/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint max-len: ["error", 80] */ "use strict"; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { AbuseReporter: "resource://gre/modules/AbuseReporter.sys.mjs", }); const IS_DIALOG_WINDOW = window.arguments && window.arguments.length; let openWebLink = IS_DIALOG_WINDOW ? window.arguments[0].wrappedJSObject.openWebLink : url => { window.windowRoot.ownerGlobal.openWebLinkIn(url, "tab", { relatedToCurrent: true, }); }; const showOnAnyType = () => false; const hideOnAnyType = () => true; const hideOnAddonTypes = hideForTypes => { return addonType => hideForTypes.includes(addonType); }; // The reasons string used as a key in this Map is expected to stay in sync // with the reasons string used in the "abuseReports.ftl" locale file and // the suggestions templates included in abuse-report-frame.html. const ABUSE_REASONS = (window.ABUSE_REPORT_REASONS = { damage: { isExampleHidden: showOnAnyType, isReasonHidden: hideOnAddonTypes(["theme"]), }, spam: { isExampleHidden: showOnAnyType, isReasonHidden: hideOnAddonTypes(["sitepermission"]), }, settings: { hasSuggestions: true, isExampleHidden: hideOnAnyType, isReasonHidden: hideOnAddonTypes(["theme", "sitepermission"]), }, deceptive: { isExampleHidden: showOnAnyType, isReasonHidden: hideOnAddonTypes(["sitepermission"]), }, broken: { hasAddonTypeL10nId: true, hasAddonTypeSuggestionTemplate: true, hasSuggestions: true, isExampleHidden: hideOnAddonTypes(["theme"]), isReasonHidden: showOnAnyType, requiresSupportURL: true, }, policy: { hasSuggestions: true, isExampleHidden: hideOnAnyType, isReasonHidden: hideOnAddonTypes(["sitepermission"]), }, unwanted: { isExampleHidden: showOnAnyType, isReasonHidden: hideOnAddonTypes(["theme"]), }, other: { isExampleHidden: hideOnAnyType, isReasonHidden: showOnAnyType, }, }); // Maps the reason id to the last version of the related fluent id. // NOTE: when changing the localized string, increase the `-vN` suffix // in the abuseReports.ftl fluent file and update this mapping table. const REASON_L10N_STRING_MAPPING = { "abuse-report-damage-reason": "abuse-report-damage-reason-v2", "abuse-report-spam-reason": "abuse-report-spam-reason-v2", "abuse-report-settings-reason": "abuse-report-settings-reason-v2", "abuse-report-deceptive-reason": "abuse-report-deceptive-reason-v2", "abuse-report-broken-reason-extension": "abuse-report-broken-reason-extension-v2", "abuse-report-broken-reason-sitepermission": "abuse-report-broken-reason-sitepermission-v2", "abuse-report-broken-reason-theme": "abuse-report-broken-reason-theme-v2", "abuse-report-policy-reason": "abuse-report-policy-reason-v2", "abuse-report-unwanted-reason": "abuse-report-unwanted-reason-v2", }; function getReasonL10nId(reason, addonType) { let reasonId = `abuse-report-${reason}-reason`; // Special case reasons that have a addonType-specific // l10n id. if (ABUSE_REASONS[reason].hasAddonTypeL10nId) { reasonId += `-${addonType}`; } // Map the reason to the corresponding versionized fluent string, using the // mapping table above, if available. return REASON_L10N_STRING_MAPPING[reasonId] || reasonId; } function getSuggestionsTemplate({ addonType, reason, supportURL }) { const reasonInfo = ABUSE_REASONS[reason]; if ( !addonType || !reasonInfo.hasSuggestions || (reasonInfo.requiresSupportURL && !supportURL) ) { return null; } let templateId = `tmpl-suggestions-${reason}`; // Special case reasons that have a addonType-specific // suggestion template. if (reasonInfo.hasAddonTypeSuggestionTemplate) { templateId += `-${addonType}`; } return document.getElementById(templateId); } // Map of the learnmore links metadata, keyed by link element class. const LEARNMORE_LINKS = { ".abuse-policy-learnmore": { baseURL: "https://www.mozilla.org/%LOCALE%/", path: "about/legal/report-infringement/", }, }; // Format links that match the selector in the LEARNMORE_LINKS map // found in a given container element. function formatLearnMoreURLs(containerEl) { for (const [linkClass, linkInfo] of Object.entries(LEARNMORE_LINKS)) { for (const element of containerEl.querySelectorAll(linkClass)) { const baseURL = Services.urlFormatter.formatURL(linkInfo.baseURL); element.href = baseURL + linkInfo.path; } } } // Define a set of getters from a Map. function defineElementSelectorsGetters(object, propsMap) { const props = Object.entries(propsMap).reduce((acc, entry) => { const [name, selector] = entry; acc[name] = { get: () => object.querySelector(selector) }; return acc; }, {}); Object.defineProperties(object, props); } // Define a set of properties getters and setters for a // Map. function defineElementAttributesProperties(object, propsMap) { const props = Object.entries(propsMap).reduce((acc, entry) => { const [name, attr] = entry; acc[name] = { get: () => object.getAttribute(attr), set: value => { object.setAttribute(attr, value); }, }; return acc; }, {}); Object.defineProperties(object, props); } // Return an object with properties associated to elements // found using the related selector in the propsMap. function getElements(containerEl, propsMap) { return Object.entries(propsMap).reduce((acc, entry) => { const [name, selector] = entry; let elements = containerEl.querySelectorAll(selector); acc[name] = elements.length > 1 ? elements : elements[0]; return acc; }, {}); } function dispatchCustomEvent(el, eventName, detail) { el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName, { detail })); } // This WebComponent extends the li item to represent an abuse report reason // and it is responsible for: // - embedding a photon styled radio buttons // - localizing the reason list item // - optionally embedding a localized example, positioned // below the reason label, and adjusts the item height // accordingly class AbuseReasonListItem extends HTMLLIElement { constructor() { super(); defineElementAttributesProperties(this, { addonType: "addon-type", reason: "report-reason", checked: "checked", }); } connectedCallback() { this.update(); } async update() { if (this.reason !== "other" && !this.addonType) { return; } const { reason, checked, addonType } = this; this.textContent = ""; const content = document.importNode(this.template.content, true); if (reason) { const reasonId = `abuse-reason-${reason}`; const reasonInfo = ABUSE_REASONS[reason] || {}; const { labelEl, descriptionEl, radioEl } = getElements(content, { labelEl: "label", descriptionEl: ".reason-description", radioEl: "input[type=radio]", }); labelEl.setAttribute("for", reasonId); radioEl.id = reasonId; radioEl.value = reason; radioEl.checked = !!checked; // This reason has a different localized description based on the // addon type. document.l10n.setAttributes( descriptionEl, getReasonL10nId(reason, addonType) ); // Show the reason example if supported for the addon type. if (!reasonInfo.isExampleHidden(addonType)) { const exampleEl = content.querySelector(".reason-example"); document.l10n.setAttributes( exampleEl, `abuse-report-${reason}-example` ); exampleEl.hidden = false; } } formatLearnMoreURLs(content); this.appendChild(content); } get template() { return document.getElementById("tmpl-reason-listitem"); } } // This WebComponents implements the first step of the abuse // report submission and embeds a randomized reasons list. class AbuseReasonsPanel extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); defineElementAttributesProperties(this, { addonType: "addon-type", }); } connectedCallback() { this.update(); } update() { if (!this.isConnected || !this.addonType) { return; } const { addonType } = this; this.textContent = ""; const content = document.importNode(this.template.content, true); const { titleEl, listEl } = getElements(content, { titleEl: ".abuse-report-title", listEl: "ul.abuse-report-reasons", }); // Change the title l10n-id if the addon type is theme. document.l10n.setAttributes(titleEl, `abuse-report-title-${addonType}`); // Create the randomized list of reasons. const reasons = Object.keys(ABUSE_REASONS) .filter(reason => reason !== "other") .sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5); for (const reason of reasons) { const reasonInfo = ABUSE_REASONS[reason]; if (!reasonInfo || reasonInfo.isReasonHidden(addonType)) { // Skip an extension only reason while reporting a theme. continue; } const item = document.createElement("li", { is: "abuse-report-reason-listitem", }); item.reason = reason; item.addonType = addonType; listEl.prepend(item); } listEl.firstElementChild.checked = true; formatLearnMoreURLs(content); this.appendChild(content); } get template() { return document.getElementById("tmpl-reasons-panel"); } } // This WebComponent is responsible for the suggestions, which are: // - generated based on a template keyed by abuse report reason // - localized by assigning fluent ids generated from the abuse report reason // - learn more and extension support url are then generated when the // specific reason expects it class AbuseReasonSuggestions extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); defineElementAttributesProperties(this, { extensionSupportURL: "extension-support-url", reason: "report-reason", }); } update() { const { addonType, extensionSupportURL, reason } = this; this.textContent = ""; let template = getSuggestionsTemplate({ addonType, reason, supportURL: extensionSupportURL, }); if (template) { let content = document.importNode(template.content, true); formatLearnMoreURLs(content); let extSupportLink = content.querySelector("a.extension-support-link"); if (extSupportLink) { extSupportLink.href = extensionSupportURL; } this.appendChild(content); this.hidden = false; } else { this.hidden = true; } } } // This WebComponents implements the last step of the abuse report submission. class AbuseSubmitPanel extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); defineElementAttributesProperties(this, { addonType: "addon-type", reason: "report-reason", extensionSupportURL: "extensionSupportURL", }); defineElementSelectorsGetters(this, { _textarea: "textarea", _title: ".abuse-reason-title", _suggestions: "abuse-report-reason-suggestions", }); } connectedCallback() { this.render(); } render() { this.textContent = ""; this.appendChild(document.importNode(this.template.content, true)); } update() { if (!this.isConnected || !this.addonType) { return; } const { addonType, reason, _suggestions, _title } = this; document.l10n.setAttributes(_title, getReasonL10nId(reason, addonType)); _suggestions.reason = reason; _suggestions.addonType = addonType; _suggestions.extensionSupportURL = this.extensionSupportURL; _suggestions.update(); } clear() { this._textarea.value = ""; } get template() { return document.getElementById("tmpl-submit-panel"); } } // This WebComponent provides the abuse report class AbuseReport extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this._report = null; defineElementSelectorsGetters(this, { _form: "form", _textarea: "textarea", _radioCheckedReason: "[type=radio]:checked", _reasonsPanel: "abuse-report-reasons-panel", _submitPanel: "abuse-report-submit-panel", _reasonsPanelButtons: ".abuse-report-reasons-buttons", _submitPanelButtons: ".abuse-report-submit-buttons", _iconClose: ".abuse-report-close-icon", _btnNext: "button.abuse-report-next", _btnCancel: "button.abuse-report-cancel", _btnGoBack: "button.abuse-report-goback", _btnSubmit: "button.abuse-report-submit", _addonAuthorContainer: ".abuse-report-header .addon-author-box", _addonIconElement: ".abuse-report-header img.addon-icon", _addonNameElement: ".abuse-report-header .addon-name", _linkAddonAuthor: ".abuse-report-header .addon-author-box a.author", }); } connectedCallback() { this.render(); this.addEventListener("click", this); // Start listening to keydown events (to close the modal // when Escape has been pressed and to handling the keyboard // navigation). document.addEventListener("keydown", this); } disconnectedCallback() { this.textContent = ""; this.removeEventListener("click", this); document.removeEventListener("keydown", this); } handleEvent(evt) { if (!this.isConnected || !this.addon) { return; } switch (evt.type) { case "keydown": if (evt.key === "Escape") { // Prevent Esc to close the panel if the textarea is // empty. if (this.message && !this._submitPanel.hidden) { return; } this.cancel(); } if (!IS_DIALOG_WINDOW) { // Workaround keyboard navigation issues when // the panel is running in its own dialog window. this.handleKeyboardNavigation(evt); } break; case "click": if (evt.target === this._iconClose || evt.target === this._btnCancel) { // NOTE: clear the focus on the clicked element to ensure that // -moz-focusring pseudo class is not still set on the element // when the panel is going to be shown again (See Bug 1560949). evt.target.blur(); this.cancel(); } if (evt.target === this._btnNext) { this.switchToSubmitMode(); } if (evt.target === this._btnGoBack) { this.switchToListMode(); } if (evt.target === this._btnSubmit) { this.submit(); } if (evt.target.localName === "a") { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); const url = evt.target.getAttribute("href"); // Ignore if url is empty. if (url) { openWebLink(url); } } break; } } handleKeyboardNavigation(evt) { if ( evt.keyCode !== evt.DOM_VK_TAB || evt.altKey || evt.controlKey || evt.metaKey ) { return; } const fm = Services.focus; const backward = evt.shiftKey; const isFirstFocusableElement = el => { // Also consider the document body as a valid first focusable element. if (el === document.body) { return true; } // XXXrpl unfortunately there is no way to get the first focusable element // without asking the focus manager to move focus to it (similar strategy // is also being used in about:prefereces subdialog.js). const rv = el == fm.moveFocus(window, null, fm.MOVEFOCUS_FIRST, 0); fm.setFocus(el, 0); return rv; }; // If the focus is exiting the panel while navigating // backward, focus the previous element sibling on the // Firefox UI. if (backward && isFirstFocusableElement(evt.target)) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); const chromeWin = window.windowRoot.ownerGlobal; Services.focus.moveFocus( chromeWin, null, Services.focus.MOVEFOCUS_BACKWARD, Services.focus.FLAG_BYKEY ); } } render() { this.textContent = ""; const formTemplate = document.importNode(this.template.content, true); if (IS_DIALOG_WINDOW) { this.appendChild(formTemplate); } else { // Append the report form inside a modal overlay when the report panel // is a sub-frame of the about:addons tab. const modalTemplate = document.importNode( this.modalTemplate.content, true ); this.appendChild(modalTemplate); this.querySelector(".modal-panel-container").appendChild(formTemplate); // Add the card styles to the form. this.querySelector("form").classList.add("card"); } } async update() { if (!this.addon) { return; } const { addonId, addonType, _addonAuthorContainer, _addonIconElement, _addonNameElement, _linkAddonAuthor, _reasonsPanel, _submitPanel, } = this; // Ensure that the first step of the abuse submission is the one // currently visible. this.switchToListMode(); // Cancel the abuse report if the addon is not an extension or theme. if (!AbuseReporter.isSupportedAddonType(addonType)) { Cu.reportError( new Error( `Closing abuse report panel on unexpected addon type: ${addonType}` ) ); this.cancel(); return; } _addonNameElement.textContent = this.addonName; if (this.authorName) { _linkAddonAuthor.href = this.authorURL || this.homepageURL; _linkAddonAuthor.textContent = this.authorName; document.l10n.setAttributes( _linkAddonAuthor.parentNode, "abuse-report-addon-authored-by", { "author-name": this.authorName } ); _addonAuthorContainer.hidden = false; } else { _addonAuthorContainer.hidden = true; } _addonIconElement.setAttribute("src", this.iconURL); _reasonsPanel.addonType = this.addonType; _reasonsPanel.update(); _submitPanel.addonType = this.addonType; _submitPanel.reason = this.reason; _submitPanel.extensionSupportURL = this.supportURL; _submitPanel.update(); this.focus(); dispatchCustomEvent(this, "abuse-report:updated", { addonId, panel: "reasons", }); } setAbuseReport(abuseReport) { this._report = abuseReport; // Clear the textarea from any previously entered content. this._submitPanel.clear(); if (abuseReport) { this.update(); this.hidden = false; } else { this.hidden = true; } } focus() { if (!this.isConnected || !this.addon) { return; } if (this._reasonsPanel.hidden) { const { _textarea } = this; _textarea.focus(); _textarea.select(); } else { const { _radioCheckedReason } = this; if (_radioCheckedReason) { _radioCheckedReason.focus(); } } } cancel() { if (!this.isConnected || !this.addon) { return; } this._report = null; dispatchCustomEvent(this, "abuse-report:cancel"); } submit() { if (!this.isConnected || !this.addon) { return; } this._report.setMessage(this.message); this._report.setReason(this.reason); dispatchCustomEvent(this, "abuse-report:submit", { addonId: this.addonId, report: this._report, }); } switchToSubmitMode() { if (!this.isConnected || !this.addon) { return; } this._submitPanel.reason = this.reason; this._submitPanel.update(); this._reasonsPanel.hidden = true; this._reasonsPanelButtons.hidden = true; this._submitPanel.hidden = false; this._submitPanelButtons.hidden = false; // Adjust the focused element when switching to the submit panel. this.focus(); dispatchCustomEvent(this, "abuse-report:updated", { addonId: this.addonId, panel: "submit", }); } switchToListMode() { if (!this.isConnected || !this.addon) { return; } this._submitPanel.hidden = true; this._submitPanelButtons.hidden = true; this._reasonsPanel.hidden = false; this._reasonsPanelButtons.hidden = false; // Adjust the focused element when switching back to the list of reasons. this.focus(); dispatchCustomEvent(this, "abuse-report:updated", { addonId: this.addonId, panel: "reasons", }); } get addon() { return this._report?.addon; } get addonId() { return this.addon?.id; } get addonName() { return this.addon?.name; } get addonType() { // TODO(Bug 1789718): Remove after the deprecated XPIProvider-based // implementation is also removed. if (this.addon?.type === "sitepermission-deprecated") { return "sitepermission"; } return this.addon?.type; } get addonCreator() { return this.addon?.creator; } get homepageURL() { return this.addon?.homepageURL || this.authorURL || ""; } get authorName() { // The author name may be missing on some of the test extensions // (or for temporarily installed add-ons). return this.addonCreator?.name || ""; } get authorURL() { return this.addonCreator?.url || ""; } get iconURL() { if (this.addonType === "sitepermission") { return "chrome://mozapps/skin/extensions/category-sitepermission.svg"; } return ( this.addon?.iconURL || // Some extensions (e.g. static theme addons) may not have an icon, // and so we fallback to use the generic extension icon. "chrome://mozapps/skin/extensions/extensionGeneric.svg" ); } get supportURL() { let url = this.addon?.supportURL || this.homepageURL || ""; if (!url && this.addonType === "sitepermission" && this.addon?.siteOrigin) { return this.addon.siteOrigin; } return url; } get message() { return this._form.elements.message.value; } get reason() { return this._form.elements.reason.value; } get modalTemplate() { return document.getElementById("tmpl-modal"); } get template() { return document.getElementById("tmpl-abuse-report"); } } customElements.define("abuse-report-reason-listitem", AbuseReasonListItem, { extends: "li", }); customElements.define( "abuse-report-reason-suggestions", AbuseReasonSuggestions ); customElements.define("abuse-report-reasons-panel", AbuseReasonsPanel); customElements.define("abuse-report-submit-panel", AbuseSubmitPanel); customElements.define("addon-abuse-report", AbuseReport); // The panel has been opened in a new dialog window. if (IS_DIALOG_WINDOW) { // CSS customizations when panel is in its own window // (vs. being an about:addons subframe). document.documentElement.className = "dialog-window"; const { report, deferredReport, deferredReportPanel } = window.arguments[0].wrappedJSObject; window.addEventListener( "unload", () => { // If the window has been closed resolve the deferredReport // promise and reject the deferredReportPanel one, in case // they haven't been resolved yet. deferredReport.resolve({ userCancelled: true }); deferredReportPanel.reject(new Error("report dialog closed")); }, { once: true } ); document.l10n.setAttributes( document.querySelector("head > title"), "abuse-report-dialog-title", { "addon-name": report.addon.name, } ); const el = document.querySelector("addon-abuse-report"); el.addEventListener("abuse-report:submit", () => { deferredReport.resolve({ userCancelled: false, report, }); }); el.addEventListener( "abuse-report:cancel", () => { // Resolve the report panel deferred (in case the report // has been cancelled automatically before it has been fully // rendered, e.g. in case of non-supported addon types). deferredReportPanel.resolve(el); // Resolve the deferred report as cancelled. deferredReport.resolve({ userCancelled: true }); }, { once: true } ); // Adjust window size (if needed) once the fluent strings have been // added to the document and the document has been flushed. el.addEventListener( "abuse-report:updated", async () => { const form = document.querySelector("form"); await document.l10n.translateFragment(form); const { scrollWidth, scrollHeight } = await window.promiseDocumentFlushed( () => form ); // Resolve promiseReportPanel once the panel completed the initial render // (used in tests). deferredReportPanel.resolve(el); if ( window.innerWidth !== scrollWidth || window.innerHeight !== scrollHeight ) { const width = window.outerWidth - window.innerWidth + scrollWidth; const height = window.outerHeight - window.innerHeight + scrollHeight; window.resizeTo(width, height); } }, { once: true } ); el.setAbuseReport(report); }