"use strict"; const { PromiseTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/PromiseTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); PromiseTestUtils.allowMatchingRejectionsGlobally( /Message manager disconnected/ ); async function loadShortcutsView() { let win = await loadInitialView("extension"); // There should be a manage shortcuts link. let shortcutsLink = win.document.querySelector('[action="manage-shortcuts"]'); // Open the shortcuts view. let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); shortcutsLink.click(); await loaded; return win; } add_task(async function testDuplicateShortcutsWarnings() { let duplicateCommands = { commandOne: { suggested_key: { default: "Shift+Alt+1" }, }, commandTwo: { description: "Command Two!", suggested_key: { default: "Shift+Alt+2" }, }, }; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { commands: duplicateCommands, name: "Extension 1", }, background() { browser.test.sendMessage("ready"); }, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("ready"); let extension2 = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { commands: { ...duplicateCommands, commandThree: { description: "Command Three!", suggested_key: { default: "Shift+Alt+3" }, }, }, name: "Extension 2", }, background() { browser.test.sendMessage("ready"); }, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await extension2.startup(); await extension2.awaitMessage("ready"); let win = await loadShortcutsView(); let doc = win.document; let warningBars = doc.querySelectorAll("moz-message-bar"); // Ensure warning messages are shown for each duplicate shorctut. is( warningBars.length, Object.keys(duplicateCommands).length, "There is a warning message bar for each duplicate shortcut" ); // Ensure warning messages are correct with correct shortcuts. let count = 1; for (let warning of warningBars) { let l10nAttrs = doc.l10n.getAttributes(warning); await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => warning.message !== ""); Assert.notStrictEqual( warning.message, "", "Warning message attribute is set" ); is( l10nAttrs.id, "shortcuts-duplicate-warning-message2", "Warning message l10nId is correct" ); Assert.deepEqual( l10nAttrs.args, { shortcut: `Shift+Alt+${count}` }, "Warning message shortcut is correct" ); count++; } ["Shift+Alt+1", "Shift+Alt+2"].forEach((shortcut, index) => { // Ensure warning messages are correct with correct shortcuts. let warning = warningBars[index]; let l10nAttrs = doc.l10n.getAttributes(warning); Assert.notStrictEqual( warning.message, "", "Warning message attribute is set" ); is( l10nAttrs.id, "shortcuts-duplicate-warning-message2", "Warning message l10nId is correct" ); Assert.deepEqual( l10nAttrs.args, { shortcut }, "Warning message shortcut is correct" ); // Check if all inputs have warning style. let inputs = doc.querySelectorAll(`input[shortcut="${shortcut}"]`); for (let input of inputs) { // Check if warning error message is shown on focus. input.focus(); let error = doc.querySelector(".error-message"); let label = error.querySelector(".error-message-label"); is(error.style.visibility, "visible", "The error element is shown"); is( error.getAttribute("type"), "warning", "Duplicate shortcut has warning class" ); is( label.dataset.l10nId, "shortcuts-duplicate", "Correct error message is shown" ); // On keypress events wrning class should be removed. EventUtils.synthesizeKey("A"); ok( !error.classList.contains("warning"), "Error element should not have warning class" ); input.blur(); is( error.style.visibility, "hidden", "The error element is hidden on blur" ); } }); await closeView(win); await extension.unload(); await extension2.unload(); }); add_task(async function testDuplicateShortcutOnMacOSCtrlKey() { if (AppConstants.platform !== "macosx") { ok( true, `Skipping macos specific test on platform ${AppConstants.platform}` ); return; } const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ useAddonManager: "temporary", manifest: { name: "Extension 1", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: "extension1@mochi.test" }, }, commands: { commandOne: { // Cover expected mac normalized shortcut on default shortcut. suggested_key: { default: "Ctrl+Shift+1" }, }, commandTwo: { suggested_key: { default: "Alt+Shift+2", // Cover expected mac normalized shortcut on mac-specific shortcut. mac: "Ctrl+Shift+2", }, }, }, }, }); const extension2 = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ useAddonManager: "temporary", manifest: { name: "Extension 2", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: "extension2@mochi.test" }, }, commands: { anotherCommand: {}, }, }, }); await extension.startup(); await extension2.startup(); const win = await loadShortcutsView(); const doc = win.document; const errorEl = doc.querySelector("addon-shortcuts .error-message"); const errorLabel = errorEl.querySelector(".error-message-label"); ok( BrowserTestUtils.isHidden(errorEl), "Expect shortcut error element to be initially hidden" ); const getShortcutInput = commandName => doc.querySelector(`input.shortcut-input[name="${commandName}"]`); const assertDuplicateShortcutWarning = async msg => { await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(errorEl), `Wait for the shortcut-duplicate error to be visible on ${msg}` ); Assert.deepEqual( document.l10n.getAttributes(errorLabel), { id: "shortcuts-exists", args: { addon: "Extension 1" }, }, `Got the expected warning message on duplicate shortcut on ${msg}` ); }; const clearWarning = async () => { anotherCommandInput.blur(); await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => BrowserTestUtils.isHidden(errorEl), "Wait for the shortcut-duplicate error to be hidden" ); }; const anotherCommandInput = getShortcutInput("anotherCommand"); anotherCommandInput.focus(); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("1", { metaKey: true, shiftKey: true }); await assertDuplicateShortcutWarning("shortcut conflict with commandOne"); await clearWarning(anotherCommandInput); anotherCommandInput.focus(); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("2", { metaKey: true, shiftKey: true }); await assertDuplicateShortcutWarning("shortcut conflict with commandTwo"); await clearWarning(anotherCommandInput); await closeView(win); await extension.unload(); await extension2.unload(); });