/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* eslint max-len: ["error", 80] */ "use strict"; let gProvider; const { STATE_BLOCKED, STATE_SOFTBLOCKED } = Ci.nsIBlocklistService; const appVersion = Services.appinfo.version; const SUPPORT_URL = Services.urlFormatter.formatURL( Services.prefs.getStringPref("app.support.baseURL") ); add_setup(async function () { gProvider = new MockProvider(); }); async function checkMessageState(id, addonType, expected) { async function checkAddonCard() { let card = doc.querySelector(`addon-card[addon-id="${id}"]`); let messageBar = card.querySelector(".addon-card-message"); if (!expected) { ok(messageBar.hidden, "message is hidden"); } else { const { linkUrl, text, type } = expected; await BrowserTestUtils.waitForMutationCondition( messageBar, { attributes: true }, () => !messageBar.hidden ); ok(!messageBar.hidden, "message is visible"); is(messageBar.getAttribute("type"), type, "message has the right type"); Assert.deepEqual( document.l10n.getAttributes(messageBar), { id: `${text.id}2`, args: text.args }, "message l10n data is set correctly" ); const link = messageBar.querySelector("button"); if (linkUrl) { ok(!link.hidden, "link is visible"); is( link.getAttribute("data-l10n-id"), `${text.id}-link`, "link l10n id is correct" ); const newTab = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(gBrowser, linkUrl); link.click(); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(await newTab); } else { ok(link.hidden, "link is hidden"); } } return card; } let win = await loadInitialView(addonType); let doc = win.document; // Check the list view. ok(doc.querySelector("addon-list"), "this is a list view"); let card = await checkAddonCard(); // Load the detail view. let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); card.querySelector('[action="expand"]').click(); await loaded; // Check the detail view. ok(!doc.querySelector("addon-list"), "this isn't a list view"); await checkAddonCard(); await closeView(win); } add_task(async function testNoMessageExtension() { let id = "no-message@mochi.test"; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id } } }, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await extension.startup(); await checkMessageState(id, "extension", null); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function testNoMessageLangpack() { let id = "no-message@mochi.test"; gProvider.createAddons([ { appDisabled: true, id, name: "Signed Langpack", signedState: AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_SIGNED, type: "locale", }, ]); await checkMessageState(id, "locale", null); }); add_task(async function testBlocked() { const id = "blocked@mochi.test"; const linkUrl = "https://example.com/addon-blocked"; const name = "Blocked"; gProvider.createAddons([ { appDisabled: true, blocklistState: STATE_BLOCKED, blocklistURL: linkUrl, id, isActive: false, name, }, ]); await checkMessageState(id, "extension", { linkUrl, text: { id: "details-notification-blocked", args: { name } }, type: "error", }); }); add_task(async function testUnsignedDisabled() { // This pref being disabled will cause the `specialpowers` addon to be // uninstalled, which can cause a number of test failures due to features no // longer working correctly. // In order to avoid those issues, this code manually disables the pref, and // ensures that `SpecialPowers` is fully re-enabled at the end of the test. const sigPref = "xpinstall.signatures.required"; Services.prefs.setBoolPref(sigPref, true); const id = "unsigned@mochi.test"; const name = "Unsigned"; gProvider.createAddons([ { appDisabled: true, id, name, signedState: AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING, }, ]); await checkMessageState(id, "extension", { linkUrl: SUPPORT_URL + "unsigned-addons", text: { id: "details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled", args: { name } }, type: "error", }); // Ensure that `SpecialPowers` is fully re-initialized at the end of this // test. This requires removing the existing binding so that it's // re-registered, re-enabling unsigned extensions, and then waiting for the // actor to be registered and ready. delete window.SpecialPowers; Services.prefs.setBoolPref(sigPref, false); await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { try { return !!windowGlobalChild.getActor("SpecialPowers"); } catch (e) { return false; } }, "wait for SpecialPowers to be reloaded"); ok(window.SpecialPowers, "SpecialPowers should be re-defined"); }); add_task(async function testUnsignedLangpackDisabled() { const id = "unsigned-langpack@mochi.test"; const name = "Unsigned"; gProvider.createAddons([ { appDisabled: true, id, name, signedState: AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING, type: "locale", }, ]); await checkMessageState(id, "locale", { linkUrl: SUPPORT_URL + "unsigned-addons", text: { id: "details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled", args: { name } }, type: "error", }); }); add_task(async function testIncompatible() { const id = "incompatible@mochi.test"; const name = "Incompatible"; gProvider.createAddons([ { appDisabled: true, id, isActive: false, isCompatible: false, name, }, ]); await checkMessageState(id, "extension", { text: { id: "details-notification-incompatible", args: { name, version: appVersion }, }, type: "error", }); }); add_task(async function testUnsignedEnabled() { const id = "unsigned-allowed@mochi.test"; const name = "Unsigned"; gProvider.createAddons([ { id, name, signedState: AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING, }, ]); await checkMessageState(id, "extension", { linkUrl: SUPPORT_URL + "unsigned-addons", text: { id: "details-notification-unsigned", args: { name } }, type: "warning", }); }); add_task(async function testUnsignedLangpackEnabled() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["extensions.langpacks.signatures.required", false]], }); const id = "unsigned-allowed-langpack@mochi.test"; const name = "Unsigned Langpack"; gProvider.createAddons([ { id, name, signedState: AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING, type: "locale", }, ]); await checkMessageState(id, "locale", { linkUrl: SUPPORT_URL + "unsigned-addons", text: { id: "details-notification-unsigned", args: { name } }, type: "warning", }); await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); }); add_task(async function testSoftBlocked() { const id = "softblocked@mochi.test"; const linkUrl = "https://example.com/addon-blocked"; const name = "Soft Blocked"; gProvider.createAddons([ { appDisabled: true, blocklistState: STATE_SOFTBLOCKED, blocklistURL: linkUrl, id, isActive: false, name, }, ]); await checkMessageState(id, "extension", { linkUrl, text: { id: "details-notification-softblocked", args: { name } }, type: "warning", }); }); add_task(async function testPluginInstalling() { const id = "plugin-installing@mochi.test"; const name = "Plugin Installing"; gProvider.createAddons([ { id, isActive: true, isGMPlugin: true, isInstalled: false, name, type: "plugin", }, ]); await checkMessageState(id, "plugin", { text: { id: "details-notification-gmp-pending", args: { name } }, type: "warning", }); });