/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const THEME_ID = "default-theme@mozilla.org"; function assertViewHas(win, selector, msg) { ok(win.document.querySelector(selector), msg); } function assertListView(win, type) { assertViewHas(win, `addon-list[type="${type}"]`, `On ${type} list`); } add_task(async function testClickingSidebarEntriesChangesView() { let win = await loadInitialView("extension"); let doc = win.document; let themeCategory = doc.querySelector("#categories > [name=theme]"); let extensionCategory = doc.querySelector("#categories > [name=extension]"); assertListView(win, "extension"); let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); themeCategory.click(); await loaded; assertListView(win, "theme"); loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); getAddonCard(win, THEME_ID).querySelector(".addon-name-link").click(); await loaded; ok(!doc.querySelector("addon-list"), "No more addon-list"); assertViewHas( win, `addon-card[addon-id="${THEME_ID}"][expanded]`, "Detail view now" ); loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(themeCategory, {}, win); await loaded; assertListView(win, "theme"); loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(extensionCategory, {}, win); await loaded; assertListView(win, "extension"); await closeView(win); }); add_task(async function testClickingSidebarPaddingNoChange() { let win = await loadInitialView("theme"); let categoryUtils = new CategoryUtilities(win); let themeCategory = categoryUtils.get("theme"); let loadDetailView = async () => { let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); getAddonCard(win, THEME_ID).querySelector(".addon-name-link").click(); await loaded; is( win.gViewController.currentViewId, `addons://detail/${THEME_ID}`, "The detail view loaded" ); }; // Confirm that clicking the button directly works. await loadDetailView(); let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(themeCategory, {}, win); await loaded; is( win.gViewController.currentViewId, `addons://list/theme`, "The detail view loaded" ); // Confirm that clicking on the padding beside it does nothing. await loadDetailView(); // We intentionally turn off this a11y check, because the following click // is purposefully targeting a non-interactive padding of the container // to confirm nothing happens, thus this rule check shall be ignored by // a11y_checks suite. AccessibilityUtils.setEnv({ mustHaveAccessibleRule: false }); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(themeCategory, -5, -5, {}, win); AccessibilityUtils.resetEnv(); ok(!win.gViewController.isLoading, "No view is loading"); await closeView(win); }); add_task(async function testKeyboardUsage() { let win = await loadInitialView("extension"); let categories = win.document.getElementById("categories"); let extensionCategory = categories.getButtonByName("extension"); let themeCategory = categories.getButtonByName("theme"); let pluginCategory = categories.getButtonByName("plugin"); let waitForAnimationFrame = () => new Promise(resolve => win.requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); let sendKey = (key, e = {}) => { EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, e, win); return waitForAnimationFrame(); }; let sendTabKey = e => sendKey("VK_TAB", e); let isFocusInCategories = () => categories.contains(win.document.activeElement); ok(!isFocusInCategories(), "Focus is not in the category list"); // Tab to the first focusable element. await sendTabKey(); ok(isFocusInCategories(), "Focus is in the category list"); is( win.document.activeElement, extensionCategory, "The extension button is focused" ); // Tab out of the categories list. await sendTabKey(); ok(!isFocusInCategories(), "Focus is out of the category list"); // Tab back into the list. await sendTabKey({ shiftKey: true }); is(win.document.activeElement, extensionCategory, "Back on Extensions"); // We're on the extension list. assertListView(win, "extension"); // Switch to theme list. let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); await sendKey("VK_DOWN"); is(win.document.activeElement, themeCategory, "Themes is focused"); await loaded; assertListView(win, "theme"); loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); await sendKey("VK_DOWN"); is(win.document.activeElement, pluginCategory, "Plugins is focused"); await loaded; assertListView(win, "plugin"); await sendKey("VK_DOWN"); is(win.document.activeElement, pluginCategory, "Plugins is still focused"); ok(!win.gViewController.isLoading, "No view is loading"); loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); await sendKey("VK_UP"); await loaded; loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); await sendKey("VK_UP"); await loaded; is(win.document.activeElement, extensionCategory, "Extensions is focused"); assertListView(win, "extension"); await closeView(win); });