/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "spellCheck", "@mozilla.org/spellchecker/engine;1", "mozISpellCheckingEngine" ); add_setup(async function setup() { createAppInfo("xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "61", "61"); // Initialize the URLPreloader so that we can load the built-in // add-ons list, which contains the list of built-in dictionaries. AddonTestUtils.initializeURLPreloader(); await promiseStartupManager(); // Sanity check, builtin dictionaries should be registered. Assert.deepEqual( spellCheck.getDictionaryList(), ["en-US"], "Expect en-US builtin dictionary to be registered" ); // Starts collecting the Addon Manager Telemetry events. AddonTestUtils.hookAMTelemetryEvents(); do_get_profile(); Services.fog.initializeFOG(); }); add_task( { // We need to enable this pref because some assertions verify that // `installOrigins` is collected in some Telemetry events. pref_set: [["extensions.install_origins.enabled", true]], }, async function test_validation() { await Assert.rejects( promiseInstallWebExtension({ manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: "en-US-no-dic@dictionaries.mozilla.org" }, }, dictionaries: { "en-US": "en-US.dic", }, }, }), /Expected file to be downloaded for install/ ); await Assert.rejects( promiseInstallWebExtension({ manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: "en-US-no-aff@dictionaries.mozilla.org" }, }, dictionaries: { "en-US": "en-US.dic", }, }, files: { "en-US.dic": "", }, }), /Expected file to be downloaded for install/ ); let addon = await promiseInstallWebExtension({ manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: "en-US-1@dictionaries.mozilla.org" }, }, dictionaries: { "en-US": "en-US.dic", }, }, files: { "en-US.dic": "", "en-US.aff": "", }, }); let addon2 = await promiseInstallWebExtension({ manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: "en-US-2@dictionaries.mozilla.org" }, }, dictionaries: { "en-US": "dictionaries/en-US.dic", }, }, files: { "dictionaries/en-US.dic": "", "dictionaries/en-US.aff": "", }, }); await addon.uninstall(); await addon2.uninstall(); let amEvents = AddonTestUtils.getAMTelemetryEvents(); let amInstallEvents = amEvents .filter(evt => evt.method === "install") .map(evt => { const { object, extra } = evt; return { object, extra }; }); const errorExtra = { step: "started", error: "ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE", install_origins: "0", }; Assert.deepEqual( amInstallEvents.filter(evt => evt.object === "unknown"), [ { object: "unknown", extra: errorExtra, }, { object: "unknown", extra: errorExtra, }, ], "Got the expected install telemetry events for the corrupted dictionaries" ); Assert.deepEqual( AddonTestUtils.getAMGleanEvents("install", { addon_type: "unknown" }), [ { addon_type: "unknown", ...errorExtra }, { addon_type: "unknown", ...errorExtra }, ], "Got the expected install Glean events for the corrupted dictionaries" ); const extra1 = { addon_id: addon.id, install_origins: "0" }; Assert.deepEqual( amInstallEvents.filter(evt => evt.extra.addon_id === addon.id), [ { object: "dictionary", extra: { step: "started", ...extra1 }, }, { object: "dictionary", extra: { step: "completed", ...extra1 }, }, ], "Got the expected install telemetry events for the first installed dictionary" ); Assert.deepEqual( AddonTestUtils.getAMGleanEvents("install", { addon_id: addon.id }), [ { addon_type: "dictionary", step: "started", ...extra1 }, { addon_type: "dictionary", step: "completed", ...extra1 }, ], "Got expected install Glean events for the first installed dictionary." ); const extra2 = { addon_id: addon2.id, install_origins: "0" }; Assert.deepEqual( amInstallEvents.filter(evt => evt.extra.addon_id === addon2.id), [ { object: "dictionary", extra: { step: "started", ...extra2 }, }, { object: "dictionary", extra: { step: "completed", ...extra2 }, }, ], "Got the expected install telemetry events for the second installed dictionary" ); Assert.deepEqual( AddonTestUtils.getAMGleanEvents("install", { addon_id: addon2.id }), [ { addon_type: "dictionary", step: "started", ...extra2 }, { addon_type: "dictionary", step: "completed", ...extra2 }, ] ); let amUninstallEvents = amEvents .filter(evt => evt.method === "uninstall") .map(evt => { const { object, value } = evt; return { object, value }; }); Assert.deepEqual( amUninstallEvents, [ { object: "dictionary", value: addon.id }, { object: "dictionary", value: addon2.id }, ], "Got the expected uninstall telemetry events" ); Assert.deepEqual( AddonTestUtils.getAMGleanEvents("manage", { method: "uninstall" }), [ { addon_type: "dictionary", addon_id: addon.id, method: "uninstall" }, { addon_type: "dictionary", addon_id: addon2.id, method: "uninstall" }, ], "Got the expected uninstall Glean events." ); } ); const WORD = "Flehgragh"; add_task(async function test_registration() { // Sanity check, builtin dictionaries should be registered. Assert.deepEqual( spellCheck.getDictionaryList(), ["en-US"], "Expect en-US builtin dictionary to be registered" ); spellCheck.dictionaries = ["en-US"]; ok(!spellCheck.check(WORD), "Word should not pass check before add-on loads"); let addon = await promiseInstallWebExtension({ manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: "en-US@dictionaries.mozilla.org" }, }, dictionaries: { "en-US": "en-US.dic", }, }, files: { "en-US.dic": `2\n${WORD}\nnativ/A\n`, "en-US.aff": ` SFX A Y 1 SFX A 0 en [^elr] `, }, }); ok( spellCheck.check(WORD), "Word should pass check while add-on load is loaded" ); ok(spellCheck.check("nativen"), "Words should have correct affixes"); await addon.uninstall(); await new Promise(executeSoon); ok( !spellCheck.check(WORD), "Word should not pass check after add-on unloads" ); }); add_task(function teardown_telemetry_events() { // Ignore any additional telemetry events collected in this file. AddonTestUtils.getAMTelemetryEvents(); });