.isRemoteBrowser && this.messageManager) { if (aCharset != null) { this._characterSet = aCharset; } if (aDocumentURI != null) { this._documentURI = aDocumentURI; } if (aContentType != null) { this._documentContentType = aContentType; } } } updateWebNavigationForLocationChange(aCanGoBack, aCanGoForward) { if ( this.isRemoteBrowser && this.messageManager && !Services.appinfo.sessionHistoryInParent ) { this._remoteWebNavigation._canGoBack = aCanGoBack; this._remoteWebNavigation._canGoForward = aCanGoForward; } } updateForLocationChange( aLocation, aCharset, aMayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu, aDocumentURI, aTitle, aContentPrincipal, aContentPartitionedPrincipal, aCSP, aReferrerInfo, aIsSynthetic, aHaveRequestContextID, aRequestContextID, aContentType ) { if (this.isRemoteBrowser && this.messageManager) { if (aCharset != null) { this._characterSet = aCharset; this._mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu = aMayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu; } if (aContentType != null) { this._documentContentType = aContentType; } this._remoteWebNavigation._currentURI = aLocation; this._documentURI = aDocumentURI; this._contentPrincipal = aContentPrincipal; this._contentPartitionedPrincipal = aContentPartitionedPrincipal; this._csp = aCSP; this._referrerInfo = aReferrerInfo; this._isSyntheticDocument = aIsSynthetic; this._contentRequestContextID = aHaveRequestContextID ? aRequestContextID : null; } } purgeSessionHistory() { if (this.isRemoteBrowser && !Services.appinfo.sessionHistoryInParent) { this._remoteWebNavigation._canGoBack = false; this._remoteWebNavigation._canGoForward = false; } try { if (Services.appinfo.sessionHistoryInParent) { let sessionHistory = this.browsingContext?.sessionHistory; if (!sessionHistory) { return; } // place the entry at current index at the end of the history list, so it won't get removed if (sessionHistory.index < sessionHistory.count - 1) { let indexEntry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex( sessionHistory.index ); sessionHistory.addEntry(indexEntry, true); } let purge = sessionHistory.count; if ( this.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.documentURI != "about:blank" ) { --purge; // Don't remove the page the user's staring at from shistory } if (purge > 0) { sessionHistory.purgeHistory(purge); } return; } this.sendMessageToActor( "Browser:PurgeSessionHistory", {}, "PurgeSessionHistory", "roots" ); } catch (ex) { // This can throw if the browser has started to go away. if (ex.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED) { throw ex; } } } createAboutBlankDocumentViewer(aPrincipal, aPartitionedPrincipal) { let principal = lazy.BrowserUtils.principalWithMatchingOA( aPrincipal, this.contentPrincipal ); let partitionedPrincipal = lazy.BrowserUtils.principalWithMatchingOA( aPartitionedPrincipal, this.contentPartitionedPrincipal ); if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { this.frameLoader.remoteTab.createAboutBlankDocumentViewer( principal, partitionedPrincipal ); } else { this.docShell.createAboutBlankDocumentViewer( principal, partitionedPrincipal ); } } _acquireAutoScrollWakeLock() { const pm = Cc["@mozilla.org/power/powermanagerservice;1"].getService( Ci.nsIPowerManagerService ); this._autoScrollWakelock = pm.newWakeLock("autoscroll", window); } _releaseAutoScrollWakeLock() { if (this._autoScrollWakelock) { try { this._autoScrollWakelock.unlock(); } catch (e) { // Ignore error since wake lock is already unlocked } this._autoScrollWakelock = null; } } stopScroll() { if (this._autoScrollBrowsingContext) { window.removeEventListener("mousemove", this, true); window.removeEventListener("mousedown", this, true); window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this, true); window.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", this, true); window.removeEventListener("contextmenu", this, true); window.removeEventListener("keydown", this, true); window.removeEventListener("keypress", this, true); window.removeEventListener("keyup", this, true); let autoScrollWnd = this._autoScrollBrowsingContext.currentWindowGlobal; if (autoScrollWnd) { autoScrollWnd .getActor("AutoScroll") .sendAsyncMessage("Autoscroll:Stop", {}); } try { Services.obs.removeObserver(this.observer, "apz:cancel-autoscroll"); } catch (ex) { // It's not clear why this sometimes throws an exception } if (this._autoScrollScrollId != null) { this._autoScrollBrowsingContext.stopApzAutoscroll( this._autoScrollScrollId, this._autoScrollPresShellId ); this._autoScrollScrollId = null; this._autoScrollPresShellId = null; } this._autoScrollBrowsingContext = null; this._releaseAutoScrollWakeLock(); } } _getAndMaybeCreateAutoScrollPopup() { let autoscrollPopup = document.getElementById("autoscroller"); if (!autoscrollPopup) { autoscrollPopup = document.createXULElement("panel"); autoscrollPopup.className = "autoscroller"; autoscrollPopup.setAttribute("consumeoutsideclicks", "true"); autoscrollPopup.setAttribute("rolluponmousewheel", "true"); autoscrollPopup.id = "autoscroller"; } return autoscrollPopup; } startScroll({ scrolldir, screenXDevPx, screenYDevPx, scrollId, presShellId, browsingContext, }) { if (!this.autoscrollEnabled) { return { autoscrollEnabled: false, usingApz: false }; } // The popup size is 32px for the circle plus space for a 4px box-shadow // on each side. const POPUP_SIZE = 40; if (!this._autoScrollPopup) { this._autoScrollPopup = this._getAndMaybeCreateAutoScrollPopup(); document.documentElement.appendChild(this._autoScrollPopup); this._autoScrollPopup.removeAttribute("hidden"); this._autoScrollPopup.setAttribute("noautofocus", "true"); this._autoScrollPopup.style.height = POPUP_SIZE + "px"; this._autoScrollPopup.style.width = POPUP_SIZE + "px"; this._autoScrollPopup.style.margin = -POPUP_SIZE / 2 + "px"; } // In desktop pixels. let screenXDesktopPx = screenXDevPx / window.desktopToDeviceScale; let screenYDesktopPx = screenYDevPx / window.desktopToDeviceScale; let screenManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/screenmanager;1"].getService( Ci.nsIScreenManager ); let screen = screenManager.screenForRect( screenXDesktopPx, screenYDesktopPx, 1, 1 ); // we need these attributes so themers don't need to create per-platform packages if (screen.colorDepth > 8) { // need high color for transparency // Exclude second-rate platforms this._autoScrollPopup.setAttribute( "transparent", !/BeOS|OS\/2/.test(navigator.appVersion) ); // Enable translucency on Windows and Mac this._autoScrollPopup.setAttribute( "translucent", AppConstants.platform == "win" || AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ); } this._autoScrollPopup.setAttribute("scrolldir", scrolldir); this._autoScrollPopup.addEventListener("popuphidden", this, true); // In CSS pixels let popupX; let popupY; { let cssToDesktopScale = window.devicePixelRatio / window.desktopToDeviceScale; // Sanitize screenX/screenY for available screen size with half the size // of the popup removed. The popup uses negative margins to center on the // coordinates we pass. Use desktop pixels to deal correctly with // multi-monitor / multi-dpi scenarios. let left = {}, top = {}, width = {}, height = {}; screen.GetAvailRectDisplayPix(left, top, width, height); let popupSizeDesktopPx = POPUP_SIZE * cssToDesktopScale; let minX = left.value + 0.5 * popupSizeDesktopPx; let maxX = left.value + width.value - 0.5 * popupSizeDesktopPx; let minY = top.value + 0.5 * popupSizeDesktopPx; let maxY = top.value + height.value - 0.5 * popupSizeDesktopPx; popupX = Math.max(minX, Math.min(maxX, screenXDesktopPx)) / cssToDesktopScale; popupY = Math.max(minY, Math.min(maxY, screenYDesktopPx)) / cssToDesktopScale; } // In CSS pixels. let screenX = screenXDevPx / window.devicePixelRatio; let screenY = screenYDevPx / window.devicePixelRatio; this._autoScrollPopup.openPopupAtScreen(popupX, popupY); this._ignoreMouseEvents = true; this._startX = screenX; this._startY = screenY; this._autoScrollBrowsingContext = browsingContext; this._acquireAutoScrollWakeLock(); window.addEventListener("mousemove", this, true); window.addEventListener("mousedown", this, true); window.addEventListener("mouseup", this, true); window.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", this, true); window.addEventListener("contextmenu", this, true); window.addEventListener("keydown", this, true); window.addEventListener("keypress", this, true); window.addEventListener("keyup", this, true); let usingApz = false; if ( scrollId != null && this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("apz.autoscroll.enabled", false) ) { // If APZ is handling the autoscroll, it may decide to cancel // it of its own accord, so register an observer to allow it // to notify us of that. Services.obs.addObserver(this.observer, "apz:cancel-autoscroll", true); usingApz = browsingContext.startApzAutoscroll( screenXDevPx, screenYDevPx, scrollId, presShellId ); // Save the IDs for later this._autoScrollScrollId = scrollId; this._autoScrollPresShellId = presShellId; } return { autoscrollEnabled: true, usingApz }; } cancelScroll() { this._autoScrollPopup.hidePopup(); } handleEvent(aEvent) { if (this._autoScrollBrowsingContext) { switch (aEvent.type) { case "mousemove": { var x = aEvent.screenX - this._startX; var y = aEvent.screenY - this._startY; if ( x > this._AUTOSCROLL_SNAP || x < -this._AUTOSCROLL_SNAP || y > this._AUTOSCROLL_SNAP || y < -this._AUTOSCROLL_SNAP ) { this._ignoreMouseEvents = false; } break; } case "mouseup": case "mousedown": // The following mouse click/auxclick event on the autoscroller // shouldn't be fired in web content for compatibility with Chrome. aEvent.preventClickEvent(); // fallthrough case "contextmenu": { if (!this._ignoreMouseEvents) { // Use a timeout to prevent the mousedown from opening the popup again. // Ideally, we could use preventDefault here, but contenteditable // and middlemouse paste don't interact well. See bug 1188536. setTimeout(() => this._autoScrollPopup.hidePopup(), 0); } this._ignoreMouseEvents = false; break; } case "DOMMouseScroll": { this._autoScrollPopup.hidePopup(); aEvent.preventDefault(); break; } case "popuphidden": { // TODO: When the autoscroller is closed by clicking outside of it, // we need to prevent following click event for compatibility // with Chrome. However, there is no way to do that for now. this._autoScrollPopup.removeEventListener( "popuphidden", this, true ); this.stopScroll(); break; } case "keydown": { if (aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) { // the escape key will be processed by // nsXULPopupManager::KeyDown and the panel will be closed. // So, don't consume the key event here. break; } // don't break here. we need to eat keydown events. } // fall through case "keypress": case "keyup": { // All keyevents should be eaten here during autoscrolling. aEvent.stopPropagation(); aEvent.preventDefault(); break; } } } } closeBrowser() { // The request comes from a XPCOM component, we'd want to redirect // the request to tabbrowser. let tabbrowser = this.getTabBrowser(); if (tabbrowser) { let tab = tabbrowser.getTabForBrowser(this); if (tab) { tabbrowser.removeTab(tab); return; } } throw new Error( "Closing a browser which was not attached to a tabbrowser is unsupported." ); } swapBrowsers(aOtherBrowser) { // The request comes from a XPCOM component, we'd want to redirect // the request to tabbrowser so tabbrowser will be setup correctly, // and it will eventually call swapDocShells. let ourTabBrowser = this.getTabBrowser(); let otherTabBrowser = aOtherBrowser.getTabBrowser(); if (ourTabBrowser && otherTabBrowser) { let ourTab = ourTabBrowser.getTabForBrowser(this); let otherTab = otherTabBrowser.getTabForBrowser(aOtherBrowser); ourTabBrowser.swapBrowsers(ourTab, otherTab); return; } // One of us is not connected to a tabbrowser, so just swap. this.swapDocShells(aOtherBrowser); } swapDocShells(aOtherBrowser) { if (this.isRemoteBrowser != aOtherBrowser.isRemoteBrowser) { throw new Error( "Can only swap docshells between browsers in the same process." ); } // Give others a chance to swap state. // IMPORTANT: Since a swapDocShells call does not swap the messageManager // instances attached to a browser to aOtherBrowser, others // will need to add the message listeners to the new // messageManager. // This is not a bug in swapDocShells or the FrameLoader, // merely a design decision: If message managers were swapped, // so that no new listeners were needed, the new // aOtherBrowser.messageManager would have listeners pointing // to the JS global of the current browser, which would rather // easily create leaks while swapping. // IMPORTANT2: When the current browser element is removed from DOM, // which is quite common after a swapDocShells call, its // frame loader is destroyed, and that destroys the relevant // message manager, which will remove the listeners. let event = new CustomEvent("SwapDocShells", { detail: aOtherBrowser }); this.dispatchEvent(event); event = new CustomEvent("SwapDocShells", { detail: this }); aOtherBrowser.dispatchEvent(event); // We need to swap fields that are tied to our docshell or related to // the loaded page // Fields which are built as a result of notifactions (pageshow/hide, // DOMLinkAdded/Removed, onStateChange) should not be swapped here, // because these notifications are dispatched again once the docshells // are swapped. var fieldsToSwap = ["_webBrowserFind", "_rdmFullZoom"]; if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { fieldsToSwap.push( ...[ "_remoteWebNavigation", "_remoteFinder", "_documentURI", "_documentContentType", "_characterSet", "_mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu", "_contentPrincipal", "_contentPartitionedPrincipal", "_isSyntheticDocument", "_originalURI", "_userTypedValue", ] ); } var ourFieldValues = {}; var otherFieldValues = {}; for (let field of fieldsToSwap) { ourFieldValues[field] = this[field]; otherFieldValues[field] = aOtherBrowser[field]; } if (window.PopupNotifications) { PopupNotifications._swapBrowserNotifications(aOtherBrowser, this); } try { this.swapFrameLoaders(aOtherBrowser); } catch (ex) { // This may not be implemented for browser elements that are not // attached to a BrowserDOMWindow. } for (let field of fieldsToSwap) { this[field] = otherFieldValues[field]; aOtherBrowser[field] = ourFieldValues[field]; } if (!this.isRemoteBrowser) { // Null the current nsITypeAheadFind instances so that they're // lazily re-created on access. We need to do this because they // might have attached the wrong docShell. this._fastFind = aOtherBrowser._fastFind = null; } else { // Rewire the remote listeners this._remoteWebNavigation.swapBrowser(this); aOtherBrowser._remoteWebNavigation.swapBrowser(aOtherBrowser); if (this._remoteFinder) { this._remoteFinder.swapBrowser(this); } if (aOtherBrowser._remoteFinder) { aOtherBrowser._remoteFinder.swapBrowser(aOtherBrowser); } } event = new CustomEvent("EndSwapDocShells", { detail: aOtherBrowser }); this.dispatchEvent(event); event = new CustomEvent("EndSwapDocShells", { detail: this }); aOtherBrowser.dispatchEvent(event); } getInPermitUnload(aCallback) { if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { let { remoteTab } = this.frameLoader; if (!remoteTab) { // If we're crashed, we're definitely not in this state anymore. aCallback(false); return; } aCallback( this._inPermitUnload.has(this.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal) ); return; } if (!this.docShell || !this.docShell.docViewer) { aCallback(false); return; } aCallback(this.docShell.docViewer.inPermitUnload); } async asyncPermitUnload(action) { let wgp = this.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal; if (this._inPermitUnload.has(wgp)) { throw new Error("permitUnload is already running for this tab."); } this._inPermitUnload.add(wgp); try { let permitUnload = await wgp.permitUnload( action, lazyPrefs.unloadTimeoutMs ); return { permitUnload }; } finally { this._inPermitUnload.delete(wgp); } } get hasBeforeUnload() { function hasBeforeUnload(bc) { if (bc.currentWindowContext?.hasBeforeUnload) { return true; } return bc.children.some(hasBeforeUnload); } return hasBeforeUnload(this.browsingContext); } permitUnload(action) { if (this.isRemoteBrowser) { if (!this.hasBeforeUnload) { return { permitUnload: true }; } // Don't bother asking if this browser is hung: if ( lazy.ProcessHangMonitor?.findActiveReport(this) || lazy.ProcessHangMonitor?.findPausedReport(this) ) { return { permitUnload: true }; } let result; let success; this.asyncPermitUnload(action).then( val => { result = val; success = true; }, err => { result = err; success = false; } ); // The permitUnload() promise will, alas, not call its resolution // callbacks after the browser window the promise lives in has closed, // so we have to check for that case explicitly. Services.tm.spinEventLoopUntilOrQuit( "browser-custom-element.js:permitUnload", () => window.closed || success !== undefined ); if (success) { return result; } throw result; } if (!this.docShell || !this.docShell.docViewer) { return { permitUnload: true }; } return { permitUnload: this.docShell.docViewer.permitUnload(), }; } /** * Gets a screenshot of this browser as an ImageBitmap. * * @param {Number} x * The x coordinate of the region from the underlying document to capture * as a screenshot. This is ignored if fullViewport is true. * @param {Number} y * The y coordinate of the region from the underlying document to capture * as a screenshot. This is ignored if fullViewport is true. * @param {Number} w * The width of the region from the underlying document to capture as a * screenshot. This is ignored if fullViewport is true. * @param {Number} h * The height of the region from the underlying document to capture as a * screenshot. This is ignored if fullViewport is true. * @param {Number} scale * The scale factor for the captured screenshot. See the documentation for * WindowGlobalParent.drawSnapshot for more detail. * @param {String} backgroundColor * The default background color for the captured screenshot. See the * documentation for WindowGlobalParent.drawSnapshot for more detail. * @param {boolean|undefined} fullViewport * True if the viewport rect should be captured. If this is true, the * x, y, w and h parameters are ignored. Defaults to false. * @returns {Promise} * @resolves {ImageBitmap} */ async drawSnapshot( x, y, w, h, scale, backgroundColor, fullViewport = false ) { let rect = fullViewport ? null : new DOMRect(x, y, w, h); try { return this.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.drawSnapshot( rect, scale, backgroundColor ); } catch (e) { return false; } } dropLinks(aLinks, aTriggeringPrincipal) { if (!this.droppedLinkHandler) { return false; } let links = []; for (let i = 0; i < aLinks.length; i += 3) { links.push({ url: aLinks[i], name: aLinks[i + 1], type: aLinks[i + 2], }); } this.droppedLinkHandler(null, links, aTriggeringPrincipal); return true; } getContentBlockingLog() { let windowGlobal = this.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal; if (!windowGlobal) { return null; } return windowGlobal.contentBlockingLog; } getContentBlockingEvents() { let windowGlobal = this.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal; if (!windowGlobal) { return 0; } return windowGlobal.contentBlockingEvents; } // Send an asynchronous message to the remote child via an actor. // Note: use this only for messages through an actor. For old-style // messages, use the message manager. // The value of the scope argument determines which browsing contexts // are sent to: // 'all' - send to actors associated with all descendant child frames. // 'roots' - send only to actors associated with process roots. // undefined/'' - send only to the top-level actor and not any descendants. sendMessageToActor(messageName, args, actorName, scope) { if (!this.frameLoader) { return; } function sendToChildren(browsingContext, childScope) { let windowGlobal = browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal; // If 'roots' is set, only send if windowGlobal.isProcessRoot is true. if ( windowGlobal && (childScope != "roots" || windowGlobal.isProcessRoot) ) { windowGlobal.getActor(actorName).sendAsyncMessage(messageName, args); } // Iterate as long as scope in assigned. Note that we use the original // passed in scope, not childScope here. if (scope) { for (let context of browsingContext.children) { sendToChildren(context, scope); } } } // Pass no second argument to always send to the top-level browsing context. sendToChildren(this.browsingContext); } enterModalState() { this.sendMessageToActor("EnterModalState", {}, "BrowserElement", "roots"); } leaveModalState() { this.sendMessageToActor( "LeaveModalState", { forceLeave: true }, "BrowserElement", "roots" ); } /** * Can be called for a window with or without modal state. * If the window is not in modal state, this is a no-op. */ maybeLeaveModalState() { this.sendMessageToActor( "LeaveModalState", { forceLeave: false }, "BrowserElement", "roots" ); } getDevicePermissionOrigins(key) { if (typeof key !== "string" || key.length === 0) { throw new Error("Key must be non empty string."); } if (!this._devicePermissionOrigins) { this._devicePermissionOrigins = new Map(); } let origins = this._devicePermissionOrigins.get(key); if (!origins) { origins = new Set(); this._devicePermissionOrigins.set(key, origins); } return origins; } // This method is replaced by frontend code in order to delay performing the // process switch until some async operatin is completed. // // This is used by tabbrowser to flush SessionStore before a process switch. async prepareToChangeRemoteness() { /* no-op unless replaced */ } // This method is replaced by frontend code in order to handle restoring // remote session history // // Called immediately after changing remoteness. If this method returns // `true`, Gecko will assume frontend handled resuming the load, and will // not attempt to resume the load itself. afterChangeRemoteness() { /* no-op unless replaced */ return false; } // Called by Gecko before the remoteness change happens, allowing for // listeners, etc. to be stashed before the process switch. beforeChangeRemoteness() { // Fire the `WillChangeBrowserRemoteness` event, which may be hooked by // frontend code for custom behaviour. let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("WillChangeBrowserRemoteness", true, false); this.dispatchEvent(event); // Destroy ourselves to unregister from observer notifications // FIXME: Can we get away with something less destructive here? this.destroy(); } finishChangeRemoteness(redirectLoadSwitchId) { // Re-construct ourselves after the destroy in `beforeChangeRemoteness`. this.construct(); // Fire the `DidChangeBrowserRemoteness` event, which may be hooked by // frontend code for custom behaviour. let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("DidChangeBrowserRemoteness", true, false); this.dispatchEvent(event); // Call into frontend code which may want to handle the load (e.g. to // while restoring session state). return this.afterChangeRemoteness(redirectLoadSwitchId); } } MozXULElement.implementCustomInterface(MozBrowser, [Ci.nsIBrowser]); customElements.define("browser", MozBrowser); }