/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { AddonTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/AddonTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); AddonTestUtils.initMochitest(this); function assertInSection(card, sectionName, msg) { let section = card.closest("section"); let heading = section.querySelector(".list-section-heading"); is( card.ownerDocument.l10n.getAttributes(heading).id, `extension-${sectionName}-heading`, msg ); } function waitForAnimationFrame(win) { return new Promise(resolve => win.requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); } async function clickEnableToggle(card) { let isDisabled = card.addon.userDisabled; let addonEvent = isDisabled ? "onEnabled" : "onDisabled"; let addonStateChanged = AddonTestUtils.promiseAddonEvent(addonEvent); let win = card.ownerGlobal; let button = card.querySelector(".extension-enable-button"); // Centre the button since "start" could be behind the sticky header. button.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" }); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, { type: "mousemove" }, win); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, {}, win); await addonStateChanged; await waitForAnimationFrame(win); } function mouseOver(el) { let win = el.ownerGlobal; el.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" }); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(el, { type: "mousemove" }, win); return waitForAnimationFrame(win); } function mouseOutOfList(win) { return mouseOver(win.document.querySelector(".header-name")); } function pressKey(win, key) { EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, {}, win); return waitForAnimationFrame(win); } function waitForTransitionEnd(...els) { return Promise.all( els.map(el => BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(el, "transitionend", false, e => { let cardEl = el.firstElementChild; return e.target == cardEl && e.propertyName == "transform"; }) ) ); } add_setup(async function () { // Ensure prefers-reduced-motion isn't set. Some linux environments will have // this enabled by default. await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["ui.prefersReducedMotion", 0]], }); }); add_task(async function testReordering() { let addonIds = [ "one@mochi.test", "two@mochi.test", "three@mochi.test", "four@mochi.test", "five@mochi.test", ]; let extensions = addonIds.map(id => ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { name: id, browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id } }, }, useAddonManager: "temporary", }) ); await Promise.all(extensions.map(ext => ext.startup())); let win = await loadInitialView("extension", { withAnimations: true }); let cardOne = getAddonCard(win, "one@mochi.test"); ok(!cardOne.addon.userDisabled, "extension one is enabled"); assertInSection(cardOne, "enabled", "cardOne is initially in Enabled"); await clickEnableToggle(cardOne); ok(cardOne.addon.userDisabled, "extension one is now disabled"); assertInSection(cardOne, "enabled", "cardOne is still in Enabled"); let cardThree = getAddonCard(win, "three@mochi.test"); ok(!cardThree.addon.userDisabled, "extension three is enabled"); assertInSection(cardThree, "enabled", "cardThree is initially in Enabled"); await clickEnableToggle(cardThree); ok(cardThree.addon.userDisabled, "extension three is now disabled"); assertInSection(cardThree, "enabled", "cardThree is still in Enabled"); let transitionsEnded = waitForTransitionEnd(cardOne, cardThree); await mouseOutOfList(win); await transitionsEnded; assertInSection(cardOne, "disabled", "cardOne has moved to disabled"); assertInSection(cardThree, "disabled", "cardThree has moved to disabled"); await clickEnableToggle(cardThree); await clickEnableToggle(cardOne); assertInSection(cardOne, "disabled", "cardOne is still in disabled"); assertInSection(cardThree, "disabled", "cardThree is still in disabled"); info("Opening a more options menu"); let panel = cardThree.querySelector("panel-list"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( cardThree.querySelector('[action="more-options"]'), {}, win ); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "shown"); await mouseOutOfList(win); assertInSection(cardOne, "disabled", "cardOne stays in disabled, menu open"); assertInSection(cardThree, "disabled", "cardThree stays in disabled"); transitionsEnded = waitForTransitionEnd(cardOne, cardThree); // We intentionally turn off this a11y check, because the following click // is purposefully targeting a non-interactive element to clear the focused // state with a mouse which can be done by assistive technology and keyboard // by pressing `Esc` key, this rule check shall be ignored by a11y_checks suite. AccessibilityUtils.setEnv({ mustHaveAccessibleRule: false }); // Click outside the list to clear any focus. EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( win.document.querySelector(".header-name"), {}, win ); AccessibilityUtils.resetEnv(); await transitionsEnded; assertInSection(cardOne, "enabled", "cardOne is now in enabled"); assertInSection(cardThree, "enabled", "cardThree is now in enabled"); let cardOneToggle = cardOne.querySelector(".extension-enable-button"); cardOneToggle.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" }); cardOneToggle.focus(); await pressKey(win, " "); await waitForAnimationFrame(win); let cardThreeToggle = cardThree.querySelector(".extension-enable-button"); let addonList = win.document.querySelector("addon-list"); // Tab down to cardThreeToggle. while ( addonList.contains(win.document.activeElement) && win.document.activeElement !== cardThreeToggle ) { await pressKey(win, "VK_TAB"); } await pressKey(win, " "); assertInSection(cardOne, "enabled", "cardOne is still in enabled"); assertInSection(cardThree, "enabled", "cardThree is still in enabled"); transitionsEnded = waitForTransitionEnd(cardOne, cardThree); win.document.querySelector('[action="page-options"]').focus(); await transitionsEnded; assertInSection( cardOne, "disabled", "cardOne is now in the disabled section" ); assertInSection( cardThree, "disabled", "cardThree is now in the disabled section" ); // Ensure an uninstalled extension is removed right away. // Hover a card in the middle of the list. await mouseOver(getAddonCard(win, "two@mochi.test")); await cardOne.addon.uninstall(true); ok(!cardOne.parentNode, "cardOne has been removed from the document"); await closeView(win); await Promise.all(extensions.map(ext => ext.unload())); });