/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const ABOUT_ADDONS_URL = "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/aboutaddons.html"; const dragService = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/dragservice;1"].getService( Ci.nsIDragService ); // Test that the drag-drop-addon-installer component installs add-ons and is // included in about:addons. There is an issue with EventUtils.synthesizeDrop // where it throws an exception when you give it an subbrowser so we test // the component directly. async function checkInstallConfirmation(...names) { let notificationCount = 0; let observer = { observe(aSubject) { let installInfo = aSubject.wrappedJSObject; isnot( installInfo.browser, null, "Notification should have non-null browser" ); is( installInfo.installs.length, 1, "Got one AddonInstall instance as expected" ); Assert.deepEqual( installInfo.installs[0].installTelemetryInfo, { source: "about:addons", method: "drag-and-drop" }, "Got the expected installTelemetryInfo" ); notificationCount++; }, }; Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "addon-install-started"); let results = []; let promise = promisePopupNotificationShown("addon-webext-permissions"); for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { let panel = await promise; let name = panel.getAttribute("name"); results.push(name); info(`Saw install for ${name}`); if (results.length < names.length) { info( `Waiting for installs for ${names.filter(n => !results.includes(n))}` ); promise = promisePopupNotificationShown("addon-webext-permissions"); } panel.secondaryButton.click(); } Assert.deepEqual(results.sort(), names.sort(), "Got expected installs"); is( notificationCount, names.length, `Saw ${names.length} addon-install-started notification` ); Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "addon-install-started"); } function getDragOverTarget(win) { return win.document.querySelector("categories-box"); } function getDropTarget(win) { return win.document.querySelector("drag-drop-addon-installer"); } function withTestPage(fn) { return BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { url: ABOUT_ADDONS_URL, gBrowser }, async browser => { let win = browser.contentWindow; await win.customElements.whenDefined("drag-drop-addon-installer"); await fn(browser); } ); } function initDragSession({ dragData, dropEffect }) { let dropAction; switch (dropEffect) { case null: case undefined: case "move": dropAction = _EU_Ci.nsIDragService.DRAGDROP_ACTION_MOVE; break; case "copy": dropAction = _EU_Ci.nsIDragService.DRAGDROP_ACTION_COPY; break; case "link": dropAction = _EU_Ci.nsIDragService.DRAGDROP_ACTION_LINK; break; default: throw new Error(`${dropEffect} is an invalid drop effect value`); } const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer(); dataTransfer.dropEffect = dropEffect; for (let i = 0; i < dragData.length; i++) { const item = dragData[i]; for (let j = 0; j < item.length; j++) { dataTransfer.mozSetDataAt(item[j].type, item[j].data, i); } } dragService.startDragSessionForTests(dropAction); const session = dragService.getCurrentSession(); session.dataTransfer = dataTransfer; return session; } async function simulateDragAndDrop(win, dragData) { const dropTarget = getDropTarget(win); const dragOverTarget = getDragOverTarget(win); const dropEffect = "move"; const session = initDragSession({ dragData, dropEffect }); info("Simulate drag over and wait for the drop target to be visible"); EventUtils.synthesizeDragOver( dragOverTarget, dragOverTarget, dragData, dropEffect, win ); // This make sure that the fake dataTransfer has still // the expected drop effect after the synthesizeDragOver call. session.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "move"; await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition( () => !dropTarget.hidden, "Wait for the drop target element to be visible" ); info("Simulate drop dragData on drop target"); EventUtils.synthesizeDropAfterDragOver( null, session.dataTransfer, dropTarget, win, { _domDispatchOnly: true } ); dragService.endDragSession(true); } // Simulates dropping a URL onto the manager add_task(async function test_drop_url() { for (let fileType of ["xpi", "zip"]) { await withTestPage(async browser => { const url = TESTROOT + `addons/browser_dragdrop1.${fileType}`; const promise = checkInstallConfirmation("Drag Drop test 1"); await simulateDragAndDrop(browser.contentWindow, [ [{ type: "text/x-moz-url", data: url }], ]); await promise; }); } }); // Simulates dropping a file onto the manager add_task(async function test_drop_file() { for (let fileType of ["xpi", "zip"]) { await withTestPage(async browser => { let fileurl = get_addon_file_url(`browser_dragdrop1.${fileType}`); let promise = checkInstallConfirmation("Drag Drop test 1"); await simulateDragAndDrop(browser.contentWindow, [ [{ type: "application/x-moz-file", data: fileurl.file }], ]); await promise; }); } }); // Simulates dropping two urls onto the manager add_task(async function test_drop_multiple_urls() { await withTestPage(async browser => { let url1 = TESTROOT + "addons/browser_dragdrop1.xpi"; let url2 = TESTROOT2 + "addons/browser_dragdrop2.zip"; let promise = checkInstallConfirmation( "Drag Drop test 1", "Drag Drop test 2" ); await simulateDragAndDrop(browser.contentWindow, [ [{ type: "text/x-moz-url", data: url1 }], [{ type: "text/x-moz-url", data: url2 }], ]); await promise; }); }).skip(); // TODO(rpl): this fails because mozSetDataAt throws IndexSizeError. // Simulates dropping two files onto the manager add_task(async function test_drop_multiple_files() { await withTestPage(async browser => { let fileurl1 = get_addon_file_url("browser_dragdrop1.zip"); let fileurl2 = get_addon_file_url("browser_dragdrop2.xpi"); let promise = checkInstallConfirmation( "Drag Drop test 1", "Drag Drop test 2" ); await simulateDragAndDrop(browser.contentWindow, [ [{ type: "application/x-moz-file", data: fileurl1.file }], [{ type: "application/x-moz-file", data: fileurl2.file }], ]); await promise; }); }).skip(); // TODO(rpl): this fails because mozSetDataAt throws IndexSizeError. // Simulates dropping a file and a url onto the manager (weird, but should still work) add_task(async function test_drop_file_and_url() { await withTestPage(async browser => { let url = TESTROOT + "addons/browser_dragdrop1.xpi"; let fileurl = get_addon_file_url("browser_dragdrop2.zip"); let promise = checkInstallConfirmation( "Drag Drop test 1", "Drag Drop test 2" ); await simulateDragAndDrop(browser.contentWindow, [ [{ type: "text/x-moz-url", data: url }], [{ type: "application/x-moz-file", data: fileurl.file }], ]); await promise; }); }).skip(); // TODO(rpl): this fails because mozSetDataAt throws IndexSizeError. // Test that drag-and-drop of an incompatible addon generates // an error. add_task(async function test_drop_incompat_file() { await withTestPage(async browser => { let url = `${TESTROOT}/addons/browser_dragdrop_incompat.xpi`; let panelPromise = promisePopupNotificationShown("addon-install-failed"); await simulateDragAndDrop(browser.contentWindow, [ [{ type: "text/x-moz-url", data: url }], ]); let panel = await panelPromise; ok(panel, "Got addon-install-failed popup"); panel.button.click(); }); });