/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const kInChildProcess = Services.appinfo.processType == Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT; const kAllowedPrefs = new Set([ // NB: please leave the testing prefs at the top, and sort the rest alphabetically if you add // anything. "testing.allowed-prefs.some-bool-pref", "testing.allowed-prefs.some-char-pref", "testing.allowed-prefs.some-int-pref", "browser.contentblocking.report.hide_vpn_banner", "browser.contentblocking.report.show_mobile_app", "browser.shopping.experience2023.optedIn", "browser.shopping.experience2023.active", "browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.userEnabled", "browser.shopping.experience2023.autoOpen.enabled", "browser.shopping.experience2023.autoOpen.userEnabled", "browser.shopping.experience2023.showKeepSidebarClosedMessage", "browser.shopping.experience2023.sidebarClosedCount", "narrate.rate", "narrate.voice", "reader.font_size", "reader.font_type", "reader.color_scheme", "reader.content_width", "reader.line_height", "security.tls.version.enable-deprecated", "security.xfocsp.errorReporting.automatic", "network.trr.display_fallback_warning", ]); const kPrefTypeMap = new Map([ ["boolean", Services.prefs.PREF_BOOL], ["number", Services.prefs.PREF_INT], ["string", Services.prefs.PREF_STRING], ]); function maybeReturnErrorForReset(pref) { if (!kAllowedPrefs.has(pref)) { return `Resetting pref ${pref} from content is not allowed.`; } return false; } function maybeReturnErrorForSet(pref, value) { if (!kAllowedPrefs.has(pref)) { return `Setting pref ${pref} from content is not allowed.`; } let valueType = typeof value; if (!kPrefTypeMap.has(valueType)) { return `Can't set pref ${pref} to value of type ${valueType}.`; } let prefType = Services.prefs.getPrefType(pref); if ( prefType != Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID && prefType != kPrefTypeMap.get(valueType) ) { return `Can't set pref ${pref} to a value with type ${valueType} that doesn't match the pref's type ${prefType}.`; } return false; } export class AsyncPrefsChild extends JSProcessActorChild { set(pref, value) { let error = maybeReturnErrorForSet(pref, value); if (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } return this.sendQuery("AsyncPrefs:SetPref", { pref, value, }); } reset(pref) { let error = maybeReturnErrorForReset(pref); if (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } return this.sendQuery("AsyncPrefs:ResetPref", { pref }); } } export var AsyncPrefs = { set(pref, value) { if (kInChildProcess) { return ChromeUtils.domProcessChild .getActor("AsyncPrefs") .set(pref, value); } return AsyncPrefsParent.set(pref, value); }, reset(pref, value) { if (kInChildProcess) { return ChromeUtils.domProcessChild.getActor("AsyncPrefs").reset(pref); } return AsyncPrefsParent.reset(pref); }, }; const methodForType = { number: "setIntPref", boolean: "setBoolPref", string: "setCharPref", }; export class AsyncPrefsParent extends JSProcessActorParent { static set(pref, value) { let error = maybeReturnErrorForSet(pref, value); if (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } let methodToUse = methodForType[typeof value]; try { Services.prefs[methodToUse](pref, value); } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); return Promise.reject(ex.message); } return Promise.resolve(value); } static reset(pref) { let error = maybeReturnErrorForReset(pref); if (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } try { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(pref); } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); return Promise.reject(ex.message); } return Promise.resolve(); } receiveMessage(msg) { if (msg.name == "AsyncPrefs:SetPref") { return AsyncPrefsParent.set(msg.data.pref, msg.data.value); } return AsyncPrefsParent.reset(msg.data.pref); } }