# preprocess-locale.py # Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. # http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ # preprocess-locale.py provides two functions depending on the arguments passed # to it when invoked. # # Preprocesses installer locale properties files and creates a basic NSIS nlf # file when invoked with --preprocess-locale. # # Converts a UTF-8 file to a new UTF-16LE file when invoked with # --convert-utf8-utf16le. from codecs import BOM_UTF16_LE import io from os.path import join, isfile import sys from optparse import OptionParser def open_utf16le_file(path): """ Returns an opened file object with a a UTF-16LE byte order mark. """ fp = io.open(path, "w+b") fp.write(BOM_UTF16_LE) return fp def get_locale_strings(path, prefix, middle, add_cr): """ Returns a string created by converting an installer locale properties file into the format required by NSIS locale files. Parameters: path - the path to the installer locale properties file to preprocess prefix - a string to prefix each line with middle - a string to insert between the name and value for each line add_cr - boolean for whether to add an NSIS carriage return before NSIS linefeeds when there isn't one already """ output = "" fp = io.open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") for line in fp: line = line.strip() if line == "" or line[0] == "#": continue name, value = line.split("=", 1) value = value.strip() # trim whitespace from the start and end if value and value[-1] == '"' and value[0] == '"': value = value[1:-1] # remove " from the start and end if add_cr: value = value.replace("\\n", "\\r\\n") # prefix $\n with $\r value = value.replace("\\r\\r", "\\r") # replace $\r$\r with $\r value = value.replace('"', '$\\"') # prefix " with $\ value = value.replace("\\r", "$\\r") # prefix \r with $ value = value.replace("\\n", "$\\n") # prefix \n with $ value = value.replace("\\t", "$\\t") # prefix \t with $ output += prefix + name.strip() + middle + ' "' + value + '"\n' fp.close() return output def lookup(path, l10ndirs): for d in l10ndirs: if isfile(join(d, path)): return join(d, path) return join(l10ndirs[-1], path) def preprocess_locale_files(config_dir, l10ndirs): """ Preprocesses the installer localized properties files into the format required by NSIS and creates a basic NSIS nlf file. Parameters: config_dir - the path to the destination directory l10ndirs - list of paths to search for installer locale files """ # Create the main NSIS language file fp = open_utf16le_file(join(config_dir, "overrideLocale.nsh")) locale_strings = get_locale_strings( lookup("override.properties", l10ndirs), "LangString ^", " 0 ", False ) fp.write(locale_strings.encode("utf-16-le")) fp.close() # Create the Modern User Interface language file fp = open_utf16le_file(join(config_dir, "baseLocale.nsh")) fp.write( ( """;NSIS Modern User Interface - Language File ;Compatible with Modern UI 1.68 ;Language: baseLocale (0) !insertmacro MOZ_MUI_LANGUAGEFILE_BEGIN \"baseLocale\" !define MUI_LANGNAME \"baseLocale\" """ ).encode("utf-16-le") ) locale_strings = get_locale_strings( lookup("mui.properties", l10ndirs), "!define ", " ", True ) fp.write(locale_strings.encode("utf-16-le")) fp.write("!insertmacro MOZ_MUI_LANGUAGEFILE_END\n".encode("utf-16-le")) fp.close() # Create the custom language file for our custom strings fp = open_utf16le_file(join(config_dir, "customLocale.nsh")) locale_strings = get_locale_strings( lookup("custom.properties", l10ndirs), "LangString ", " 0 ", True ) fp.write(locale_strings.encode("utf-16-le")) fp.close() def create_nlf_file(moz_dir, ab_cd, config_dir): """ Create a basic NSIS nlf file. Parameters: moz_dir - the path to top source directory for the toolkit source ab_cd - the locale code config_dir - the path to the destination directory """ rtl = "-" # Check whether the locale is right to left from locales.nsi. fp = io.open( join(moz_dir, "toolkit/mozapps/installer/windows/nsis/locales.nsi"), "r", encoding="utf-8", ) for line in fp: line = line.strip() if line == "!define " + ab_cd + "_rtl": rtl = "RTL" break fp.close() # Create the main NSIS language file with RTL for right to left locales # along with the default codepage, font name, and font size represented # by the '-' character. fp = open_utf16le_file(join(config_dir, "baseLocale.nlf")) fp.write( ( """# Header, don't edit NLF v6 # Start editing here # Language ID 0 # Font and size - dash (-) means default - - # Codepage - dash (-) means ANSI code page - # RTL - anything else than RTL means LTR %s """ % rtl ).encode("utf-16-le") ) fp.close() def preprocess_locale_file(config_dir, l10ndirs, properties_filename, output_filename): """ Preprocesses a single localized properties file into the format required by NSIS and creates a basic NSIS nlf file. Parameters: config_dir - the path to the destination directory l10ndirs - list of paths to search for installer locale files properties_filename - the name of the properties file to search for output_filename - the output filename to write """ # Create the custom language file for our custom strings fp = open_utf16le_file(join(config_dir, output_filename)) locale_strings = get_locale_strings( lookup(properties_filename, l10ndirs), "LangString ", " 0 ", True ) fp.write(locale_strings.encode("utf-16-le")) fp.close() def convert_utf8_utf16le(in_file_path, out_file_path): """ Converts a UTF-8 file to a new UTF-16LE file Arguments: in_file_path - the path to the UTF-8 source file to convert out_file_path - the path to the UTF-16LE destination file to create """ in_fp = open(in_file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") out_fp = open_utf16le_file(out_file_path) out_fp.write(in_fp.read().encode("utf-16-le")) in_fp.close() out_fp.close() if __name__ == "__main__": usage = """usage: %prog command Commands: --convert-utf8-utf16le - Preprocesses installer locale properties files --preprocess-locale - Preprocesses the installer localized properties files into the format required by NSIS and creates a basic NSIS nlf file. --preprocess-single-file - Preprocesses a single properties file into the format required by NSIS --create-nlf-file - Creates a basic NSIS nlf file preprocess-locale.py --preprocess-locale Arguments: \tthe path to top source directory for the toolkit source \tthe path to the installer's locale files \tthe locale code \tthe path to the destination directory preprocess-locale.py --preprocess-single-file Arguments: \tthe path to top source directory for the toolkit source \tthe path to the installer's locale files \tthe path to the destination directory \tthe properties file to process \tthe nsh file to write preprocess-locale.py --create-nlf-file Arguments: \tthe path to top source directory for the toolkit source \tthe locale code \tthe path to the destination directory preprocess-locale.py --convert-utf8-utf16le Arguments: \tthe path to the UTF-8 source file to convert \tthe path to the UTF-16LE destination file to create """ preprocess_locale_args_help_string = """\ Arguments to --preprocess-locale should be: or --l10n-dir [--l10n-dir ...]""" preprocess_single_file_args_help_string = """\ Arguments to --preprocess-single_file should be: or --l10n-dir [--l10n-dir ...]""" create_nlf_args_help_string = """\ Arguments to --create-nlf-file should be: """ p = OptionParser(usage=usage) p.add_option( "--preprocess-locale", action="store_true", default=False, dest="preprocess" ) p.add_option( "--preprocess-single-file", action="store_true", default=False, dest="preprocessSingle", ) p.add_option( "--create-nlf-file", action="store_true", default=False, dest="createNlf" ) p.add_option( "--l10n-dir", action="append", default=[], dest="l10n_dirs", help="Add directory to lookup for locale files", ) p.add_option( "--convert-utf8-utf16le", action="store_true", default=False, dest="convert" ) options, args = p.parse_args() foundOne = False if options.preprocess: foundOne = True if options.convert: if foundOne: p.error("More than one command specified") else: foundOne = True if options.preprocessSingle: if foundOne: p.error("More than one command specified") else: foundOne = True if options.createNlf: if foundOne: p.error("More than one command specified") else: foundOne = True if not foundOne: p.error("No command specified") if options.preprocess: if len(args) not in (3, 4): p.error(preprocess_locale_args_help_string) # Parse args pargs = args[:] moz_dir = pargs[0] if len(pargs) == 4: l10n_dirs = [pargs[1]] del pargs[1] else: if not options.l10n_dirs: p.error(preprocess_locale_args_help_string) l10n_dirs = options.l10n_dirs ab_cd = pargs[1] config_dir = pargs[2] # Create the output files create_nlf_file(moz_dir, ab_cd, config_dir) preprocess_locale_files(config_dir, l10n_dirs) elif options.preprocessSingle: if len(args) not in (4, 5): p.error(preprocess_single_file_args_help_string) # Parse args pargs = args[:] moz_dir = pargs[0] if len(pargs) == 5: l10n_dirs = [pargs[1]] del pargs[1] else: if not options.l10n_dirs: p.error(preprocess_single_file_args_help_string) l10n_dirs = options.l10n_dirs config_dir = pargs[1] in_file = pargs[2] out_file = pargs[3] # Create the output files preprocess_locale_file(config_dir, l10n_dirs, in_file, out_file) elif options.createNlf: if len(args) != 3: p.error(create_nlf_args_help_string) # Parse args pargs = args[:] moz_dir = pargs[0] ab_cd = pargs[1] config_dir = pargs[2] # Create the output files create_nlf_file(moz_dir, ab_cd, config_dir) elif options.convert: if len(args) != 2: p.error("--convert-utf8-utf16le needs both of ") convert_utf8_utf16le(*args)