"use strict"; const { ProductAddonChecker } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/addons/ProductAddonChecker.sys.mjs" ); const LocalFile = new Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/file/local;1", Ci.nsIFile, "initWithPath" ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("media.gmp-manager.updateEnabled", true); var testserver = new HttpServer(); testserver.registerDirectory("/data/", do_get_file("data/productaddons")); testserver.start(); var root = testserver.identity.primaryScheme + "://" + testserver.identity.primaryHost + ":" + testserver.identity.primaryPort + "/data/"; /** * Compares binary data of 2 arrays and returns true if they are the same * * @param arr1 The first array to compare * @param arr2 The second array to compare */ function compareBinaryData(arr1, arr2) { Assert.equal(arr1.length, arr2.length); for (let i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) { if (arr1[i] != arr2[i]) { info( "Data differs at index " + i + ", arr1: " + arr1[i] + ", arr2: " + arr2[i] ); return false; } } return true; } /** * Reads a file's data and returns it * * @param file The file to read the data from * @return array of bytes for the data in the file. */ function getBinaryFileData(file) { let fileStream = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); // Open as RD_ONLY with default permissions. fileStream.init(file, FileUtils.MODE_RDONLY, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0); let stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIBinaryInputStream ); stream.setInputStream(fileStream); let bytes = stream.readByteArray(stream.available()); fileStream.close(); return bytes; } /** * Compares binary data of 2 files and returns true if they are the same * * @param file1 The first file to compare * @param file2 The second file to compare */ function compareFiles(file1, file2) { return compareBinaryData(getBinaryFileData(file1), getBinaryFileData(file2)); } add_task(async function test_404() { await Assert.rejects( ProductAddonChecker.getProductAddonList(root + "404.xml"), /got node name: html/ ); }); add_task(async function test_not_xml() { await Assert.rejects( ProductAddonChecker.getProductAddonList(root + "bad.txt"), /got node name: parsererror/ ); }); add_task(async function test_invalid_xml() { await Assert.rejects( ProductAddonChecker.getProductAddonList(root + "bad.xml"), /got node name: parsererror/ ); }); add_task(async function test_wrong_xml() { await Assert.rejects( ProductAddonChecker.getProductAddonList(root + "bad2.xml"), /got node name: test/ ); }); add_task(async function test_missing() { let addons = await ProductAddonChecker.getProductAddonList( root + "missing.xml" ); Assert.equal(addons, null); }); add_task(async function test_empty() { let res = await ProductAddonChecker.getProductAddonList(root + "empty.xml"); Assert.ok(Array.isArray(res.addons)); Assert.equal(res.addons.length, 0); }); add_task(async function test_good_xml() { let res = await ProductAddonChecker.getProductAddonList(root + "good.xml"); Assert.ok(Array.isArray(res.addons)); // There are three valid entries in the XML Assert.equal(res.addons.length, 5); let addon = res.addons[0]; Assert.equal(addon.id, "test1"); Assert.equal(addon.URL, "http://example.com/test1.xpi"); Assert.equal(addon.hashFunction, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.hashValue, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.version, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.size, undefined); addon = res.addons[1]; Assert.equal(addon.id, "test2"); Assert.equal(addon.URL, "http://example.com/test2.xpi"); Assert.equal(addon.hashFunction, "md5"); Assert.equal(addon.hashValue, "djhfgsjdhf"); Assert.equal(addon.version, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.size, undefined); addon = res.addons[2]; Assert.equal(addon.id, "test3"); Assert.equal(addon.URL, "http://example.com/test3.xpi"); Assert.equal(addon.hashFunction, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.hashValue, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.version, "1.0"); Assert.equal(addon.size, 45); addon = res.addons[3]; Assert.equal(addon.id, "test4"); Assert.equal(addon.URL, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.hashFunction, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.hashValue, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.version, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.size, undefined); addon = res.addons[4]; Assert.equal(addon.id, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.URL, "http://example.com/test5.xpi"); Assert.equal(addon.hashFunction, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.hashValue, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.version, undefined); Assert.equal(addon.size, undefined); }); add_task(async function test_download_nourl() { try { let path = await ProductAddonChecker.downloadAddon({}); await IOUtils.remove(path); do_throw("Should not have downloaded a file with a missing url"); } catch (e) { Assert.ok( true, "Should have thrown when downloading a file with a missing url." ); } }); add_task(async function test_download_missing() { try { let path = await ProductAddonChecker.downloadAddon({ URL: root + "nofile.xpi", }); await IOUtils.remove(path); do_throw("Should not have downloaded a missing file"); } catch (e) { Assert.ok(true, "Should have thrown when downloading a missing file."); } }); add_task(async function test_download_noverify() { let path = await ProductAddonChecker.downloadAddon({ URL: root + "unsigned.xpi", }); let stat = await IOUtils.stat(path); Assert.ok(!stat.type !== "directory"); Assert.equal(stat.size, 452); Assert.ok( compareFiles( do_get_file("data/productaddons/unsigned.xpi"), new LocalFile(path) ) ); await IOUtils.remove(path); }); add_task(async function test_download_badsize() { try { let path = await ProductAddonChecker.downloadAddon({ URL: root + "unsigned.xpi", size: 400, }); await IOUtils.remove(path); do_throw("Should not have downloaded a file with a bad size"); } catch (e) { Assert.ok( true, "Should have thrown when downloading a file with a bad size." ); } }); add_task(async function test_download_badhashfn() { try { let path = await ProductAddonChecker.downloadAddon({ URL: root + "unsigned.xpi", hashFunction: "sha2567", hashValue: "9b9abf7ddfc1a6d7ffc7e0247481dcc202363e4445ad3494fb22036f1698c7f3", }); await IOUtils.remove(path); do_throw("Should not have downloaded a file with a bad hash function"); } catch (e) { Assert.ok( true, "Should have thrown when downloading a file with a bad hash function." ); } }); add_task(async function test_download_sha1_unsupported() { try { let path = await ProductAddonChecker.downloadAddon({ URL: root + "unsigned.xpi", hashFunction: "sha1", hashValue: "3d0dc22e1f394e159b08aaf5f0f97de4d5c65f4f", }); await IOUtils.remove(path); do_throw("Should not have downloaded a file with a bad hash function"); } catch (e) { Assert.ok( true, "Should have thrown when downloading a file with a bad hash function." ); } }); add_task(async function test_download_badhash() { try { let path = await ProductAddonChecker.downloadAddon({ URL: root + "unsigned.xpi", hashFunction: "sha256", hashValue: "8b9abf7ddfc1a6d7ffc7e0247481dcc202363e4445ad3494fb22036f1698c7f3", }); await IOUtils.remove(path); do_throw("Should not have downloaded a file with a bad hash"); } catch (e) { Assert.ok( true, "Should have thrown when downloading a file with a bad hash." ); } }); add_task(async function test_download_works() { let path = await ProductAddonChecker.downloadAddon({ URL: root + "unsigned.xpi", size: 452, hashFunction: "sha256", hashValue: "9b9abf7ddfc1a6d7ffc7e0247481dcc202363e4445ad3494fb22036f1698c7f3", }); let stat = await IOUtils.stat(path); Assert.ok(stat.type !== "directory"); Assert.ok( compareFiles( do_get_file("data/productaddons/unsigned.xpi"), new LocalFile(path) ) ); await IOUtils.remove(path); });