/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { AddonManager } from "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.sys.mjs"; import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; import { FeatureGate } from "resource://featuregates/FeatureGate.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { PlacesDBUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesDBUtils.sys.mjs", }); // We use a list of prefs for display to make sure we only show prefs that // are useful for support and won't compromise the user's privacy. Note that // entries are *prefixes*: for example, "accessibility." applies to all prefs // under the "accessibility.*" branch. const PREFS_FOR_DISPLAY = [ "accessibility.", "apz.", "browser.cache.", "browser.contentblocking.category", "browser.display.", "browser.download.always_ask_before_handling_new_types", "browser.download.enable_spam_prevention", "browser.download.folderList", "browser.download.improvements_to_download_panel", "browser.download.lastDir.savePerSite", "browser.download.manager.addToRecentDocs", "browser.download.manager.resumeOnWakeDelay", "browser.download.open_pdf_attachments_inline", "browser.download.preferred.", "browser.download.skipConfirmLaunchExecutable", "browser.download.start_downloads_in_tmp_dir", "browser.download.useDownloadDir", "browser.fixup.", "browser.history_expire_", "browser.link.open_newwindow", "browser.places.", "browser.privatebrowsing.", "browser.search.context.loadInBackground", "browser.search.log", "browser.search.openintab", "browser.search.param", "browser.search.region", "browser.search.searchEnginesURL", "browser.search.suggest.enabled", "browser.search.update", "browser.sessionstore.", "browser.startup.homepage", "browser.startup.page", "browser.tabs.", "browser.toolbars.", "browser.urlbar.", "browser.zoom.", "doh-rollout.", "dom.", "extensions.checkCompatibility", "extensions.eventPages.enabled", "extensions.formautofill.", "extensions.lastAppVersion", "extensions.manifestV3.enabled", "extensions.quarantinedDomains.enabled", "extensions.InstallTrigger.enabled", "extensions.InstallTriggerImpl.enabled", "fission.autostart", "font.", "general.autoScroll", "general.useragent.", "gfx.", "html5.", "identity.fxaccounts.enabled", "idle.", "image.", "javascript.", "keyword.", "layers.", "layout.css.dpi", "layout.display-list.", "layout.frame_rate", "media.", "mousewheel.", "network.", "permissions.default.image", "places.", "plugin.", "plugins.", "privacy.", "security.", "services.sync.declinedEngines", "services.sync.lastPing", "services.sync.lastSync", "services.sync.numClients", "services.sync.engine.", "signon.", "storage.vacuum.last.", "svg.", "toolkit.startup.recent_crashes", "ui.osk.enabled", "ui.osk.detect_physical_keyboard", "ui.osk.require_tablet_mode", "ui.osk.debug.keyboardDisplayReason", "webgl.", "widget.dmabuf", "widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal", "widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.file-picker", "widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.mime-handler", "widget.gtk.overlay-scrollbars.enabled", "widget.wayland", ]; // The list of prefs we don't display, unlike the list of prefs for display, // is a list of regular expressions. const PREF_REGEXES_NOT_TO_DISPLAY = [ /^browser[.]fixup[.]domainwhitelist[.]/, /^dom[.]push[.]userAgentID/, /^media[.]webrtc[.]debug[.]aec_log_dir/, /^media[.]webrtc[.]debug[.]log_file/, /^print[.].*print_to_filename$/, /^network[.]proxy[.]/, ]; // Table of getters for various preference types. const PREFS_GETTERS = {}; PREFS_GETTERS[Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING] = (prefs, name) => prefs.getStringPref(name); PREFS_GETTERS[Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT] = (prefs, name) => prefs.getIntPref(name); PREFS_GETTERS[Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL] = (prefs, name) => prefs.getBoolPref(name); // List of unimportant locked prefs (won't be shown on the troubleshooting // session) const PREFS_UNIMPORTANT_LOCKED = [ "dom.postMessage.sharedArrayBuffer.bypassCOOP_COEP.insecure.enabled", "extensions.backgroundServiceWorkerEnabled.enabled", "privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.url_decorations", ]; function getPref(name) { let type = Services.prefs.getPrefType(name); if (!(type in PREFS_GETTERS)) { throw new Error("Unknown preference type " + type + " for " + name); } return PREFS_GETTERS[type](Services.prefs, name); } // Return the preferences filtered by PREF_REGEXES_NOT_TO_DISPLAY and PREFS_FOR_DISPLAY // and also by the custom 'filter'-ing function. function getPrefList(filter, allowlist = PREFS_FOR_DISPLAY) { return allowlist.reduce(function (prefs, branch) { Services.prefs.getChildList(branch).forEach(function (name) { if ( filter(name) && !PREF_REGEXES_NOT_TO_DISPLAY.some(re => re.test(name)) ) { prefs[name] = getPref(name); } }); return prefs; }, {}); } export var Troubleshoot = { /** * Captures a snapshot of data that may help troubleshooters troubleshoot * trouble. * * @returns {Promise} * A promise that is resolved with the snapshot data. */ snapshot() { return new Promise(resolve => { let snapshot = {}; let numPending = Object.keys(dataProviders).length; function providerDone(providerName, providerData) { snapshot[providerName] = providerData; if (--numPending == 0) { // Ensure that done is always and truly called asynchronously. Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(() => resolve(snapshot)); } } for (let name in dataProviders) { try { dataProviders[name](providerDone.bind(null, name)); } catch (err) { let msg = "Troubleshoot data provider failed: " + name + "\n" + err; console.error(msg); providerDone(name, msg); } } }); }, kMaxCrashAge: 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 3 days }; // Each data provider is a name => function mapping. When a snapshot is // captured, each provider's function is called, and it's the function's job to // generate the provider's data. The function is passed a "done" callback, and // when done, it must pass its data to the callback. The resulting snapshot // object will contain a name => data entry for each provider. var dataProviders = { application: async function application(done) { let data = { name: Services.appinfo.name, osVersion: Services.sysinfo.getProperty("name") + " " + Services.sysinfo.getProperty("version") + " " + Services.sysinfo.getProperty("build"), version: AppConstants.MOZ_APP_VERSION_DISPLAY, buildID: Services.appinfo.appBuildID, distributionID: Services.prefs .getDefaultBranch("") .getCharPref("distribution.id", ""), userAgent: Cc["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=http"].getService( Ci.nsIHttpProtocolHandler ).userAgent, safeMode: Services.appinfo.inSafeMode, memorySizeBytes: Services.sysinfo.getProperty("memsize"), diskAvailableBytes: Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile) .diskSpaceAvailable, }; if (Services.sysinfo.getProperty("name") == "Windows_NT") { if ((await Services.sysinfo.processInfo).isWindowsSMode) { data.osVersion += " S"; } } if (AppConstants.MOZ_UPDATER) { data.updateChannel = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/UpdateUtils.sys.mjs" ).UpdateUtils.UpdateChannel; } // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/use-default-preference-values try { data.vendor = Services.prefs.getCharPref("app.support.vendor"); } catch (e) {} try { data.supportURL = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref( "app.support.baseURL" ); } catch (e) {} data.osTheme = Services.sysinfo.getProperty("osThemeInfo"); try { // MacOSX: Check for rosetta status, if it exists data.rosetta = Services.sysinfo.getProperty("rosettaStatus"); } catch (e) {} try { // Windows - Get info about attached pointing devices data.pointingDevices = Services.sysinfo .getProperty("pointingDevices") .split(","); } catch (e) {} data.numTotalWindows = 0; data.numFissionWindows = 0; data.numRemoteWindows = 0; for (let { docShell } of Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser")) { docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext); data.numTotalWindows++; if (docShell.useRemoteSubframes) { data.numFissionWindows++; } if (docShell.useRemoteTabs) { data.numRemoteWindows++; } } try { data.launcherProcessState = Services.appinfo.launcherProcessState; } catch (e) {} data.fissionAutoStart = Services.appinfo.fissionAutostart; data.fissionDecisionStatus = Services.appinfo.fissionDecisionStatusString; data.remoteAutoStart = Services.appinfo.browserTabsRemoteAutostart; if (Services.policies) { data.policiesStatus = Services.policies.status; } const keyLocationServiceGoogle = Services.urlFormatter .formatURL("%GOOGLE_LOCATION_SERVICE_API_KEY%") .trim(); data.keyLocationServiceGoogleFound = keyLocationServiceGoogle != "no-google-location-service-api-key" && !!keyLocationServiceGoogle.length; const keySafebrowsingGoogle = Services.urlFormatter .formatURL("%GOOGLE_SAFEBROWSING_API_KEY%") .trim(); data.keySafebrowsingGoogleFound = keySafebrowsingGoogle != "no-google-safebrowsing-api-key" && !!keySafebrowsingGoogle.length; const keyMozilla = Services.urlFormatter .formatURL("%MOZILLA_API_KEY%") .trim(); data.keyMozillaFound = keyMozilla != "no-mozilla-api-key" && !!keyMozilla.length; done(data); }, addons: async function addons(done) { let addons = await AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes([ "extension", "locale", "dictionary", "sitepermission", "theme", ]); addons = addons.filter(e => !e.isSystem); addons.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.isActive != b.isActive) { return b.isActive ? 1 : -1; } if (a.type != b.type) { return a.type.localeCompare(b.type); } // In some unfortunate cases add-on names can be null. let aname = a.name || ""; let bname = b.name || ""; let lc = aname.localeCompare(bname); if (lc != 0) { return lc; } if (a.version != b.version) { return a.version > b.version ? 1 : -1; } return 0; }); let props = ["name", "type", "version", "isActive", "id"]; done( addons.map(function (ext) { return props.reduce(function (extData, prop) { extData[prop] = ext[prop]; return extData; }, {}); }) ); }, securitySoftware: function securitySoftware(done) { let data = {}; const keys = [ "registeredAntiVirus", "registeredAntiSpyware", "registeredFirewall", ]; for (let key of keys) { let prop = ""; try { prop = Services.sysinfo.getProperty(key); } catch (e) {} data[key] = prop; } done(data); }, features: async function features(done) { let features = await AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["extension"]); features = features.filter(f => f.isSystem); features.sort(function (a, b) { // In some unfortunate cases addon names can be null. let aname = a.name || null; let bname = b.name || null; let lc = aname.localeCompare(bname); if (lc != 0) { return lc; } if (a.version != b.version) { return a.version > b.version ? 1 : -1; } return 0; }); let props = ["name", "version", "id"]; done( features.map(function (f) { return props.reduce(function (fData, prop) { fData[prop] = f[prop]; return fData; }, {}); }) ); }, processes: async function processes(done) { let remoteTypes = {}; const processInfo = await ChromeUtils.requestProcInfo(); for (let i = 0; i < processInfo.children.length; i++) { let remoteType; try { remoteType = processInfo.children[i].type; // Workaround for bug 1790070, since requestProcInfo refers to the preallocated content // process as "preallocated", and the localization string mapping expects "prealloc". remoteType = remoteType === "preallocated" ? "prealloc" : remoteType; } catch (e) {} // We will split Utility by actor name, so do not do it now if (remoteType === "utility") { continue; } // The parent process is also managed by the ppmm (because // of non-remote tabs), but it doesn't have a remoteType. if (!remoteType) { continue; } if (remoteTypes[remoteType]) { remoteTypes[remoteType]++; } else { remoteTypes[remoteType] = 1; } } for (let i = 0; i < processInfo.children.length; i++) { if (processInfo.children[i].type === "utility") { for (let utilityWithActor of processInfo.children[i].utilityActors.map( e => `utility_${e.actorName}` )) { if (remoteTypes[utilityWithActor]) { remoteTypes[utilityWithActor]++; } else { remoteTypes[utilityWithActor] = 1; } } } } try { let winUtils = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("").windowUtils; if (winUtils.gpuProcessPid != -1) { remoteTypes.gpu = 1; } } catch (e) {} if (Services.io.socketProcessLaunched) { remoteTypes.socket = 1; } let data = { remoteTypes, maxWebContentProcesses: Services.appinfo.maxWebProcessCount, }; done(data); }, async experimentalFeatures(done) { if (AppConstants.platform == "android") { done(); return; } let gates = await FeatureGate.all(); done( gates.map(gate => { return [ gate.title, gate.preference, Services.prefs.getBoolPref(gate.preference), ]; }) ); }, async legacyUserStylesheets(done) { if (AppConstants.platform == "android") { done({ active: false, types: [] }); return; } let active = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets" ); let types = []; for (let name of ["userChrome.css", "userContent.css"]) { let path = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.profileDir, "chrome", name); if (await IOUtils.exists(path)) { types.push(name); } } done({ active, types }); }, async environmentVariables(done) { let Subprocess; try { // Subprocess is not available in all builds Subprocess = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Subprocess.sys.mjs" ).Subprocess; } catch (ex) { done({}); return; } let environment = Subprocess.getEnvironment(); let filteredEnvironment = {}; // Limit the environment variables to those that we // know may affect Firefox to reduce leaking PII. let filteredEnvironmentKeys = ["xre_", "moz_", "gdk", "display"]; for (let key of Object.keys(environment)) { if (filteredEnvironmentKeys.some(k => key.toLowerCase().startsWith(k))) { filteredEnvironment[key] = environment[key]; } } done(filteredEnvironment); }, modifiedPreferences: function modifiedPreferences(done) { done(getPrefList(name => Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(name))); }, lockedPreferences: function lockedPreferences(done) { done( getPrefList( name => !PREFS_UNIMPORTANT_LOCKED.includes(name) && Services.prefs.prefIsLocked(name) ) ); }, places: async function places(done) { const data = AppConstants.MOZ_PLACES ? await lazy.PlacesDBUtils.getEntitiesStatsAndCounts() : []; done(data); }, printingPreferences: function printingPreferences(done) { let filter = name => Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(name); let prefs = getPrefList(filter, ["print."]); // print_printer is special and is the only pref that is outside of the // "print." branch... Maybe we should change it to print.printer or // something... if (filter("print_printer")) { prefs.print_printer = getPref("print_printer"); } done(prefs); }, graphics: function graphics(done) { function statusMsgForFeature(feature) { // We return an object because in the try-newer-driver case we need to // include the suggested version, which the consumer likely needs to plug // into a format string from a localization file. Rather than returning // a string in some cases and an object in others, return an object always. let msg = { key: "" }; try { var status = gfxInfo.getFeatureStatus(feature); } catch (e) {} switch (status) { case Ci.nsIGfxInfo.FEATURE_BLOCKED_DEVICE: case Ci.nsIGfxInfo.FEATURE_DISCOURAGED: msg = { key: "blocked-gfx-card" }; break; case Ci.nsIGfxInfo.FEATURE_BLOCKED_OS_VERSION: msg = { key: "blocked-os-version" }; break; case Ci.nsIGfxInfo.FEATURE_BLOCKED_DRIVER_VERSION: try { var driverVersion = gfxInfo.getFeatureSuggestedDriverVersion(feature); } catch (e) {} msg = driverVersion ? { key: "try-newer-driver", args: { driverVersion } } : { key: "blocked-driver" }; break; case Ci.nsIGfxInfo.FEATURE_BLOCKED_MISMATCHED_VERSION: msg = { key: "blocked-mismatched-version" }; break; } return msg; } let data = {}; try { // nsIGfxInfo may not be implemented on some platforms. var gfxInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIGfxInfo); } catch (e) {} data.desktopEnvironment = Services.appinfo.desktopEnvironment; data.numTotalWindows = 0; data.numAcceleratedWindows = 0; let devicePixelRatios = []; for (let win of Services.ww.getWindowEnumerator()) { let winUtils = win.windowUtils; try { // NOTE: windowless browser's windows should not be reported in the graphics troubleshoot report if ( winUtils.layerManagerType == "None" || !winUtils.layerManagerRemote ) { continue; } devicePixelRatios.push(win.devicePixelRatio); data.numTotalWindows++; data.windowLayerManagerType = winUtils.layerManagerType; data.windowLayerManagerRemote = winUtils.layerManagerRemote; } catch (e) { continue; } if (data.windowLayerManagerType != "Basic") { data.numAcceleratedWindows++; } } data.graphicsDevicePixelRatios = devicePixelRatios; // If we had no OMTC windows, report back Basic Layers. if (!data.windowLayerManagerType) { data.windowLayerManagerType = "Basic"; data.windowLayerManagerRemote = false; } if (!data.numAcceleratedWindows && gfxInfo) { let win = AppConstants.platform == "win"; let feature = win ? gfxInfo.FEATURE_DIRECT3D_9_LAYERS : gfxInfo.FEATURE_OPENGL_LAYERS; data.numAcceleratedWindowsMessage = statusMsgForFeature(feature); } if (gfxInfo) { // keys are the names of attributes on nsIGfxInfo, values become the names // of the corresponding properties in our data object. A null value means // no change. This is needed so that the names of properties in the data // object are the same as the names of keys in aboutSupport.properties. let gfxInfoProps = { adapterDescription: null, adapterVendorID: null, adapterDeviceID: null, adapterSubsysID: null, adapterRAM: null, adapterDriver: "adapterDrivers", adapterDriverVendor: "driverVendor", adapterDriverVersion: "driverVersion", adapterDriverDate: "driverDate", adapterDescription2: null, adapterVendorID2: null, adapterDeviceID2: null, adapterSubsysID2: null, adapterRAM2: null, adapterDriver2: "adapterDrivers2", adapterDriverVendor2: "driverVendor2", adapterDriverVersion2: "driverVersion2", adapterDriverDate2: "driverDate2", isGPU2Active: null, D2DEnabled: "direct2DEnabled", DWriteEnabled: "directWriteEnabled", DWriteVersion: "directWriteVersion", cleartypeParameters: "clearTypeParameters", TargetFrameRate: "targetFrameRate", windowProtocol: null, fontVisibilityDeterminationStr: "supportFontDetermination", }; for (let prop in gfxInfoProps) { try { data[gfxInfoProps[prop] || prop] = gfxInfo[prop]; } catch (e) {} } if ("direct2DEnabled" in data && !data.direct2DEnabled) { data.direct2DEnabledMessage = statusMsgForFeature( Ci.nsIGfxInfo.FEATURE_DIRECT2D ); } } let doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString("", "text/html"); function GetWebGLInfo(data, keyPrefix, contextType) { data[keyPrefix + "Renderer"] = "-"; data[keyPrefix + "Version"] = "-"; data[keyPrefix + "DriverExtensions"] = "-"; data[keyPrefix + "Extensions"] = "-"; data[keyPrefix + "WSIInfo"] = "-"; // // let canvas = doc.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = 1; canvas.height = 1; // // let creationError = null; canvas.addEventListener( "webglcontextcreationerror", function (e) { creationError = e.statusMessage; } ); let gl = null; try { gl = canvas.getContext(contextType); } catch (e) { if (!creationError) { creationError = e.toString(); } } if (!gl) { data[keyPrefix + "Renderer"] = creationError || "(no creation error info)"; return; } // // data[keyPrefix + "Extensions"] = gl.getSupportedExtensions().join(" "); // // let ext = gl.getExtension("MOZ_debug"); // This extension is unconditionally available to chrome. No need to check. let vendor = ext.getParameter(gl.VENDOR); let renderer = ext.getParameter(gl.RENDERER); data[keyPrefix + "Renderer"] = vendor + " -- " + renderer; data[keyPrefix + "Version"] = ext.getParameter(gl.VERSION); data[keyPrefix + "DriverExtensions"] = ext.getParameter(ext.EXTENSIONS); data[keyPrefix + "WSIInfo"] = ext.getParameter(ext.WSI_INFO); // // // Eagerly free resources. let loseExt = gl.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context"); if (loseExt) { loseExt.loseContext(); } } GetWebGLInfo(data, "webgl1", "webgl"); GetWebGLInfo(data, "webgl2", "webgl2"); if (gfxInfo) { let infoInfo = gfxInfo.getInfo(); if (infoInfo) { data.info = infoInfo; } let failureIndices = {}; let failures = gfxInfo.getFailures(failureIndices); if (failures.length) { data.failures = failures; if (failureIndices.value.length == failures.length) { data.indices = failureIndices.value; } } data.featureLog = gfxInfo.getFeatureLog(); data.crashGuards = gfxInfo.getActiveCrashGuards(); } function getNavigator() { for (let win of Services.ww.getWindowEnumerator()) { let winUtils = win.windowUtils; try { // NOTE: windowless browser's windows should not be reported in the graphics troubleshoot report if ( winUtils.layerManagerType == "None" || !winUtils.layerManagerRemote ) { continue; } const nav = win.navigator; if (nav) { return nav; } } catch (e) { continue; } } throw new Error("No window had window.navigator."); } const navigator = getNavigator(); async function GetWebgpuInfo(adapterOpts) { const ret = {}; if (!navigator.gpu) { ret["navigator.gpu"] = null; return ret; } const requestAdapterkey = `navigator.gpu.requestAdapter(${JSON.stringify( adapterOpts )})`; let adapter; try { adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter(adapterOpts); } catch (e) { // If WebGPU isn't supported or is blocked somehow, include // that in the report. Anything else is an error which should // have consequences (test failures, etc). if (DOMException.isInstance(e) && e.name == "NotSupportedError") { return { [requestAdapterkey]: { not_supported: e.message } }; } throw e; } if (!adapter) { ret[requestAdapterkey] = null; return ret; } const desc = (ret[requestAdapterkey] = {}); desc.isFallbackAdapter = adapter.isFallbackAdapter; const adapterInfo = await adapter.requestAdapterInfo(); // We can't directly enumerate properties of instances of `GPUAdapterInfo`s, so use the prototype instead. const adapterInfoObj = {}; for (const k of Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(adapterInfo)).sort()) { adapterInfoObj[k] = adapterInfo[k]; } desc[`requestAdapterInfo()`] = adapterInfoObj; desc.features = Array.from(adapter.features).sort(); desc.limits = {}; const keys = Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(adapter.limits)).sort(); // limits not directly enumerable? for (const k of keys) { desc.limits[k] = adapter.limits[k]; } return ret; } // Webgpu info is going to need awaits. (async () => { data.webgpuDefaultAdapter = await GetWebgpuInfo({}); data.webgpuFallbackAdapter = await GetWebgpuInfo({ forceFallbackAdapter: true, }); done(data); })(); }, media: function media(done) { function convertDevices(devices) { if (!devices) { return undefined; } let infos = []; for (let i = 0; i < devices.length; ++i) { let device = devices.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsIAudioDeviceInfo); infos.push({ name: device.name, groupId: device.groupId, vendor: device.vendor, type: device.type, state: device.state, preferred: device.preferred, supportedFormat: device.supportedFormat, defaultFormat: device.defaultFormat, maxChannels: device.maxChannels, defaultRate: device.defaultRate, maxRate: device.maxRate, minRate: device.minRate, maxLatency: device.maxLatency, minLatency: device.minLatency, }); } return infos; } let data = {}; let winUtils = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("").windowUtils; data.currentAudioBackend = winUtils.currentAudioBackend; data.currentMaxAudioChannels = winUtils.currentMaxAudioChannels; data.currentPreferredSampleRate = winUtils.currentPreferredSampleRate; data.audioOutputDevices = convertDevices( winUtils .audioDevices(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils.AUDIO_OUTPUT) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIArray) ); data.audioInputDevices = convertDevices( winUtils .audioDevices(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils.AUDIO_INPUT) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIArray) ); data.codecSupportInfo = "Unknown"; // We initialize gfxInfo here in the same way as in the media // section -- should we break this out into a separate function? try { // nsIGfxInfo may not be implemented on some platforms. var gfxInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIGfxInfo); // Note: CodecSupportInfo is not populated until we have // actually instantiated a PDM. We may want to add a button // or some other means of allowing the user to manually // instantiate a PDM to ensure that the data is available. data.codecSupportInfo = gfxInfo.CodecSupportInfo; } catch (e) {} done(data); }, accessibility: function accessibility(done) { let data = {}; data.isActive = Services.appinfo.accessibilityEnabled; // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/use-default-preference-values try { data.forceDisabled = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "accessibility.force_disabled" ); } catch (e) {} data.instantiator = Services.appinfo.accessibilityInstantiator; done(data); }, startupCache: function startupCache(done) { const startupInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/startupcacheinfo;1"].getService( Ci.nsIStartupCacheInfo ); done({ DiskCachePath: startupInfo.DiskCachePath, IgnoreDiskCache: startupInfo.IgnoreDiskCache, FoundDiskCacheOnInit: startupInfo.FoundDiskCacheOnInit, WroteToDiskCache: startupInfo.WroteToDiskCache, }); }, libraryVersions: function libraryVersions(done) { let data = {}; let verInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/nssversion;1"].getService( Ci.nsINSSVersion ); for (let prop in verInfo) { let match = /^([^_]+)_((Min)?Version)$/.exec(prop); if (match) { let verProp = match[2][0].toLowerCase() + match[2].substr(1); data[match[1]] = data[match[1]] || {}; data[match[1]][verProp] = verInfo[prop]; } } done(data); }, userJS: function userJS(done) { let userJSFile = Services.dirsvc.get("PrefD", Ci.nsIFile); userJSFile.append("user.js"); done({ exists: userJSFile.exists() && userJSFile.fileSize > 0, }); }, intl: function intl(done) { const osPrefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/ospreferences;1"].getService( Ci.mozIOSPreferences ); done({ localeService: { requested: Services.locale.requestedLocales, available: Services.locale.availableLocales, supported: Services.locale.appLocalesAsBCP47, regionalPrefs: Services.locale.regionalPrefsLocales, defaultLocale: Services.locale.defaultLocale, }, osPrefs: { systemLocales: osPrefs.systemLocales, regionalPrefsLocales: osPrefs.regionalPrefsLocales, }, }); }, async normandy(done) { if (!AppConstants.MOZ_NORMANDY) { done(); return; } const { PreferenceExperiments: NormandyPreferenceStudies } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/lib/PreferenceExperiments.sys.mjs" ); const { AddonStudies: NormandyAddonStudies } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/lib/AddonStudies.sys.mjs" ); const { PreferenceRollouts: NormandyPreferenceRollouts } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/lib/PreferenceRollouts.sys.mjs" ); const { ExperimentManager } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://nimbus/lib/ExperimentManager.sys.mjs" ); // Get Normandy data in parallel, and sort each group by slug. const [ addonStudies, prefRollouts, prefStudies, nimbusExperiments, nimbusRollouts, ] = await Promise.all( [ NormandyAddonStudies.getAllActive(), NormandyPreferenceRollouts.getAllActive(), NormandyPreferenceStudies.getAllActive(), ExperimentManager.store .ready() .then(() => ExperimentManager.store.getAllActiveExperiments()), ExperimentManager.store .ready() .then(() => ExperimentManager.store.getAllActiveRollouts()), ].map(promise => promise .catch(error => { console.error(error); return []; }) .then(items => items.sort((a, b) => a.slug.localeCompare(b.slug))) ) ); done({ addonStudies, prefRollouts, prefStudies, nimbusExperiments, nimbusRollouts, }); }, }; if (AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) { dataProviders.crashes = function crashes(done) { const { CrashReports } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/CrashReports.sys.mjs" ); let reports = CrashReports.getReports(); let now = new Date(); let reportsNew = reports.filter( report => now - report.date < Troubleshoot.kMaxCrashAge ); let reportsSubmitted = reportsNew.filter(report => !report.pending); let reportsPendingCount = reportsNew.length - reportsSubmitted.length; let data = { submitted: reportsSubmitted, pending: reportsPendingCount }; done(data); }; } if (AppConstants.MOZ_SANDBOX) { dataProviders.sandbox = function sandbox(done) { let data = {}; if (AppConstants.unixstyle == "linux") { const keys = [ "hasSeccompBPF", "hasSeccompTSync", "hasPrivilegedUserNamespaces", "hasUserNamespaces", "canSandboxContent", "canSandboxMedia", ]; for (let key of keys) { if (Services.sysinfo.hasKey(key)) { data[key] = Services.sysinfo.getPropertyAsBool(key); } } let reporter = Cc["@mozilla.org/sandbox/syscall-reporter;1"].getService( Ci.mozISandboxReporter ); const snapshot = reporter.snapshot(); let syscalls = []; for (let index = snapshot.begin; index < snapshot.end; ++index) { let report = snapshot.getElement(index); let { msecAgo, pid, tid, procType, syscall } = report; let args = []; for (let i = 0; i < report.numArgs; ++i) { args.push(report.getArg(i)); } syscalls.push({ index, msecAgo, pid, tid, procType, syscall, args }); } data.syscallLog = syscalls; } if (AppConstants.MOZ_SANDBOX) { let sandboxSettings = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/sandbox/sandbox-settings;1" ].getService(Ci.mozISandboxSettings); data.contentSandboxLevel = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "security.sandbox.content.level" ); data.effectiveContentSandboxLevel = sandboxSettings.effectiveContentSandboxLevel; if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { data.contentWin32kLockdownState = sandboxSettings.contentWin32kLockdownStateString; data.supportSandboxGpuLevel = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "security.sandbox.gpu.level" ); } } done(data); }; } if (AppConstants.ENABLE_WEBDRIVER) { dataProviders.remoteAgent = function remoteAgent(done) { const { RemoteAgent } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "chrome://remote/content/components/RemoteAgent.sys.mjs" ); const { running, scheme, host, port } = RemoteAgent; let url = ""; if (running) { url = `${scheme}://${host}:${port}/`; } done({ running, url }); }; }