/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * This file contains most of the logic required to install extensions. * In general, we try to avoid loading it until extension installation * or update is required. Please keep that in mind when deciding whether * to add code here or elsewhere. */ /** * @typedef {number} integer */ /* eslint "valid-jsdoc": [2, {requireReturn: false, requireReturnDescription: false, prefer: {return: "returns"}}] */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; import { XPIExports } from "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIExports.sys.mjs"; import { computeSha256HashAsString, getHashStringForCrypto, hasStrongSignature, } from "resource://gre/modules/addons/crypto-utils.sys.mjs"; import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; import { AddonManager, AddonManagerPrivate, } from "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AddonRepository: "resource://gre/modules/addons/AddonRepository.sys.mjs", AddonSettings: "resource://gre/modules/addons/AddonSettings.sys.mjs", CertUtils: "resource://gre/modules/CertUtils.sys.mjs", ExtensionData: "resource://gre/modules/Extension.sys.mjs", FileUtils: "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.sys.mjs", ProductAddonChecker: "resource://gre/modules/addons/ProductAddonChecker.sys.mjs", NetUtil: "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.sys.mjs", UpdateUtils: "resource://gre/modules/UpdateUtils.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "IconDetails", () => { return ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.sys.mjs" ).ExtensionParent.IconDetails; }); const { nsIBlocklistService } = Ci; const nsIFile = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/file/local;1", "nsIFile", "initWithPath" ); const BinaryOutputStream = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/binaryoutputstream;1", "nsIBinaryOutputStream", "setOutputStream" ); const CryptoHash = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/security/hash;1", "nsICryptoHash", "initWithString" ); const FileInputStream = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1", "nsIFileInputStream", "init" ); const FileOutputStream = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1", "nsIFileOutputStream", "init" ); const ZipReader = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1", "nsIZipReader", "open" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetters(lazy, { gCertDB: ["@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1", "nsIX509CertDB"], }); const PREF_INSTALL_REQUIRESECUREORIGIN = "extensions.install.requireSecureOrigin"; const PREF_PENDING_OPERATIONS = "extensions.pendingOperations"; const PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_UPDATE_URL = "extensions.systemAddon.update.url"; const PREF_XPI_ENABLED = "xpinstall.enabled"; const PREF_XPI_DIRECT_WHITELISTED = "xpinstall.whitelist.directRequest"; const PREF_XPI_FILE_WHITELISTED = "xpinstall.whitelist.fileRequest"; const PREF_XPI_WHITELIST_REQUIRED = "xpinstall.whitelist.required"; const PREF_XPI_WEAK_SIGNATURES_ALLOWED = "xpinstall.signatures.weakSignaturesTemporarilyAllowed"; const PREF_SELECTED_THEME = "extensions.activeThemeID"; const TOOLKIT_ID = "toolkit@mozilla.org"; ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "MOZ_UNSIGNED_SCOPES", () => { let result = 0; if (AppConstants.MOZ_UNSIGNED_APP_SCOPE) { result |= AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION; } if (AppConstants.MOZ_UNSIGNED_SYSTEM_SCOPE) { result |= AddonManager.SCOPE_SYSTEM; } return result; }); /** * Returns a nsIFile instance for the given path, relative to the given * base file, if provided. * * @param {string} path * The (possibly relative) path of the file. * @param {nsIFile} [base] * An optional file to use as a base path if `path` is relative. * @returns {nsIFile} */ function getFile(path, base = null) { // First try for an absolute path, as we get in the case of proxy // files. Ideally we would try a relative path first, but on Windows, // paths which begin with a drive letter are valid as relative paths, // and treated as such. try { return new nsIFile(path); } catch (e) { // Ignore invalid relative paths. The only other error we should see // here is EOM, and either way, any errors that we care about should // be re-thrown below. } // If the path isn't absolute, we must have a base path. let file = base.clone(); file.appendRelativePath(path); return file; } /** * Sends local and remote notifications to flush a JAR file cache entry * * @param {nsIFile} aJarFile * The ZIP/XPI/JAR file as a nsIFile */ function flushJarCache(aJarFile) { Services.obs.notifyObservers(aJarFile, "flush-cache-entry"); Services.ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage(MSG_JAR_FLUSH, { path: aJarFile.path, }); } const PREF_EM_UPDATE_BACKGROUND_URL = "extensions.update.background.url"; const PREF_EM_UPDATE_URL = "extensions.update.url"; const PREF_XPI_SIGNATURES_DEV_ROOT = "xpinstall.signatures.dev-root"; const KEY_TEMPDIR = "TmpD"; // This is a random number array that can be used as "salt" when generating // an automatic ID based on the directory path of an add-on. It will prevent // someone from creating an ID for a permanent add-on that could be replaced // by a temporary add-on (because that would be confusing, I guess). const TEMP_INSTALL_ID_GEN_SESSION = new Uint8Array( Float64Array.of(Math.random()).buffer ); const MSG_JAR_FLUSH = "Extension:FlushJarCache"; /** * Valid IDs fit this pattern. */ var gIDTest = /^(\{[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\}|[a-z0-9-\._]*\@[a-z0-9-\._]+)$/i; import { Log } from "resource://gre/modules/Log.sys.mjs"; const LOGGER_ID = "addons.xpi"; // Create a new logger for use by all objects in this Addons XPI Provider module // (Requires AddonManager.sys.mjs) var logger = Log.repository.getLogger(LOGGER_ID); // Stores the ID of the theme which was selected during the last session, // if any. When installing a new built-in theme with this ID, it will be // automatically enabled. let lastSelectedTheme = null; function getJarURI(file, path = "") { if (file instanceof Ci.nsIFile) { file = Services.io.newFileURI(file); } if (file instanceof Ci.nsIURI) { file = file.spec; } return Services.io.newURI(`jar:${file}!/${path}`); } let DirPackage; let XPIPackage; class Package { static get(file) { if (file.isFile()) { return new XPIPackage(file); } return new DirPackage(file); } constructor(file, rootURI) { this.file = file; this.filePath = file.path; this.rootURI = rootURI; } close() {} async readString(...path) { let buffer = await this.readBinary(...path); return new TextDecoder().decode(buffer); } async verifySignedState(addonId, addonType, addonLocation) { if (!shouldVerifySignedState(addonType, addonLocation)) { return { signedState: AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_NOT_REQUIRED, cert: null, }; } let root = Ci.nsIX509CertDB.AddonsPublicRoot; if ( (!AppConstants.MOZ_REQUIRE_SIGNING || // Allow mochitests to switch to dev-root on all channels. Cu.isInAutomation || // Allow xpcshell tests to switch to dev-root on all channels, // included tests where "security.turn_off_all_security_so_that_viruses_can_take_over_this_computer" // pref is set to false and Cu.isInAutomation is going to be false (e.g. test_signed_langpack.js). // TODO(Bug 1598804): we should be able to remove the following checks once Cu.isAutomation is fixed. (Services.env.exists("XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR") && Services.appinfo.name === "XPCShell")) && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_XPI_SIGNATURES_DEV_ROOT, false) ) { root = Ci.nsIX509CertDB.AddonsStageRoot; } return this.verifySignedStateForRoot(addonId, root); } flushCache() {} } DirPackage = class DirPackage extends Package { constructor(file) { super(file, Services.io.newFileURI(file)); } hasResource(...path) { return IOUtils.exists(PathUtils.join(this.filePath, ...path)); } async iterDirectory(path, callback) { let fullPath = PathUtils.join(this.filePath, ...path); let children = await IOUtils.getChildren(fullPath); for (let path of children) { let { type } = await IOUtils.stat(path); callback({ isDir: type == "directory", name: PathUtils.filename(path), path, }); } } iterFiles(callback, path = []) { return this.iterDirectory(path, async entry => { let entryPath = [...path, entry.name]; if (entry.isDir) { callback({ path: entryPath.join("/"), isDir: true, }); await this.iterFiles(callback, entryPath); } else { callback({ path: entryPath.join("/"), isDir: false, }); } }); } readBinary(...path) { return IOUtils.read(PathUtils.join(this.filePath, ...path)); } async verifySignedStateForRoot() { return { signedState: AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_UNKNOWN, cert: null }; } }; XPIPackage = class XPIPackage extends Package { constructor(file) { super(file, getJarURI(file)); this.zipReader = new ZipReader(file); } close() { this.zipReader.close(); this.zipReader = null; this.flushCache(); } async hasResource(...path) { return this.zipReader.hasEntry(path.join("/")); } async iterFiles(callback) { for (let path of this.zipReader.findEntries("*")) { let entry = this.zipReader.getEntry(path); callback({ path, isDir: entry.isDirectory, }); } } async readBinary(...path) { let response = await fetch(this.rootURI.resolve(path.join("/"))); return response.arrayBuffer(); } verifySignedStateForRoot(addonId, root) { return new Promise(resolve => { let callback = { openSignedAppFileFinished(aRv, aZipReader, aSignatureInfos) { // aSignatureInfos is an array of nsIAppSignatureInfo. // In the future, this code can iterate through the array to // determine if one of the verified signatures used a satisfactory // algorithm and signing certificate. // For now, any verified signature is acceptable. let cert; if (aRv == Cr.NS_OK && aSignatureInfos.length) { cert = aSignatureInfos[0].signerCert; } if (aZipReader) { aZipReader.close(); } resolve({ cert, signedState: getSignedStatus(aRv, cert, addonId), signedTypes: aSignatureInfos?.map( signatureInfo => signatureInfo.signatureAlgorithm ), }); }, }; // This allows the certificate DB to get the raw JS callback object so the // test code can pass through objects that XPConnect would reject. callback.wrappedJSObject = callback; lazy.gCertDB.openSignedAppFileAsync(root, this.file, callback); }); } flushCache() { flushJarCache(this.file); } }; /** * Return an object that implements enough of the Package interface * to allow loadManifest() to work for a built-in addon (ie, one loaded * from a resource: url) * * @param {nsIURL} baseURL The URL for the root of the add-on. * @returns {object} */ function builtinPackage(baseURL) { return { rootURI: baseURL, filePath: baseURL.spec, file: null, verifySignedState() { return { signedState: AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_NOT_REQUIRED, cert: null, }; }, async hasResource(path) { try { let response = await fetch(this.rootURI.resolve(path)); return response.ok; } catch (e) { return false; } }, }; } /** * Determine the reason to pass to an extension's bootstrap methods when * switch between versions. * * @param {string} oldVersion The version of the existing extension instance. * @param {string} newVersion The version of the extension being installed. * * @returns {integer} * BOOSTRAP_REASONS.ADDON_UPGRADE or BOOSTRAP_REASONS.ADDON_DOWNGRADE */ function newVersionReason(oldVersion, newVersion) { return Services.vc.compare(oldVersion, newVersion) <= 0 ? XPIExports.XPIInternal.BOOTSTRAP_REASONS.ADDON_UPGRADE : XPIExports.XPIInternal.BOOTSTRAP_REASONS.ADDON_DOWNGRADE; } // Behaves like Promise.all except waits for all promises to resolve/reject // before resolving/rejecting itself function waitForAllPromises(promises) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let shouldReject = false; let rejectValue = null; let newPromises = promises.map(p => p.catch(value => { shouldReject = true; rejectValue = value; }) ); Promise.all(newPromises).then(results => shouldReject ? reject(rejectValue) : resolve(results) ); }); } /** * Reads an AddonInternal object from a webextension manifest.json * * @param {Package} aPackage * The install package for the add-on * @param {XPIStateLocation} aLocation * The install location the add-on is installed in, or will be * installed to. * @returns {{ addon: AddonInternal, verifiedSignedState: object}} * @throws if the install manifest in the stream is corrupt or could not * be read */ async function loadManifestFromWebManifest(aPackage, aLocation) { let verifiedSignedState; const temporarilyInstalled = aLocation.isTemporary; let extension = await lazy.ExtensionData.constructAsync({ rootURI: XPIExports.XPIInternal.maybeResolveURI(aPackage.rootURI), temporarilyInstalled, async checkPrivileged(type, id) { verifiedSignedState = await aPackage.verifySignedState( id, type, aLocation ); return lazy.ExtensionData.getIsPrivileged({ signedState: verifiedSignedState.signedState, builtIn: aLocation.isBuiltin, temporarilyInstalled, }); }, }); let manifest = await extension.loadManifest(); // Read the list of available locales, and pre-load messages for // all locales. let locales = !extension.errors.length ? await extension.initAllLocales() : null; if (extension.errors.length) { let error = new Error("Extension is invalid"); // Add detailed errors on the error object so that the front end can display them // if needed (eg in about:debugging). error.additionalErrors = extension.errors; throw error; } // Internally, we use the `applications` key but it is because we assign the value // of `browser_specific_settings` to `applications` in `ExtensionData.parseManifest()`. // Yet, as of MV3, only `browser_specific_settings` is accepted in manifest.json files. let bss = manifest.applications?.gecko || {}; // A * is illegal in strict_min_version if (bss.strict_min_version?.split(".").some(part => part == "*")) { throw new Error("The use of '*' in strict_min_version is invalid"); } let addon = new XPIExports.AddonInternal(); addon.id = bss.id; addon.version = manifest.version; addon.manifestVersion = manifest.manifest_version; addon.type = extension.type; addon.loader = null; addon.strictCompatibility = true; addon.internalName = null; addon.updateURL = bss.update_url; addon.installOrigins = manifest.install_origins; addon.optionsBrowserStyle = true; addon.optionsURL = null; addon.optionsType = null; addon.aboutURL = null; addon.dependencies = Object.freeze(Array.from(extension.dependencies)); addon.startupData = extension.startupData; addon.hidden = extension.isPrivileged && manifest.hidden; addon.incognito = manifest.incognito; if (addon.type === "theme" && (await aPackage.hasResource("preview.png"))) { addon.previewImage = "preview.png"; } // TODO(Bug 1789718): Remove after the deprecated XPIProvider-based implementation is also removed. if (addon.type == "sitepermission-deprecated") { addon.sitePermissions = manifest.site_permissions; addon.siteOrigin = manifest.install_origins[0]; } const { optionsPageProperties } = extension; if (optionsPageProperties) { // Store just the relative path here, the AddonWrapper getURL // wrapper maps this to a full URL. addon.optionsURL = optionsPageProperties.page; if (optionsPageProperties.open_in_tab) { addon.optionsType = AddonManager.OPTIONS_TYPE_TAB; } else { addon.optionsType = AddonManager.OPTIONS_TYPE_INLINE_BROWSER; } addon.optionsBrowserStyle = optionsPageProperties.browser_style; } // WebExtensions don't use iconURLs addon.iconURL = null; addon.icons = manifest.icons || {}; addon.userPermissions = extension.getRequiredPermissions(); addon.optionalPermissions = extension.manifestOptionalPermissions; addon.requestedPermissions = extension.getRequestedPermissions(); addon.applyBackgroundUpdates = AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT; function getLocale(aLocale) { // Use the raw manifest, here, since we need values with their // localization placeholders still in place. let rawManifest = extension.rawManifest; // As a convenience, allow author to be set if its a string bug 1313567. let creator = typeof rawManifest.author === "string" ? rawManifest.author : null; let homepageURL = rawManifest.homepage_url; // Allow developer to override creator and homepage_url. if (rawManifest.developer) { if (rawManifest.developer.name) { creator = rawManifest.developer.name; } if (rawManifest.developer.url) { homepageURL = rawManifest.developer.url; } } let result = { name: extension.localize(rawManifest.name, aLocale), description: extension.localize(rawManifest.description, aLocale), creator: extension.localize(creator, aLocale), homepageURL: extension.localize(homepageURL, aLocale), developers: null, translators: null, contributors: null, locales: [aLocale], }; return result; } addon.defaultLocale = getLocale(extension.defaultLocale); addon.locales = Array.from(locales.keys(), getLocale); delete addon.defaultLocale.locales; addon.targetApplications = [ { id: TOOLKIT_ID, minVersion: bss.strict_min_version, maxVersion: bss.strict_max_version, }, ]; addon.targetPlatforms = []; // Themes are disabled by default, except when they're installed from a web page. addon.userDisabled = extension.type === "theme"; addon.softDisabled = addon.blocklistState == nsIBlocklistService.STATE_SOFTBLOCKED; return { addon, verifiedSignedState }; } async function readRecommendationStates(aPackage, aAddonID) { let recommendationData; try { recommendationData = await aPackage.readString( "mozilla-recommendation.json" ); } catch (e) { // Ignore I/O errors. return null; } try { recommendationData = JSON.parse(recommendationData); } catch (e) { logger.warn("Failed to parse recommendation", e); } if (recommendationData) { let { addon_id, states, validity } = recommendationData; if (addon_id === aAddonID && Array.isArray(states) && validity) { let validNotAfter = Date.parse(validity.not_after); let validNotBefore = Date.parse(validity.not_before); if (validNotAfter && validNotBefore) { return { validNotAfter, validNotBefore, states, }; } } logger.warn( `Invalid recommendation for ${aAddonID}: ${JSON.stringify( recommendationData )}` ); } return null; } function defineSyncGUID(aAddon) { // Define .syncGUID as a lazy property which is also settable Object.defineProperty(aAddon, "syncGUID", { get: () => { aAddon.syncGUID = Services.uuid.generateUUID().toString(); return aAddon.syncGUID; }, set: val => { delete aAddon.syncGUID; aAddon.syncGUID = val; }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, }); } // Generate a unique ID based on the path to this temporary add-on location. function generateTemporaryInstallID(aFile) { const hasher = CryptoHash("sha1"); const data = new TextEncoder().encode(aFile.path); // Make it so this ID cannot be guessed. const sess = TEMP_INSTALL_ID_GEN_SESSION; hasher.update(sess, sess.length); hasher.update(data, data.length); let id = `${getHashStringForCrypto(hasher)}${ XPIExports.XPIInternal.TEMPORARY_ADDON_SUFFIX }`; logger.info(`Generated temp id ${id} (${sess.join("")}) for ${aFile.path}`); return id; } var loadManifest = async function (aPackage, aLocation, aOldAddon) { let addon; let verifiedSignedState; if (await aPackage.hasResource("manifest.json")) { ({ addon, verifiedSignedState } = await loadManifestFromWebManifest( aPackage, aLocation )); } else { // TODO bug 1674799: Remove this unused branch. for (let loader of AddonManagerPrivate.externalExtensionLoaders.values()) { if (await aPackage.hasResource(loader.manifestFile)) { addon = await loader.loadManifest(aPackage); addon.loader = loader.name; verifiedSignedState = await aPackage.verifySignedState( addon.id, addon.type, aLocation ); break; } } } if (!addon) { throw new Error( `File ${aPackage.filePath} does not contain a valid manifest` ); } addon._sourceBundle = aPackage.file; addon.rootURI = aPackage.rootURI.spec; addon.location = aLocation; let { cert, signedState, signedTypes } = verifiedSignedState; addon.signedState = signedState; addon.signedDate = cert?.validity?.notBefore / 1000 || null; // An array of the algorithms used by the signatures found in the signed XPI files, // as an array of integers (see nsIAppSignatureInfo_SignatureAlgorithm enum defined // in nsIX509CertDB.idl). addon.signedTypes = signedTypes; if (!addon.id) { if (cert) { addon.id = cert.commonName; if (!gIDTest.test(addon.id)) { throw new Error(`Extension is signed with an invalid id (${addon.id})`); } } if (!addon.id && aLocation.isTemporary) { addon.id = generateTemporaryInstallID(aPackage.file); } } addon.propagateDisabledState(aOldAddon); if (!aLocation.isSystem && !aLocation.isBuiltin) { if (addon.type === "extension" && !aLocation.isTemporary) { addon.recommendationState = await readRecommendationStates( aPackage, addon.id ); } await addon.updateBlocklistState(); addon.appDisabled = !XPIExports.XPIDatabase.isUsableAddon(addon); // Always report when there is an attempt to install a blocked add-on. // (transitions from STATE_BLOCKED to STATE_NOT_BLOCKED are checked // in the individual AddonInstall subclasses). if (addon.blocklistState == nsIBlocklistService.STATE_BLOCKED) { addon.recordAddonBlockChangeTelemetry( aOldAddon ? "addon_update" : "addon_install" ); } } defineSyncGUID(addon); return addon; }; /** * Loads an add-on's manifest from the given file or directory. * * @param {nsIFile} aFile * The file to load the manifest from. * @param {XPIStateLocation} aLocation * The install location the add-on is installed in, or will be * installed to. * @param {AddonInternal?} aOldAddon * The currently-installed add-on with the same ID, if one exist. * This is used to migrate user settings like the add-on's * disabled state. * @returns {AddonInternal} * The parsed Addon object for the file's manifest. */ var loadManifestFromFile = async function (aFile, aLocation, aOldAddon) { let pkg = Package.get(aFile); try { let addon = await loadManifest(pkg, aLocation, aOldAddon); return addon; } finally { pkg.close(); } }; /* * A synchronous method for loading an add-on's manifest. Do not use * this. */ function syncLoadManifest(state, location, oldAddon) { if (location.name == "app-builtin") { let pkg = builtinPackage(Services.io.newURI(state.rootURI)); return XPIExports.XPIInternal.awaitPromise( loadManifest(pkg, location, oldAddon) ); } let file = new nsIFile(state.path); let pkg = Package.get(file); return XPIExports.XPIInternal.awaitPromise( (async () => { try { let addon = await loadManifest(pkg, location, oldAddon); addon.rootURI = XPIExports.XPIInternal.getURIForResourceInFile( file, "" ).spec; return addon; } finally { pkg.close(); } })() ); } /** * Creates and returns a new unique temporary file. The caller should delete * the file when it is no longer needed. * * @returns {nsIFile} * An nsIFile that points to a randomly named, initially empty file in * the OS temporary files directory */ function getTemporaryFile() { let file = lazy.FileUtils.getDir(KEY_TEMPDIR, []); let random = Math.round(Math.random() * 36 ** 3).toString(36); file.append(`tmp-${random}.xpi`); file.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, lazy.FileUtils.PERMS_FILE); return file; } function getHashForFile(file, algorithm) { let crypto = CryptoHash(algorithm); let fis = new FileInputStream(file, -1, -1, false); try { crypto.updateFromStream(fis, file.fileSize); } finally { fis.close(); } return getHashStringForCrypto(crypto); } /** * Returns the signedState for a given return code and certificate by verifying * it against the expected ID. * * @param {nsresult} aRv * The result code returned by the signature checker for the * signature check operation. * @param {nsIX509Cert?} aCert * The certificate the add-on was signed with, if a valid * certificate exists. * @param {string?} aAddonID * The expected ID of the add-on. If passed, this must match the * ID in the certificate's CN field. * @returns {number} * A SIGNEDSTATE result code constant, as defined on the * AddonManager class. */ function getSignedStatus(aRv, aCert, aAddonID) { let expectedCommonName = aAddonID; if (aAddonID && aAddonID.length > 64) { expectedCommonName = computeSha256HashAsString(aAddonID); } switch (aRv) { case Cr.NS_OK: if (expectedCommonName && expectedCommonName != aCert.commonName) { return AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_BROKEN; } if (aCert.organizationalUnit == "Mozilla Components") { return AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_SYSTEM; } if (aCert.organizationalUnit == "Mozilla Extensions") { return AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_PRIVILEGED; } return /preliminary/i.test(aCert.organizationalUnit) ? AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_PRELIMINARY : AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_SIGNED; case Cr.NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_NOT_SIGNED: return AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING; case Cr.NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_MANIFEST_INVALID: case Cr.NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_ENTRY_INVALID: case Cr.NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_ENTRY_MISSING: case Cr.NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_ENTRY_TOO_LARGE: case Cr.NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_UNSIGNED_ENTRY: case Cr.NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_MODIFIED_ENTRY: return AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_BROKEN; default: // Any other error indicates that either the add-on isn't signed or it // is signed by a signature that doesn't chain to the trusted root. return AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_UNKNOWN; } } function shouldVerifySignedState(aAddonType, aLocation) { // TODO when KEY_APP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS and KEY_APP_SYSTEM_ADDONS locations // are removed, we need to reorganize the logic here. At that point we // should: // if builtin or MOZ_UNSIGNED_SCOPES return false // if system return true // return SIGNED_TYPES.has(type) // We don't care about signatures for default system add-ons if (aLocation.name == XPIExports.XPIInternal.KEY_APP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS) { return false; } // Updated system add-ons should always have their signature checked if (aLocation.isSystem) { return true; } if (aLocation.isBuiltin || aLocation.scope & lazy.MOZ_UNSIGNED_SCOPES) { return false; } // Otherwise only check signatures if the add-on is one of the signed // types. return XPIExports.XPIDatabase.SIGNED_TYPES.has(aAddonType); } /** * Verifies that a bundle's contents are all correctly signed by an * AMO-issued certificate * * @param {nsIFile} aBundle * The nsIFile for the bundle to check, either a directory or zip file. * @param {AddonInternal} aAddon * The add-on object to verify. * @returns {Promise<{ signedState: number, signedTypes: Array}>?} * A Promise that resolves to object including a signedState property set to * an AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_* constant and a signedTypes property set to * either an array of Ci.nsIAppSignatureInfo SignatureAlgorithm enum values * or undefined if the file wasn't signed. */ export var verifyBundleSignedState = async function (aBundle, aAddon) { let pkg = Package.get(aBundle); try { let { signedState, signedTypes } = await pkg.verifySignedState( aAddon.id, aAddon.type, aAddon.location ); return { signedState, signedTypes }; } finally { pkg.close(); } }; /** * Replaces %...% strings in an addon url (update and updateInfo) with * appropriate values. * * @param {AddonInternal} aAddon * The AddonInternal representing the add-on * @param {string} aUri * The URI to escape * @param {integer?} aUpdateType * An optional number representing the type of update, only applicable * when creating a url for retrieving an update manifest * @param {string?} aAppVersion * The optional application version to use for %APP_VERSION% * @returns {string} * The appropriately escaped URI. */ function escapeAddonURI(aAddon, aUri, aUpdateType, aAppVersion) { let uri = AddonManager.escapeAddonURI(aAddon, aUri, aAppVersion); // If there is an updateType then replace the UPDATE_TYPE string if (aUpdateType) { uri = uri.replace(/%UPDATE_TYPE%/g, aUpdateType); } // If this add-on has compatibility information for either the current // application or toolkit then replace the ITEM_MAXAPPVERSION with the // maxVersion let app = aAddon.matchingTargetApplication; if (app) { var maxVersion = app.maxVersion; } else { maxVersion = ""; } uri = uri.replace(/%ITEM_MAXAPPVERSION%/g, maxVersion); let compatMode = "normal"; if (!AddonManager.checkCompatibility) { compatMode = "ignore"; } else if (AddonManager.strictCompatibility) { compatMode = "strict"; } uri = uri.replace(/%COMPATIBILITY_MODE%/g, compatMode); return uri; } /** * Converts an iterable of addon objects into a map with the add-on's ID as key. * * @param {sequence} addons * A sequence of AddonInternal objects. * * @returns {Map} */ function addonMap(addons) { return new Map(addons.map(a => [a.id, a])); } async function removeAsync(aFile) { await IOUtils.remove(aFile.path, { ignoreAbsent: true, recursive: true }); } /** * Recursively removes a directory or file fixing permissions when necessary. * * @param {nsIFile} aFile * The nsIFile to remove */ function recursiveRemove(aFile) { let isDir = null; try { isDir = aFile.isDirectory(); } catch (e) { // If the file has already gone away then don't worry about it, this can // happen on OSX where the resource fork is automatically moved with the // data fork for the file. See bug 733436. if (e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { return; } throw e; } setFilePermissions( aFile, isDir ? lazy.FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY : lazy.FileUtils.PERMS_FILE ); try { aFile.remove(true); return; } catch (e) { if (!aFile.isDirectory() || aFile.isSymlink()) { logger.error("Failed to remove file " + aFile.path, e); throw e; } } // Use a snapshot of the directory contents to avoid possible issues with // iterating over a directory while removing files from it (the YAFFS2 // embedded filesystem has this issue, see bug 772238), and to remove // normal files before their resource forks on OSX (see bug 733436). let entries = Array.from(XPIExports.XPIInternal.iterDirectory(aFile)); entries.forEach(recursiveRemove); try { aFile.remove(true); } catch (e) { logger.error("Failed to remove empty directory " + aFile.path, e); throw e; } } /** * Sets permissions on a file * * @param {nsIFile} aFile * The file or directory to operate on. * @param {integer} aPermissions * The permissions to set */ function setFilePermissions(aFile, aPermissions) { try { aFile.permissions = aPermissions; } catch (e) { logger.warn( "Failed to set permissions " + aPermissions.toString(8) + " on " + aFile.path, e ); } } /** * Write a given string to a file * * @param {nsIFile} file * The nsIFile instance to write into * @param {string} string * The string to write */ function writeStringToFile(file, string) { let fileStream = new FileOutputStream( file, lazy.FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | lazy.FileUtils.MODE_CREATE | lazy.FileUtils.MODE_TRUNCATE, lazy.FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0 ); try { let binStream = new BinaryOutputStream(fileStream); binStream.writeByteArray(new TextEncoder().encode(string)); } finally { fileStream.close(); } } /** * A safe way to install a file or the contents of a directory to a new * directory. The file or directory is moved or copied recursively and if * anything fails an attempt is made to rollback the entire operation. The * operation may also be rolled back to its original state after it has * completed by calling the rollback method. * * Operations can be chained. Calling move or copy multiple times will remember * the whole set and if one fails all of the operations will be rolled back. */ function SafeInstallOperation() { this._installedFiles = []; this._createdDirs = []; } SafeInstallOperation.prototype = { _installedFiles: null, _createdDirs: null, _installFile(aFile, aTargetDirectory, aCopy) { let oldFile = aCopy ? null : aFile.clone(); let newFile = aFile.clone(); try { if (aCopy) { newFile.copyTo(aTargetDirectory, null); // copyTo does not update the nsIFile with the new. newFile = getFile(aFile.leafName, aTargetDirectory); // Windows roaming profiles won't properly sync directories if a new file // has an older lastModifiedTime than a previous file, so update. newFile.lastModifiedTime = Date.now(); } else { newFile.moveTo(aTargetDirectory, null); } } catch (e) { logger.error( "Failed to " + (aCopy ? "copy" : "move") + " file " + aFile.path + " to " + aTargetDirectory.path, e ); throw e; } this._installedFiles.push({ oldFile, newFile }); }, /** * Moves a file or directory into a new directory. If an error occurs then all * files that have been moved will be moved back to their original location. * * @param {nsIFile} aFile * The file or directory to be moved. * @param {nsIFile} aTargetDirectory * The directory to move into, this is expected to be an empty * directory. */ moveUnder(aFile, aTargetDirectory) { try { this._installFile(aFile, aTargetDirectory, false); } catch (e) { this.rollback(); throw e; } }, /** * Renames a file to a new location. If an error occurs then all * files that have been moved will be moved back to their original location. * * @param {nsIFile} aOldLocation * The old location of the file. * @param {nsIFile} aNewLocation * The new location of the file. */ moveTo(aOldLocation, aNewLocation) { try { let oldFile = aOldLocation.clone(), newFile = aNewLocation.clone(); oldFile.moveTo(newFile.parent, newFile.leafName); this._installedFiles.push({ oldFile, newFile, isMoveTo: true }); } catch (e) { this.rollback(); throw e; } }, /** * Copies a file or directory into a new directory. If an error occurs then * all new files that have been created will be removed. * * @param {nsIFile} aFile * The file or directory to be copied. * @param {nsIFile} aTargetDirectory * The directory to copy into, this is expected to be an empty * directory. */ copy(aFile, aTargetDirectory) { try { this._installFile(aFile, aTargetDirectory, true); } catch (e) { this.rollback(); throw e; } }, /** * Rolls back all the moves that this operation performed. If an exception * occurs here then both old and new directories are left in an indeterminate * state */ rollback() { while (this._installedFiles.length) { let move = this._installedFiles.pop(); if (move.isMoveTo) { move.newFile.moveTo(move.oldDir.parent, move.oldDir.leafName); } else if (move.newFile.isDirectory() && !move.newFile.isSymlink()) { let oldDir = getFile(move.oldFile.leafName, move.oldFile.parent); oldDir.create( Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, lazy.FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY ); } else if (!move.oldFile) { // No old file means this was a copied file move.newFile.remove(true); } else { move.newFile.moveTo(move.oldFile.parent, null); } } while (this._createdDirs.length) { recursiveRemove(this._createdDirs.pop()); } }, }; // A hash algorithm if the caller of AddonInstall did not specify one. const DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO = "sha256"; /** * Base class for objects that manage the installation of an addon. * This class isn't instantiated directly, see the derived classes below. */ class AddonInstall { /** * Instantiates an AddonInstall. * * @param {XPIStateLocation} installLocation * The install location the add-on will be installed into * @param {nsIURL} url * The nsIURL to get the add-on from. If this is an nsIFileURL then * the add-on will not need to be downloaded * @param {Object} [options = {}] * Additional options for the install * @param {string} [options.hash] * An optional hash for the add-on * @param {AddonInternal} [options.existingAddon] * The add-on this install will update if known * @param {string} [options.name] * An optional name for the add-on * @param {string} [options.type] * An optional type for the add-on * @param {object} [options.icons] * Optional icons for the add-on * @param {string} [options.version] * The expected version for the add-on. * Required for updates, i.e. when existingAddon is set. * @param {Object?} [options.telemetryInfo] * An optional object which provides details about the installation source * included in the addon manager telemetry events. * @param {boolean} [options.isUserRequestedUpdate] * An optional boolean, true if the install object is related to a user triggered update. * @param {nsIURL} [options.releaseNotesURI] * An optional nsIURL that release notes where release notes can be retrieved. * @param {function(string) : Promise} [options.promptHandler] * A callback to prompt the user before installing. */ constructor(installLocation, url, options = {}) { this.wrapper = new AddonInstallWrapper(this); this.location = installLocation; this.sourceURI = url; if (options.hash) { let hashSplit = options.hash.toLowerCase().split(":"); this.originalHash = { algorithm: hashSplit[0], data: hashSplit[1], }; } this.hash = this.originalHash; this.fileHash = null; this.existingAddon = options.existingAddon || null; this.promptHandler = options.promptHandler || (() => Promise.resolve()); this.releaseNotesURI = options.releaseNotesURI || null; this._startupPromise = null; this._installPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this._resolveInstallPromise = resolve; }); // Ignore uncaught rejections for this promise, since they're // handled by install listeners. this._installPromise.catch(() => {}); this.listeners = []; this.icons = options.icons || {}; this.error = 0; this.progress = 0; this.maxProgress = -1; // Giving each instance of AddonInstall a reference to the logger. this.logger = logger; this.name = options.name || null; this.type = options.type || null; this.version = options.version || null; this.isUserRequestedUpdate = options.isUserRequestedUpdate; this.installTelemetryInfo = null; if (options.telemetryInfo) { this.installTelemetryInfo = options.telemetryInfo; } else if (this.existingAddon) { // Inherits the installTelemetryInfo on updates (so that the source of the original // installation telemetry data is being preserved across the extension updates). this.installTelemetryInfo = this.existingAddon.installTelemetryInfo; this.existingAddon._updateInstall = this; } this.file = null; this.ownsTempFile = null; this.addon = null; this.state = null; XPIInstall.installs.add(this); } /** * Called when we are finished with this install and are ready to remove * any external references to it. */ _cleanup() { XPIInstall.installs.delete(this); if (this.addon && this.addon._install) { if (this.addon._install === this) { this.addon._install = null; } else { Cu.reportError(new Error("AddonInstall mismatch")); } } if (this.existingAddon && this.existingAddon._updateInstall) { if (this.existingAddon._updateInstall === this) { this.existingAddon._updateInstall = null; } else { Cu.reportError(new Error("AddonInstall existingAddon mismatch")); } } } /** * Starts installation of this add-on from whatever state it is currently at * if possible. * * Note this method is overridden to handle additional state in * the subclassses below. * * @returns {Promise} * @throws if installation cannot proceed from the current state */ install() { switch (this.state) { case AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED: this.checkPrompt(); break; case AddonManager.STATE_PROMPTS_DONE: this.checkForBlockers(); break; case AddonManager.STATE_READY: this.startInstall(); break; case AddonManager.STATE_POSTPONED: logger.debug(`Postponing install of ${this.addon.id}`); break; case AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING: case AddonManager.STATE_CHECKING_UPDATE: case AddonManager.STATE_INSTALLING: // Installation is already running break; default: throw new Error("Cannot start installing from this state"); } return this._installPromise; } continuePostponedInstall() { if (this.state !== AddonManager.STATE_POSTPONED) { throw new Error("AddonInstall not in postponed state"); } // Force the postponed install to continue. logger.info(`${this.addon.id} has resumed a previously postponed upgrade`); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_READY; this.install(); } /** * Called during XPIProvider shutdown so that we can do any necessary * pre-shutdown cleanup. */ onShutdown() { switch (this.state) { case AddonManager.STATE_POSTPONED: this.removeTemporaryFile(); break; } } /** * Cancels installation of this add-on. * * Note this method is overridden to handle additional state in * the subclass DownloadAddonInstall. * * @throws if installation cannot be cancelled from the current state */ cancel() { switch (this.state) { case AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE: case AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED: logger.debug("Cancelling download of " + this.sourceURI.spec); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED; this._cleanup(); this._callInstallListeners("onDownloadCancelled"); this.removeTemporaryFile(); break; case AddonManager.STATE_POSTPONED: logger.debug(`Cancelling postponed install of ${this.addon.id}`); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED; this._cleanup(); this._callInstallListeners( "onInstallCancelled", /* aCancelledByUser */ false ); this.removeTemporaryFile(); let stagingDir = this.location.installer.getStagingDir(); let stagedAddon = stagingDir.clone(); this.unstageInstall(stagedAddon); break; default: throw new Error( "Cannot cancel install of " + this.sourceURI.spec + " from this state (" + this.state + ")" ); } } /** * Adds an InstallListener for this instance if the listener is not already * registered. * * @param {InstallListener} aListener * The InstallListener to add */ addListener(aListener) { if ( !this.listeners.some(function (i) { return i == aListener; }) ) { this.listeners.push(aListener); } } /** * Removes an InstallListener for this instance if it is registered. * * @param {InstallListener} aListener * The InstallListener to remove */ removeListener(aListener) { this.listeners = this.listeners.filter(function (i) { return i != aListener; }); } /** * Removes the temporary file owned by this AddonInstall if there is one. */ removeTemporaryFile() { // Only proceed if this AddonInstall owns its XPI file if (!this.ownsTempFile) { this.logger.debug( `removeTemporaryFile: ${this.sourceURI.spec} does not own temp file` ); return; } try { this.logger.debug( `removeTemporaryFile: ${this.sourceURI.spec} removing temp file ` + this.file.path ); flushJarCache(this.file); this.file.remove(true); this.ownsTempFile = false; } catch (e) { this.logger.warn( `Failed to remove temporary file ${this.file.path} for addon ` + this.sourceURI.spec, e ); } } _setFileHash(calculatedHash) { this.fileHash = { algorithm: this.hash ? this.hash.algorithm : DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO, data: calculatedHash, }; if (this.hash && calculatedHash != this.hash.data) { return false; } return true; } /** * Updates the addon metadata that has to be propagated across restarts. */ updatePersistedMetadata() { this.addon.sourceURI = this.sourceURI.spec; if (this.releaseNotesURI) { this.addon.releaseNotesURI = this.releaseNotesURI.spec; } if (this.installTelemetryInfo) { this.addon.installTelemetryInfo = this.installTelemetryInfo; } } /** * Called after the add-on is a local file and the signature and install * manifest can be read. * * @param {nsIFile} file * The file from which to load the manifest. * @returns {Promise} */ async loadManifest(file) { let pkg; try { pkg = Package.get(file); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject([AddonManager.ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE, e]); } try { try { this.addon = await loadManifest(pkg, this.location, this.existingAddon); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject([AddonManager.ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE, e]); } if (!this.addon.id) { let msg = `Cannot find id for addon ${file.path}.`; if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_XPI_SIGNATURES_DEV_ROOT, false)) { msg += ` Preference ${PREF_XPI_SIGNATURES_DEV_ROOT} is set.`; } return Promise.reject([ AddonManager.ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE, new Error(msg), ]); } if ( AppConstants.platform == "android" && this.addon.type !== "extension" ) { return Promise.reject([ AddonManager.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ADDON_TYPE, `Unsupported add-on type: ${this.addon.type}`, ]); } if (this.existingAddon) { // Check various conditions related to upgrades if (this.addon.id != this.existingAddon.id) { return Promise.reject([ AddonManager.ERROR_INCORRECT_ID, `Refusing to upgrade addon ${this.existingAddon.id} to different ID ${this.addon.id}`, ]); } if (this.existingAddon.isWebExtension && !this.addon.isWebExtension) { // This condition is never met on regular Firefox builds. // Remove it along with externalExtensionLoaders (bug 1674799). return Promise.reject([ AddonManager.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_ADDON_TYPE, "WebExtensions may not be updated to other extension types", ]); } if (this.existingAddon.type != this.addon.type) { return Promise.reject([ AddonManager.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_ADDON_TYPE, `Refusing to change addon type from ${this.existingAddon.type} to ${this.addon.type}`, ]); } if (this.version !== this.addon.version) { return Promise.reject([ AddonManager.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_ADDON_VERSION, `Expected addon version ${this.version} instead of ${this.addon.version}`, ]); } } if (XPIExports.XPIDatabase.mustSign(this.addon.type)) { if (this.addon.signedState <= AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING) { // This add-on isn't properly signed by a signature that chains to the // trusted root. let state = this.addon.signedState; this.addon = null; if (state == AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING) { return Promise.reject([ AddonManager.ERROR_SIGNEDSTATE_REQUIRED, "signature is required but missing", ]); } return Promise.reject([ AddonManager.ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE, "signature verification failed", ]); } // Restrict install for signed extension only signed with weak signature algorithms, unless the // restriction is explicitly disabled through prefs or enterprise policies. if ( !XPIInstall.isWeakSignatureInstallAllowed() && this.addon.signedDate && !hasStrongSignature(this.addon) ) { const addonAllowedByPolicies = Services.policies?.getExtensionSettings( this.addon.id )?.temporarily_allow_weak_signatures; const globallyAllowedByPolicies = Services.policies?.getExtensionSettings( "*" )?.temporarily_allow_weak_signatures; const allowedByPolicies = (globallyAllowedByPolicies && (addonAllowedByPolicies || addonAllowedByPolicies == null)) || addonAllowedByPolicies; if ( !allowedByPolicies && (!this.existingAddon || hasStrongSignature(this.existingAddon)) ) { // Reject if it is a new install or installing over an existing addon including // strong cryptographic signatures. return Promise.reject([ AddonManager.ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE, "install rejected due to the package not including a strong cryptographic signature", ]); } // Still allow installs using weak signatures to install if either: // - it is explicitly allowed through Enterprise Policies Settings // - or there is an existing addon with a weak signature. logger.warn( allowedByPolicies ? `Allow weak signature install for ${this.addon.id} XPI due to Enterprise Policies` : `Allow weak signature install over existing "${this.existingAddon.id}" XPI` ); } } } finally { pkg.close(); } this.updatePersistedMetadata(); this.addon._install = this; this.name = this.addon.selectedLocale.name; this.type = this.addon.type; this.version = this.addon.version; // Setting the iconURL to something inside the XPI locks the XPI and // makes it impossible to delete on Windows. // Try to load from the existing cache first let repoAddon = await lazy.AddonRepository.getCachedAddonByID( this.addon.id ); // It wasn't there so try to re-download it if (!repoAddon) { try { [repoAddon] = await lazy.AddonRepository.cacheAddons([this.addon.id]); } catch (err) { logger.debug( `Error getting metadata for ${this.addon.id}: ${err.message}` ); } } this.addon._repositoryAddon = repoAddon; this.name = this.name || this.addon._repositoryAddon.name; this.addon.appDisabled = !XPIExports.XPIDatabase.isUsableAddon(this.addon); return undefined; } getIcon(desiredSize = 64) { if (!this.addon.icons || !this.file) { return null; } let { icon } = lazy.IconDetails.getPreferredIcon( this.addon.icons, null, desiredSize ); if (icon.startsWith("chrome://")) { return icon; } return getJarURI(this.file, icon).spec; } /** * This method should be called when the XPI is ready to be installed, * i.e., when a download finishes or when a local file has been verified. * It should only be called from install() when the install is in * STATE_DOWNLOADED (which actually means that the file is available * and has been verified). */ checkPrompt() { (async () => { if (this.promptHandler) { let info = { existingAddon: this.existingAddon ? this.existingAddon.wrapper : null, addon: this.addon.wrapper, icon: this.getIcon(), // Used in AMTelemetry to detect the install flow related to this prompt. install: this.wrapper, }; try { await this.promptHandler(info); } catch (err) { if (this.error < 0) { logger.info(`Install of ${this.addon.id} failed ${this.error}`); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_INSTALL_FAILED; this._cleanup(); // In some cases onOperationCancelled is called during failures // to install/uninstall/enable/disable addons. We may need to // do that here in the future. this._callInstallListeners("onInstallFailed"); this.removeTemporaryFile(); } else { logger.info(`Install of ${this.addon.id} cancelled by user`); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED; this._cleanup(); this._callInstallListeners( "onInstallCancelled", /* aCancelledByUser */ true ); } return; } } this.state = AddonManager.STATE_PROMPTS_DONE; this.install(); })(); } /** * This method should be called when we have the XPI and any needed * permissions prompts have been completed. If there are any upgrade * listeners, they are invoked and the install moves into STATE_POSTPONED. * Otherwise, the install moves into STATE_INSTALLING */ checkForBlockers() { // If an upgrade listener is registered for this add-on, pass control // over the upgrade to the add-on. if (AddonManagerPrivate.hasUpgradeListener(this.addon.id)) { logger.info( `add-on ${this.addon.id} has an upgrade listener, postponing upgrade until restart` ); let resumeFn = () => { this.continuePostponedInstall(); }; this.postpone(resumeFn); return; } this.state = AddonManager.STATE_READY; this.install(); } /** * Installs the add-on into the install location. */ async startInstall() { this.state = AddonManager.STATE_INSTALLING; if (!this._callInstallListeners("onInstallStarted")) { this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED; this.removeTemporaryFile(); this._cleanup(); this._callInstallListeners( "onInstallCancelled", /* aCancelledByUser */ false ); return; } // Reinstall existing user-disabled addon (of the same installed version). // If addon is marked to be uninstalled - don't reinstall it. if ( this.existingAddon && this.existingAddon.location === this.location && this.existingAddon.version === this.addon.version && this.existingAddon.userDisabled && !this.existingAddon.pendingUninstall ) { await XPIExports.XPIDatabase.updateAddonDisabledState( this.existingAddon, { userDisabled: false, } ); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_INSTALLED; this._callInstallListeners("onInstallEnded", this.existingAddon.wrapper); this._cleanup(); return; } let isSameLocation = this.existingAddon?.location == this.location; let willActivate = isSameLocation || !this.existingAddon || this.location.hasPrecedence(this.existingAddon.location); logger.debug( "Starting install of " + this.addon.id + " from " + this.sourceURI.spec ); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners( "onInstalling", this.addon.wrapper, false ); let stagedAddon = this.location.installer.getStagingDir(); try { await this.location.installer.requestStagingDir(); // remove any previously staged files await this.unstageInstall(stagedAddon); stagedAddon.append(`${this.addon.id}.xpi`); await this.stageInstall(false, stagedAddon, isSameLocation); this._cleanup(); let install = async () => { // Mark this instance of the addon as inactive if it is being // superseded by an addon in a different location. if ( willActivate && this.existingAddon && this.existingAddon.active && !isSameLocation ) { XPIExports.XPIDatabase.updateAddonActive(this.existingAddon, false); } // Install the new add-on into its final location let file = await this.location.installer.installAddon({ id: this.addon.id, source: stagedAddon, }); // Update the metadata in the database this.addon.sourceBundle = file; // If this addon will be the active addon, make it visible. this.addon.visible = willActivate; if (isSameLocation) { this.addon = XPIExports.XPIDatabase.updateAddonMetadata( this.existingAddon, this.addon, file.path ); let state = this.location.get(this.addon.id); if (state) { state.syncWithDB(this.addon, true); } else { logger.warn( "Unexpected missing XPI state for add-on ${id}", this.addon ); } } else { this.addon.active = this.addon.visible && !this.addon.disabled; this.addon = XPIExports.XPIDatabase.addToDatabase( this.addon, file.path ); XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.addAddon(this.addon); this.addon.installDate = this.addon.updateDate; XPIExports.XPIDatabase.saveChanges(); } XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.save(); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners( "onInstalled", this.addon.wrapper ); logger.debug(`Install of ${this.sourceURI.spec} completed.`); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_INSTALLED; this._callInstallListeners("onInstallEnded", this.addon.wrapper); XPIExports.XPIDatabase.recordAddonTelemetry(this.addon); // Notify providers that a new theme has been enabled. if (this.addon.type === "theme" && this.addon.active) { AddonManagerPrivate.notifyAddonChanged( this.addon.id, this.addon.type ); } // Clear the colorways builtins migrated to a non-builtin themes // form the list of the retained themes. if ( this.existingAddon?.isBuiltinColorwayTheme && !this.addon.isBuiltin && XPIExports.BuiltInThemesHelpers.isColorwayMigrationEnabled ) { XPIExports.BuiltInThemesHelpers.unretainMigratedColorwayTheme( this.addon.id ); } }; this._startupPromise = (async () => { if (!willActivate) { await install(); } else if (this.existingAddon) { await XPIExports.XPIInternal.BootstrapScope.get( this.existingAddon ).update(this.addon, !this.addon.disabled, install); if (this.addon.disabled) { flushJarCache(this.file); } } else { await install(); await XPIExports.XPIInternal.BootstrapScope.get(this.addon).install( undefined, true ); } })(); await this._startupPromise; } catch (e) { logger.warn( `Failed to install ${this.file.path} from ${this.sourceURI.spec} to ${stagedAddon.path}`, e ); if (stagedAddon.exists()) { recursiveRemove(stagedAddon); } this.state = AddonManager.STATE_INSTALL_FAILED; this.error = AddonManager.ERROR_FILE_ACCESS; this._cleanup(); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners( "onOperationCancelled", this.addon.wrapper ); this._callInstallListeners("onInstallFailed"); } finally { this.removeTemporaryFile(); this.location.installer.releaseStagingDir(); } } /** * Stages an add-on for install. * * @param {boolean} restartRequired * If true, the final installation will be deferred until the * next app startup. * @param {nsIFile} stagedAddon * The file where the add-on should be staged. * @param {boolean} isSameLocation * True if this installation is an upgrade for an existing * add-on in the same location. * @throws if the file cannot be staged. */ async stageInstall(restartRequired, stagedAddon, isSameLocation) { logger.debug(`Addon ${this.addon.id} will be installed as a packed xpi`); stagedAddon.leafName = `${this.addon.id}.xpi`; try { await IOUtils.copy(this.file.path, stagedAddon.path); let calculatedHash = getHashForFile(stagedAddon, this.fileHash.algorithm); if (calculatedHash != this.fileHash.data) { logger.warn( `Staged file hash (${calculatedHash}) did not match initial hash (${this.fileHash.data})` ); throw new Error("Refusing to stage add-on because it has been damaged"); } } catch (e) { await IOUtils.remove(stagedAddon.path, { ignoreAbsent: true }); throw e; } if (restartRequired) { // Point the add-on to its extracted files as the xpi may get deleted this.addon.sourceBundle = stagedAddon; logger.debug( `Staged install of ${this.addon.id} from ${this.sourceURI.spec} ready; waiting for restart.` ); if (isSameLocation) { delete this.existingAddon.pendingUpgrade; this.existingAddon.pendingUpgrade = this.addon; } } if (this.state === AddonManager.STATE_POSTPONED) { // Cache the AddonInternal as it may have updated compatibility info. We // do that unconditionally in case the staged install isn't finalized in // the same session. That way, on the next app startup, the add-on will // be installed. this.location.stageAddon(this.addon.id, this.addon.toJSON()); } } /** * Removes any previously staged upgrade. * * @param {nsIFile} stagingDir * The staging directory from which to unstage the install. */ async unstageInstall(stagingDir) { this.location.unstageAddon(this.addon.id); await removeAsync(getFile(this.addon.id, stagingDir)); await removeAsync(getFile(`${this.addon.id}.xpi`, stagingDir)); } /** * Postone a pending update, until restart or until the add-on resumes. * * @param {function} resumeFn * A function for the add-on to run when resuming. * @param {boolean} requiresRestart * Whether this add-on requires restart. */ async postpone(resumeFn, requiresRestart = true) { this.state = AddonManager.STATE_POSTPONED; let stagingDir = this.location.installer.getStagingDir(); try { await this.location.installer.requestStagingDir(); await this.unstageInstall(stagingDir); let stagedAddon = getFile(`${this.addon.id}.xpi`, stagingDir); await this.stageInstall(requiresRestart, stagedAddon, true); } catch (e) { logger.warn(`Failed to postpone install of ${this.addon.id}`, e); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_INSTALL_FAILED; this.error = AddonManager.ERROR_FILE_ACCESS; this._cleanup(); this.removeTemporaryFile(); this.location.installer.releaseStagingDir(); this._callInstallListeners("onInstallFailed"); return; } this._callInstallListeners("onInstallPostponed"); // upgrade has been staged for restart, provide a way for it to call the // resume function. let callback = AddonManagerPrivate.getUpgradeListener(this.addon.id); if (callback) { callback({ version: this.version, install: () => { switch (this.state) { case AddonManager.STATE_POSTPONED: if (resumeFn) { resumeFn(); } break; default: logger.warn( `${this.addon.id} cannot resume postponed upgrade from state (${this.state})` ); break; } }, }); } // Release the staging directory lock, but since the staging dir is populated // it will not be removed until resumed or installed by restart. // See also cleanStagingDir() this.location.installer.releaseStagingDir(); } _callInstallListeners(event, ...args) { switch (event) { case "onDownloadCancelled": case "onDownloadFailed": case "onInstallCancelled": case "onInstallFailed": let rej = Promise.reject(new Error(`Install failed: ${event}`)); rej.catch(() => {}); this._resolveInstallPromise(rej); break; case "onInstallEnded": this._resolveInstallPromise( Promise.resolve(this._startupPromise).then(() => args[0]) ); break; } return AddonManagerPrivate.callInstallListeners( event, this.listeners, this.wrapper, ...args ); } } var LocalAddonInstall = class extends AddonInstall { /** * Initialises this install to be an install from a local file. */ async init() { this.file = this.sourceURI.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file; if (!this.file.exists()) { logger.warn("XPI file " + this.file.path + " does not exist"); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; this.error = AddonManager.ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE; this._cleanup(); return; } this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED; this.progress = this.file.fileSize; this.maxProgress = this.file.fileSize; let algorithm = this.hash ? this.hash.algorithm : DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO; if (this.hash) { try { CryptoHash(this.hash.algorithm); } catch (e) { logger.warn( "Unknown hash algorithm '" + this.hash.algorithm + "' for addon " + this.sourceURI.spec, e ); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; this.error = AddonManager.ERROR_INCORRECT_HASH; this._cleanup(); return; } } if (!this._setFileHash(getHashForFile(this.file, algorithm))) { logger.warn( `File hash (${this.fileHash.data}) did not match provided hash (${this.hash.data})` ); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; this.error = AddonManager.ERROR_INCORRECT_HASH; this._cleanup(); return; } try { await this.loadManifest(this.file); } catch ([error, message]) { logger.warn("Invalid XPI", message); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; this.error = error; this._cleanup(); this._callInstallListeners("onNewInstall"); flushJarCache(this.file); return; } let addon = await XPIExports.XPIDatabase.getVisibleAddonForID( this.addon.id ); this.existingAddon = addon; this.addon.propagateDisabledState(this.existingAddon); await this.addon.updateBlocklistState(); this.addon.updateDate = Date.now(); this.addon.installDate = addon ? addon.installDate : this.addon.updateDate; // Report if blocked add-on becomes unblocked through this install. if ( addon?.blocklistState === nsIBlocklistService.STATE_BLOCKED && this.addon.blocklistState === nsIBlocklistService.STATE_NOT_BLOCKED ) { this.addon.recordAddonBlockChangeTelemetry("addon_install"); } if (this.addon.blocklistState === nsIBlocklistService.STATE_BLOCKED) { this.error = AddonManager.ERROR_BLOCKLISTED; } if (!this.addon.isCompatible) { this.state = AddonManager.STATE_CHECKING_UPDATE; await new Promise(resolve => { new UpdateChecker( this.addon, { onUpdateFinished: (aAddon, aError) => { this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED; // If checking for an updated compatibility range fails or the // add-on is still incompatible, then set the expected // `install.error` to `ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE`. if (!this.addon.isCompatible) { this.error = AddonManager.ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE; } if (aError < 0) { logger.warn( `UpdateChecker failed to download updates for ${this.addon.id}, error code: ${aError}` ); } else { this._callInstallListeners("onNewInstall"); } resolve(); }, }, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_ADDON_INSTALLED ); }); } else { this._callInstallListeners("onNewInstall"); } } install() { if (this.state == AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED) { // For a local install, this state means that verification of the // file failed (e.g., the hash or signature or manifest contents // were invalid). It doesn't make sense to retry anything in this // case but we have callers who don't know if their AddonInstall // object is a local file or a download so accommodate them here. this._callInstallListeners("onDownloadFailed"); return this._installPromise; } return super.install(); } }; var DownloadAddonInstall = class extends AddonInstall { /** * Instantiates a DownloadAddonInstall * * @param {XPIStateLocation} installLocation * The XPIStateLocation the add-on will be installed into * @param {nsIURL} url * The nsIURL to get the add-on from * @param {Object} [options = {}] * Additional options for the install * @param {string} [options.hash] * An optional hash for the add-on * @param {AddonInternal} [options.existingAddon] * The add-on this install will update if known * @param {XULElement} [options.browser] * The browser performing the install, used to display * authentication prompts. * @param {nsIPrincipal} [options.principal] * The principal to use. If not present, will default to browser.contentPrincipal. * @param {string} [options.name] * An optional name for the add-on * @param {string} [options.type] * An optional type for the add-on * @param {Object} [options.icons] * Optional icons for the add-on * @param {string} [options.version] * The expected version for the add-on. * Required for updates, i.e. when existingAddon is set. * @param {function(string) : Promise} [options.promptHandler] * A callback to prompt the user before installing. * @param {boolean} [options.sendCookies] * Whether cookies should be sent when downloading the add-on. */ constructor(installLocation, url, options = {}) { super(installLocation, url, options); this.browser = options.browser; this.loadingPrincipal = options.triggeringPrincipal || (this.browser && this.browser.contentPrincipal) || Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(); this.sendCookies = Boolean(options.sendCookies); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE; this.stream = null; this.crypto = null; this.badCertHandler = null; this.restartDownload = false; this.downloadStartedAt = null; this._callInstallListeners("onNewInstall", this.listeners, this.wrapper); } install() { switch (this.state) { case AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE: this.startDownload(); break; case AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED: case AddonManager.STATE_INSTALL_FAILED: case AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED: this.removeTemporaryFile(); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE; this.error = 0; this.progress = 0; this.maxProgress = -1; this.hash = this.originalHash; this.fileHash = null; this.startDownload(); break; default: return super.install(); } return this._installPromise; } cancel() { // If we're done downloading the file but still processing it we cannot // cancel the installation. We just call the base class which will handle // the request by throwing an error. if (this.channel && this.state == AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING) { logger.debug("Cancelling download of " + this.sourceURI.spec); this.channel.cancel(Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED); } else { super.cancel(); } } observe() { // Network is going offline this.cancel(); } /** * Starts downloading the add-on's XPI file. */ startDownload() { this.downloadStartedAt = Cu.now(); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING; if (!this._callInstallListeners("onDownloadStarted")) { logger.debug( "onDownloadStarted listeners cancelled installation of addon " + this.sourceURI.spec ); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED; this._cleanup(); this._callInstallListeners("onDownloadCancelled"); return; } // If a listener changed our state then do not proceed with the download if (this.state != AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING) { return; } if (this.channel) { // A previous download attempt hasn't finished cleaning up yet, signal // that it should restart when complete logger.debug("Waiting for previous download to complete"); this.restartDownload = true; return; } this.openChannel(); } openChannel() { this.restartDownload = false; try { this.file = getTemporaryFile(); this.ownsTempFile = true; this.stream = new FileOutputStream( this.file, lazy.FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | lazy.FileUtils.MODE_CREATE | lazy.FileUtils.MODE_TRUNCATE, lazy.FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0 ); } catch (e) { logger.warn( "Failed to start download for addon " + this.sourceURI.spec, e ); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; this.error = AddonManager.ERROR_FILE_ACCESS; this._cleanup(); this._callInstallListeners("onDownloadFailed"); return; } let listener = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/stream-listener-tee;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIStreamListenerTee); listener.init(this, this.stream); try { this.badCertHandler = new lazy.CertUtils.BadCertHandler( !lazy.AddonSettings.INSTALL_REQUIREBUILTINCERTS ); this.channel = lazy.NetUtil.newChannel({ uri: this.sourceURI, securityFlags: Ci.nsILoadInfo.SEC_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_INHERITS_SEC_CONTEXT, contentPolicyType: Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_SAVEAS_DOWNLOAD, loadingPrincipal: this.loadingPrincipal, }); this.channel.notificationCallbacks = this; if (this.sendCookies) { if (this.channel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannelInternal) { this.channel.forceAllowThirdPartyCookie = true; } } else { this.channel.loadFlags |= Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_ANONYMOUS; } this.channel.asyncOpen(listener); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "network:offline-about-to-go-offline"); } catch (e) { logger.warn( "Failed to start download for addon " + this.sourceURI.spec, e ); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; this.error = AddonManager.ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE; this._cleanup(); this._callInstallListeners("onDownloadFailed"); } } /* * Update the crypto hasher with the new data and call the progress listeners. * * @see nsIStreamListener */ onDataAvailable(aRequest, aInputstream, aOffset, aCount) { this.crypto.updateFromStream(aInputstream, aCount); this.progress += aCount; if (!this._callInstallListeners("onDownloadProgress")) { // TODO cancel the download and make it available again (bug 553024) } } /* * Check the redirect response for a hash of the target XPI and verify that * we don't end up on an insecure channel. * * @see nsIChannelEventSink */ asyncOnChannelRedirect(aOldChannel, aNewChannel, aFlags, aCallback) { if ( !this.hash && aOldChannel.originalURI.schemeIs("https") && aOldChannel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel ) { try { let hashStr = aOldChannel.getResponseHeader("X-Target-Digest"); let hashSplit = hashStr.toLowerCase().split(":"); this.hash = { algorithm: hashSplit[0], data: hashSplit[1], }; } catch (e) {} } // Verify that we don't end up on an insecure channel if we haven't got a // hash to verify with (see bug 537761 for discussion) if (!this.hash) { this.badCertHandler.asyncOnChannelRedirect( aOldChannel, aNewChannel, aFlags, aCallback ); } else { aCallback.onRedirectVerifyCallback(Cr.NS_OK); } this.channel = aNewChannel; } /* * This is the first chance to get at real headers on the channel. * * @see nsIStreamListener */ onStartRequest(aRequest) { if (this.hash) { try { this.crypto = CryptoHash(this.hash.algorithm); } catch (e) { logger.warn( "Unknown hash algorithm '" + this.hash.algorithm + "' for addon " + this.sourceURI.spec, e ); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; this.error = AddonManager.ERROR_INCORRECT_HASH; this._cleanup(); this._callInstallListeners("onDownloadFailed"); aRequest.cancel(Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED); return; } } else { // We always need something to consume data from the inputstream passed // to onDataAvailable so just create a dummy cryptohasher to do that. this.crypto = CryptoHash(DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO); } this.progress = 0; if (aRequest instanceof Ci.nsIChannel) { try { this.maxProgress = aRequest.contentLength; } catch (e) {} logger.debug( "Download started for " + this.sourceURI.spec + " to file " + this.file.path ); } } /* * The download is complete. * * @see nsIStreamListener */ onStopRequest(aRequest, aStatus) { this.stream.close(); this.channel = null; this.badCerthandler = null; Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "network:offline-about-to-go-offline"); let crypto = this.crypto; this.crypto = null; // If the download was cancelled then update the state and send events if (aStatus == Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED) { if (this.state == AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING) { logger.debug("Cancelled download of " + this.sourceURI.spec); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED; this._cleanup(); this._callInstallListeners("onDownloadCancelled"); // If a listener restarted the download then there is no need to // remove the temporary file if (this.state != AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED) { return; } } this.removeTemporaryFile(); if (this.restartDownload) { this.openChannel(); } return; } logger.debug("Download of " + this.sourceURI.spec + " completed."); if (Components.isSuccessCode(aStatus)) { if ( !(aRequest instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel) || aRequest.requestSucceeded ) { if (!this.hash && aRequest instanceof Ci.nsIChannel) { try { lazy.CertUtils.checkCert( aRequest, !lazy.AddonSettings.INSTALL_REQUIREBUILTINCERTS ); } catch (e) { this.downloadFailed(AddonManager.ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE, e); return; } } if (!this._setFileHash(getHashStringForCrypto(crypto))) { this.downloadFailed( AddonManager.ERROR_INCORRECT_HASH, `Downloaded file hash (${this.fileHash.data}) did not match provided hash (${this.hash.data})` ); return; } this.loadManifest(this.file).then( () => { if (this.addon.isCompatible) { this.downloadCompleted(); } else { // TODO Should we send some event here (bug 557716)? this.state = AddonManager.STATE_CHECKING_UPDATE; new UpdateChecker( this.addon, { onUpdateFinished: () => this.downloadCompleted(), }, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_ADDON_INSTALLED ); } }, ([error, message]) => { this.removeTemporaryFile(); this.downloadFailed(error, message); } ); } else if (aRequest instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel) { this.downloadFailed( AddonManager.ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE, aRequest.responseStatus + " " + aRequest.responseStatusText ); } else { this.downloadFailed(AddonManager.ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE, aStatus); } } else { this.downloadFailed(AddonManager.ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE, aStatus); } } /** * Notify listeners that the download failed. * * @param {string} aReason * Something to log about the failure * @param {integer} aError * The error code to pass to the listeners */ downloadFailed(aReason, aError) { logger.warn("Download of " + this.sourceURI.spec + " failed", aError); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; this.error = aReason; this._cleanup(); this._callInstallListeners("onDownloadFailed"); // If the listener hasn't restarted the download then remove any temporary // file if (this.state == AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED) { logger.debug( "downloadFailed: removing temp file for " + this.sourceURI.spec ); this.removeTemporaryFile(); } else { logger.debug( "downloadFailed: listener changed AddonInstall state for " + this.sourceURI.spec + " to " + this.state ); } } /** * Notify listeners that the download completed. */ async downloadCompleted() { let wasUpdate = !!this.existingAddon; let aAddon = await XPIExports.XPIDatabase.getVisibleAddonForID( this.addon.id ); if (aAddon) { this.existingAddon = aAddon; } this.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED; this.addon.updateDate = Date.now(); if (this.existingAddon) { this.addon.installDate = this.existingAddon.installDate; } else { this.addon.installDate = this.addon.updateDate; } this.addon.propagateDisabledState(this.existingAddon); await this.addon.updateBlocklistState(); // Report if blocked add-on becomes unblocked through this install/update. if ( aAddon?.blocklistState === nsIBlocklistService.STATE_BLOCKED && this.addon.blocklistState === nsIBlocklistService.STATE_NOT_BLOCKED ) { this.addon.recordAddonBlockChangeTelemetry( wasUpdate ? "addon_update" : "addon_install" ); } if (this.addon.blocklistState === nsIBlocklistService.STATE_BLOCKED) { this.error = AddonManager.ERROR_BLOCKLISTED; } else if (!this.addon.isCompatible) { this.error = AddonManager.ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE; } if (this._callInstallListeners("onDownloadEnded")) { // If a listener changed our state then do not proceed with the install if (this.state != AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED) { return; } // proceed with the install state machine. this.install(); } } getInterface(iid) { if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2)) { let win = null; if (this.browser) { win = this.browser.contentWindow || this.browser.ownerGlobal; } let factory = Cc["@mozilla.org/prompter;1"].getService( Ci.nsIPromptFactory ); let prompt = factory.getPrompt(win, Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2); if (this.browser && prompt instanceof Ci.nsILoginManagerAuthPrompter) { prompt.browser = this.browser; } return prompt; } else if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIChannelEventSink)) { return this; } return this.badCertHandler.getInterface(iid); } }; /** * Creates a new AddonInstall for an update. * * @param {function} aCallback * The callback to pass the new AddonInstall to * @param {AddonInternal} aAddon * The add-on being updated * @param {Object} aUpdate * The metadata about the new version from the update manifest * @param {boolean} isUserRequested * An optional boolean, true if the install object is related to a user triggered update. */ function createUpdate(aCallback, aAddon, aUpdate, isUserRequested) { let url = Services.io.newURI(aUpdate.updateURL); (async function () { let opts = { hash: aUpdate.updateHash, existingAddon: aAddon, name: aAddon.selectedLocale.name, type: aAddon.type, icons: aAddon.icons, version: aUpdate.version, isUserRequestedUpdate: isUserRequested, }; try { if (aUpdate.updateInfoURL) { opts.releaseNotesURI = Services.io.newURI( escapeAddonURI(aAddon, aUpdate.updateInfoURL) ); } } catch (e) { // If the releaseNotesURI cannot be parsed then just ignore it. } let install; if (url instanceof Ci.nsIFileURL) { install = new LocalAddonInstall(aAddon.location, url, opts); await install.init(); } else { let loc = aAddon.location; if ( aAddon.isBuiltinColorwayTheme && XPIExports.BuiltInThemesHelpers.isColorwayMigrationEnabled ) { // Builtin colorways theme needs to be updated by installing the version // got from AMO into the profile location and not using the location // where the builtin addon is currently installed. logger.info( `Overriding location to APP_PROFILE on builtin colorway theme update for "${aAddon.id}"` ); loc = XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.getLocation( XPIExports.XPIInternal.KEY_APP_PROFILE ); } install = new DownloadAddonInstall(loc, url, opts); } aCallback(install); })(); } // Maps instances of AddonInstall to AddonInstallWrapper const wrapperMap = new WeakMap(); let installFor = wrapper => wrapperMap.get(wrapper); // Numeric id included in the install telemetry events to correlate multiple events related // to the same install or update flow. let nextInstallId = 0; /** * Creates a wrapper for an AddonInstall that only exposes the public API * * @param {AddonInstall} aInstall * The AddonInstall to create a wrapper for */ function AddonInstallWrapper(aInstall) { wrapperMap.set(this, aInstall); this.installId = ++nextInstallId; } AddonInstallWrapper.prototype = { get __AddonInstallInternal__() { return AppConstants.DEBUG ? installFor(this) : undefined; }, get error() { return installFor(this).error; }, set error(err) { installFor(this).error = err; }, get type() { return installFor(this).type; }, get iconURL() { return installFor(this).icons[32]; }, get existingAddon() { let install = installFor(this); return install.existingAddon ? install.existingAddon.wrapper : null; }, get addon() { let install = installFor(this); return install.addon ? install.addon.wrapper : null; }, get sourceURI() { return installFor(this).sourceURI; }, set promptHandler(handler) { installFor(this).promptHandler = handler; }, get promptHandler() { return installFor(this).promptHandler; }, get installTelemetryInfo() { return installFor(this).installTelemetryInfo; }, get isUserRequestedUpdate() { return Boolean(installFor(this).isUserRequestedUpdate); }, get downloadStartedAt() { return installFor(this).downloadStartedAt; }, get hashedAddonId() { const addon = this.addon; if (!addon) { return null; } return computeSha256HashAsString(addon.id); }, install() { return installFor(this).install(); }, postpone(returnFn, requiresRestart) { return installFor(this).postpone(returnFn, requiresRestart); }, cancel() { installFor(this).cancel(); }, continuePostponedInstall() { return installFor(this).continuePostponedInstall(); }, addListener(listener) { installFor(this).addListener(listener); }, removeListener(listener) { installFor(this).removeListener(listener); }, }; [ "name", "version", "icons", "releaseNotesURI", "file", "state", "progress", "maxProgress", ].forEach(function (aProp) { Object.defineProperty(AddonInstallWrapper.prototype, aProp, { get() { return installFor(this)[aProp]; }, enumerable: true, }); }); /** * Creates a new update checker. * * @param {AddonInternal} aAddon * The add-on to check for updates * @param {UpdateListener} aListener * An UpdateListener to notify of updates * @param {integer} aReason * The reason for the update check * @param {string} [aAppVersion] * An optional application version to check for updates for * @param {string} [aPlatformVersion] * An optional platform version to check for updates for * @throws if the aListener or aReason arguments are not valid */ var AddonUpdateChecker; export var UpdateChecker = function ( aAddon, aListener, aReason, aAppVersion, aPlatformVersion ) { if (!aListener || !aReason) { throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); } ({ AddonUpdateChecker } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/addons/AddonUpdateChecker.sys.mjs" )); this.addon = aAddon; aAddon._updateCheck = this; XPIInstall.doing(this); this.listener = aListener; this.appVersion = aAppVersion; this.platformVersion = aPlatformVersion; this.syncCompatibility = aReason == AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_NEW_APP_INSTALLED; this.isUserRequested = aReason == AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED; let updateURL = aAddon.updateURL; if (!updateURL) { if ( aReason == AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_PERIODIC_UPDATE && Services.prefs.getPrefType(PREF_EM_UPDATE_BACKGROUND_URL) == Services.prefs.PREF_STRING ) { updateURL = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_EM_UPDATE_BACKGROUND_URL); } else { updateURL = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_EM_UPDATE_URL); } } const UPDATE_TYPE_COMPATIBILITY = 32; const UPDATE_TYPE_NEWVERSION = 64; aReason |= UPDATE_TYPE_COMPATIBILITY; if ("onUpdateAvailable" in this.listener) { aReason |= UPDATE_TYPE_NEWVERSION; } let url = escapeAddonURI(aAddon, updateURL, aReason, aAppVersion); this._parser = AddonUpdateChecker.checkForUpdates(aAddon.id, url, this); }; UpdateChecker.prototype = { addon: null, listener: null, appVersion: null, platformVersion: null, syncCompatibility: null, /** * Calls a method on the listener passing any number of arguments and * consuming any exceptions. * * @param {string} aMethod * The method to call on the listener * @param {any[]} aArgs * Additional arguments to pass to the listener. */ callListener(aMethod, ...aArgs) { if (!(aMethod in this.listener)) { return; } try { this.listener[aMethod].apply(this.listener, aArgs); } catch (e) { logger.warn("Exception calling UpdateListener method " + aMethod, e); } }, /** * Called when AddonUpdateChecker completes the update check * * @param {object[]} aUpdates * The list of update details for the add-on */ async onUpdateCheckComplete(aUpdates) { XPIInstall.done(this.addon._updateCheck); this.addon._updateCheck = null; let AUC = AddonUpdateChecker; let ignoreMaxVersion = false; // Ignore strict compatibility for dictionaries by default. let ignoreStrictCompat = this.addon.type == "dictionary"; if (!AddonManager.checkCompatibility) { ignoreMaxVersion = true; ignoreStrictCompat = true; } else if ( !AddonManager.strictCompatibility && !this.addon.strictCompatibility ) { ignoreMaxVersion = true; } // Always apply any compatibility update for the current version let compatUpdate = AUC.getCompatibilityUpdate( aUpdates, this.addon.version, this.syncCompatibility, null, null, ignoreMaxVersion, ignoreStrictCompat ); // Apply the compatibility update to the database if (compatUpdate) { this.addon.applyCompatibilityUpdate(compatUpdate, this.syncCompatibility); } // If the request is for an application or platform version that is // different to the current application or platform version then look for a // compatibility update for those versions. if ( (this.appVersion && Services.vc.compare(this.appVersion, Services.appinfo.version) != 0) || (this.platformVersion && Services.vc.compare( this.platformVersion, Services.appinfo.platformVersion ) != 0) ) { compatUpdate = AUC.getCompatibilityUpdate( aUpdates, this.addon.version, false, this.appVersion, this.platformVersion, ignoreMaxVersion, ignoreStrictCompat ); } if (compatUpdate) { this.callListener("onCompatibilityUpdateAvailable", this.addon.wrapper); } else { this.callListener("onNoCompatibilityUpdateAvailable", this.addon.wrapper); } function sendUpdateAvailableMessages(aSelf, aInstall) { if (aInstall) { aSelf.callListener( "onUpdateAvailable", aSelf.addon.wrapper, aInstall.wrapper ); } else { aSelf.callListener("onNoUpdateAvailable", aSelf.addon.wrapper); } aSelf.callListener( "onUpdateFinished", aSelf.addon.wrapper, AddonManager.UPDATE_STATUS_NO_ERROR ); } let update = await AUC.getNewestCompatibleUpdate( aUpdates, this.addon, this.appVersion, this.platformVersion, ignoreMaxVersion, ignoreStrictCompat ); if (update && !this.addon.location.locked) { for (let currentInstall of XPIInstall.installs) { // Skip installs that don't match the available update if ( currentInstall.existingAddon != this.addon || currentInstall.version != update.version ) { continue; } // If the existing install has not yet started downloading then send an // available update notification. If it is already downloading then // don't send any available update notification if (currentInstall.state == AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE) { logger.debug("Found an existing AddonInstall for " + this.addon.id); sendUpdateAvailableMessages(this, currentInstall); } else { sendUpdateAvailableMessages(this, null); } return; } createUpdate( aInstall => { sendUpdateAvailableMessages(this, aInstall); }, this.addon, update, this.isUserRequested ); } else { sendUpdateAvailableMessages(this, null); } }, /** * Called when AddonUpdateChecker fails the update check * * @param {any} aError * An error status */ onUpdateCheckError(aError) { XPIInstall.done(this.addon._updateCheck); this.addon._updateCheck = null; this.callListener("onNoCompatibilityUpdateAvailable", this.addon.wrapper); this.callListener("onNoUpdateAvailable", this.addon.wrapper); this.callListener("onUpdateFinished", this.addon.wrapper, aError); }, /** * Called to cancel an in-progress update check */ cancel() { let parser = this._parser; if (parser) { this._parser = null; // This will call back to onUpdateCheckError with a CANCELLED error parser.cancel(); } }, }; /** * Creates a new AddonInstall to install an add-on from a local file. * * @param {nsIFile} file * The file to install * @param {XPIStateLocation} location * The location to install to * @param {Object?} [telemetryInfo] * An optional object which provides details about the installation source * included in the addon manager telemetry events. * @returns {Promise} * A Promise that resolves with the new install object. */ function createLocalInstall(file, location, telemetryInfo) { if (!location) { location = XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.getLocation( XPIExports.XPIInternal.KEY_APP_PROFILE ); } let url = Services.io.newFileURI(file); try { let install = new LocalAddonInstall(location, url, { telemetryInfo }); return install.init().then(() => install); } catch (e) { logger.error("Error creating install", e); return Promise.resolve(null); } } /** * Uninstall an addon from a location. This allows removing non-visible * addons, such as system addon upgrades, when a higher precedence addon * is installed. * * @param {string} addonID * ID of the addon being removed. * @param {XPIStateLocation} location * The location to remove the addon from. */ async function uninstallAddonFromLocation(addonID, location) { let existing = await XPIExports.XPIDatabase.getAddonInLocation( addonID, location.name ); if (!existing) { return; } if (existing.active) { let a = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(addonID); if (a) { await a.uninstall(); } } else { XPIExports.XPIDatabase.removeAddonMetadata(existing); location.removeAddon(addonID); XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.save(); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onUninstalled", existing); } } class DirectoryInstaller { constructor(location) { this.location = location; this._stagingDirLock = 0; this._stagingDirPromise = null; } get name() { return this.location.name; } get dir() { return this.location.dir; } set dir(val) { this.location.dir = val; this.location.path = val.path; } /** * Gets the staging directory to put add-ons that are pending install and * uninstall into. * * @returns {nsIFile} */ getStagingDir() { return getFile(XPIExports.XPIInternal.DIR_STAGE, this.dir); } requestStagingDir() { this._stagingDirLock++; if (this._stagingDirPromise) { return this._stagingDirPromise; } let stagepath = PathUtils.join( this.dir.path, XPIExports.XPIInternal.DIR_STAGE ); return (this._stagingDirPromise = IOUtils.makeDirectory(stagepath, { createAncestors: true, ignoreExisting: true, }).catch(e => { logger.error("Failed to create staging directory", e); throw e; })); } releaseStagingDir() { this._stagingDirLock--; if (this._stagingDirLock == 0) { this._stagingDirPromise = null; this.cleanStagingDir(); } return Promise.resolve(); } /** * Removes the specified files or directories in the staging directory and * then if the staging directory is empty attempts to remove it. * * @param {string[]} [aLeafNames = []] * An array of file or directory to remove from the directory, the * array may be empty */ cleanStagingDir(aLeafNames = []) { let dir = this.getStagingDir(); // SystemAddonInstaller getStatingDir may return null if there isn't // any addon set directory returned by SystemAddonInstaller._loadAddonSet. if (!dir) { return; } for (let name of aLeafNames) { let file = getFile(name, dir); recursiveRemove(file); } if (this._stagingDirLock > 0) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for (let file of XPIExports.XPIInternal.iterDirectory(dir)) { return; } try { setFilePermissions(dir, lazy.FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY); dir.remove(false); } catch (e) { logger.warn("Failed to remove staging dir", e); // Failing to remove the staging directory is ignorable } } /** * Returns a directory that is normally on the same filesystem as the rest of * the install location and can be used for temporarily storing files during * safe move operations. Calling this method will delete the existing trash * directory and its contents. * * @returns {nsIFile} */ getTrashDir() { let trashDir = getFile(XPIExports.XPIInternal.DIR_TRASH, this.dir); let trashDirExists = trashDir.exists(); try { if (trashDirExists) { recursiveRemove(trashDir); } trashDirExists = false; } catch (e) { logger.warn("Failed to remove trash directory", e); } if (!trashDirExists) { trashDir.create( Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, lazy.FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY ); } return trashDir; } /** * Installs an add-on into the install location. * * @param {Object} options * Installation options. * @param {string} options.id * The ID of the add-on to install * @param {nsIFile} options.source * The source nsIFile to install from * @param {string} options.action * What to we do with the given source file: * "move" * Default action, the source files will be moved to the new * location, * "copy" * The source files will be copied, * "proxy" * A "proxy file" is going to refer to the source file path * @returns {nsIFile} * An nsIFile indicating where the add-on was installed to */ installAddon({ id, source, action = "move" }) { let trashDir = this.getTrashDir(); let transaction = new SafeInstallOperation(); let moveOldAddon = aId => { let file = getFile(aId, this.dir); if (file.exists()) { transaction.moveUnder(file, trashDir); } file = getFile(`${aId}.xpi`, this.dir); if (file.exists()) { flushJarCache(file); transaction.moveUnder(file, trashDir); } }; // If any of these operations fails the finally block will clean up the // temporary directory try { moveOldAddon(id); if (action == "copy") { transaction.copy(source, this.dir); } else if (action == "move") { flushJarCache(source); transaction.moveUnder(source, this.dir); } // Do nothing for the proxy file as we sideload an addon permanently } finally { // It isn't ideal if this cleanup fails but it isn't worth rolling back // the install because of it. try { recursiveRemove(trashDir); } catch (e) { logger.warn( `Failed to remove trash directory when installing ${id}`, e ); } } let newFile = this.dir.clone(); if (action == "proxy") { // When permanently installing sideloaded addon, we just put a proxy file // referring to the addon sources newFile.append(id); writeStringToFile(newFile, source.path); } else { newFile.append(source.leafName); } try { newFile.lastModifiedTime = Date.now(); } catch (e) { logger.warn(`failed to set lastModifiedTime on ${newFile.path}`, e); } return newFile; } /** * Uninstalls an add-on from this location. * * @param {string} aId * The ID of the add-on to uninstall * @throws if the ID does not match any of the add-ons installed */ uninstallAddon(aId) { let file = getFile(aId, this.dir); if (!file.exists()) { file.leafName += ".xpi"; } if (!file.exists()) { logger.warn( `Attempted to remove ${aId} from ${this.name} but it was already gone` ); this.location.delete(aId); return; } if (file.leafName != aId) { logger.debug( `uninstallAddon: flushing jar cache ${file.path} for addon ${aId}` ); flushJarCache(file); } // In case this is a foreignInstall we do not want to remove the file if // the location is locked. if (!this.location.locked) { let trashDir = this.getTrashDir(); let transaction = new SafeInstallOperation(); try { transaction.moveUnder(file, trashDir); } finally { // It isn't ideal if this cleanup fails, but it is probably better than // rolling back the uninstall at this point try { recursiveRemove(trashDir); } catch (e) { logger.warn( `Failed to remove trash directory when uninstalling ${aId}`, e ); } } } this.location.removeAddon(aId); } } class SystemAddonInstaller extends DirectoryInstaller { constructor(location) { super(location); this._baseDir = location._baseDir; this._nextDir = null; } get _addonSet() { return this.location._addonSet; } set _addonSet(val) { this.location._addonSet = val; } /** * Saves the current set of system add-ons * * @param {Object} aAddonSet - object containing schema, directory and set * of system add-on IDs and versions. */ static _saveAddonSet(aAddonSet) { Services.prefs.setStringPref( XPIExports.XPIInternal.PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_SET, JSON.stringify(aAddonSet) ); } static _loadAddonSet() { return XPIExports.XPIInternal.SystemAddonLocation._loadAddonSet(); } /** * Gets the staging directory to put add-ons that are pending install and * uninstall into. * * @returns {nsIFile} * Staging directory for system add-on upgrades. */ getStagingDir() { this._addonSet = SystemAddonInstaller._loadAddonSet(); let dir = null; if (this._addonSet.directory) { this.dir = getFile(this._addonSet.directory, this._baseDir); dir = getFile(XPIExports.XPIInternal.DIR_STAGE, this.dir); } else { logger.info("SystemAddonInstaller directory is missing"); } return dir; } requestStagingDir() { this._addonSet = SystemAddonInstaller._loadAddonSet(); if (this._addonSet.directory) { this.dir = getFile(this._addonSet.directory, this._baseDir); } return super.requestStagingDir(); } isValidAddon(aAddon) { if (aAddon.appDisabled) { logger.warn( `System add-on ${aAddon.id} isn't compatible with the application.` ); return false; } return true; } /** * Tests whether the loaded add-on information matches what is expected. * * @param {Map} aAddons * The set of add-ons to check. * @returns {boolean} * True if all of the given add-ons are valid. */ isValid(aAddons) { for (let id of Object.keys(this._addonSet.addons)) { if (!aAddons.has(id)) { logger.warn( `Expected add-on ${id} is missing from the system add-on location.` ); return false; } let addon = aAddons.get(id); if (addon.version != this._addonSet.addons[id].version) { logger.warn( `Expected system add-on ${id} to be version ${this._addonSet.addons[id].version} but was ${addon.version}.` ); return false; } if (!this.isValidAddon(addon)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Resets the add-on set so on the next startup the default set will be used. */ async resetAddonSet() { logger.info("Removing all system add-on upgrades."); // remove everything from the pref first, if uninstall // fails then at least they will not be re-activated on // next restart. let addonSet = this._addonSet; this._addonSet = { schema: 1, addons: {} }; SystemAddonInstaller._saveAddonSet(this._addonSet); // If this is running at app startup, the pref being cleared // will cause later stages of startup to notice that the // old updates are now gone. // // Updates will only be explicitly uninstalled if they are // removed restartlessly, for instance if they are no longer // part of the latest update set. if (addonSet) { for (let addonID of Object.keys(addonSet.addons)) { await uninstallAddonFromLocation(addonID, this.location); } } } /** * Removes any directories not currently in use or pending use after a * restart. Any errors that happen here don't really matter as we'll attempt * to cleanup again next time. */ async cleanDirectories() { try { let children = await IOUtils.getChildren(this._baseDir.path, { ignoreAbsent: true, }); for (let path of children) { // Skip the directory currently in use if (this.dir && this.dir.path == path) { continue; } // Skip the next directory if (this._nextDir && this._nextDir.path == path) { continue; } await IOUtils.remove(path, { ignoreAbsent: true, recursive: true, }); } } catch (e) { logger.error("Failed to clean updated system add-ons directories.", e); } } /** * Installs a new set of system add-ons into the location and updates the * add-on set in prefs. * * @param {Array} aAddons - An array of addons to install. */ async installAddonSet(aAddons) { // Make sure the base dir exists await IOUtils.makeDirectory(this._baseDir.path, { ignoreExisting: true }); let addonSet = SystemAddonInstaller._loadAddonSet(); // Remove any add-ons that are no longer part of the set. const ids = aAddons.map(a => a.id); for (let addonID of Object.keys(addonSet.addons)) { if (!ids.includes(addonID)) { await uninstallAddonFromLocation(addonID, this.location); } } let newDir = this._baseDir.clone(); newDir.append("blank"); while (true) { newDir.leafName = Services.uuid.generateUUID().toString(); try { await IOUtils.makeDirectory(newDir.path, { ignoreExisting: false }); break; } catch (e) { logger.debug( "Could not create new system add-on updates dir, retrying", e ); } } // Record the new upgrade directory. let state = { schema: 1, directory: newDir.leafName, addons: {} }; SystemAddonInstaller._saveAddonSet(state); this._nextDir = newDir; let installs = []; for (let addon of aAddons) { let install = await createLocalInstall( addon._sourceBundle, this.location, // Make sure that system addons being installed for the first time through // Balrog have telemetryInfo associated with them (on the contrary the ones // updated through Balrog but part of the build will already have the same // `source`, but we expect no `method` to be set for them). { source: "system-addon", method: "product-updates", } ); installs.push(install); } async function installAddon(install) { // Make the new install own its temporary file. install.ownsTempFile = true; install.install(); } async function postponeAddon(install) { install.ownsTempFile = true; let resumeFn; if (AddonManagerPrivate.hasUpgradeListener(install.addon.id)) { logger.info( `system add-on ${install.addon.id} has an upgrade listener, postponing upgrade set until restart` ); resumeFn = () => { logger.info( `${install.addon.id} has resumed a previously postponed addon set` ); install.location.installer.resumeAddonSet(installs); }; } await install.postpone(resumeFn); } let previousState; try { // All add-ons in position, create the new state and store it in prefs state = { schema: 1, directory: newDir.leafName, addons: {} }; for (let addon of aAddons) { state.addons[addon.id] = { version: addon.version, }; } previousState = SystemAddonInstaller._loadAddonSet(); SystemAddonInstaller._saveAddonSet(state); let blockers = aAddons.filter(addon => AddonManagerPrivate.hasUpgradeListener(addon.id) ); if (blockers.length) { await waitForAllPromises(installs.map(postponeAddon)); } else { await waitForAllPromises(installs.map(installAddon)); } } catch (e) { // Roll back to previous upgrade set (if present) on restart. if (previousState) { SystemAddonInstaller._saveAddonSet(previousState); } // Otherwise, roll back to built-in set on restart. // TODO try to do these restartlessly await this.resetAddonSet(); try { await IOUtils.remove(newDir.path, { recursive: true }); } catch (e) { logger.warn( `Failed to remove failed system add-on directory ${newDir.path}.`, e ); } throw e; } } /** * Resumes upgrade of a previously-delayed add-on set. * * @param {AddonInstall[]} installs * The set of installs to resume. */ async resumeAddonSet(installs) { async function resumeAddon(install) { install.state = AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED; install.location.installer.releaseStagingDir(); install.install(); } let blockers = installs.filter(install => AddonManagerPrivate.hasUpgradeListener(install.addon.id) ); if (blockers.length > 1) { logger.warn( "Attempted to resume system add-on install but upgrade blockers are still present" ); } else { await waitForAllPromises(installs.map(resumeAddon)); } } /** * Returns a directory that is normally on the same filesystem as the rest of * the install location and can be used for temporarily storing files during * safe move operations. Calling this method will delete the existing trash * directory and its contents. * * @returns {nsIFile} */ getTrashDir() { let trashDir = getFile(XPIExports.XPIInternal.DIR_TRASH, this.dir); let trashDirExists = trashDir.exists(); try { if (trashDirExists) { recursiveRemove(trashDir); } trashDirExists = false; } catch (e) { logger.warn("Failed to remove trash directory", e); } if (!trashDirExists) { trashDir.create( Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, lazy.FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY ); } return trashDir; } /** * Installs an add-on into the install location. * * @param {string} id * The ID of the add-on to install * @param {nsIFile} source * The source nsIFile to install from * @returns {nsIFile} * An nsIFile indicating where the add-on was installed to */ installAddon({ id, source }) { let trashDir = this.getTrashDir(); let transaction = new SafeInstallOperation(); // If any of these operations fails the finally block will clean up the // temporary directory try { flushJarCache(source); transaction.moveUnder(source, this.dir); } finally { // It isn't ideal if this cleanup fails but it isn't worth rolling back // the install because of it. try { recursiveRemove(trashDir); } catch (e) { logger.warn( `Failed to remove trash directory when installing ${id}`, e ); } } let newFile = getFile(source.leafName, this.dir); try { newFile.lastModifiedTime = Date.now(); } catch (e) { logger.warn("failed to set lastModifiedTime on " + newFile.path, e); } return newFile; } // old system add-on upgrade dirs get automatically removed uninstallAddon() {} } var AppUpdate = { findAddonUpdates(addon, reason, appVersion, platformVersion) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let update = null; addon.findUpdates( { onUpdateAvailable(addon2, install) { update = install; }, onUpdateFinished(addon2, error) { if (error == AddonManager.UPDATE_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { resolve(update); } else { reject(error); } }, }, reason, appVersion, platformVersion || appVersion ); }); }, stageInstall(installer) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let listener = { onDownloadEnded: install => { install.postpone(); }, onInstallFailed: install => { install.removeListener(listener); reject(); }, onInstallEnded: install => { // We shouldn't end up here, but if we do, resolve // since we've installed. install.removeListener(listener); resolve(); }, onInstallPostponed: install => { // At this point the addon is staged for restart. install.removeListener(listener); resolve(); }, }; installer.addListener(listener); installer.install(); }); }, async stageLangpackUpdates(nextVersion, nextPlatformVersion) { let updates = []; let addons = await AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["locale"]); for (let addon of addons) { updates.push( this.findAddonUpdates( addon, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_NEW_APP_DETECTED, nextVersion, nextPlatformVersion ) .then(update => update && this.stageInstall(update)) .catch(e => { logger.debug(`addon.findUpdate error: ${e}`); }) ); } return Promise.all(updates); }, }; export var XPIInstall = { // An array of currently active AddonInstalls installs: new Set(), createLocalInstall, flushJarCache, newVersionReason, recursiveRemove, syncLoadManifest, loadManifestFromFile, uninstallAddonFromLocation, stageLangpacksForAppUpdate(nextVersion, nextPlatformVersion) { return AppUpdate.stageLangpackUpdates(nextVersion, nextPlatformVersion); }, // Keep track of in-progress operations that support cancel() _inProgress: [], doing(aCancellable) { this._inProgress.push(aCancellable); }, done(aCancellable) { let i = this._inProgress.indexOf(aCancellable); if (i != -1) { this._inProgress.splice(i, 1); return true; } return false; }, cancelAll() { // Cancelling one may alter _inProgress, so don't use a simple iterator while (this._inProgress.length) { let c = this._inProgress.shift(); try { c.cancel(); } catch (e) { logger.warn("Cancel failed", e); } } }, /** * @param {string} id * The expected ID of the add-on. * @param {nsIFile} file * The XPI file to install the add-on from. * @param {XPIStateLocation} location * The install location to install the add-on to. * @param {string?} [oldAppVersion] * The version of the application last run with this profile or null * if it is a new profile or the version is unknown * @returns {AddonInternal} * The installed Addon object, upon success. */ async installDistributionAddon(id, file, location, oldAppVersion) { let addon = await loadManifestFromFile(file, location); addon.installTelemetryInfo = { source: "distribution" }; if (addon.id != id) { throw new Error( `File file ${file.path} contains an add-on with an incorrect ID` ); } let state = location.get(id); if (state) { try { let existingAddon = await loadManifestFromFile(state.file, location); if (Services.vc.compare(addon.version, existingAddon.version) <= 0) { return null; } } catch (e) { // Bad add-on in the profile so just proceed and install over the top logger.warn( "Profile contains an add-on with a bad or missing install " + `manifest at ${state.path}, overwriting`, e ); } } else if ( addon.type === "locale" && oldAppVersion && Services.vc.compare(oldAppVersion, "67") < 0 ) { /* Distribution language packs didn't get installed due to the signing issues so we need to force them to be reinstalled. */ Services.prefs.clearUserPref( XPIExports.XPIInternal.PREF_BRANCH_INSTALLED_ADDON + id ); } else if ( Services.prefs.getBoolPref( XPIExports.XPIInternal.PREF_BRANCH_INSTALLED_ADDON + id, false ) ) { return null; } // Install the add-on addon.sourceBundle = location.installer.installAddon({ id, source: file, action: "copy", }); XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.addAddon(addon); logger.debug(`Installed distribution add-on ${id}`); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( XPIExports.XPIInternal.PREF_BRANCH_INSTALLED_ADDON + id, true ); return addon; }, /** * Completes the install of an add-on which was staged during the last * session. * * @param {string} id * The expected ID of the add-on. * @param {object} metadata * The parsed metadata for the staged install. * @param {XPIStateLocation} location * The install location to install the add-on to. * @returns {AddonInternal} * The installed Addon object, upon success. */ async installStagedAddon(id, metadata, location) { let source = getFile(`${id}.xpi`, location.installer.getStagingDir()); // Check that the directory's name is a valid ID. if (!gIDTest.test(id) || !source.exists() || !source.isFile()) { throw new Error(`Ignoring invalid staging directory entry: ${id}`); } let addon = await loadManifestFromFile(source, location); if ( XPIExports.XPIDatabase.mustSign(addon.type) && addon.signedState <= AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING ) { throw new Error( `Refusing to install staged add-on ${id} with signed state ${addon.signedState}` ); } // Import saved metadata before checking for compatibility. addon.importMetadata(metadata); // Ensure a staged addon is compatible with the current running version of // Firefox. If a prior version of the addon is installed, it will remain. if (!addon.isCompatible) { throw new Error( `Add-on ${addon.id} is not compatible with application version.` ); } logger.debug(`Processing install of ${id} in ${location.name}`); let existingAddon = XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.findAddon(id); // This part of the startup file changes is called from // processPendingFileChanges, no addons are started yet. // Here we handle copying the xpi into its proper place, later // processFileChanges will call update. try { addon.sourceBundle = location.installer.installAddon({ id, source, }); XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.addAddon(addon); } catch (e) { if (existingAddon) { // Re-install the old add-on XPIExports.XPIInternal.get(existingAddon).install(); } throw e; } return addon; }, async updateSystemAddons() { let systemAddonLocation = XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.getLocation( XPIExports.XPIInternal.KEY_APP_SYSTEM_ADDONS ); if (!systemAddonLocation) { return; } let installer = systemAddonLocation.installer; // Don't do anything in safe mode if (Services.appinfo.inSafeMode) { return; } // Download the list of system add-ons let url = Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_UPDATE_URL, null); if (!url) { await installer.cleanDirectories(); return; } url = await lazy.UpdateUtils.formatUpdateURL(url); logger.info(`Starting system add-on update check from ${url}.`); let res = await lazy.ProductAddonChecker.getProductAddonList( url, true ).catch(e => logger.error(`System addon update list error ${e}`)); // If there was no list then do nothing. if (!res || !res.addons) { logger.info("No system add-ons list was returned."); await installer.cleanDirectories(); return; } let addonList = new Map( res.addons.map(spec => [spec.id, { spec, path: null, addon: null }]) ); let setMatches = (wanted, existing) => { if (wanted.size != existing.size) { return false; } for (let [id, addon] of existing) { let wantedInfo = wanted.get(id); if (!wantedInfo) { return false; } if (wantedInfo.spec.version != addon.version) { return false; } } return true; }; // If this matches the current set in the profile location then do nothing. let updatedAddons = addonMap( await XPIExports.XPIDatabase.getAddonsInLocation( XPIExports.XPIInternal.KEY_APP_SYSTEM_ADDONS ) ); if (setMatches(addonList, updatedAddons)) { logger.info("Retaining existing updated system add-ons."); await installer.cleanDirectories(); return; } // If this matches the current set in the default location then reset the // updated set. let defaultAddons = addonMap( await XPIExports.XPIDatabase.getAddonsInLocation( XPIExports.XPIInternal.KEY_APP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS ) ); if (setMatches(addonList, defaultAddons)) { logger.info("Resetting system add-ons."); await installer.resetAddonSet(); await installer.cleanDirectories(); return; } // Download all the add-ons async function downloadAddon(item) { try { let sourceAddon = updatedAddons.get(item.spec.id); if (sourceAddon && sourceAddon.version == item.spec.version) { // Copying the file to a temporary location has some benefits. If the // file is locked and cannot be read then we'll fall back to // downloading a fresh copy. We later mark the install object with // ownsTempFile so that we will cleanup later (see installAddonSet). try { let tmpDir = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile).path; let uniquePath = await IOUtils.createUniqueFile(tmpDir, "tmpaddon"); await IOUtils.copy(sourceAddon._sourceBundle.path, uniquePath); // Make sure to update file modification times so this is detected // as a new add-on. await IOUtils.setModificationTime(uniquePath); item.path = uniquePath; } catch (e) { logger.warn( `Failed make temporary copy of ${sourceAddon._sourceBundle.path}.`, e ); } } if (!item.path) { item.path = await lazy.ProductAddonChecker.downloadAddon(item.spec); } item.addon = await loadManifestFromFile( nsIFile(item.path), systemAddonLocation ); } catch (e) { logger.error(`Failed to download system add-on ${item.spec.id}`, e); } } await Promise.all(Array.from(addonList.values()).map(downloadAddon)); // The download promises all resolve regardless, now check if they all // succeeded let validateAddon = item => { if (item.spec.id != item.addon.id) { logger.warn( `Downloaded system add-on expected to be ${item.spec.id} but was ${item.addon.id}.` ); return false; } if (item.spec.version != item.addon.version) { logger.warn( `Expected system add-on ${item.spec.id} to be version ${item.spec.version} but was ${item.addon.version}.` ); return false; } if (!installer.isValidAddon(item.addon)) { return false; } return true; }; if ( !Array.from(addonList.values()).every( item => item.path && item.addon && validateAddon(item) ) ) { throw new Error( "Rejecting updated system add-on set that either could not " + "be downloaded or contained unusable add-ons." ); } // Install into the install location logger.info("Installing new system add-on set"); await installer.installAddonSet( Array.from(addonList.values()).map(a => a.addon) ); }, /** * Called to test whether installing XPI add-ons is enabled. * * @returns {boolean} * True if installing is enabled. */ isInstallEnabled() { // Default to enabled if the preference does not exist return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_XPI_ENABLED, true); }, /** * Called to test whether installing XPI add-ons by direct URL requests is * whitelisted. * * @returns {boolean} * True if installing by direct requests is whitelisted */ isDirectRequestWhitelisted() { // Default to whitelisted if the preference does not exist. return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_XPI_DIRECT_WHITELISTED, true); }, /** * Called to test whether installing XPI add-ons from file referrers is * whitelisted. * * @returns {boolean} * True if installing from file referrers is whitelisted */ isFileRequestWhitelisted() { // Default to whitelisted if the preference does not exist. return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_XPI_FILE_WHITELISTED, true); }, isWeakSignatureInstallAllowed() { return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_XPI_WEAK_SIGNATURES_ALLOWED, false); }, getWeakSignatureInstallPrefName() { return PREF_XPI_WEAK_SIGNATURES_ALLOWED; }, /** * Called to test whether installing XPI add-ons from a URI is allowed. * * @param {nsIPrincipal} aInstallingPrincipal * The nsIPrincipal that initiated the install * @returns {boolean} * True if installing is allowed */ isInstallAllowed(aInstallingPrincipal) { if (!this.isInstallEnabled()) { return false; } let uri = aInstallingPrincipal.URI; // Direct requests without a referrer are either whitelisted or blocked. if (!uri) { return this.isDirectRequestWhitelisted(); } // Local referrers can be whitelisted. if ( this.isFileRequestWhitelisted() && (uri.schemeIs("chrome") || uri.schemeIs("file")) ) { return true; } XPIExports.XPIDatabase.importPermissions(); let permission = Services.perms.testPermissionFromPrincipal( aInstallingPrincipal, XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPI_PERMISSION ); if (permission == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION) { return false; } let requireWhitelist = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( PREF_XPI_WHITELIST_REQUIRED, true ); if ( requireWhitelist && permission != Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION ) { return false; } let requireSecureOrigin = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( PREF_INSTALL_REQUIRESECUREORIGIN, true ); let safeSchemes = ["https", "chrome", "file"]; if (requireSecureOrigin && !safeSchemes.includes(uri.scheme)) { return false; } return true; }, /** * Called to get an AddonInstall to download and install an add-on from a URL. * * @param {nsIURI} aUrl * The URL to be installed * @param {object} [aOptions] * Additional options for this install. * @param {string?} [aOptions.hash] * A hash for the install * @param {string} [aOptions.name] * A name for the install * @param {Object} [aOptions.icons] * Icon URLs for the install * @param {string} [aOptions.version] * A version for the install * @param {XULElement} [aOptions.browser] * The browser performing the install * @param {Object} [aOptions.telemetryInfo] * An optional object which provides details about the installation source * included in the addon manager telemetry events. * @param {boolean} [aOptions.sendCookies = false] * Whether cookies should be sent when downloading the add-on. * @param {string} [aOptions.useSystemLocation = false] * If true installs to the system profile location. * @returns {AddonInstall} */ async getInstallForURL(aUrl, aOptions) { let locationName = aOptions.useSystemLocation ? XPIExports.XPIInternal.KEY_APP_SYSTEM_PROFILE : XPIExports.XPIInternal.KEY_APP_PROFILE; let location = XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.getLocation(locationName); if (!location) { throw Components.Exception( "Invalid location name", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG ); } let url = Services.io.newURI(aUrl); if (url instanceof Ci.nsIFileURL) { let install = new LocalAddonInstall(location, url, aOptions); await install.init(); return install.wrapper; } let install = new DownloadAddonInstall(location, url, aOptions); return install.wrapper; }, /** * Called to get an AddonInstall to install an add-on from a local file. * * @param {nsIFile} aFile * The file to be installed * @param {Object?} [aInstallTelemetryInfo] * An optional object which provides details about the installation source * included in the addon manager telemetry events. * @param {boolean} [aUseSystemLocation = false] * If true install to the system profile location. * @returns {AddonInstall?} */ async getInstallForFile( aFile, aInstallTelemetryInfo, aUseSystemLocation = false ) { let location = XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.getLocation( aUseSystemLocation ? XPIExports.XPIInternal.KEY_APP_SYSTEM_PROFILE : XPIExports.XPIInternal.KEY_APP_PROFILE ); let install = await createLocalInstall( aFile, location, aInstallTelemetryInfo ); return install ? install.wrapper : null; }, /** * Called to get the current AddonInstalls, optionally limiting to a list of * types. * * @param {Array?} aTypes * An array of types or null to get all types * @returns {AddonInstall[]} */ getInstallsByTypes(aTypes) { let results = [...this.installs]; if (aTypes) { results = results.filter(install => { return aTypes.includes(install.type); }); } return results.map(install => install.wrapper); }, /** * Temporarily installs add-on from a local XPI file or directory. * As this is intended for development, the signature is not checked and * the add-on does not persist on application restart. * * @param {nsIFile} aFile * An nsIFile for the unpacked add-on directory or XPI file. * * @returns {Promise} * A Promise that resolves to an Addon object on success, or rejects * if the add-on is not a valid restartless add-on or if the * same ID is already installed. */ async installTemporaryAddon(aFile) { let installLocation = XPIExports.XPIInternal.TemporaryInstallLocation; if (XPIExports.XPIInternal.isXPI(aFile.leafName)) { flushJarCache(aFile); } let addon = await loadManifestFromFile(aFile, installLocation); addon.rootURI = XPIExports.XPIInternal.getURIForResourceInFile( aFile, "" ).spec; await this._activateAddon(addon, { temporarilyInstalled: true }); logger.debug(`Install of temporary addon in ${aFile.path} completed.`); return addon.wrapper; }, /** * Installs an add-on from a built-in location * (ie a resource: url referencing assets shipped with the application) * * @param {string} base * A string containing the base URL. Must be a resource: URL. * @returns {Promise} * A Promise that resolves to an Addon object when the addon is * installed. */ async installBuiltinAddon(base) { // We have to get this before the install, as the install will overwrite // the pref. We then keep the value for this run, so we can restore // the selected theme once it becomes available. if (lastSelectedTheme === null) { lastSelectedTheme = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SELECTED_THEME, ""); } let baseURL = Services.io.newURI(base); // WebExtensions need to be able to iterate through the contents of // an extension (for localization). It knows how to do this with // jar: and file: URLs, so translate the provided base URL to // something it can use. if (baseURL.scheme !== "resource") { throw new Error("Built-in addons must use resource: URLS"); } let pkg = builtinPackage(baseURL); let addon = await loadManifest(pkg, XPIExports.XPIInternal.BuiltInLocation); addon.rootURI = base; // If this is a theme, decide whether to enable it. Themes are // disabled by default. However: // // We always want one theme to be active, falling back to the // default theme when the active theme is disabled. // During a theme migration, such as a change in the path to the addon, we // will need to ensure a correct theme is enabled. if (addon.type === "theme") { if ( addon.id === lastSelectedTheme || (!lastSelectedTheme.endsWith("@mozilla.org") && addon.id === lazy.AddonSettings.DEFAULT_THEME_ID && !XPIExports.XPIDatabase.getAddonsByType("theme").some( theme => !theme.disabled )) ) { addon.userDisabled = false; } } await this._activateAddon(addon); return addon.wrapper; }, /** * Activate a newly installed addon. * This function handles all the bookkeeping related to a new addon * and invokes whatever bootstrap methods are necessary. * Note that this function is only used for temporary and built-in * installs, it is very similar to AddonInstall::startInstall(). * It would be great to merge this function with that one some day. * * @param {AddonInternal} addon The addon to activate * @param {object} [extraParams] Any extra parameters to pass to the * bootstrap install() method * * @returns {Promise} */ async _activateAddon(addon, extraParams = {}) { if (addon.appDisabled) { let message = `Add-on ${addon.id} is not compatible with application version.`; let app = addon.matchingTargetApplication; if (app) { if (app.minVersion) { message += ` add-on minVersion: ${app.minVersion}.`; } if (app.maxVersion) { message += ` add-on maxVersion: ${app.maxVersion}.`; } } throw new Error(message); } let oldAddon = await XPIExports.XPIDatabase.getVisibleAddonForID(addon.id); let willActivate = !oldAddon || oldAddon.location == addon.location || addon.location.hasPrecedence(oldAddon.location); let install = () => { addon.visible = willActivate; // Themes are generally not enabled by default at install time, // unless enabled by the front-end code. If they are meant to be // enabled, they will already have been enabled by this point. if (addon.type !== "theme" || addon.location.isTemporary) { addon.userDisabled = false; } addon.active = addon.visible && !addon.disabled; addon = XPIExports.XPIDatabase.addToDatabase( addon, addon._sourceBundle ? addon._sourceBundle.path : null ); XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.addAddon(addon); XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.save(); }; AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onInstalling", addon.wrapper); if (!willActivate) { addon.installDate = Date.now(); install(); } else if (oldAddon) { logger.warn( `Addon with ID ${oldAddon.id} already installed, ` + "older version will be disabled" ); addon.installDate = oldAddon.installDate; await XPIExports.XPIInternal.BootstrapScope.get(oldAddon).update( addon, true, install ); } else { addon.installDate = Date.now(); install(); let bootstrap = XPIExports.XPIInternal.BootstrapScope.get(addon); await bootstrap.install(undefined, true, extraParams); } AddonManagerPrivate.callInstallListeners( "onExternalInstall", null, addon.wrapper, oldAddon ? oldAddon.wrapper : null, false ); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onInstalled", addon.wrapper); // Notify providers that a new theme has been enabled. if (addon.type === "theme" && !addon.userDisabled) { AddonManagerPrivate.notifyAddonChanged(addon.id, addon.type, false); } }, /** * Uninstalls an add-on, immediately if possible or marks it as pending * uninstall if not. * * @param {DBAddonInternal} aAddon * The DBAddonInternal to uninstall * @param {boolean} aForcePending * Force this addon into the pending uninstall state (used * e.g. while the add-on manager is open and offering an * "undo" button) * @throws if the addon cannot be uninstalled because it is in an install * location that does not allow it */ async uninstallAddon(aAddon, aForcePending) { if (!aAddon.inDatabase) { throw new Error( `Cannot uninstall addon ${aAddon.id} because it is not installed` ); } let { location } = aAddon; // If the addon is sideloaded into a location that does not allow // sideloads, it is a legacy sideload. We allow those to be uninstalled. let isLegacySideload = aAddon.foreignInstall && !(location.scope & lazy.AddonSettings.SCOPES_SIDELOAD); if (location.locked && !isLegacySideload) { throw new Error( `Cannot uninstall addon ${aAddon.id} ` + `from locked install location ${location.name}` ); } if (aForcePending && aAddon.pendingUninstall) { throw new Error("Add-on is already marked to be uninstalled"); } if (aAddon._updateCheck) { logger.debug(`Cancel in-progress update check for ${aAddon.id}`); aAddon._updateCheck.cancel(); } let wasActive = aAddon.active; let wasPending = aAddon.pendingUninstall; if (aForcePending) { // We create an empty directory in the staging directory to indicate // that an uninstall is necessary on next startup. Temporary add-ons are // automatically uninstalled on shutdown anyway so there is no need to // do this for them. if (!aAddon.location.isTemporary && aAddon.location.installer) { let stage = getFile( aAddon.id, aAddon.location.installer.getStagingDir() ); if (!stage.exists()) { stage.create( Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, lazy.FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY ); } } XPIExports.XPIDatabase.setAddonProperties(aAddon, { pendingUninstall: true, }); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_PENDING_OPERATIONS, true); let xpiState = aAddon.location.get(aAddon.id); if (xpiState) { xpiState.enabled = false; XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.save(); } else { logger.warn( "Can't find XPI state while uninstalling ${id} from ${location}", aAddon ); } } // If the add-on is not visible then there is no need to notify listeners. if (!aAddon.visible) { return; } let wrapper = aAddon.wrapper; // If the add-on wasn't already pending uninstall then notify listeners. if (!wasPending) { AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners( "onUninstalling", wrapper, !!aForcePending ); } let existingAddon = XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.findAddon( aAddon.id, loc => loc != aAddon.location ); let bootstrap = XPIExports.XPIInternal.BootstrapScope.get(aAddon); if (!aForcePending) { let existing; if (existingAddon) { existing = await XPIExports.XPIDatabase.getAddonInLocation( aAddon.id, existingAddon.location.name ); } let uninstall = () => { XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.disableAddon(aAddon.id); if (aAddon.location.installer) { aAddon.location.installer.uninstallAddon(aAddon.id); } XPIExports.XPIDatabase.removeAddonMetadata(aAddon); aAddon.location.removeAddon(aAddon.id); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onUninstalled", wrapper); if (existing) { // Migrate back to the existing addon, unless it was a builtin colorway theme, // in that case we also make sure to remove the addon from the builtin location. if ( existing.isBuiltinColorwayTheme && XPIExports.BuiltInThemesHelpers.isColorwayMigrationEnabled ) { existing.location.removeAddon(existing.id); } else { XPIExports.XPIDatabase.makeAddonVisible(existing); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners( "onInstalling", existing.wrapper, false ); if (!existing.disabled) { XPIExports.XPIDatabase.updateAddonActive(existing, true); } } } }; // Migrate back to the existing addon, unless it was a builtin colorway theme. if ( existing && !( existing.isBuiltinColorwayTheme && XPIExports.BuiltInThemesHelpers.isColorwayMigrationEnabled ) ) { await bootstrap.update(existing, !existing.disabled, uninstall); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onInstalled", existing.wrapper); } else { aAddon.location.removeAddon(aAddon.id); await bootstrap.uninstall(); uninstall(); } } else if (aAddon.active) { XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.disableAddon(aAddon.id); bootstrap.shutdown( XPIExports.XPIInternal.BOOTSTRAP_REASONS.ADDON_UNINSTALL ); XPIExports.XPIDatabase.updateAddonActive(aAddon, false); } // Notify any other providers that a new theme has been enabled // (when the active theme is uninstalled, the default theme is enabled). if (aAddon.type === "theme" && wasActive) { AddonManagerPrivate.notifyAddonChanged(null, aAddon.type); } }, /** * Cancels the pending uninstall of an add-on. * * @param {DBAddonInternal} aAddon * The DBAddonInternal to cancel uninstall for */ cancelUninstallAddon(aAddon) { if (!aAddon.inDatabase) { throw new Error("Can only cancel uninstall for installed addons."); } if (!aAddon.pendingUninstall) { throw new Error("Add-on is not marked to be uninstalled"); } if (!aAddon.location.isTemporary && aAddon.location.installer) { aAddon.location.installer.cleanStagingDir([aAddon.id]); } XPIExports.XPIDatabase.setAddonProperties(aAddon, { pendingUninstall: false, }); if (!aAddon.visible) { return; } aAddon.location.get(aAddon.id).syncWithDB(aAddon); XPIExports.XPIInternal.XPIStates.save(); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_PENDING_OPERATIONS, true); if (!aAddon.disabled) { XPIExports.XPIInternal.BootstrapScope.get(aAddon).startup( XPIExports.XPIInternal.BOOTSTRAP_REASONS.ADDON_INSTALL ); XPIExports.XPIDatabase.updateAddonActive(aAddon, true); } let wrapper = aAddon.wrapper; AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onOperationCancelled", wrapper); // Notify any other providers that this theme is now enabled again. if (aAddon.type === "theme" && aAddon.active) { AddonManagerPrivate.notifyAddonChanged(aAddon.id, aAddon.type, false); } }, DirectoryInstaller, SystemAddonInstaller, };