{ "type": "object", "required": ["id"], "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "default": "AddonManagerSettings", "description": "The default id should NOT be changed, unless there is a specific need to create separate collection entries which target or exclude specific Firefox versions." }, "filter_expression": { "type": "string", "optional": true, "description": "This is NOT directly used by AMRemoteSettings, but has special functionality in Remote Settings.\nSee https://remote-settings.readthedocs.io/en/latest/target-filters.html#how" }, "quarantinedDomains": { "$ref": "#/definitions/quarantinedDomains", "optional": true }, "installTriggerDeprecation": { "$ref": "#/definitions/installTriggerDeprecation", "optional": true } }, "definitions": { "quarantinedDomains": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "null", "title": "Omit quarantinedDomains settings" }, { "type": "object", "title": "Include quarantinedDomains settings", "required": ["extensions.quarantinedDomains.list"], "properties": { "extensions.quarantinedDomains.list": { "type": "string", "default": "", "maxLength": 1048576, "description": "Set of domains to be quarantined separated by a comma (e.g. 'domain1.org,domain2.com'). NOTE: this pref value should be set to a ASCII encoded string and its size smaller than 1MB" } }, "additionalProperties": false } ], "default": null, "description": "These settings provide a set of domain names to be quarantined (restricted by default to unverified extensions, which only the app or the user may grant back). IMPORTANT: The add-ons team should be consulted before introducing any new entry of this type." }, "installTriggerDeprecation": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "null", "title": "Omit installTriggerDeprecation settings" }, { "type": "object", "title": "Include installTriggerDeprecation settings", "required": [ "extensions.InstallTrigger.enabled", "extensions.InstallTriggerImpl.enabled" ], "properties": { "extensions.InstallTrigger.enabled": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "optional": true, "description": "Show/Hide the InstallTrigger global completely (both the global and its methods will not be accessible anymore). IMPORTANT: The webcompat team should be consulted before turning this to false, because it may also potentially impact UA detection for some websites." }, "extensions.InstallTriggerImpl.enabled": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "optional": true, "description": "Show/Hide the InstallTrigger methods. The InstallTrigger global will remain visible but set to null." } }, "additionalProperties": false } ], "default": null, "description": "These settings control the visibility of the InstallTrigger global and its methods." } } }