/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; import { AUSTLMY } from "resource://gre/modules/UpdateTelemetry.sys.mjs"; import { Bits, BitsRequest, BitsUnknownError, BitsVerificationError, } from "resource://gre/modules/Bits.sys.mjs"; import { FileUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.sys.mjs"; import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AddonManager: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.sys.mjs", AsyncShutdown: "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs", DeferredTask: "resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.sys.mjs", UpdateLog: "resource://gre/modules/UpdateLog.sys.mjs", UpdateUtils: "resource://gre/modules/UpdateUtils.sys.mjs", WindowsRegistry: "resource://gre/modules/WindowsRegistry.sys.mjs", ctypes: "resource://gre/modules/ctypes.sys.mjs", setTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "AUS", "@mozilla.org/updates/update-service;1", "nsIApplicationUpdateService" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "UM", "@mozilla.org/updates/update-manager;1", "nsIUpdateManager" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "CheckSvc", "@mozilla.org/updates/update-checker;1", "nsIUpdateChecker" ); if (AppConstants.ENABLE_WEBDRIVER) { XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "Marionette", "@mozilla.org/remote/marionette;1", "nsIMarionette" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "RemoteAgent", "@mozilla.org/remote/agent;1", "nsIRemoteAgent" ); } else { lazy.Marionette = { running: false }; lazy.RemoteAgent = { running: false }; } const UPDATESERVICE_CID = Components.ID( "{B3C290A6-3943-4B89-8BBE-C01EB7B3B311}" ); const PREF_APP_UPDATE_ALTUPDATEDIRPATH = "app.update.altUpdateDirPath"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_BACKGROUNDERRORS = "app.update.backgroundErrors"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_BACKGROUNDMAXERRORS = "app.update.backgroundMaxErrors"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_BITS_ENABLED = "app.update.BITS.enabled"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS = "app.update.cancelations"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX = "app.update.cancelations.osx"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX_MAX = "app.update.cancelations.osx.max"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_CHECK_ONLY_INSTANCE_ENABLED = "app.update.checkOnlyInstance.enabled"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_CHECK_ONLY_INSTANCE_INTERVAL = "app.update.checkOnlyInstance.interval"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_CHECK_ONLY_INSTANCE_TIMEOUT = "app.update.checkOnlyInstance.timeout"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_DISABLEDFORTESTING = "app.update.disabledForTesting"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS = "app.update.download.attempts"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_MAXATTEMPTS = "app.update.download.maxAttempts"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_NEVER = "app.update.elevate.never"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_VERSION = "app.update.elevate.version"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_ATTEMPTS = "app.update.elevate.attempts"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_MAXATTEMPTS = "app.update.elevate.maxAttempts"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_LANGPACK_ENABLED = "app.update.langpack.enabled"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_LANGPACK_TIMEOUT = "app.update.langpack.timeout"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_NOTIFYDURINGDOWNLOAD = "app.update.notifyDuringDownload"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_NO_WINDOW_AUTO_RESTART_ENABLED = "app.update.noWindowAutoRestart.enabled"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_NO_WINDOW_AUTO_RESTART_DELAY_MS = "app.update.noWindowAutoRestart.delayMs"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_PROMPTWAITTIME = "app.update.promptWaitTime"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_ENABLED = "app.update.service.enabled"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_ERRORS = "app.update.service.errors"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_MAXERRORS = "app.update.service.maxErrors"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_SOCKET_MAXERRORS = "app.update.socket.maxErrors"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_SOCKET_RETRYTIMEOUT = "app.update.socket.retryTimeout"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_STAGING_ENABLED = "app.update.staging.enabled"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_URL_DETAILS = "app.update.url.details"; const PREF_NETWORK_PROXY_TYPE = "network.proxy.type"; const URI_BRAND_PROPERTIES = "chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties"; const URI_UPDATE_NS = "http://www.mozilla.org/2005/app-update"; const URI_UPDATES_PROPERTIES = "chrome://mozapps/locale/update/updates.properties"; const KEY_EXECUTABLE = "XREExeF"; const KEY_UPDROOT = "UpdRootD"; const KEY_OLD_UPDROOT = "OldUpdRootD"; const DIR_UPDATES = "updates"; const DIR_UPDATE_READY = "0"; const DIR_UPDATE_DOWNLOADING = "downloading"; const FILE_ACTIVE_UPDATE_XML = "active-update.xml"; const FILE_BACKUP_UPDATE_LOG = "backup-update.log"; const FILE_BACKUP_UPDATE_ELEVATED_LOG = "backup-update-elevated.log"; const FILE_BT_RESULT = "bt.result"; const FILE_LAST_UPDATE_LOG = "last-update.log"; const FILE_LAST_UPDATE_ELEVATED_LOG = "last-update-elevated.log"; const FILE_UPDATES_XML = "updates.xml"; const FILE_UPDATE_LOG = "update.log"; const FILE_UPDATE_ELEVATED_LOG = "update-elevated.log"; const FILE_UPDATE_MAR = "update.mar"; const FILE_UPDATE_STATUS = "update.status"; const FILE_UPDATE_TEST = "update.test"; const FILE_UPDATE_VERSION = "update.version"; const STATE_NONE = "null"; const STATE_DOWNLOADING = "downloading"; const STATE_PENDING = "pending"; const STATE_PENDING_SERVICE = "pending-service"; const STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE = "pending-elevate"; const STATE_APPLYING = "applying"; const STATE_APPLIED = "applied"; const STATE_APPLIED_SERVICE = "applied-service"; const STATE_SUCCEEDED = "succeeded"; const STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED = "download-failed"; const STATE_FAILED = "failed"; // BITS will keep retrying a download after transient errors, unless this much // time has passed since there has been download progress. // Similarly to ...POLL_RATE_MS below, we are much more aggressive when the user // is watching the download progress. const BITS_IDLE_NO_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT_SECS = 3600; // 1 hour const BITS_ACTIVE_NO_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT_SECS = 5; // These value control how frequently we get updates from the BITS client on // the progress made downloading. The difference between the two is that the // active interval is the one used when the user is watching. The idle interval // is the one used when no one is watching. const BITS_IDLE_POLL_RATE_MS = 1000; const BITS_ACTIVE_POLL_RATE_MS = 200; // The values below used by this code are from common/updatererrors.h const WRITE_ERROR = 7; const ELEVATION_CANCELED = 9; const SERVICE_UPDATER_COULD_NOT_BE_STARTED = 24; const SERVICE_NOT_ENOUGH_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS = 25; const SERVICE_UPDATER_SIGN_ERROR = 26; const SERVICE_UPDATER_COMPARE_ERROR = 27; const SERVICE_UPDATER_IDENTITY_ERROR = 28; const SERVICE_STILL_APPLYING_ON_SUCCESS = 29; const SERVICE_STILL_APPLYING_ON_FAILURE = 30; const SERVICE_UPDATER_NOT_FIXED_DRIVE = 31; const SERVICE_COULD_NOT_LOCK_UPDATER = 32; const SERVICE_INSTALLDIR_ERROR = 33; const WRITE_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 35; const WRITE_ERROR_CALLBACK_APP = 37; const UNEXPECTED_STAGING_ERROR = 43; const DELETE_ERROR_STAGING_LOCK_FILE = 44; const SERVICE_COULD_NOT_COPY_UPDATER = 49; const SERVICE_STILL_APPLYING_TERMINATED = 50; const SERVICE_STILL_APPLYING_NO_EXIT_CODE = 51; const SERVICE_COULD_NOT_IMPERSONATE = 58; const WRITE_ERROR_FILE_COPY = 61; const WRITE_ERROR_DELETE_FILE = 62; const WRITE_ERROR_OPEN_PATCH_FILE = 63; const WRITE_ERROR_PATCH_FILE = 64; const WRITE_ERROR_APPLY_DIR_PATH = 65; const WRITE_ERROR_CALLBACK_PATH = 66; const WRITE_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED = 67; const WRITE_ERROR_DIR_ACCESS_DENIED = 68; const WRITE_ERROR_DELETE_BACKUP = 69; const WRITE_ERROR_EXTRACT = 70; // Error codes 80 through 99 are reserved for UpdateService.jsm and are not // defined in common/updatererrors.h const ERR_UPDATER_CRASHED = 89; const ERR_OLDER_VERSION_OR_SAME_BUILD = 90; const ERR_UPDATE_STATE_NONE = 91; const ERR_CHANNEL_CHANGE = 92; const INVALID_UPDATER_STATE_CODE = 98; const INVALID_UPDATER_STATUS_CODE = 99; const SILENT_UPDATE_NEEDED_ELEVATION_ERROR = 105; const WRITE_ERROR_BACKGROUND_TASK_SHARING_VIOLATION = 106; // Array of write errors to simplify checks for write errors const WRITE_ERRORS = [ WRITE_ERROR, WRITE_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, WRITE_ERROR_CALLBACK_APP, WRITE_ERROR_FILE_COPY, WRITE_ERROR_DELETE_FILE, WRITE_ERROR_OPEN_PATCH_FILE, WRITE_ERROR_PATCH_FILE, WRITE_ERROR_APPLY_DIR_PATH, WRITE_ERROR_CALLBACK_PATH, WRITE_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED, WRITE_ERROR_DIR_ACCESS_DENIED, WRITE_ERROR_DELETE_BACKUP, WRITE_ERROR_EXTRACT, WRITE_ERROR_BACKGROUND_TASK_SHARING_VIOLATION, ]; // Array of write errors to simplify checks for service errors const SERVICE_ERRORS = [ SERVICE_UPDATER_COULD_NOT_BE_STARTED, SERVICE_NOT_ENOUGH_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS, SERVICE_UPDATER_SIGN_ERROR, SERVICE_UPDATER_COMPARE_ERROR, SERVICE_UPDATER_IDENTITY_ERROR, SERVICE_STILL_APPLYING_ON_SUCCESS, SERVICE_STILL_APPLYING_ON_FAILURE, SERVICE_UPDATER_NOT_FIXED_DRIVE, SERVICE_COULD_NOT_LOCK_UPDATER, SERVICE_INSTALLDIR_ERROR, SERVICE_COULD_NOT_COPY_UPDATER, SERVICE_STILL_APPLYING_TERMINATED, SERVICE_STILL_APPLYING_NO_EXIT_CODE, SERVICE_COULD_NOT_IMPERSONATE, ]; // Custom update error codes const BACKGROUNDCHECK_MULTIPLE_FAILURES = 110; const NETWORK_ERROR_OFFLINE = 111; // Error codes should be < 1000. Errors above 1000 represent http status codes const HTTP_ERROR_OFFSET = 1000; // The is an HRESULT error that may be returned from the BITS interface // indicating that access was denied. Often, this error code is returned when // attempting to access a job created by a different user. const HRESULT_E_ACCESSDENIED = -2147024891; const DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE = 300000; // bytes // The number of consecutive failures when updating using the service before // setting the app.update.service.enabled preference to false. const DEFAULT_SERVICE_MAX_ERRORS = 10; // The number of consecutive socket errors to allow before falling back to // downloading a different MAR file or failing if already downloading the full. const DEFAULT_SOCKET_MAX_ERRORS = 10; // The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying a connection error. const DEFAULT_SOCKET_RETRYTIMEOUT = 2000; // Default maximum number of elevation cancelations per update version before // giving up. const DEFAULT_CANCELATIONS_OSX_MAX = 3; // This maps app IDs to their respective notification topic which signals when // the application's user interface has been displayed. const APPID_TO_TOPIC = { // Firefox "{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}": "sessionstore-windows-restored", // SeaMonkey "{92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a}": "sessionstore-windows-restored", // Thunderbird "{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}": "mail-startup-done", }; // The interval for the update xml write deferred task. const XML_SAVER_INTERVAL_MS = 200; // How long after a patch has downloaded should we wait for language packs to // update before proceeding anyway. const LANGPACK_UPDATE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 300000; // Interval between rechecks for other instances after the initial check finds // at least one other instance. const ONLY_INSTANCE_CHECK_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes // Wait this long after detecting that another instance is running (having been // polling that entire time) before giving up and applying the update anyway. const ONLY_INSTANCE_CHECK_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS = 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 6 hours // The other instance check timeout can be overridden via a pref, but we limit // that value to this so that the pref can't effectively disable the feature. const ONLY_INSTANCE_CHECK_MAX_TIMEOUT_MS = 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 2 days // Values to use when polling for staging. See `pollForStagingEnd` for more // details. const STAGING_POLLING_MIN_INTERVAL_MS = 15 * 1000; // 15 seconds const STAGING_POLLING_MAX_INTERVAL_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes const STAGING_POLLING_ATTEMPTS_PER_INTERVAL = 5; const STAGING_POLLING_MAX_DURATION_MS = 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 hour var gUpdateMutexHandle = null; // This value will be set to true if it appears that BITS is being used by // another user to download updates. We don't really want two users using BITS // at once. Computers with many users (ex: a school computer), should not end // up with dozens of BITS jobs. var gBITSInUseByAnotherUser = false; // The update service can be invoked as part of a standalone headless background // task. In this context, when the background task kicks off an update // download, we don't want it to move on to staging. As soon as the download has // kicked off, the task begins shutting down and, even if the the download // completes incredibly quickly, we don't want staging to begin while we are // shutting down. That isn't a well tested scenario and it's possible that it // could leave us in a bad state. let gOnlyDownloadUpdatesThisSession = false; // This will be the backing for `nsIApplicationUpdateService.currentState` var gUpdateState = Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_IDLE; /** * Simple container and constructor for a Promise and its resolve function. */ class SelfContainedPromise { constructor() { this.promise = new Promise(resolve => { this.resolve = resolve; }); } } // This will contain a `SelfContainedPromise` that will be used to back // `nsIApplicationUpdateService.stateTransition`. var gStateTransitionPromise = new SelfContainedPromise(); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter( lazy, "gUpdateBundle", function aus_gUpdateBundle() { return Services.strings.createBundle(URI_UPDATES_PROPERTIES); } ); /** * gIsBackgroundTaskMode will be true if Firefox is currently running as a * background task. Otherwise it will be false. */ ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter( lazy, "gIsBackgroundTaskMode", function aus_gCurrentlyRunningAsBackgroundTask() { if (!("@mozilla.org/backgroundtasks;1" in Cc)) { return false; } const bts = Cc["@mozilla.org/backgroundtasks;1"].getService( Ci.nsIBackgroundTasks ); if (!bts) { return false; } return bts.isBackgroundTaskMode; } ); /** * Changes `nsIApplicationUpdateService.currentState` and causes * `nsIApplicationUpdateService.stateTransition` to resolve. */ function transitionState(newState) { if (newState == gUpdateState) { LOG("transitionState - Not transitioning state because it isn't changing."); return; } LOG( `transitionState - "${lazy.AUS.getStateName(gUpdateState)}" -> ` + `"${lazy.AUS.getStateName(newState)}".` ); gUpdateState = newState; // Assign the new Promise before we resolve the old one just to make sure that // anything that runs as a result of `resolve` doesn't end up waiting on the // Promise that already resolved. let oldStateTransitionPromise = gStateTransitionPromise; gStateTransitionPromise = new SelfContainedPromise(); oldStateTransitionPromise.resolve(); } /** * When a plain JS object is passed through xpconnect the other side sees a * wrapped version of the object instead of the real object. Since these two * objects are different they act as different keys for Map and WeakMap. However * xpconnect gives us a way to get the underlying JS object from the wrapper so * this function returns the JS object regardless of whether passed the JS * object or its wrapper for use in places where it is unclear which one you * have. */ function unwrap(obj) { return obj.wrappedJSObject ?? obj; } /** * When an update starts to download (and if the feature is enabled) the add-ons * manager starts downloading updated language packs for the new application * version. A promise is used to track whether those updates are complete so the * front-end is only notified that an application update is ready once the * language pack updates have been staged. * * In order to be able to access that promise from various places in the update * service they are cached in this map using the nsIUpdate object as a weak * owner. Note that the key should always be the result of calling the above * unwrap function on the nsIUpdate to ensure a consistent object is used as the * key. * * When the language packs finish staging the nsIUpdate entriy is removed from * this map so if the entry is still there then language pack updates are in * progress. */ const LangPackUpdates = new WeakMap(); /** * When we're polling to see if other running instances of the application have * exited, there's no need to ever start polling again in parallel. To prevent * doing that, we keep track of the promise that resolves when polling completes * and return that if a second simultaneous poll is requested, so that the * multiple callers end up waiting for the same promise to resolve. */ let gOtherInstancePollPromise; /** * Query the update sync manager to see if another instance of this same * installation of this application is currently running, under the context of * any operating system user (not just the current one). * This function immediately returns the current, instantaneous status of any * other instances. * * @return true if at least one other instance is running, false if not */ function isOtherInstanceRunning(callback) { const checkEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_CHECK_ONLY_INSTANCE_ENABLED, true ); if (!checkEnabled) { LOG("isOtherInstanceRunning - disabled by pref, skipping check"); return false; } try { let syncManager = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/updates/update-sync-manager;1" ].getService(Ci.nsIUpdateSyncManager); return syncManager.isOtherInstanceRunning(); } catch (ex) { LOG(`isOtherInstanceRunning - sync manager failed with exception: ${ex}`); return false; } } /** * Query the update sync manager to see if another instance of this same * installation of this application is currently running, under the context of * any operating system user (not just the one running this instance). * This function polls for the status of other instances continually * (asynchronously) until either none exist or a timeout expires. * * @return a Promise that resolves with false if at any point during polling no * other instances can be found, or resolves with true if the timeout * expires when other instances are still running */ function waitForOtherInstances() { // If we're already in the middle of a poll, reuse it rather than start again. if (gOtherInstancePollPromise) { return gOtherInstancePollPromise; } let timeout = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_CHECK_ONLY_INSTANCE_TIMEOUT, ONLY_INSTANCE_CHECK_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS ); // Don't allow the pref to set a super high timeout and break this feature. if (timeout > ONLY_INSTANCE_CHECK_MAX_TIMEOUT_MS) { timeout = ONLY_INSTANCE_CHECK_MAX_TIMEOUT_MS; } let interval = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_CHECK_ONLY_INSTANCE_INTERVAL, ONLY_INSTANCE_CHECK_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL_MS ); // Don't allow an interval longer than the timeout. interval = Math.min(interval, timeout); let iterations = 0; const maxIterations = Math.ceil(timeout / interval); gOtherInstancePollPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let poll = function () { iterations++; if (!isOtherInstanceRunning()) { LOG("waitForOtherInstances - no other instances found, exiting"); resolve(false); gOtherInstancePollPromise = undefined; } else if (iterations >= maxIterations) { LOG( "waitForOtherInstances - timeout expired while other instances " + "are still running" ); resolve(true); gOtherInstancePollPromise = undefined; } else if (iterations + 1 == maxIterations && timeout % interval != 0) { // In case timeout isn't a multiple of interval, set the next timeout // for the remainder of the time rather than for the usual interval. lazy.setTimeout(poll, timeout % interval); } else { lazy.setTimeout(poll, interval); } }; LOG("waitForOtherInstances - beginning polling"); poll(); }); return gOtherInstancePollPromise; } /** * Tests to make sure that we can write to a given directory. * * @param updateTestFile a test file in the directory that needs to be tested. * @param createDirectory whether a test directory should be created. * @throws if we don't have right access to the directory. */ function testWriteAccess(updateTestFile, createDirectory) { const NORMAL_FILE_TYPE = Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE; const DIRECTORY_TYPE = Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE; if (updateTestFile.exists()) { updateTestFile.remove(false); } updateTestFile.create( createDirectory ? DIRECTORY_TYPE : NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, createDirectory ? FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY : FileUtils.PERMS_FILE ); updateTestFile.remove(false); } /** * Windows only function that closes a Win32 handle. * * @param handle The handle to close */ function closeHandle(handle) { if (handle) { let lib = lazy.ctypes.open("kernel32.dll"); let CloseHandle = lib.declare( "CloseHandle", lazy.ctypes.winapi_abi, lazy.ctypes.int32_t /* success */, lazy.ctypes.void_t.ptr ); /* handle */ CloseHandle(handle); lib.close(); } } /** * Windows only function that creates a mutex. * * @param aName * The name for the mutex. * @param aAllowExisting * If false the function will close the handle and return null. * @return The Win32 handle to the mutex. */ function createMutex(aName, aAllowExisting = true) { if (AppConstants.platform != "win") { throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } const INITIAL_OWN = 1; const ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 0xb7; let lib = lazy.ctypes.open("kernel32.dll"); let CreateMutexW = lib.declare( "CreateMutexW", lazy.ctypes.winapi_abi, lazy.ctypes.void_t.ptr /* return handle */, lazy.ctypes.void_t.ptr /* security attributes */, lazy.ctypes.int32_t /* initial owner */, lazy.ctypes.char16_t.ptr ); /* name */ let handle = CreateMutexW(null, INITIAL_OWN, aName); let alreadyExists = lazy.ctypes.winLastError == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; if (handle && !handle.isNull() && !aAllowExisting && alreadyExists) { closeHandle(handle); handle = null; } lib.close(); if (handle && handle.isNull()) { handle = null; } return handle; } /** * Windows only function that determines a unique mutex name for the * installation. * * @param aGlobal * true if the function should return a global mutex. A global mutex is * valid across different sessions. * @return Global mutex path */ function getPerInstallationMutexName(aGlobal = true) { if (AppConstants.platform != "win") { throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } let hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsICryptoHash ); hasher.init(hasher.SHA1); let exeFile = Services.dirsvc.get(KEY_EXECUTABLE, Ci.nsIFile); var data = new TextEncoder().encode(exeFile.path.toLowerCase()); hasher.update(data, data.length); return ( (aGlobal ? "Global\\" : "") + "MozillaUpdateMutex-" + hasher.finish(true) ); } /** * Whether or not the current instance has the update mutex. The update mutex * gives protection against 2 applications from the same installation updating: * 1) Running multiple profiles from the same installation path * 2) Two applications running in 2 different user sessions from the same path * * @return true if this instance holds the update mutex */ function hasUpdateMutex() { if (AppConstants.platform != "win") { return true; } if (!gUpdateMutexHandle) { gUpdateMutexHandle = createMutex(getPerInstallationMutexName(true), false); } return !!gUpdateMutexHandle; } /** * Determines whether or not all descendants of a directory are writeable. * Note: Does not check the root directory itself for writeability. * * @return true if all descendants are writeable, false otherwise */ function areDirectoryEntriesWriteable(aDir) { let items = aDir.directoryEntries; while (items.hasMoreElements()) { let item = items.nextFile; if (!item.isWritable()) { LOG("areDirectoryEntriesWriteable - unable to write to " + item.path); return false; } if (item.isDirectory() && !areDirectoryEntriesWriteable(item)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * OSX only function to determine if the user requires elevation to be able to * write to the application bundle. * * @return true if elevation is required, false otherwise */ function getElevationRequired() { if (AppConstants.platform != "macosx") { return false; } try { // Recursively check that the application bundle (and its descendants) can // be written to. LOG( "getElevationRequired - recursively testing write access on " + getInstallDirRoot().path ); if ( !getInstallDirRoot().isWritable() || !areDirectoryEntriesWriteable(getInstallDirRoot()) ) { LOG( "getElevationRequired - unable to write to application bundle, " + "elevation required" ); return true; } } catch (ex) { LOG( "getElevationRequired - unable to write to application bundle, " + "elevation required. Exception: " + ex ); return true; } LOG( "getElevationRequired - able to write to application bundle, elevation " + "not required" ); return false; } /** * A promise that resolves when language packs are downloading or if no language * packs are being downloaded. */ function promiseLangPacksUpdated(update) { let promise = LangPackUpdates.get(unwrap(update)); if (promise) { LOG( "promiseLangPacksUpdated - waiting for language pack updates to stage." ); return promise; } // In case callers rely on a promise just return an already resolved promise. return Promise.resolve(); } /* * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ function isAppBaseDirWritable() { let appDirTestFile = ""; try { appDirTestFile = getAppBaseDir(); appDirTestFile.append(FILE_UPDATE_TEST); } catch (e) { LOG( "isAppBaseDirWritable - Base directory or test path could not be " + `determined: ${e}` ); return false; } try { LOG( `isAppBaseDirWritable - testing write access for ${appDirTestFile.path}` ); if (appDirTestFile.exists()) { appDirTestFile.remove(false); } // if we're unable to create the test file this will throw an exception: appDirTestFile.create(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE); appDirTestFile.remove(false); LOG(`isAppBaseDirWritable - Path is writable: ${appDirTestFile.path}`); return true; } catch (e) { LOG( `isAppBaseDirWritable - Path '${appDirTestFile.path}' ` + `is not writable: ${e}` ); } // No write access to the installation directory return false; } /** * Determines whether or not an update can be applied. This is always true on * Windows when the service is used. On Mac OS X and Linux, if the user has * write access to the update directory this will return true because on OSX we * offer users the option to perform an elevated update when necessary and on * Linux the update directory is located in the application directory. * * @return true if an update can be applied, false otherwise */ function getCanApplyUpdates() { try { // Check if it is possible to write to the update directory so clients won't // repeatedly try to apply an update without the ability to complete the // update process which requires write access to the update directory. let updateTestFile = getUpdateFile([FILE_UPDATE_TEST]); LOG("getCanApplyUpdates - testing write access " + updateTestFile.path); testWriteAccess(updateTestFile, false); } catch (e) { LOG( "getCanApplyUpdates - unable to apply updates without write " + "access to the update directory. Exception: " + e ); return false; } if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { LOG( "getCanApplyUpdates - bypass the write since elevation can be used " + "on Mac OS X" ); return true; } if (shouldUseService()) { LOG( "getCanApplyUpdates - bypass the write checks because the Windows " + "Maintenance Service can be used" ); return true; } try { if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { // On Windows when the maintenance service isn't used updates can still be // performed in a location requiring admin privileges by the client // accepting a UAC prompt from an elevation request made by the updater. // Whether the client can elevate (e.g. has a split token) is determined // in nsXULAppInfo::GetUserCanElevate which is located in nsAppRunner.cpp. let userCanElevate = Services.appinfo.QueryInterface( Ci.nsIWinAppHelper ).userCanElevate; if (lazy.gIsBackgroundTaskMode) { LOG( "getCanApplyUpdates - in background task mode, assuming user can't elevate" ); userCanElevate = false; } if (!userCanElevate && !isAppBaseDirWritable) { LOG( "getCanApplyUpdates - unable to apply updates, because the base " + "directory is not writable." ); } } } catch (e) { LOG("getCanApplyUpdates - unable to apply updates. Exception: " + e); // No write access to the installation directory return false; } LOG("getCanApplyUpdates - able to apply updates"); return true; } /** * Whether or not the application can stage an update for the current session. * These checks are only performed once per session due to using a lazy getter. * * @return true if updates can be staged for this session. */ ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter( lazy, "gCanStageUpdatesSession", function aus_gCSUS() { if (getElevationRequired()) { LOG( "gCanStageUpdatesSession - unable to stage updates because elevation " + "is required." ); return false; } try { let updateTestFile; if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { updateTestFile = getUpdateFile([FILE_UPDATE_TEST]); } else { updateTestFile = getInstallDirRoot(); updateTestFile.append(FILE_UPDATE_TEST); } LOG( "gCanStageUpdatesSession - testing write access " + updateTestFile.path ); testWriteAccess(updateTestFile, true); if (AppConstants.platform != "macosx") { // On all platforms except Mac, we need to test the parent directory as // well, as we need to be able to move files in that directory during the // replacing step. updateTestFile = getInstallDirRoot().parent; updateTestFile.append(FILE_UPDATE_TEST); LOG( "gCanStageUpdatesSession - testing write access " + updateTestFile.path ); updateTestFile.createUnique( Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY ); updateTestFile.remove(false); } } catch (e) { LOG("gCanStageUpdatesSession - unable to stage updates. Exception: " + e); // No write privileges return false; } LOG("gCanStageUpdatesSession - able to stage updates"); return true; } ); /** * Whether or not the application can stage an update. * * @param {boolean} [transient] Whether transient factors such as the update * mutex should be considered. * @return true if updates can be staged. */ function getCanStageUpdates(transient = true) { // If staging updates are disabled, then just bail out! if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_STAGING_ENABLED, false)) { LOG( "getCanStageUpdates - staging updates is disabled by preference " + PREF_APP_UPDATE_STAGING_ENABLED ); return false; } if (AppConstants.platform == "win" && shouldUseService()) { // No need to perform directory write checks, the maintenance service will // be able to write to all directories. LOG("getCanStageUpdates - able to stage updates using the service"); return true; } if (transient && !hasUpdateMutex()) { LOG( "getCanStageUpdates - unable to apply updates because another " + "instance of the application is already handling updates for this " + "installation." ); return false; } return lazy.gCanStageUpdatesSession; } /* * Whether or not the application can use BITS to download updates. * * @param {boolean} [transient] Whether transient factors such as the update * mutex should be considered. * @return A string with one of these values: * CanUseBits * NoBits_NotWindows * NoBits_FeatureOff * NoBits_Pref * NoBits_Proxy * NoBits_OtherUser * These strings are directly compatible with the categories for * UPDATE_CAN_USE_BITS_EXTERNAL and UPDATE_CAN_USE_BITS_NOTIFY telemetry * probes. If this function is made to return other values, they should * also be added to the labels lists for those probes in Histograms.json */ function getCanUseBits(transient = true) { if (AppConstants.platform != "win") { LOG("getCanUseBits - Not using BITS because this is not Windows"); return "NoBits_NotWindows"; } if (!AppConstants.MOZ_BITS_DOWNLOAD) { LOG("getCanUseBits - Not using BITS because the feature is disabled"); return "NoBits_FeatureOff"; } if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_BITS_ENABLED, true)) { LOG("getCanUseBits - Not using BITS. Disabled by pref."); return "NoBits_Pref"; } // Firefox support for passing proxies to BITS is still rudimentary. // For now, disable BITS support on configurations that are not using the // standard system proxy. let defaultProxy = Ci.nsIProtocolProxyService.PROXYCONFIG_SYSTEM; if ( Services.prefs.getIntPref(PREF_NETWORK_PROXY_TYPE, defaultProxy) != defaultProxy && !Cu.isInAutomation ) { LOG("getCanUseBits - Not using BITS because of proxy usage"); return "NoBits_Proxy"; } if (transient && gBITSInUseByAnotherUser) { LOG("getCanUseBits - Not using BITS. Already in use by another user"); return "NoBits_OtherUser"; } LOG("getCanUseBits - BITS can be used to download updates"); return "CanUseBits"; } /** * Logs a string to the error console. If enabled, also logs to the update * messages file. * @param string * The string to write to the error console. */ function LOG(string) { lazy.UpdateLog.logPrefixedString("AUS:SVC", string); } /** * Gets the specified directory at the specified hierarchy under the * update root directory and creates it if it doesn't exist. * @param pathArray * An array of path components to locate beneath the directory * specified by |key| * @return nsIFile object for the location specified. */ function getUpdateDirCreate(pathArray) { if (Cu.isInAutomation) { // This allows tests to use an alternate updates directory so they can test // startup behavior. const MAGIC_TEST_ROOT_PREFIX = ""; const PREF_TEST_ROOT = "mochitest.testRoot"; let alternatePath = Services.prefs.getCharPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_ALTUPDATEDIRPATH, null ); if (alternatePath && alternatePath.startsWith(MAGIC_TEST_ROOT_PREFIX)) { let testRoot = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_TEST_ROOT); let relativePath = alternatePath.substring(MAGIC_TEST_ROOT_PREFIX.length); if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { relativePath = relativePath.replace(/\//g, "\\"); } alternatePath = testRoot + relativePath; let updateDir = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIFile ); updateDir.initWithPath(alternatePath); for (let i = 0; i < pathArray.length; ++i) { updateDir.append(pathArray[i]); } return updateDir; } } let dir = FileUtils.getDir(KEY_UPDROOT, pathArray); try { dir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY); } catch (ex) { if (ex.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS) { throw ex; } // Ignore the exception due to a directory that already exists. } return dir; } /** * Gets the application base directory. * * @return nsIFile object for the application base directory. */ function getAppBaseDir() { return Services.dirsvc.get(KEY_EXECUTABLE, Ci.nsIFile).parent; } /** * Gets the root of the installation directory which is the application * bundle directory on Mac OS X and the location of the application binary * on all other platforms. * * @return nsIFile object for the directory */ function getInstallDirRoot() { let dir = getAppBaseDir(); if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { // On macOS, the executable is stored under Contents/MacOS. dir = dir.parent.parent; } return dir; } /** * Gets the file at the specified hierarchy under the update root directory. * @param pathArray * An array of path components to locate beneath the directory * specified by |key|. The last item in this array must be the * leaf name of a file. * @return nsIFile object for the file specified. The file is NOT created * if it does not exist, however all required directories along * the way are. */ function getUpdateFile(pathArray) { let file = getUpdateDirCreate(pathArray.slice(0, -1)); file.append(pathArray[pathArray.length - 1]); return file; } /** * This function is designed to let us slightly clean up the mapping between * strings and error codes. So that instead of having: * check_error-2147500036=Connection aborted * check_error-2152398850=Connection aborted * We can have: * check_error-connection_aborted=Connection aborted * And map both of those error codes to it. */ function maybeMapErrorCode(code) { switch (code) { case Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED: case Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT: return "connection_aborted"; } return code; } /** * Returns human readable status text from the updates.properties bundle * based on an error code * @param code * The error code to look up human readable status text for * @param defaultCode * The default code to look up should human readable status text * not exist for |code| * @return A human readable status text string */ function getStatusTextFromCode(code, defaultCode) { code = maybeMapErrorCode(code); let reason; try { reason = lazy.gUpdateBundle.GetStringFromName("check_error-" + code); LOG( "getStatusTextFromCode - transfer error: " + reason + ", code: " + code ); } catch (e) { defaultCode = maybeMapErrorCode(defaultCode); // Use the default reason reason = lazy.gUpdateBundle.GetStringFromName("check_error-" + defaultCode); LOG( "getStatusTextFromCode - transfer error: " + reason + ", default code: " + defaultCode ); } return reason; } /** * Get the Ready Update directory. This is the directory that an update * should reside in after download has completed but before it has been * installed and cleaned up. * @return The ready updates directory, as a nsIFile object */ function getReadyUpdateDir() { return getUpdateDirCreate([DIR_UPDATES, DIR_UPDATE_READY]); } /** * Get the Downloading Update directory. This is the directory that an update * should reside in during download. Once download is completed, it will be * moved to the Ready Update directory. * @return The downloading update directory, as a nsIFile object */ function getDownloadingUpdateDir() { return getUpdateDirCreate([DIR_UPDATES, DIR_UPDATE_DOWNLOADING]); } /** * Reads the update state from the update.status file in the specified * directory. * @param dir * The dir to look for an update.status file in * @return The status value of the update. */ function readStatusFile(dir) { let statusFile = dir.clone(); statusFile.append(FILE_UPDATE_STATUS); let status = readStringFromFile(statusFile) || STATE_NONE; LOG("readStatusFile - status: " + status + ", path: " + statusFile.path); return status; } /** * Reads the binary transparency result file from the given directory. * Removes the file if it is present (so don't call this twice and expect a * result the second time). * @param dir * The dir to look for an update.bt file in * @return A error code from verifying binary transparency information or null * if the file was not present (indicating there was no error). */ function readBinaryTransparencyResult(dir) { let binaryTransparencyResultFile = dir.clone(); binaryTransparencyResultFile.append(FILE_BT_RESULT); let result = readStringFromFile(binaryTransparencyResultFile); LOG( "readBinaryTransparencyResult - result: " + result + ", path: " + binaryTransparencyResultFile.path ); // If result is non-null, the file exists. We should remove it to avoid // double-reporting this result. if (result) { binaryTransparencyResultFile.remove(false); } return result; } /** * Writes the current update operation/state to a file in the patch * directory, indicating to the patching system that operations need * to be performed. * @param dir * The patch directory where the update.status file should be * written. * @param state * The state value to write. */ function writeStatusFile(dir, state) { let statusFile = dir.clone(); statusFile.append(FILE_UPDATE_STATUS); writeStringToFile(statusFile, state); } /** * Writes the update's application version to a file in the patch directory. If * the update doesn't provide application version information via the * appVersion attribute the string "null" will be written to the file. * This value is compared during startup (in nsUpdateDriver.cpp) to determine if * the update should be applied. Note that this won't provide protection from * downgrade of the application for the nightly user case where the application * version doesn't change. * @param dir * The patch directory where the update.version file should be * written. * @param version * The version value to write. Will be the string "null" when the * update doesn't provide the appVersion attribute in the update xml. */ function writeVersionFile(dir, version) { let versionFile = dir.clone(); versionFile.append(FILE_UPDATE_VERSION); writeStringToFile(versionFile, version); } /** * Determines if the service should be used to attempt an update * or not. * * @return true if the service should be used for updates. */ function shouldUseService() { // This function will return true if the mantenance service should be used if // all of the following conditions are met: // 1) This build was done with the maintenance service enabled // 2) The maintenance service is installed // 3) The pref for using the service is enabled if ( !AppConstants.MOZ_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE || !isServiceInstalled() || !Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_ENABLED, false) ) { LOG("shouldUseService - returning false"); return false; } LOG("shouldUseService - returning true"); return true; } /** * Determines if the service is is installed. * * @return true if the service is installed. */ function isServiceInstalled() { if (!AppConstants.MOZ_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE || AppConstants.platform != "win") { LOG("isServiceInstalled - returning false"); return false; } let installed = 0; try { let wrk = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey ); wrk.open( wrk.ROOT_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\MaintenanceService", wrk.ACCESS_READ | wrk.WOW64_64 ); installed = wrk.readIntValue("Installed"); wrk.close(); } catch (e) {} installed = installed == 1; // convert to bool LOG("isServiceInstalled - returning " + installed); return installed; } /** * Gets the appropriate pending update state. Returns STATE_PENDING_SERVICE, * STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE, or STATE_PENDING. */ function getBestPendingState() { if (shouldUseService()) { return STATE_PENDING_SERVICE; } else if (getElevationRequired()) { return STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE; } return STATE_PENDING; } /** * Removes the contents of the ready update directory and rotates the update * logs when present. If the update.log exists in the patch directory this will * move the last-update.log if it exists to backup-update.log in the parent * directory of the patch directory and then move the update.log in the patch * directory to last-update.log in the parent directory of the patch directory. * * @param aRemovePatchFiles (optional, defaults to true) * When true the update's patch directory contents are removed. */ function cleanUpReadyUpdateDir(aRemovePatchFiles = true) { let updateDir; try { updateDir = getReadyUpdateDir(); } catch (e) { LOG( "cleanUpReadyUpdateDir - unable to get the updates patch directory. " + "Exception: " + e ); return; } // Preserve the last update log files for debugging purposes. // Make sure to keep the pairs of logs (ex "last-update.log" and // "last-update-elevated.log") together. We don't want to skip moving // "last-update-elevated.log" just because there isn't an // "update-elevated.log" to take its place. let updateLogFile = updateDir.clone(); updateLogFile.append(FILE_UPDATE_LOG); let updateElevatedLogFile = updateDir.clone(); updateElevatedLogFile.append(FILE_UPDATE_ELEVATED_LOG); if (updateLogFile.exists() || updateElevatedLogFile.exists()) { const overwriteOrRemoveBackupLog = (log, shouldOverwrite, backupName) => { if (shouldOverwrite) { try { log.moveTo(dir, backupName); } catch (e) { LOG( `cleanUpReadyUpdateDir - failed to rename file '${log.path}' to ` + `'${backupName}': ${e.result}` ); } } else { // If we don't have a file to overwrite this one, make sure we remove // it anyways to prevent log pairs from getting mismatched. let backupLogFile = dir.clone(); backupLogFile.append(backupName); try { backupLogFile.remove(false); } catch (e) { if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { LOG( `cleanUpReadyUpdateDir - failed to remove file ` + `'${backupLogFile.path}': ${e.result}` ); } } } }; let dir = updateDir.parent; let logFile = dir.clone(); logFile.append(FILE_LAST_UPDATE_LOG); const logFileExists = logFile.exists(); let elevatedLogFile = dir.clone(); elevatedLogFile.append(FILE_LAST_UPDATE_ELEVATED_LOG); const elevatedLogFileExists = elevatedLogFile.exists(); if (logFileExists || elevatedLogFileExists) { overwriteOrRemoveBackupLog( logFile, logFileExists, FILE_BACKUP_UPDATE_LOG ); overwriteOrRemoveBackupLog( elevatedLogFile, elevatedLogFileExists, FILE_BACKUP_UPDATE_ELEVATED_LOG ); } overwriteOrRemoveBackupLog(updateLogFile, true, FILE_LAST_UPDATE_LOG); overwriteOrRemoveBackupLog( updateElevatedLogFile, true, FILE_LAST_UPDATE_ELEVATED_LOG ); } if (aRemovePatchFiles) { let dirEntries = updateDir.directoryEntries; while (dirEntries.hasMoreElements()) { let file = dirEntries.nextFile; // Now, recursively remove this file. The recursive removal is needed for // Mac OSX because this directory will contain a copy of updater.app, // which is itself a directory and the MozUpdater directory on platforms // other than Windows. try { file.remove(true); } catch (e) { LOG("cleanUpReadyUpdateDir - failed to remove file " + file.path); } } } } /** * Removes the contents of the update download directory. * */ function cleanUpDownloadingUpdateDir() { let updateDir; try { updateDir = getDownloadingUpdateDir(); } catch (e) { LOG( "cleanUpDownloadUpdatesDir - unable to get the updates patch " + "directory. Exception: " + e ); return; } let dirEntries = updateDir.directoryEntries; while (dirEntries.hasMoreElements()) { let file = dirEntries.nextFile; // Now, recursively remove this file. try { file.remove(true); } catch (e) { LOG("cleanUpDownloadUpdatesDir - failed to remove file " + file.path); } } } /** * Clean up the updates list and the directory that contains the update that * is ready to be installed. * * Note - This function causes a state transition to either STATE_DOWNLOADING * or STATE_NONE, depending on whether an update download is in progress. */ function cleanupReadyUpdate() { // Move the update from the Active Update list into the Past Updates list. if (lazy.UM.readyUpdate) { LOG("cleanupReadyUpdate - Clearing readyUpdate"); lazy.UM.addUpdateToHistory(lazy.UM.readyUpdate); lazy.UM.readyUpdate = null; } lazy.UM.saveUpdates(); let readyUpdateDir = getReadyUpdateDir(); let shouldSetDownloadingStatus = lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate || readStatusFile(readyUpdateDir) == STATE_DOWNLOADING; // Now trash the ready update directory, since we're done with it cleanUpReadyUpdateDir(); // We need to handle two similar cases here. // The first is where we clean up the ready updates directory while we are in // the downloading state. In this case, we remove the update.status file that // says we are downloading, even though we should remain in that state. // The second case is when we clean up a ready update, but there is also a // downloading update (in which case the update status file's state will // reflect the state of the ready update, not the downloading one). In that // case, instead of reverting to STATE_NONE (which is what we do by removing // the status file), we should set our state to downloading. if (shouldSetDownloadingStatus) { LOG("cleanupReadyUpdate - Transitioning back to downloading state."); transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_DOWNLOADING); writeStatusFile(readyUpdateDir, STATE_DOWNLOADING); } } /** * Clean up updates list and the directory that the currently downloading update * is downloaded to. * * Note - This function may cause a state transition. If the current state is * STATE_DOWNLOADING, this will cause it to change to STATE_NONE. */ function cleanupDownloadingUpdate() { // Move the update from the Active Update list into the Past Updates list. if (lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate) { LOG("cleanupDownloadingUpdate - Clearing downloadingUpdate."); lazy.UM.addUpdateToHistory(lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate); lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate = null; } lazy.UM.saveUpdates(); // Now trash the update download directory, since we're done with it cleanUpDownloadingUpdateDir(); // If the update status file says we are downloading, we should remove that // too, since we aren't doing that anymore. let readyUpdateDir = getReadyUpdateDir(); let status = readStatusFile(readyUpdateDir); if (status == STATE_DOWNLOADING) { let statusFile = readyUpdateDir.clone(); statusFile.append(FILE_UPDATE_STATUS); statusFile.remove(); } } /** * Clean up updates list, the ready update directory, and the downloading update * directory. * * This is more efficient than calling * cleanupReadyUpdate(); * cleanupDownloadingUpdate(); * because those need some special handling of the update status file to make * sure that, for example, cleaning up a ready update doesn't make us forget * that we are downloading an update. When we cleanup both updates, we don't * need to worry about things like that. * * Note - This function causes a state transition to STATE_NONE. */ function cleanupActiveUpdates() { // Move the update from the Active Update list into the Past Updates list. if (lazy.UM.readyUpdate) { LOG("cleanupActiveUpdates - Clearing readyUpdate"); lazy.UM.addUpdateToHistory(lazy.UM.readyUpdate); lazy.UM.readyUpdate = null; } if (lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate) { LOG("cleanupActiveUpdates - Clearing downloadingUpdate."); lazy.UM.addUpdateToHistory(lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate); lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate = null; } lazy.UM.saveUpdates(); // Now trash both active update directories, since we're done with them cleanUpReadyUpdateDir(); cleanUpDownloadingUpdateDir(); } /** * Writes a string of text to a file. A newline will be appended to the data * written to the file. This function only works with ASCII text. * @param file An nsIFile indicating what file to write to. * @param text A string containing the text to write to the file. * @return true on success, false on failure. */ function writeStringToFile(file, text) { try { let fos = FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream(file); text += "\n"; fos.write(text, text.length); FileUtils.closeSafeFileOutputStream(fos); } catch (e) { LOG(`writeStringToFile - Failed to write to file: "${file}". Error: ${e}"`); return false; } return true; } function readStringFromInputStream(inputStream) { var sis = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream ); sis.init(inputStream); var text = sis.read(sis.available()); sis.close(); if (text && text[text.length - 1] == "\n") { text = text.slice(0, -1); } return text; } /** * Reads a string of text from a file. A trailing newline will be removed * before the result is returned. This function only works with ASCII text. */ function readStringFromFile(file) { if (!file.exists()) { LOG("readStringFromFile - file doesn't exist: " + file.path); return null; } var fis = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIFileInputStream ); fis.init(file, FileUtils.MODE_RDONLY, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0); return readStringFromInputStream(fis); } /** * Attempts to recover from an update error. If successful, `true` will be * returned and AUS.currentState will be transitioned. */ function handleUpdateFailure(update) { if (WRITE_ERRORS.includes(update.errorCode)) { LOG( "handleUpdateFailure - Failure is a write error. Setting state to pending" ); writeStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir(), (update.state = STATE_PENDING)); transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_PENDING); return true; } if (update.errorCode == SILENT_UPDATE_NEEDED_ELEVATION_ERROR) { // There's no need to count attempts and escalate: it's expected that the // background update task will try to update and fail due to required // elevation repeatedly if, for example, the maintenance service is not // available (or not functioning) and the installation requires privileges // to update. let bestState = getBestPendingState(); LOG( "handleUpdateFailure - witnessed SILENT_UPDATE_NEEDED_ELEVATION_ERROR, " + "returning to " + bestState ); writeStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir(), (update.state = bestState)); transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_PENDING); // Return true to indicate a recoverable error. return true; } if (update.errorCode == ELEVATION_CANCELED) { let elevationAttempts = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_ATTEMPTS, 0 ); elevationAttempts++; Services.prefs.setIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_ATTEMPTS, elevationAttempts ); let maxAttempts = Math.min( Services.prefs.getIntPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_MAXATTEMPTS, 2), 10 ); if (elevationAttempts > maxAttempts) { LOG( "handleUpdateFailure - notifying observers of error. " + "topic: update-error, status: elevation-attempts-exceeded" ); Services.obs.notifyObservers( update, "update-error", "elevation-attempts-exceeded" ); } else { LOG( "handleUpdateFailure - notifying observers of error. " + "topic: update-error, status: elevation-attempt-failed" ); Services.obs.notifyObservers( update, "update-error", "elevation-attempt-failed" ); } let cancelations = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS, 0 ); cancelations++; Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS, cancelations); if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { let osxCancelations = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX, 0 ); osxCancelations++; Services.prefs.setIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX, osxCancelations ); let maxCancels = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX_MAX, DEFAULT_CANCELATIONS_OSX_MAX ); // Prevent the preference from setting a value greater than 5. maxCancels = Math.min(maxCancels, 5); if (osxCancelations >= maxCancels) { LOG( "handleUpdateFailure - Too many OSX cancellations. Cleaning up " + "ready update." ); cleanupReadyUpdate(); return false; } LOG( `handleUpdateFailure - OSX cancellation. Trying again by setting ` + `status to "${STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE}".` ); writeStatusFile( getReadyUpdateDir(), (update.state = STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE) ); update.statusText = lazy.gUpdateBundle.GetStringFromName("elevationFailure"); } else { LOG( "handleUpdateFailure - Failure because elevation was cancelled. " + "again by setting status to pending." ); writeStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir(), (update.state = STATE_PENDING)); } transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_PENDING); return true; } if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS)) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS); } if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX)) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX); } if (SERVICE_ERRORS.includes(update.errorCode)) { var failCount = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_ERRORS, 0 ); var maxFail = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_MAXERRORS, DEFAULT_SERVICE_MAX_ERRORS ); // Prevent the preference from setting a value greater than 10. maxFail = Math.min(maxFail, 10); // As a safety, when the service reaches maximum failures, it will // disable itself and fallback to using the normal update mechanism // without the service. if (failCount >= maxFail) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_ENABLED, false); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_ERRORS); } else { failCount++; Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_ERRORS, failCount); } LOG( "handleUpdateFailure - Got a service error. Try to update without the " + "service by setting the state to pending." ); writeStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir(), (update.state = STATE_PENDING)); transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_PENDING); return true; } if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_ERRORS)) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_ERRORS); } return false; } /** * Return the first UpdatePatch with the given type. * @param update * A nsIUpdate object to search through for a patch of the desired * type. * @param patch_type * The type of the patch ("complete" or "partial") * @return A nsIUpdatePatch object matching the type specified */ function getPatchOfType(update, patch_type) { for (var i = 0; i < update.patchCount; ++i) { var patch = update.getPatchAt(i); if (patch && patch.type == patch_type) { return patch; } } return null; } /** * Fall back to downloading a complete update in case an update has failed. * * This will transition `AUS.currentState` to `STATE_DOWNLOADING` if there is * another patch to download, or `STATE_IDLE` if there is not. */ async function handleFallbackToCompleteUpdate() { // If we failed to install an update, we need to fall back to a complete // update. If the install directory has been modified, more partial updates // will fail for the same reason. Since we only download partial updates // while there is already an update downloaded, we don't have to check the // downloading update, we can be confident that we are not downloading the // right thing at the moment. // The downloading update will be newer than the ready update, so use that // update, if it exists. let update = lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate || lazy.UM.readyUpdate; if (!update) { LOG( "handleFallbackToCompleteUpdate - Unable to find an update to fall " + "back to." ); return; } LOG( "handleFallbackToCompleteUpdate - Cleaning up active updates in " + "preparation of falling back to complete update." ); await lazy.AUS.stopDownload(); cleanupActiveUpdates(); if (!update.selectedPatch) { // If we don't have a partial patch selected but a partial is available, // _selectPatch() will download that instead of the complete patch. let patch = getPatchOfType(update, "partial"); if (patch) { patch.selected = true; } } update.statusText = lazy.gUpdateBundle.GetStringFromName("patchApplyFailure"); var oldType = update.selectedPatch ? update.selectedPatch.type : "complete"; if (update.selectedPatch && oldType == "partial" && update.patchCount == 2) { // Partial patch application failed, try downloading the complete // update in the background instead. LOG( "handleFallbackToCompleteUpdate - install of partial patch " + "failed, downloading complete patch" ); var success = await lazy.AUS.downloadUpdate(update); if (!success) { LOG( "handleFallbackToCompleteUpdate - Starting complete patch download " + "failed. Cleaning up downloading patch." ); cleanupDownloadingUpdate(); } } else { LOG( "handleFallbackToCompleteUpdate - install of complete or " + "only one patch offered failed. Notifying observers. topic: " + "update-error, status: unknown, " + "update.patchCount: " + update.patchCount + ", " + "oldType: " + oldType ); transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_IDLE); Services.obs.notifyObservers(update, "update-error", "unknown"); } } function pingStateAndStatusCodes(aUpdate, aStartup, aStatus) { let patchType = AUSTLMY.PATCH_UNKNOWN; if (aUpdate && aUpdate.selectedPatch && aUpdate.selectedPatch.type) { if (aUpdate.selectedPatch.type == "complete") { patchType = AUSTLMY.PATCH_COMPLETE; } else if (aUpdate.selectedPatch.type == "partial") { patchType = AUSTLMY.PATCH_PARTIAL; } } let suffix = patchType + "_" + (aStartup ? AUSTLMY.STARTUP : AUSTLMY.STAGE); let stateCode = 0; let parts = aStatus.split(":"); if (parts.length) { switch (parts[0]) { case STATE_NONE: stateCode = 2; break; case STATE_DOWNLOADING: stateCode = 3; break; case STATE_PENDING: stateCode = 4; break; case STATE_PENDING_SERVICE: stateCode = 5; break; case STATE_APPLYING: stateCode = 6; break; case STATE_APPLIED: stateCode = 7; break; case STATE_APPLIED_SERVICE: stateCode = 9; break; case STATE_SUCCEEDED: stateCode = 10; break; case STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED: stateCode = 11; break; case STATE_FAILED: stateCode = 12; break; case STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE: stateCode = 13; break; // Note: Do not use stateCode 14 here. It is defined in // UpdateTelemetry.jsm default: stateCode = 1; } if (parts.length > 1) { let statusErrorCode = INVALID_UPDATER_STATE_CODE; if (parts[0] == STATE_FAILED) { statusErrorCode = parseInt(parts[1]) || INVALID_UPDATER_STATUS_CODE; } AUSTLMY.pingStatusErrorCode(suffix, statusErrorCode); } } let binaryTransparencyResult = readBinaryTransparencyResult( getReadyUpdateDir() ); if (binaryTransparencyResult) { AUSTLMY.pingBinaryTransparencyResult( suffix, parseInt(binaryTransparencyResult) ); } AUSTLMY.pingStateCode(suffix, stateCode); } /** * This returns true if the passed update is the same version or older than the * version and build ID values passed. Otherwise it returns false. */ function updateIsAtLeastAsOldAs(update, version, buildID) { if (!update || !update.appVersion || !update.buildID) { return false; } let versionComparison = Services.vc.compare(update.appVersion, version); return ( versionComparison < 0 || (versionComparison == 0 && update.buildID == buildID) ); } /** * This returns true if the passed update is the same version or older than * currently installed Firefox version. */ function updateIsAtLeastAsOldAsCurrentVersion(update) { return updateIsAtLeastAsOldAs( update, Services.appinfo.version, Services.appinfo.appBuildID ); } /** * This returns true if the passed update is the same version or older than * the update that we have already downloaded (UpdateManager.readyUpdate). * Returns false if no update has already been downloaded. */ function updateIsAtLeastAsOldAsReadyUpdate(update) { if ( !lazy.UM.readyUpdate || !lazy.UM.readyUpdate.appVersion || !lazy.UM.readyUpdate.buildID ) { return false; } return updateIsAtLeastAsOldAs( update, lazy.UM.readyUpdate.appVersion, lazy.UM.readyUpdate.buildID ); } /** * This function determines whether the error represented by the passed error * code could potentially be recovered from or bypassed by updating without * using the Maintenance Service (i.e. by showing a UAC prompt). * We don't really want to show a UAC prompt, but it's preferable over the * manual update doorhanger. So this function effectively distinguishes between * which of those we should do if update staging failed. (The updater * automatically falls back if the Maintenance Services fails, so this function * doesn't handle that case) * * @param An integer error code from the update.status file. Should be one of * the codes enumerated in updatererrors.h. * @returns true if the code represents a Maintenance Service specific error. * Otherwise, false. */ function isServiceSpecificErrorCode(errorCode) { return ( (errorCode >= 24 && errorCode <= 33) || (errorCode >= 49 && errorCode <= 58) ); } /** * This function determines whether the error represented by the passed error * code is the result of the updater failing to allocate memory. This is * relevant when staging because, since Firefox is also running, we may not be * able to allocate much memory. Thus, if we fail to stage an update, we may * succeed at updating without staging. * * @param An integer error code from the update.status file. Should be one of * the codes enumerated in updatererrors.h. * @returns true if the code represents a memory allocation error. * Otherwise, false. */ function isMemoryAllocationErrorCode(errorCode) { return errorCode >= 10 && errorCode <= 14; } /** * Normally when staging, `nsUpdateProcessor::WaitForProcess` waits for the * staging process to complete by watching for its PID to terminate. * However, there are less ideal situations. Notably, we might start the browser * and find that update staging appears to already be in-progress. If that * happens, we really want to pick up the update process from STATE_STAGING, * but we don't really have any way of keeping an eye on the staging process * other than to just poll the status file. * * Like `nsUpdateProcessor`, this calls `nsIUpdateManager.refreshUpdateStatus` * after polling completes (regardless of result). * * It is also important to keep in mind that the updater might have crashed * during staging, meaning that the status file will never change, no matter how * long we keep polling. So we need to set an upper bound on how long we are * willing to poll for. * * There are three situations that we want to avoid. * (1) We don't want to set the poll interval too long. A user might be watching * the user interface and waiting to restart to install the update. A long poll * interval will cause them to have to wait longer than necessary. Especially * since the expected total staging time is not that long. * (2) We don't want to give up polling too early and give up on an update that * will ultimately succeed. * (3) We don't want to use a rapid polling interval over a long duration. * * To avoid these situations, we will start with a short polling interval, but * will increase it the longer that we have to wait. Then if we hit the upper * bound of polling, we will give up. */ function pollForStagingEnd() { let pollingIntervalMs = STAGING_POLLING_MIN_INTERVAL_MS; // Number of times to poll before increasing the polling interval. let pollAttemptsAtIntervalRemaining = STAGING_POLLING_ATTEMPTS_PER_INTERVAL; let timeElapsedMs = 0; let pollingFn = () => { pollAttemptsAtIntervalRemaining -= 1; // This isn't a perfectly accurate way of keeping time, but it does nicely // sidestep dealing with issues of (non)monotonic time. timeElapsedMs += pollingIntervalMs; if (timeElapsedMs >= STAGING_POLLING_MAX_DURATION_MS) { lazy.UM.refreshUpdateStatus(); return; } if (readStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir()) != STATE_APPLYING) { lazy.UM.refreshUpdateStatus(); return; } if (pollAttemptsAtIntervalRemaining <= 0) { pollingIntervalMs = Math.min( pollingIntervalMs * 2, STAGING_POLLING_MAX_INTERVAL_MS ); pollAttemptsAtIntervalRemaining = STAGING_POLLING_ATTEMPTS_PER_INTERVAL; } lazy.setTimeout(pollingFn, pollingIntervalMs); }; lazy.setTimeout(pollingFn, pollingIntervalMs); } /** * Update Patch * @param patch * A element to initialize this object with * @throws if patch has a size of 0 * @constructor */ function UpdatePatch(patch) { this._properties = {}; this.errorCode = 0; this.finalURL = null; this.state = STATE_NONE; for (let i = 0; i < patch.attributes.length; ++i) { var attr = patch.attributes.item(i); // If an undefined value is saved to the xml file it will be a string when // it is read from the xml file. if (attr.value == "undefined") { continue; } switch (attr.name) { case "xmlns": // Don't save the XML namespace. break; case "selected": this.selected = attr.value == "true"; break; case "size": if (0 == parseInt(attr.value)) { LOG("UpdatePatch:init - 0-sized patch!"); throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE); } this[attr.name] = attr.value; break; case "errorCode": if (attr.value) { let val = parseInt(attr.value); // This will evaluate to false if the value is 0 but that's ok since // this.errorCode is set to the default of 0 above. if (val) { this.errorCode = val; } } break; case "finalURL": case "state": case "type": case "URL": this[attr.name] = attr.value; break; default: if (!this._attrNames.includes(attr.name)) { // Set nsIPropertyBag properties that were read from the xml file. this.setProperty(attr.name, attr.value); } break; } } } UpdatePatch.prototype = { // nsIUpdatePatch attribute names used to prevent nsIWritablePropertyBag from // over writing nsIUpdatePatch attributes. _attrNames: [ "errorCode", "finalURL", "selected", "size", "state", "type", "URL", ], /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ serialize: function UpdatePatch_serialize(updates) { var patch = updates.createElementNS(URI_UPDATE_NS, "patch"); patch.setAttribute("size", this.size); patch.setAttribute("type", this.type); patch.setAttribute("URL", this.URL); // Don't write an errorCode if it evaluates to false since 0 is the same as // no error code. if (this.errorCode) { patch.setAttribute("errorCode", this.errorCode); } // finalURL is not available until after the download has started if (this.finalURL) { patch.setAttribute("finalURL", this.finalURL); } // The selected patch is the only patch that should have this attribute. if (this.selected) { patch.setAttribute("selected", this.selected); } if (this.state != STATE_NONE) { patch.setAttribute("state", this.state); } for (let [name, value] of Object.entries(this._properties)) { if (value.present && !this._attrNames.includes(name)) { patch.setAttribute(name, value.data); } } return patch; }, /** * See nsIWritablePropertyBag.idl */ setProperty: function UpdatePatch_setProperty(name, value) { if (this._attrNames.includes(name)) { throw Components.Exception( "Illegal value '" + name + "' (attribute exists on nsIUpdatePatch) " + "when calling method: [nsIWritablePropertyBag::setProperty]", Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE ); } this._properties[name] = { data: value, present: true }; }, /** * See nsIWritablePropertyBag.idl */ deleteProperty: function UpdatePatch_deleteProperty(name) { if (this._attrNames.includes(name)) { throw Components.Exception( "Illegal value '" + name + "' (attribute exists on nsIUpdatePatch) " + "when calling method: [nsIWritablePropertyBag::deleteProperty]", Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE ); } if (name in this._properties) { this._properties[name].present = false; } else { throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } }, /** * See nsIPropertyBag.idl * * Note: this only contains the nsIPropertyBag name / value pairs and not the * nsIUpdatePatch name / value pairs. */ get enumerator() { return this.enumerate(); }, *enumerate() { // An nsISupportsInterfacePointer is used so creating an array using // Array.from will retain the QueryInterface for nsIProperty. let ip = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-interface-pointer;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsISupportsInterfacePointer ); let qi = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIProperty"]); for (let [name, value] of Object.entries(this._properties)) { if (value.present && !this._attrNames.includes(name)) { // The nsIPropertyBag enumerator returns a nsISimpleEnumerator whose // elements are nsIProperty objects. Calling QueryInterface for // nsIProperty on the object doesn't return to the caller an object that // is already queried to nsIProperty but do it just in case it is fixed // at some point. ip.data = { name, value: value.data, QueryInterface: qi }; yield ip.data.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIProperty); } } }, /** * See nsIPropertyBag.idl * * Note: returns null instead of throwing when the property doesn't exist to * simplify code and to silence warnings in debug builds. */ getProperty: function UpdatePatch_getProperty(name) { if (this._attrNames.includes(name)) { throw Components.Exception( "Illegal value '" + name + "' (attribute exists on nsIUpdatePatch) " + "when calling method: [nsIWritablePropertyBag::getProperty]", Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE ); } if (name in this._properties && this._properties[name].present) { return this._properties[name].data; } return null; }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIUpdatePatch", "nsIPropertyBag", "nsIWritablePropertyBag", ]), }; /** * Update * Implements nsIUpdate * @param update * An element to initialize this object with * @throws if the update contains no patches * @constructor */ function Update(update) { this._patches = []; this._properties = {}; this.isCompleteUpdate = false; this.channel = "default"; this.promptWaitTime = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_PROMPTWAITTIME, 43200 ); this.unsupported = false; // Null , assume this is a message container and do no // further initialization if (!update) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < update.childNodes.length; ++i) { let patchElement = update.childNodes.item(i); if ( patchElement.nodeType != patchElement.ELEMENT_NODE || patchElement.localName != "patch" ) { continue; } let patch; try { patch = new UpdatePatch(patchElement); } catch (e) { continue; } this._patches.push(patch); } if (!this._patches.length && !update.hasAttribute("unsupported")) { throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE); } // Set the installDate value with the current time. If the update has an // installDate attribute this will be replaced with that value if it doesn't // equal 0. this.installDate = new Date().getTime(); this.patchCount = this._patches.length; for (let i = 0; i < update.attributes.length; ++i) { let attr = update.attributes.item(i); if (attr.name == "xmlns" || attr.value == "undefined") { // Don't save the XML namespace or undefined values. // If an undefined value is saved to the xml file it will be a string when // it is read from the xml file. continue; } else if (attr.name == "detailsURL") { this.detailsURL = attr.value; } else if (attr.name == "installDate" && attr.value) { let val = parseInt(attr.value); if (val) { this.installDate = val; } } else if (attr.name == "errorCode" && attr.value) { let val = parseInt(attr.value); if (val) { // Set the value of |_errorCode| instead of |errorCode| since // selectedPatch won't be available at this point and normally the // nsIUpdatePatch will provide the errorCode. this._errorCode = val; } } else if (attr.name == "isCompleteUpdate") { this.isCompleteUpdate = attr.value == "true"; } else if (attr.name == "promptWaitTime") { if (!isNaN(attr.value)) { this.promptWaitTime = parseInt(attr.value); } } else if (attr.name == "unsupported") { this.unsupported = attr.value == "true"; } else { switch (attr.name) { case "appVersion": case "buildID": case "channel": case "displayVersion": case "elevationFailure": case "name": case "previousAppVersion": case "serviceURL": case "statusText": case "type": this[attr.name] = attr.value; break; default: if (!this._attrNames.includes(attr.name)) { // Set nsIPropertyBag properties that were read from the xml file. this.setProperty(attr.name, attr.value); } break; } } } if (!this.previousAppVersion) { this.previousAppVersion = Services.appinfo.version; } if (!this.elevationFailure) { this.elevationFailure = false; } if (!this.detailsURL) { try { // Try using a default details URL supplied by the distribution // if the update XML does not supply one. this.detailsURL = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_URL_DETAILS ); } catch (e) { this.detailsURL = ""; } } if (!this.displayVersion) { this.displayVersion = this.appVersion; } if (!this.name) { // When the update doesn't provide a name fallback to using // " " let brandBundle = Services.strings.createBundle(URI_BRAND_PROPERTIES); let appName = brandBundle.GetStringFromName("brandShortName"); this.name = lazy.gUpdateBundle.formatStringFromName("updateName", [ appName, this.displayVersion, ]); } } Update.prototype = { // nsIUpdate attribute names used to prevent nsIWritablePropertyBag from over // writing nsIUpdate attributes. _attrNames: [ "appVersion", "buildID", "channel", "detailsURL", "displayVersion", "elevationFailure", "errorCode", "installDate", "isCompleteUpdate", "name", "previousAppVersion", "promptWaitTime", "serviceURL", "state", "statusText", "type", "unsupported", ], /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ getPatchAt: function Update_getPatchAt(index) { return this._patches[index]; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl * * We use a copy of the state cached on this object in |_state| only when * there is no selected patch, i.e. in the case when we could not load * active updates from the update manager for some reason but still have * the update.status file to work with. */ _state: "", get state() { if (this.selectedPatch) { return this.selectedPatch.state; } return this._state; }, set state(state) { if (this.selectedPatch) { this.selectedPatch.state = state; } this._state = state; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl * * We use a copy of the errorCode cached on this object in |_errorCode| only * when there is no selected patch, i.e. in the case when we could not load * active updates from the update manager for some reason but still have * the update.status file to work with. */ _errorCode: 0, get errorCode() { if (this.selectedPatch) { return this.selectedPatch.errorCode; } return this._errorCode; }, set errorCode(errorCode) { if (this.selectedPatch) { this.selectedPatch.errorCode = errorCode; } this._errorCode = errorCode; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get selectedPatch() { for (let i = 0; i < this.patchCount; ++i) { if (this._patches[i].selected) { return this._patches[i]; } } return null; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ serialize: function Update_serialize(updates) { // If appVersion isn't defined just return null. This happens when cleaning // up invalid updates (e.g. incorrect channel). if (!this.appVersion) { return null; } let update = updates.createElementNS(URI_UPDATE_NS, "update"); update.setAttribute("appVersion", this.appVersion); update.setAttribute("buildID", this.buildID); update.setAttribute("channel", this.channel); update.setAttribute("detailsURL", this.detailsURL); update.setAttribute("displayVersion", this.displayVersion); update.setAttribute("installDate", this.installDate); update.setAttribute("isCompleteUpdate", this.isCompleteUpdate); update.setAttribute("name", this.name); update.setAttribute("previousAppVersion", this.previousAppVersion); update.setAttribute("promptWaitTime", this.promptWaitTime); update.setAttribute("serviceURL", this.serviceURL); update.setAttribute("type", this.type); if (this.statusText) { update.setAttribute("statusText", this.statusText); } if (this.unsupported) { update.setAttribute("unsupported", this.unsupported); } if (this.elevationFailure) { update.setAttribute("elevationFailure", this.elevationFailure); } for (let [name, value] of Object.entries(this._properties)) { if (value.present && !this._attrNames.includes(name)) { update.setAttribute(name, value.data); } } for (let i = 0; i < this.patchCount; ++i) { update.appendChild(this.getPatchAt(i).serialize(updates)); } updates.documentElement.appendChild(update); return update; }, /** * See nsIWritablePropertyBag.idl */ setProperty: function Update_setProperty(name, value) { if (this._attrNames.includes(name)) { throw Components.Exception( "Illegal value '" + name + "' (attribute exists on nsIUpdate) " + "when calling method: [nsIWritablePropertyBag::setProperty]", Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE ); } this._properties[name] = { data: value, present: true }; }, /** * See nsIWritablePropertyBag.idl */ deleteProperty: function Update_deleteProperty(name) { if (this._attrNames.includes(name)) { throw Components.Exception( "Illegal value '" + name + "' (attribute exists on nsIUpdate) " + "when calling method: [nsIWritablePropertyBag::deleteProperty]", Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE ); } if (name in this._properties) { this._properties[name].present = false; } else { throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } }, /** * See nsIPropertyBag.idl * * Note: this only contains the nsIPropertyBag name value / pairs and not the * nsIUpdate name / value pairs. */ get enumerator() { return this.enumerate(); }, *enumerate() { // An nsISupportsInterfacePointer is used so creating an array using // Array.from will retain the QueryInterface for nsIProperty. let ip = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-interface-pointer;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsISupportsInterfacePointer ); let qi = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIProperty"]); for (let [name, value] of Object.entries(this._properties)) { if (value.present && !this._attrNames.includes(name)) { // The nsIPropertyBag enumerator returns a nsISimpleEnumerator whose // elements are nsIProperty objects. Calling QueryInterface for // nsIProperty on the object doesn't return to the caller an object that // is already queried to nsIProperty but do it just in case it is fixed // at some point. ip.data = { name, value: value.data, QueryInterface: qi }; yield ip.data.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIProperty); } } }, /** * See nsIPropertyBag.idl * Note: returns null instead of throwing when the property doesn't exist to * simplify code and to silence warnings in debug builds. */ getProperty: function Update_getProperty(name) { if (this._attrNames.includes(name)) { throw Components.Exception( "Illegal value '" + name + "' (attribute exists on nsIUpdate) " + "when calling method: [nsIWritablePropertyBag::getProperty]", Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE ); } if (name in this._properties && this._properties[name].present) { return this._properties[name].data; } return null; }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIUpdate", "nsIPropertyBag", "nsIWritablePropertyBag", ]), }; /** * UpdateService * A Service for managing the discovery and installation of software updates. * @constructor */ export function UpdateService() { LOG("Creating UpdateService"); // The observor notification to shut down the service must be before // profile-before-change since nsIUpdateManager uses profile-before-change // to shutdown and write the update xml files. Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application"); lazy.UpdateLog.addConfigChangeListener(() => { this._logStatus(); }); this._logStatus(); } UpdateService.prototype = { /** * The downloader we are using to download updates. There is only ever one of * these. */ _downloader: null, /** * Whether or not the service registered the "online" observer. */ _registeredOnlineObserver: false, /** * The current number of consecutive socket errors */ _consecutiveSocketErrors: 0, /** * A timer used to retry socket errors */ _retryTimer: null, /** * Whether or not a background update check was initiated by the * application update timer notification. */ _isNotify: true, /** * Handle Observer Service notifications * @param subject * The subject of the notification * @param topic * The notification name * @param data * Additional data */ observe: async function AUS_observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case "post-update-processing": // This pref was not cleared out of profiles after it stopped being used // (Bug 1420514), so clear it out on the next update to avoid confusion // regarding its use. Services.prefs.clearUserPref("app.update.enabled"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("app.update.BITS.inTrialGroup"); // Background tasks do not notify any delayed startup notifications. if ( !lazy.gIsBackgroundTaskMode && Services.appinfo.ID in APPID_TO_TOPIC ) { // Delay post-update processing to ensure that possible update // dialogs are shown in front of the app window, if possible. // See bug 311614. Services.obs.addObserver(this, APPID_TO_TOPIC[Services.appinfo.ID]); break; } // intentional fallthrough case "sessionstore-windows-restored": case "mail-startup-done": // Background tasks do not notify any delayed startup notifications. if ( !lazy.gIsBackgroundTaskMode && Services.appinfo.ID in APPID_TO_TOPIC ) { Services.obs.removeObserver( this, APPID_TO_TOPIC[Services.appinfo.ID] ); } // intentional fallthrough case "test-post-update-processing": // Clean up any extant updates await this._postUpdateProcessing(); break; case "network:offline-status-changed": await this._offlineStatusChanged(data); break; case "quit-application": Services.obs.removeObserver(this, topic); if (AppConstants.platform == "win" && gUpdateMutexHandle) { // If we hold the update mutex, let it go! // The OS would clean this up sometime after shutdown, // but that would have no guarantee on timing. closeHandle(gUpdateMutexHandle); gUpdateMutexHandle = null; } if (this._retryTimer) { this._retryTimer.cancel(); } // When downloading an update with nsIIncrementalDownload the download // is stopped when the quit-application observer notification is // received and networking hasn't started to shutdown. The download will // be resumed the next time the application starts. Downloads using // Windows BITS are not stopped since they don't require Firefox to be // running to perform the download. if (this._downloader) { if (this._downloader.usingBits) { await this._downloader.cleanup(); } else { // stopDownload() calls _downloader.cleanup() await this.stopDownload(); } } // Prevent leaking the downloader (bug 454964) this._downloader = null; // In case any update checks are in progress. lazy.CheckSvc.stopAllChecks(); break; case "test-close-handle-update-mutex": if (Cu.isInAutomation) { if (AppConstants.platform == "win" && gUpdateMutexHandle) { LOG("UpdateService:observe - closing mutex handle for testing"); closeHandle(gUpdateMutexHandle); gUpdateMutexHandle = null; } } break; } }, /** * The following needs to happen during the post-update-processing * notification from nsUpdateServiceStub.js: * 1. post update processing * 2. resume of a download that was in progress during a previous session * 3. start of a complete update download after the failure to apply a partial * update */ /** * Perform post-processing on updates lingering in the updates directory * from a previous application session - either report install failures (and * optionally attempt to fetch a different version if appropriate) or * notify the user of install success. */ /* eslint-disable-next-line complexity */ _postUpdateProcessing: async function AUS__postUpdateProcessing() { if (this.disabled) { // This function is a point when we can potentially enter the update // system, even with update disabled. Make sure that we do not continue // because update code can have side effects that are visible to the user // and give the impression that updates are enabled. For example, if we // can't write to the update directory, we might complain to the user that // update is broken and they should reinstall. return; } if (!this.canCheckForUpdates) { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - unable to check for " + "updates... returning early" ); return; } let status = readStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir()); LOG(`UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - status = "${status}"`); if (!this.canApplyUpdates) { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - unable to apply " + "updates... returning early" ); if (hasUpdateMutex()) { // If the update is present in the update directory somehow, // it would prevent us from notifying the user of further updates. LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - Cleaning up active updates." ); cleanupActiveUpdates(); } return; } let updates = []; if (lazy.UM.readyUpdate) { updates.push(lazy.UM.readyUpdate); } if (lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate) { updates.push(lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate); } if (status == STATE_NONE) { // A status of STATE_NONE in _postUpdateProcessing means that the // update.status file is present but there isn't an update in progress. // This isn't an expected state, so if we find ourselves in it, we want // to just clean things up to go back to a good state. LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - Cleaning up unexpected state." ); if (!updates.length) { updates.push(new Update(null)); } for (let update of updates) { update.state = STATE_FAILED; update.errorCode = ERR_UPDATE_STATE_NONE; update.statusText = lazy.gUpdateBundle.GetStringFromName("statusFailed"); } let newStatus = STATE_FAILED + ": " + ERR_UPDATE_STATE_NONE; pingStateAndStatusCodes(updates[0], true, newStatus); cleanupActiveUpdates(); return; } let channelChanged = updates => { for (let update of updates) { if (update.channel != lazy.UpdateUtils.UpdateChannel) { return true; } } return false; }; if (channelChanged(updates)) { let channel = lazy.UM.readyUpdate ? lazy.UM.readyUpdate.channel : lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate.channel; LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - update channel is " + "different than application's channel, removing update. update " + "channel: " + channel + ", expected channel: " + lazy.UpdateUtils.UpdateChannel ); // User switched channels, clear out the old active updates and remove // partial downloads for (let update of updates) { update.state = STATE_FAILED; update.errorCode = ERR_CHANNEL_CHANGE; update.statusText = lazy.gUpdateBundle.GetStringFromName("statusFailed"); } let newStatus = STATE_FAILED + ": " + ERR_CHANNEL_CHANGE; pingStateAndStatusCodes(updates[0], true, newStatus); cleanupActiveUpdates(); return; } // Handle the case when the update is the same or older than the current // version and nsUpdateDriver.cpp skipped updating due to the version being // older than the current version. This also handles the general case when // an update is for an older version or the same version and same build ID. if ( status == STATE_PENDING || status == STATE_PENDING_SERVICE || status == STATE_APPLIED || status == STATE_APPLIED_SERVICE || status == STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE || status == STATE_DOWNLOADING ) { let tooOldUpdate; if ( updateIsAtLeastAsOldAs( lazy.UM.readyUpdate, Services.appinfo.version, Services.appinfo.appBuildID ) ) { tooOldUpdate = lazy.UM.readyUpdate; } else if ( updateIsAtLeastAsOldAs( lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate, Services.appinfo.version, Services.appinfo.appBuildID ) ) { tooOldUpdate = lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate; } if (tooOldUpdate) { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - removing update for older " + "application version or same application version with same build " + "ID. update application version: " + tooOldUpdate.appVersion + ", " + "application version: " + Services.appinfo.version + ", update " + "build ID: " + tooOldUpdate.buildID + ", application build ID: " + Services.appinfo.appBuildID ); tooOldUpdate.state = STATE_FAILED; tooOldUpdate.statusText = lazy.gUpdateBundle.GetStringFromName("statusFailed"); tooOldUpdate.errorCode = ERR_OLDER_VERSION_OR_SAME_BUILD; // This could be split out to report telemetry for each case. let newStatus = STATE_FAILED + ": " + ERR_OLDER_VERSION_OR_SAME_BUILD; pingStateAndStatusCodes(tooOldUpdate, true, newStatus); // Cleanup both updates regardless of which one is too old. It's // exceedingly unlikely that a user could end up in a state where one // update is acceptable and the other isn't. And it makes this function // considerably more complex to try to deal with that possibility. cleanupActiveUpdates(); return; } } pingStateAndStatusCodes( status == STATE_DOWNLOADING ? lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate : lazy.UM.readyUpdate, true, status ); if (lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate || status == STATE_DOWNLOADING) { if (status == STATE_SUCCEEDED) { // If we successfully installed an update while we were downloading // another update, the downloading update is now a partial MAR for // a version that is no longer installed. We know that it's a partial // MAR without checking because we currently only download partial MARs // when an update has already been downloaded. LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - removing downloading patch " + "because we installed a different patch before it finished" + "downloading." ); cleanupDownloadingUpdate(); } else { // Attempt to resume download if (lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate) { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - resuming patch found in " + "downloading state" ); let success = await this.downloadUpdate(lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate); if (!success) { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - Failed to resume patch. " + "Cleaning up downloading update." ); cleanupDownloadingUpdate(); } } else { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - Warning: found " + "downloading state, but no downloading patch. Cleaning up " + "active updates." ); // Put ourselves back in a good state. cleanupActiveUpdates(); } if (status == STATE_DOWNLOADING) { // Done dealing with the downloading update, and there is no ready // update, so return early. return; } } } let update = lazy.UM.readyUpdate; if (status == STATE_APPLYING) { // This indicates that the background updater service is in either of the // following two states: // 1. It is in the process of applying an update in the background, and // we just happen to be racing against that. // 2. It has failed to apply an update for some reason, and we hit this // case because the updater process has set the update status to // applying, but has never finished. // In order to differentiate between these two states, we look at the // state field of the update object. If it's "pending", then we know // that this is the first time we're hitting this case, so we switch // that state to "applying" and we just wait and hope for the best. // If it's "applying", we know that we've already been here once, so // we really want to start from a clean state. if ( update && (update.state == STATE_PENDING || update.state == STATE_PENDING_SERVICE) ) { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - patch found in applying " + "state for the first time" ); update.state = STATE_APPLYING; lazy.UM.saveUpdates(); transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_STAGING); pollForStagingEnd(); } else { // We get here even if we don't have an update object LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - patch found in applying " + "state for the second time. Cleaning up ready update." ); cleanupReadyUpdate(); } return; } if (!update) { if (status != STATE_SUCCEEDED) { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - previous patch failed " + "and no patch available. Cleaning up ready update." ); cleanupReadyUpdate(); return; } LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - Update data missing. Creating " + "an empty update object." ); update = new Update(null); } let parts = status.split(":"); update.state = parts[0]; LOG( `UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - Setting update's state from ` + `the status file (="${update.state}")` ); if (update.state == STATE_FAILED && parts[1]) { update.errorCode = parseInt(parts[1]); LOG( `UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - Setting update's errorCode ` + `from the status file (="${update.errorCode}")` ); } if (status != STATE_SUCCEEDED) { // Rotate the update logs so the update log isn't removed. By passing // false the patch directory won't be removed. cleanUpReadyUpdateDir(false); } if (status == STATE_SUCCEEDED) { if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS)) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS); } update.statusText = lazy.gUpdateBundle.GetStringFromName("installSuccess"); // The only time that update is not a reference to readyUpdate is when // readyUpdate is null. if (!lazy.UM.readyUpdate) { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - Assigning successful update " + "readyUpdate before cleaning it up." ); lazy.UM.readyUpdate = update; } // Done with this update. Clean it up. LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - Cleaning up successful ready " + "update." ); cleanupReadyUpdate(); Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_ATTEMPTS, 0); } else if (status == STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE) { // In case the active-update.xml file is deleted. if (!update) { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - status is pending-elevate " + "but there isn't a ready update, removing update" ); cleanupReadyUpdate(); } else { transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_PENDING); if (Services.startup.wasSilentlyStarted) { // This check _should_ be unnecessary since we should not silently // restart if state == pending-elevate. But the update elevation // dialog is a way that we could potentially show UI on startup, even // with no windows open. Which we really do not want to do on a silent // restart. // So this is defense in depth. LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - status is " + "pending-elevate, but this is a silent startup, so the " + "elevation window has been suppressed." ); } else { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - status is " + "pending-elevate. Showing Update elevation dialog." ); let uri = "chrome://mozapps/content/update/updateElevation.xhtml"; let features = "chrome,centerscreen,resizable=no,titlebar,toolbar=no,dialog=no"; Services.ww.openWindow(null, uri, "Update:Elevation", features, null); } } } else { // If there was an I/O error it is assumed that the patch is not invalid // and it is set to pending so an attempt to apply it again will happen // when the application is restarted. if (update.state == STATE_FAILED && update.errorCode) { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - Attempting handleUpdateFailure" ); if (handleUpdateFailure(update)) { LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - handleUpdateFailure success." ); return; } } LOG( "UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing - Attempting to fall back to a " + "complete update." ); // Something went wrong with the patch application process. await handleFallbackToCompleteUpdate(); } }, /** * Register an observer when the network comes online, so we can short-circuit * the app.update.interval when there isn't connectivity */ _registerOnlineObserver: function AUS__registerOnlineObserver() { if (this._registeredOnlineObserver) { LOG( "UpdateService:_registerOnlineObserver - observer already registered" ); return; } LOG( "UpdateService:_registerOnlineObserver - waiting for the network to " + "be online, then forcing another check" ); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "network:offline-status-changed"); this._registeredOnlineObserver = true; }, /** * Called from the network:offline-status-changed observer. */ _offlineStatusChanged: async function AUS__offlineStatusChanged(status) { if (status !== "online") { return; } Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "network:offline-status-changed"); this._registeredOnlineObserver = false; LOG( "UpdateService:_offlineStatusChanged - network is online, forcing " + "another background check" ); // the background checker is contained in notify await this._attemptResume(); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ onCheckComplete: async function AUS_onCheckComplete(result) { if (result.succeeded) { await this._selectAndInstallUpdate(result.updates); return; } if (!result.checksAllowed) { LOG("UpdateService:onCheckComplete - checks not allowed"); return; } // On failure, result.updates is guaranteed to have exactly one update // containing error information. let update = result.updates[0]; LOG( "UpdateService:onCheckComplete - error during background update. error " + "code: " + update.errorCode + ", status text: " + update.statusText ); if (update.errorCode == NETWORK_ERROR_OFFLINE) { // Register an online observer to try again this._registerOnlineObserver(); if (this._pingSuffix) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_OFFLINE); } return; } // Send the error code to telemetry AUSTLMY.pingCheckExError(this._pingSuffix, update.errorCode); update.errorCode = BACKGROUNDCHECK_MULTIPLE_FAILURES; let errCount = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_BACKGROUNDERRORS, 0 ); // If we already have an update ready, we don't want to worry the user over // update check failures. As far as the user knows, the update status is // the status of the ready update. We don't want to confuse them by saying // that an update check failed. if (lazy.UM.readyUpdate) { LOG( "UpdateService:onCheckComplete - Ignoring error because another " + "update is ready." ); return; } errCount++; Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_BACKGROUNDERRORS, errCount); // Don't allow the preference to set a value greater than 20 for max errors. let maxErrors = Math.min( Services.prefs.getIntPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_BACKGROUNDMAXERRORS, 10), 20 ); if (errCount >= maxErrors) { LOG( "UpdateService:onCheckComplete - notifying observers of error. " + "topic: update-error, status: check-attempts-exceeded" ); Services.obs.notifyObservers( update, "update-error", "check-attempts-exceeded" ); AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_GENERAL_ERROR_PROMPT); } else { LOG( "UpdateService:onCheckComplete - notifying observers of error. " + "topic: update-error, status: check-attempt-failed" ); Services.obs.notifyObservers( update, "update-error", "check-attempt-failed" ); AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_GENERAL_ERROR_SILENT); } }, /** * Called when a connection should be resumed */ _attemptResume: async function AUS_attemptResume() { LOG("UpdateService:_attemptResume"); // If a download is in progress and we aren't already downloading it, then // resume it. if (this.isDownloading) { // There is nothing to resume. We are already downloading. LOG("UpdateService:_attemptResume - already downloading."); return; } if ( this._downloader && this._downloader._patch && this._downloader._patch.state == STATE_DOWNLOADING && this._downloader._update ) { LOG( "UpdateService:_attemptResume - _patch.state: " + this._downloader._patch.state ); let success = await this.downloadUpdate(this._downloader._update); LOG("UpdateService:_attemptResume - downloadUpdate success: " + success); if (!success) { LOG( "UpdateService:_attemptResume - Resuming download failed. Cleaning " + "up downloading update." ); cleanupDownloadingUpdate(); } return; } // Kick off an update check (async () => { let check = lazy.CheckSvc.checkForUpdates(lazy.CheckSvc.BACKGROUND_CHECK); await this.onCheckComplete(await check.result); })(); }, /** * Notified when a timer fires * @param timer * The timer that fired */ notify: function AUS_notify(timer) { this._checkForBackgroundUpdates(true); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ checkForBackgroundUpdates: function AUS_checkForBackgroundUpdates() { return this._checkForBackgroundUpdates(false); }, // The suffix used for background update check telemetry histogram ID's. get _pingSuffix() { if (lazy.UM.readyUpdate) { // Once an update has been downloaded, all later updates will be reported // to telemetry as subsequent updates. We move the first update into // readyUpdate as soon as the download is complete, so any update checks // after readyUpdate is no longer null are subsequent update checks. return AUSTLMY.SUBSEQUENT; } return this._isNotify ? AUSTLMY.NOTIFY : AUSTLMY.EXTERNAL; }, /** * Checks for updates in the background. * @param isNotify * Whether or not a background update check was initiated by the * application update timer notification. */ _checkForBackgroundUpdates: function AUS__checkForBackgroundUpdates( isNotify ) { if (!this.disabled && AppConstants.NIGHTLY_BUILD) { // Scalar ID: update.suppress_prompts AUSTLMY.pingSuppressPrompts(); } if (this.disabled || this.manualUpdateOnly) { // Return immediately if we are disabled by policy. Otherwise, just the // telemetry we try to collect below can potentially trigger a restart // prompt if the update directory isn't writable. And we shouldn't be // telling the user about update failures if update is disabled. // See Bug 1599590. // Note that we exit unconditionally here if we are only doing manual // update checks, because manual update checking uses a completely // different code path (AppUpdater.jsm creates its own nsIUpdateChecker), // bypassing this function completely. AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_DISABLED_BY_POLICY); return false; } this._isNotify = isNotify; // Histogram IDs: // UPDATE_PING_COUNT_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_PING_COUNT_NOTIFY // UPDATE_PING_COUNT_SUBSEQUENT AUSTLMY.pingGeneric("UPDATE_PING_COUNT_" + this._pingSuffix, true, false); // Histogram IDs: // UPDATE_UNABLE_TO_APPLY_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_UNABLE_TO_APPLY_NOTIFY // UPDATE_UNABLE_TO_APPLY_SUBSEQUENT AUSTLMY.pingGeneric( "UPDATE_UNABLE_TO_APPLY_" + this._pingSuffix, getCanApplyUpdates(), true ); // Histogram IDs: // UPDATE_CANNOT_STAGE_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_CANNOT_STAGE_NOTIFY // UPDATE_CANNOT_STAGE_SUBSEQUENT AUSTLMY.pingGeneric( "UPDATE_CANNOT_STAGE_" + this._pingSuffix, getCanStageUpdates(), true ); if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { // Histogram IDs: // UPDATE_CAN_USE_BITS_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_CAN_USE_BITS_NOTIFY // UPDATE_CAN_USE_BITS_SUBSEQUENT AUSTLMY.pingGeneric( "UPDATE_CAN_USE_BITS_" + this._pingSuffix, getCanUseBits() ); } // Histogram IDs: // UPDATE_INVALID_LASTUPDATETIME_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_INVALID_LASTUPDATETIME_NOTIFY // UPDATE_INVALID_LASTUPDATETIME_SUBSEQUENT // UPDATE_LAST_NOTIFY_INTERVAL_DAYS_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_LAST_NOTIFY_INTERVAL_DAYS_NOTIFY // UPDATE_LAST_NOTIFY_INTERVAL_DAYS_SUBSEQUENT AUSTLMY.pingLastUpdateTime(this._pingSuffix); // Histogram IDs: // UPDATE_NOT_PREF_UPDATE_AUTO_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_NOT_PREF_UPDATE_AUTO_NOTIFY // UPDATE_NOT_PREF_UPDATE_AUTO_SUBSEQUENT lazy.UpdateUtils.getAppUpdateAutoEnabled().then(enabled => { AUSTLMY.pingGeneric( "UPDATE_NOT_PREF_UPDATE_AUTO_" + this._pingSuffix, enabled, true ); }); // Histogram IDs: // UPDATE_NOT_PREF_UPDATE_STAGING_ENABLED_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_NOT_PREF_UPDATE_STAGING_ENABLED_NOTIFY // UPDATE_NOT_PREF_UPDATE_STAGING_ENABLED_SUBSEQUENT AUSTLMY.pingBoolPref( "UPDATE_NOT_PREF_UPDATE_STAGING_ENABLED_" + this._pingSuffix, PREF_APP_UPDATE_STAGING_ENABLED, true, true ); if (AppConstants.platform == "win" || AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { // Histogram IDs: // UPDATE_PREF_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_PREF_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_NOTIFY // UPDATE_PREF_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_SUBSEQUENT AUSTLMY.pingIntPref( "UPDATE_PREF_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_" + this._pingSuffix, PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS, 0, 0 ); } if (AppConstants.MOZ_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE) { // Histogram IDs: // UPDATE_NOT_PREF_UPDATE_SERVICE_ENABLED_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_NOT_PREF_UPDATE_SERVICE_ENABLED_NOTIFY // UPDATE_NOT_PREF_UPDATE_SERVICE_ENABLED_SUBSEQUENT AUSTLMY.pingBoolPref( "UPDATE_NOT_PREF_UPDATE_SERVICE_ENABLED_" + this._pingSuffix, PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_ENABLED, true ); // Histogram IDs: // UPDATE_PREF_SERVICE_ERRORS_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_PREF_SERVICE_ERRORS_NOTIFY // UPDATE_PREF_SERVICE_ERRORS_SUBSEQUENT AUSTLMY.pingIntPref( "UPDATE_PREF_SERVICE_ERRORS_" + this._pingSuffix, PREF_APP_UPDATE_SERVICE_ERRORS, 0, 0 ); if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { // Histogram IDs: // UPDATE_SERVICE_INSTALLED_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_SERVICE_INSTALLED_NOTIFY // UPDATE_SERVICE_INSTALLED_SUBSEQUENT // UPDATE_SERVICE_MANUALLY_UNINSTALLED_EXTERNAL // UPDATE_SERVICE_MANUALLY_UNINSTALLED_NOTIFY // UPDATE_SERVICE_MANUALLY_UNINSTALLED_SUBSEQUENT AUSTLMY.pingServiceInstallStatus( this._pingSuffix, isServiceInstalled() ); } } // If a download is in progress or the patch has been staged do nothing. if (this.isDownloading) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_IS_DOWNLOADING); return false; } // Once we have downloaded a complete update, do not download further // updates until the complete update is installed. This is important, // because if we fall back from a partial update to a complete update, // it might be because of changes to the patch directory (which would cause // a failure to apply any partial MAR). So we really don't want to replace // a downloaded complete update with a downloaded partial update. And we // do not currently download complete updates if there is already a // readyUpdate available. if ( lazy.UM.readyUpdate && lazy.UM.readyUpdate.selectedPatch && lazy.UM.readyUpdate.selectedPatch.type == "complete" ) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_IS_DOWNLOADED); return false; } // If we start downloading an update while the readyUpdate is staging, we // run the risk of eventually wanting to overwrite readyUpdate with the // downloadingUpdate while the readyUpdate is still staging. Then we would // have to have a weird intermediate state where the downloadingUpdate has // finished downloading, but can't be moved yet. It's simpler to just not // start a new update if the old one is still staging. if (this.currentState == Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_STAGING) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_IS_DOWNLOADED); return false; } // Asynchronously kick off update checking (async () => { let validUpdateURL = true; try { await lazy.CheckSvc.getUpdateURL(lazy.CheckSvc.BACKGROUND_CHECK); } catch (e) { validUpdateURL = false; } // The following checks are done here so they can be differentiated from // foreground checks. if (!lazy.UpdateUtils.OSVersion) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_NO_OS_VERSION); } else if (!lazy.UpdateUtils.ABI) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_NO_OS_ABI); } else if (!validUpdateURL) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode( this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_INVALID_DEFAULT_URL ); } else if (!hasUpdateMutex()) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_NO_MUTEX); } else if (isOtherInstanceRunning()) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_OTHER_INSTANCE); } else if (!this.canCheckForUpdates) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_UNABLE_TO_CHECK); } let check = lazy.CheckSvc.checkForUpdates(lazy.CheckSvc.BACKGROUND_CHECK); await this.onCheckComplete(await check.result); })(); return true; }, /** * Determine the update from the specified updates that should be offered. * If both valid major and minor updates are available the minor update will * be offered. * @param updates * An array of available nsIUpdate items * @return The nsIUpdate to offer. */ selectUpdate: function AUS_selectUpdate(updates) { if (!updates.length) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_NO_UPDATE_FOUND); return null; } // The ping for unsupported is sent after the call to showPrompt. if (updates.length == 1 && updates[0].unsupported) { return updates[0]; } // Choose the newest of the available minor and major updates. var majorUpdate = null; var minorUpdate = null; var vc = Services.vc; let lastCheckCode = AUSTLMY.CHK_NO_COMPAT_UPDATE_FOUND; updates.forEach(function (aUpdate) { // Ignore updates for older versions of the application and updates for // the same version of the application with the same build ID. if (updateIsAtLeastAsOldAsCurrentVersion(aUpdate)) { LOG( "UpdateService:selectUpdate - skipping update because the " + "update's application version is not greater than the current " + "application version" ); lastCheckCode = AUSTLMY.CHK_UPDATE_PREVIOUS_VERSION; return; } if (updateIsAtLeastAsOldAsReadyUpdate(aUpdate)) { LOG( "UpdateService:selectUpdate - skipping update because the " + "update's application version is not greater than that of the " + "currently downloaded update" ); lastCheckCode = AUSTLMY.CHK_UPDATE_PREVIOUS_VERSION; return; } if (lazy.UM.readyUpdate && !getPatchOfType(aUpdate, "partial")) { LOG( "UpdateService:selectUpdate - skipping update because no partial " + "patch is available and an update has already been downloaded." ); lastCheckCode = AUSTLMY.CHK_NO_PARTIAL_PATCH; return; } switch (aUpdate.type) { case "major": if (!majorUpdate) { majorUpdate = aUpdate; } else if ( vc.compare(majorUpdate.appVersion, aUpdate.appVersion) <= 0 ) { majorUpdate = aUpdate; } break; case "minor": if (!minorUpdate) { minorUpdate = aUpdate; } else if ( vc.compare(minorUpdate.appVersion, aUpdate.appVersion) <= 0 ) { minorUpdate = aUpdate; } break; default: LOG( "UpdateService:selectUpdate - skipping unknown update type: " + aUpdate.type ); lastCheckCode = AUSTLMY.CHK_UPDATE_INVALID_TYPE; break; } }); let update = minorUpdate || majorUpdate; if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx" && update) { if (getElevationRequired()) { let installAttemptVersion = Services.prefs.getCharPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_VERSION, null ); if (vc.compare(installAttemptVersion, update.appVersion) != 0) { Services.prefs.setCharPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_VERSION, update.appVersion ); if ( Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX) ) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX); } if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_NEVER)) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_NEVER); } } else { let numCancels = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX, 0 ); let rejectedVersion = Services.prefs.getCharPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_NEVER, "" ); let maxCancels = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX_MAX, DEFAULT_CANCELATIONS_OSX_MAX ); if (numCancels >= maxCancels) { LOG( "UpdateService:selectUpdate - the user requires elevation to " + "install this update, but the user has exceeded the max " + "number of elevation attempts." ); update.elevationFailure = true; AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode( this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_ELEVATION_DISABLED_FOR_VERSION ); } else if (vc.compare(rejectedVersion, update.appVersion) == 0) { LOG( "UpdateService:selectUpdate - the user requires elevation to " + "install this update, but elevation is disabled for this " + "version." ); update.elevationFailure = true; AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode( this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_ELEVATION_OPTOUT_FOR_VERSION ); } else { LOG( "UpdateService:selectUpdate - the user requires elevation to " + "install the update." ); } } } else { // Clear elevation-related prefs since they no longer apply (the user // may have gained write access to the Firefox directory or an update // was executed with a different profile). if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_VERSION)) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_VERSION); } if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX)) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_CANCELATIONS_OSX); } if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_NEVER)) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_ELEVATE_NEVER); } } } else if (!update) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, lastCheckCode); } return update; }, /** * Determine which of the specified updates should be installed and begin the * download/installation process or notify the user about the update. * @param updates * An array of available updates */ _selectAndInstallUpdate: async function AUS__selectAndInstallUpdate(updates) { // Return early if there's an active update. The user is already aware and // is downloading or performed some user action to prevent notification. if (lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_HAS_ACTIVEUPDATE); return; } if (this.disabled) { AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_DISABLED_BY_POLICY); LOG( "UpdateService:_selectAndInstallUpdate - not prompting because " + "update is disabled" ); return; } var update = this.selectUpdate(updates); if (!update || update.elevationFailure) { return; } if (update.unsupported) { LOG( "UpdateService:_selectAndInstallUpdate - update not supported for " + "this system. Notifying observers. topic: update-available, " + "status: unsupported" ); Services.obs.notifyObservers(update, "update-available", "unsupported"); AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_UNSUPPORTED); return; } if (!getCanApplyUpdates()) { LOG( "UpdateService:_selectAndInstallUpdate - the user is unable to " + "apply updates... prompting. Notifying observers. " + "topic: update-available, status: cant-apply" ); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "update-available", "cant-apply"); AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_UNABLE_TO_APPLY); return; } /** * From this point on there are two possible outcomes: * 1. download and install the update automatically * 2. notify the user about the availability of an update * * Notes: * a) if the app.update.auto preference is false then automatic download and * install is disabled and the user will be notified. * * If the update when it is first read does not have an appVersion attribute * the following deprecated behavior will occur: * Update Type Outcome * Major Notify * Minor Auto Install */ let updateAuto = await lazy.UpdateUtils.getAppUpdateAutoEnabled(); if (!updateAuto) { LOG( "UpdateService:_selectAndInstallUpdate - prompting because silent " + "install is disabled. Notifying observers. topic: update-available, " + "status: show-prompt" ); AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_SHOWPROMPT_PREF); Services.obs.notifyObservers(update, "update-available", "show-prompt"); return; } LOG("UpdateService:_selectAndInstallUpdate - download the update"); let success = await this.downloadUpdate(update); if (!success && !this.isDownloading) { LOG( "UpdateService:_selectAndInstallUpdate - Failed to start downloading " + "update. Cleaning up downloading update." ); cleanupDownloadingUpdate(); } AUSTLMY.pingCheckCode(this._pingSuffix, AUSTLMY.CHK_DOWNLOAD_UPDATE); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get isAppBaseDirWritable() { return isAppBaseDirWritable(); }, get disabledForTesting() { return ( (Cu.isInAutomation || lazy.Marionette.running || lazy.RemoteAgent.running) && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_DISABLEDFORTESTING, false) ); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get disabled() { return ( (Services.policies && !Services.policies.isAllowed("appUpdate")) || this.disabledForTesting || Services.sysinfo.getProperty("isPackagedApp") ); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get manualUpdateOnly() { return ( Services.policies && !Services.policies.isAllowed("autoAppUpdateChecking") ); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get canUsuallyCheckForUpdates() { if (this.disabled) { LOG( "UpdateService.canUsuallyCheckForUpdates - unable to automatically check " + "for updates, the option has been disabled by the administrator." ); return false; } // If we don't know the binary platform we're updating, we can't update. if (!lazy.UpdateUtils.ABI) { LOG( "UpdateService.canUsuallyCheckForUpdates - unable to check for updates, " + "unknown ABI" ); return false; } // If we don't know the OS version we're updating, we can't update. if (!lazy.UpdateUtils.OSVersion) { LOG( "UpdateService.canUsuallyCheckForUpdates - unable to check for updates, " + "unknown OS version" ); return false; } LOG("UpdateService.canUsuallyCheckForUpdates - able to check for updates"); return true; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get canCheckForUpdates() { if (!this.canUsuallyCheckForUpdates) { return false; } if (!hasUpdateMutex()) { LOG( "UpdateService.canCheckForUpdates - unable to check for updates, " + "unable to acquire update mutex" ); return false; } if (isOtherInstanceRunning()) { // This doesn't block update checks, but we will have to wait until either // the other instance is gone or we time out waiting for it. LOG( "UpdateService.canCheckForUpdates - another instance is holding the " + "lock, will need to wait for it prior to checking for updates" ); } LOG("UpdateService.canCheckForUpdates - able to check for updates"); return true; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get elevationRequired() { return getElevationRequired(); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get canUsuallyApplyUpdates() { return getCanApplyUpdates(); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get canApplyUpdates() { return ( this.canUsuallyApplyUpdates && hasUpdateMutex() && !isOtherInstanceRunning() ); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get canUsuallyStageUpdates() { return getCanStageUpdates(false); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get canStageUpdates() { return getCanStageUpdates(); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get canUsuallyUseBits() { return getCanUseBits(false) == "CanUseBits"; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get canUseBits() { return getCanUseBits() == "CanUseBits"; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get isOtherInstanceHandlingUpdates() { return !hasUpdateMutex() || isOtherInstanceRunning(); }, /** * A set of download listeners to be notified by this._downloader when it * receives nsIRequestObserver or nsIProgressEventSink method calls. * * These are stored on the UpdateService rather than on the Downloader, * because they ought to persist across multiple Downloader instances. */ _downloadListeners: new Set(), /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ addDownloadListener: function AUS_addDownloadListener(listener) { let oldSize = this._downloadListeners.size; this._downloadListeners.add(listener); if (this._downloadListeners.size == oldSize) { LOG( "UpdateService:addDownloadListener - Warning: Didn't add duplicate " + "listener" ); return; } if (this._downloader) { this._downloader.onDownloadListenerAdded(); } }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ removeDownloadListener: function AUS_removeDownloadListener(listener) { let elementRemoved = this._downloadListeners.delete(listener); if (!elementRemoved) { LOG( "UpdateService:removeDownloadListener - Warning: Didn't remove " + "non-existent listener" ); return; } if (this._downloader) { this._downloader.onDownloadListenerRemoved(); } }, /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether there are any download listeners */ get hasDownloadListeners() { return !!this._downloadListeners.length; }, /* * Calls the provided function once with each download listener that is * currently registered. */ forEachDownloadListener: function AUS_forEachDownloadListener(fn) { // Make a shallow copy in case listeners remove themselves. let listeners = new Set(this._downloadListeners); listeners.forEach(fn); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ downloadUpdate: async function AUS_downloadUpdate(update) { if (!update) { throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER); } // Don't download the update if the update's version is less than the // current application's version or the update's version is the same as the // application's version and the build ID is the same as the application's // build ID. If we already have an update ready, we want to apply those // same checks against the version of the ready update, so that we don't // download an update that isn't newer than the one we already have. if (updateIsAtLeastAsOldAsCurrentVersion(update)) { LOG( "UpdateService:downloadUpdate - Skipping download of update since " + "it is for an earlier or same application version and build ID.\n" + "current application version: " + Services.appinfo.version + "\n" + "update application version : " + update.appVersion + "\n" + "current build ID: " + Services.appinfo.appBuildID + "\n" + "update build ID : " + update.buildID ); return false; } if (updateIsAtLeastAsOldAsReadyUpdate(update)) { LOG( "UpdateService:downloadUpdate - not downloading update because the " + "update that's already been downloaded is the same version or " + "newer.\n" + "currently downloaded update application version: " + lazy.UM.readyUpdate.appVersion + "\n" + "available update application version : " + update.appVersion + "\n" + "currently downloaded update build ID: " + lazy.UM.readyUpdate.buildID + "\n" + "available update build ID : " + update.buildID ); return false; } // If a download request is in progress vs. a download ready to resume if (this.isDownloading) { if (update.isCompleteUpdate == this._downloader.isCompleteUpdate) { LOG( "UpdateService:downloadUpdate - no support for downloading more " + "than one update at a time" ); return true; } this._downloader.cancel(); } this._downloader = new Downloader(this); return this._downloader.downloadUpdate(update); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ stopDownload: async function AUS_stopDownload() { if (this.isDownloading) { await this._downloader.cancel(); } else if (this._retryTimer) { // Download status is still considered as 'downloading' during retry. // We need to cancel both retry and download at this stage. this._retryTimer.cancel(); this._retryTimer = null; if (this._downloader) { await this._downloader.cancel(); } } if (this._downloader) { await this._downloader.cleanup(); } this._downloader = null; }, /** * Note that this is different from checking if `currentState` is * `STATE_DOWNLOADING` because if we are downloading a second update, this * will be `true` while `currentState` will be `STATE_PENDING`. */ get isDownloading() { return this._downloader && this._downloader.isBusy; }, _logStatus: function AUS__logStatus() { if (!lazy.UpdateLog.enabled) { return; } if (this.disabled) { LOG("Current UpdateService status: disabled"); // Return early if UpdateService is disabled by policy. Otherwise some of // the getters we call to display status information may discover that the // update directory is not writable, which automatically results in the // permissions being fixed. Which we shouldn't really be doing if update // is disabled by policy. return; } LOG("Logging current UpdateService status:"); // These getters print their own logging this.canCheckForUpdates; this.canApplyUpdates; this.canStageUpdates; LOG("Elevation required: " + this.elevationRequired); LOG( "Other instance of the application currently running: " + this.isOtherInstanceHandlingUpdates ); LOG("Downloading: " + !!this.isDownloading); if (this._downloader && this._downloader.isBusy) { LOG("Downloading complete update: " + this._downloader.isCompleteUpdate); LOG("Downloader using BITS: " + this._downloader.usingBits); if (this._downloader._patch) { // This will print its own logging this._downloader._canUseBits(this._downloader._patch); // Downloader calls QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag) on // its _patch member as soon as it is assigned, so no need to do so // again here. let bitsResult = this._downloader._patch.getProperty("bitsResult"); if (bitsResult != null) { LOG("Patch BITS result: " + bitsResult); } let internalResult = this._downloader._patch.getProperty("internalResult"); if (internalResult != null) { LOG("Patch nsIIncrementalDownload result: " + internalResult); } } } LOG("End of UpdateService status"); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get onlyDownloadUpdatesThisSession() { return gOnlyDownloadUpdatesThisSession; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ set onlyDownloadUpdatesThisSession(newValue) { gOnlyDownloadUpdatesThisSession = newValue; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ getStateName(state) { switch (state) { case Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_IDLE: return "STATE_IDLE"; case Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_DOWNLOADING: return "STATE_DOWNLOADING"; case Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_STAGING: return "STATE_STAGING"; case Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_PENDING: return "STATE_PENDING"; case Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_SWAP: return "STATE_SWAP"; } return `[unknown update state: ${state}]`; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get currentState() { return gUpdateState; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get stateTransition() { return gStateTransitionPromise.promise; }, classID: UPDATESERVICE_CID, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIApplicationUpdateService", "nsITimerCallback", "nsIObserver", ]), }; /** * A service to manage active and past updates. * @constructor */ export function UpdateManager() { // Load the active-update.xml file to see if there is an active update. let activeUpdates = this._loadXMLFileIntoArray(FILE_ACTIVE_UPDATE_XML); if (activeUpdates.length) { // Set the active update directly on the var used to cache the value. this._readyUpdate = activeUpdates[0]; if (activeUpdates.length >= 2) { this._downloadingUpdate = activeUpdates[1]; } let status = readStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir()); LOG(`UpdateManager:UpdateManager - status = "${status}"`); // This check is performed here since UpdateService:_postUpdateProcessing // won't be called when there isn't an update.status file. if (status == STATE_NONE) { // Under some edgecases such as Windows system restore the // active-update.xml will contain a pending update without the status // file. To recover from this situation clean the updates dir and move // the active update to the update history. LOG( "UpdateManager:UpdateManager - Found update data with no status " + "file. Cleaning up..." ); this._readyUpdate.state = STATE_FAILED; this._readyUpdate.errorCode = ERR_UPDATE_STATE_NONE; this._readyUpdate.statusText = lazy.gUpdateBundle.GetStringFromName("statusFailed"); let newStatus = STATE_FAILED + ": " + ERR_UPDATE_STATE_NONE; pingStateAndStatusCodes(this._readyUpdate, true, newStatus); this.addUpdateToHistory(this._readyUpdate); this._readyUpdate = null; this.saveUpdates(); cleanUpReadyUpdateDir(); cleanUpDownloadingUpdateDir(); } else if (status == STATE_DOWNLOADING) { // The first update we read out of activeUpdates may not be the ready // update, it may be the downloading update. if (this._downloadingUpdate) { // If the first update we read is a downloading update, it's // unexpected to have read another active update. That would seem to // indicate that we were downloading two updates at once, which we don't // do. LOG( "UpdateManager:UpdateManager - Warning: Found and discarded a " + "second downloading update." ); } this._downloadingUpdate = this._readyUpdate; this._readyUpdate = null; } } LOG( "UpdateManager:UpdateManager - Initialized downloadingUpdate to " + this._downloadingUpdate ); if (this._downloadingUpdate) { LOG( "UpdateManager:UpdateManager - Initialized downloadingUpdate state to " + this._downloadingUpdate.state ); } LOG( "UpdateManager:UpdateManager - Initialized readyUpdate to " + this._readyUpdate ); if (this._readyUpdate) { LOG( "UpdateManager:UpdateManager - Initialized readyUpdate state to " + this._readyUpdate.state ); } } UpdateManager.prototype = { /** * The nsIUpdate object for the update that has been downloaded. */ _readyUpdate: null, /** * The nsIUpdate object for the update currently being downloaded. */ _downloadingUpdate: null, /** * Whether the update history stored in _updates has changed since it was * loaded. */ _updatesDirty: false, /** * See nsIObserver.idl */ observe: function UM_observe(subject, topic, data) { // Hack to be able to run and cleanup tests by reloading the update data. if (topic == "um-reload-update-data") { if (!Cu.isInAutomation) { return; } LOG("UpdateManager:observe - Reloading update data."); if (this._updatesXMLSaver) { this._updatesXMLSaver.disarm(); } let updates = []; this._updatesDirty = true; this._readyUpdate = null; this._downloadingUpdate = null; transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_IDLE); if (data != "skip-files") { let activeUpdates = this._loadXMLFileIntoArray(FILE_ACTIVE_UPDATE_XML); if (activeUpdates.length) { this._readyUpdate = activeUpdates[0]; if (activeUpdates.length >= 2) { this._downloadingUpdate = activeUpdates[1]; } let status = readStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir()); LOG(`UpdateManager:observe - Got status = ${status}`); if (status == STATE_DOWNLOADING) { this._downloadingUpdate = this._readyUpdate; this._readyUpdate = null; transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_DOWNLOADING); } else if ( [ STATE_PENDING, STATE_PENDING_SERVICE, STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE, STATE_APPLIED, STATE_APPLIED_SERVICE, ].includes(status) ) { transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_PENDING); } } updates = this._loadXMLFileIntoArray(FILE_UPDATES_XML); } this._updatesCache = updates; LOG( "UpdateManager:observe - Reloaded downloadingUpdate as " + this._downloadingUpdate ); if (this._downloadingUpdate) { LOG( "UpdateManager:observe - Reloaded downloadingUpdate state as " + this._downloadingUpdate.state ); } LOG( "UpdateManager:observe - Reloaded readyUpdate as " + this._readyUpdate ); if (this._readyUpdate) { LOG( "UpdateManager:observe - Reloaded readyUpdate state as " + this._readyUpdate.state ); } } }, /** * Loads an updates.xml formatted file into an array of nsIUpdate items. * @param fileName * The file name in the updates directory to load. * @return The array of nsIUpdate items held in the file. */ _loadXMLFileIntoArray: function UM__loadXMLFileIntoArray(fileName) { let updates = []; let file = getUpdateFile([fileName]); if (!file.exists()) { LOG( "UpdateManager:_loadXMLFileIntoArray - XML file does not exist. " + "path: " + file.path ); return updates; } // Open the active-update.xml file with both read and write access so // opening it will fail if it isn't possible to also write to the file. When // opening it fails it means that it isn't possible to update and the code // below will return early without loading the active-update.xml. This will // also make it so notifications to update manually will still be shown. let mode = fileName == FILE_ACTIVE_UPDATE_XML ? FileUtils.MODE_RDWR : FileUtils.MODE_RDONLY; let fileStream = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); try { fileStream.init(file, mode, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0); } catch (e) { LOG( "UpdateManager:_loadXMLFileIntoArray - error initializing file " + "stream. Exception: " + e ); return updates; } try { var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromStream( fileStream, "UTF-8", fileStream.available(), "text/xml" ); var updateCount = doc.documentElement.childNodes.length; for (var i = 0; i < updateCount; ++i) { var updateElement = doc.documentElement.childNodes.item(i); if ( updateElement.nodeType != updateElement.ELEMENT_NODE || updateElement.localName != "update" ) { continue; } let update; try { update = new Update(updateElement); } catch (e) { LOG("UpdateManager:_loadXMLFileIntoArray - invalid update"); continue; } updates.push(update); } } catch (ex) { LOG( "UpdateManager:_loadXMLFileIntoArray - error constructing update " + "list. Exception: " + ex ); } fileStream.close(); if (!updates.length) { LOG( "UpdateManager:_loadXMLFileIntoArray - update xml file " + fileName + " exists but doesn't contain any updates" ); // The file exists but doesn't contain any updates so remove it. try { file.remove(false); } catch (e) { LOG( "UpdateManager:_loadXMLFileIntoArray - error removing " + fileName + " file. Exception: " + e ); } } return updates; }, /** * Loads the update history from the updates.xml file into a cache. */ _getUpdates() { if (!this._updatesCache) { this._updatesCache = this._loadXMLFileIntoArray(FILE_UPDATES_XML); } return this._updatesCache; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ getUpdateAt: function UM_getUpdateAt(aIndex) { return this._getUpdates()[aIndex]; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ getUpdateCount() { return this._getUpdates().length; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get readyUpdate() { return this._readyUpdate; }, set readyUpdate(aUpdate) { this._readyUpdate = aUpdate; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ get downloadingUpdate() { return this._downloadingUpdate; }, set downloadingUpdate(aUpdate) { this._downloadingUpdate = aUpdate; }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ addUpdateToHistory(aUpdate) { this._updatesDirty = true; let updates = this._getUpdates(); updates.unshift(aUpdate); // Limit the update history to 10 updates. updates.splice(10); }, /** * Serializes an array of updates to an XML file or removes the file if the * array length is 0. * @param updates * An array of nsIUpdate objects * @param fileName * The file name in the updates directory to write to. * @return true on success, false on error */ _writeUpdatesToXMLFile: async function UM__writeUpdatesToXMLFile( updates, fileName ) { let file; try { file = getUpdateFile([fileName]); } catch (e) { LOG( "UpdateManager:_writeUpdatesToXMLFile - Unable to get XML file - " + "Exception: " + e ); return false; } if (!updates.length) { LOG( "UpdateManager:_writeUpdatesToXMLFile - no updates to write. " + "removing file: " + file.path ); try { await IOUtils.remove(file.path); } catch (e) { LOG( "UpdateManager:_writeUpdatesToXMLFile - Delete file exception: " + e ); return false; } return true; } const EMPTY_UPDATES_DOCUMENT_OPEN = ''; const EMPTY_UPDATES_DOCUMENT_CLOSE = ""; try { var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString( EMPTY_UPDATES_DOCUMENT_OPEN + EMPTY_UPDATES_DOCUMENT_CLOSE, "text/xml" ); for (var i = 0; i < updates.length; ++i) { doc.documentElement.appendChild(updates[i].serialize(doc)); } var xml = EMPTY_UPDATES_DOCUMENT_OPEN + doc.documentElement.innerHTML + EMPTY_UPDATES_DOCUMENT_CLOSE; // If the destination file existed and is removed while the following is // being performed the copy of the tmp file to the destination file will // fail. await IOUtils.writeUTF8(file.path, xml, { tmpPath: file.path + ".tmp", }); await IOUtils.setPermissions(file.path, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE); } catch (e) { LOG("UpdateManager:_writeUpdatesToXMLFile - Exception: " + e); return false; } return true; }, _updatesXMLSaver: null, _updatesXMLSaverCallback: null, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ saveUpdates: function UM_saveUpdates() { if (!this._updatesXMLSaver) { this._updatesXMLSaverCallback = () => this._updatesXMLSaver.finalize(); this._updatesXMLSaver = new lazy.DeferredTask( () => this._saveUpdatesXML(), XML_SAVER_INTERVAL_MS ); lazy.AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange.addBlocker( "UpdateManager: writing update xml data", this._updatesXMLSaverCallback ); } else { this._updatesXMLSaver.disarm(); } this._updatesXMLSaver.arm(); }, /** * Saves the active-updates.xml and updates.xml when the updates history has * been modified files. */ _saveUpdatesXML: function UM__saveUpdatesXML() { // This mechanism for how we store the updates might seem a bit odd, since, // if only one update is stored, we don't know if it's the ready update or // the downloading update. However, we can determine which it is by reading // update.status. If we read STATE_DOWNLOADING, it must be a downloading // update and otherwise it's a ready update. This method has the additional // advantage of requiring no migration from when we used to only store a // single active update. let updates = []; if (this._readyUpdate) { updates.push(this._readyUpdate); } if (this._downloadingUpdate) { updates.push(this._downloadingUpdate); } // The active update stored in the active-update.xml file will change during // the lifetime of an active update and the file should always be updated // when saveUpdates is called. let promises = []; promises[0] = this._writeUpdatesToXMLFile(updates, FILE_ACTIVE_UPDATE_XML); // The update history stored in the updates.xml file should only need to be // updated when an active update has been added to it in which case // |_updatesDirty| will be true. if (this._updatesDirty) { this._updatesDirty = false; promises[1] = this._writeUpdatesToXMLFile( this._getUpdates(), FILE_UPDATES_XML ); } return Promise.all(promises); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ refreshUpdateStatus: async function UM_refreshUpdateStatus() { try { LOG("UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Staging done."); var update = this._readyUpdate; if (!update) { LOG("UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Missing ready update?"); return; } var status = readStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir()); pingStateAndStatusCodes(update, false, status); LOG(`UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - status = ${status}`); let parts = status.split(":"); update.state = parts[0]; if (update.state == STATE_APPLYING) { LOG( "UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Staging appears to have crashed." ); update.state = STATE_FAILED; update.errorCode = ERR_UPDATER_CRASHED; } else if (update.state == STATE_FAILED) { LOG("UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Staging failed."); if (parts[1]) { update.errorCode = parseInt(parts[1]) || INVALID_UPDATER_STATUS_CODE; } else { update.errorCode = INVALID_UPDATER_STATUS_CODE; } } // Rotate the update logs so the update log isn't removed if a complete // update is downloaded. By passing false the patch directory won't be // removed. cleanUpReadyUpdateDir(false); if (update.state == STATE_FAILED) { let isMemError = isMemoryAllocationErrorCode(update.errorCode); if ( update.errorCode == DELETE_ERROR_STAGING_LOCK_FILE || update.errorCode == UNEXPECTED_STAGING_ERROR || isMemError ) { update.state = getBestPendingState(); writeStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir(), update.state); if (isMemError) { LOG( `UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Updater failed to ` + `allocate enough memory to successfully stage. Setting ` + `status to "${update.state}"` ); } else { LOG( `UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Unexpected staging error. ` + `Setting status to "${update.state}"` ); } } else if (isServiceSpecificErrorCode(update.errorCode)) { // Sometimes when staging, we might encounter an error that is // specific to the Maintenance Service. If this happens, we should try // to update without the Service. LOG( `UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Encountered service ` + `specific error code: ${update.errorCode}. Will try installing ` + `update without the Maintenance Service. Setting state to pending` ); update.state = STATE_PENDING; writeStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir(), update.state); } else { LOG( "UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Attempting handleUpdateFailure" ); if (!handleUpdateFailure(update)) { LOG( "UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - handleUpdateFailure " + "failed. Attempting to fall back to complete update." ); await handleFallbackToCompleteUpdate(); } } } if (update.state == STATE_APPLIED && shouldUseService()) { LOG( `UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Staging successful. ` + `Setting status to "${STATE_APPLIED_SERVICE}"` ); writeStatusFile( getReadyUpdateDir(), (update.state = STATE_APPLIED_SERVICE) ); } // Now that the active update's properties have been updated write the // active-update.xml to disk. Since there have been no changes to the // update history the updates.xml will not be written to disk. this.saveUpdates(); // Send an observer notification which the app update doorhanger uses to // display a restart notification after any langpacks have staged. await promiseLangPacksUpdated(update); if ( update.state == STATE_APPLIED || update.state == STATE_APPLIED_SERVICE || update.state == STATE_PENDING || update.state == STATE_PENDING_SERVICE || update.state == STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE ) { LOG("UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Setting state STATE_PENDING"); transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_PENDING); } LOG( "UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Notifying observers that " + "the update was staged. topic: update-staged, status: " + update.state ); Services.obs.notifyObservers(update, "update-staged", update.state); } finally { // This function being called is the one thing that tells us that staging // is done so be very sure that we don't exit it leaving the current // state at STATE_STAGING. // The only cases where we haven't already done a state transition are // error cases, so if another state isn't set, assume that we hit an error // and aborted the update. if ( lazy.AUS.currentState == Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_STAGING ) { LOG("UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Setting state STATE_IDLE"); transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_IDLE); } } }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ elevationOptedIn: function UM_elevationOptedIn() { // The user has been been made aware that the update requires elevation. let update = this._readyUpdate; if (!update) { return; } let status = readStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir()); let parts = status.split(":"); update.state = parts[0]; if (update.state == STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE) { LOG("UpdateManager:elevationOptedIn - Setting state to pending."); // Proceed with the pending update. // Note: STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE stands for "pending user's approval to // proceed with an elevated update". As long as we see this state, we will // notify the user of the availability of an update that requires // elevation. |elevationOptedIn| (this function) is called when the user // gives us approval to proceed, so we want to switch to STATE_PENDING. // The updater then detects whether or not elevation is required and // displays the elevation prompt if necessary. This last step does not // depend on the state in the status file. writeStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir(), STATE_PENDING); } else { LOG("UpdateManager:elevationOptedIn - Not in pending-elevate state."); } }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ cleanupDownloadingUpdate: function UM_cleanupDownloadingUpdate() { LOG( "UpdateManager:cleanupDownloadingUpdate - cleaning up downloading update." ); cleanupDownloadingUpdate(); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ cleanupReadyUpdate: function UM_cleanupReadyUpdate() { LOG("UpdateManager:cleanupReadyUpdate - cleaning up ready update."); cleanupReadyUpdate(); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ doInstallCleanup: async function UM_doInstallCleanup(isUninstall) { LOG("UpdateManager:doInstallCleanup - cleaning up"); let completionPromises = []; const delete_or_log = path => IOUtils.remove(path).catch(ex => console.error(`Failed to delete ${path}`, ex) ); for (const key of [KEY_OLD_UPDROOT, KEY_UPDROOT]) { const root = Services.dirsvc.get(key, Ci.nsIFile); const activeUpdateXml = root.clone(); activeUpdateXml.append(FILE_ACTIVE_UPDATE_XML); completionPromises.push(delete_or_log(activeUpdateXml.path)); const downloadingMar = root.clone(); downloadingMar.append(DIR_UPDATES); downloadingMar.append(DIR_UPDATE_DOWNLOADING); downloadingMar.append(FILE_UPDATE_MAR); completionPromises.push(delete_or_log(downloadingMar.path)); const readyDir = root.clone(); readyDir.append(DIR_UPDATES); readyDir.append(DIR_UPDATE_READY); const readyMar = readyDir.clone(); readyMar.append(FILE_UPDATE_MAR); completionPromises.push(delete_or_log(readyMar.path)); const readyStatus = readyDir.clone(); readyStatus.append(FILE_UPDATE_STATUS); completionPromises.push(delete_or_log(readyStatus.path)); const versionFile = readyDir.clone(); versionFile.append(FILE_UPDATE_VERSION); completionPromises.push(delete_or_log(versionFile.path)); } return Promise.allSettled(completionPromises); }, /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ doUninstallCleanup: async function UM_doUninstallCleanup(isUninstall) { LOG("UpdateManager:doUninstallCleanup - cleaning up."); let completionPromises = []; completionPromises.push( IOUtils.remove(Services.dirsvc.get(KEY_UPDROOT, Ci.nsIFile).path, { recursive: true, }).catch(ex => console.error("Failed to remove update directory", ex)) ); completionPromises.push( IOUtils.remove(Services.dirsvc.get(KEY_OLD_UPDROOT, Ci.nsIFile).path, { recursive: true, }).catch(ex => console.error("Failed to remove old update directory", ex)) ); return Promise.allSettled(completionPromises); }, classID: Components.ID("{093C2356-4843-4C65-8709-D7DBCBBE7DFB}"), QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIUpdateManager", "nsIObserver"]), }; /** * CheckerService * Provides an interface for checking for new updates. When more checks are * made while an equivalent check is already in-progress, they will be coalesced * into a single update check request. */ export class CheckerService { #nextUpdateCheckId = 1; // Most of the update checking data is looked up via a "request key". This // allows us to lookup the request key for a particular check id, since // multiple checks can correspond to a single request. // When a check is cancelled or completed, it will be removed from this // object. #requestKeyByCheckId = {}; // This object will relate request keys to update check data objects. The // format of the update check data objects is defined by // #makeUpdateCheckDataObject, below. // When an update request is cancelled (by all of the corresponding update // checks being cancelled) or completed, its key will be removed from this // object. #updateCheckData = {}; #makeUpdateCheckDataObject(type, promise) { return { type, promise, request: null }; } /** * Indicates whether the passed parameter is one of the valid enumerated * values that indicates a type of update check. */ #validUpdateCheckType(checkType) { return [ Ci.nsIUpdateChecker.BACKGROUND_CHECK, Ci.nsIUpdateChecker.FOREGROUND_CHECK, ].includes(checkType); } #getCanMigrate() { if (AppConstants.platform != "win") { return false; } // The first element of the array is whether the build target is 32 or 64 // bit and the third element of the array is whether the client's Windows OS // system processor is 32 or 64 bit. let aryABI = lazy.UpdateUtils.ABI.split("-"); if (aryABI[0] != "x86" || aryABI[2] != "x64") { return false; } let wrk = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey ); let regPath = "SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\" + Services.appinfo.name + "\\32to64DidMigrate"; let regValHKCU = lazy.WindowsRegistry.readRegKey( wrk.ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, regPath, "Never", wrk.WOW64_32 ); let regValHKLM = lazy.WindowsRegistry.readRegKey( wrk.ROOT_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regPath, "Never", wrk.WOW64_32 ); // The Never registry key value allows configuring a system to never migrate // any of the installations. if (regValHKCU === 1 || regValHKLM === 1) { LOG( "CheckerService:#getCanMigrate - all installations should not be " + "migrated" ); return false; } let appBaseDirPath = getAppBaseDir().path; regValHKCU = lazy.WindowsRegistry.readRegKey( wrk.ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, regPath, appBaseDirPath, wrk.WOW64_32 ); regValHKLM = lazy.WindowsRegistry.readRegKey( wrk.ROOT_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regPath, appBaseDirPath, wrk.WOW64_32 ); // When the registry value is 1 for the installation directory path value // name then the installation has already been migrated once or the system // was configured to not migrate that installation. if (regValHKCU === 1 || regValHKLM === 1) { LOG( "CheckerService:#getCanMigrate - this installation should not be " + "migrated" ); return false; } // When the registry value is 0 for the installation directory path value // name then the installation has updated to Firefox 56 and can be migrated. if (regValHKCU === 0 || regValHKLM === 0) { LOG("CheckerService:#getCanMigrate - this installation can be migrated"); return true; } LOG( "CheckerService:#getCanMigrate - no registry entries for this " + "installation" ); return false; } /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ async getUpdateURL(checkType) { LOG("CheckerService:getUpdateURL - checkType: " + checkType); if (!this.#validUpdateCheckType(checkType)) { LOG("CheckerService:getUpdateURL - Invalid checkType"); throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); } let url = Services.appinfo.updateURL; let updatePin; if (Services.policies) { let policies = Services.policies.getActivePolicies(); if (policies) { if ("AppUpdateURL" in policies) { url = policies.AppUpdateURL.toString(); } if ("AppUpdatePin" in policies) { updatePin = policies.AppUpdatePin; // Scalar ID: update.version_pin AUSTLMY.pingPinPolicy(updatePin); } } } if (!url) { LOG("CheckerService:getUpdateURL - update URL not defined"); return null; } url = await lazy.UpdateUtils.formatUpdateURL(url); if (checkType == Ci.nsIUpdateChecker.FOREGROUND_CHECK) { url += (url.includes("?") ? "&" : "?") + "force=1"; } if (this.#getCanMigrate()) { url += (url.includes("?") ? "&" : "?") + "mig64=1"; } if (updatePin) { url += (url.includes("?") ? "&" : "?") + "pin=" + encodeURIComponent(updatePin); } LOG("CheckerService:getUpdateURL - update URL: " + url); return url; } /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ checkForUpdates(checkType) { LOG("CheckerService:checkForUpdates - checkType: " + checkType); if (!this.#validUpdateCheckType(checkType)) { LOG("CheckerService:checkForUpdates - Invalid checkType"); throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); } let checkId = this.#nextUpdateCheckId; this.#nextUpdateCheckId += 1; // `checkType == FOREGROUND_CHECK`` can override `canCheckForUpdates`. But // nothing should override enterprise policies. if (lazy.AUS.disabled) { LOG("CheckerService:checkForUpdates - disabled by policy"); return this.#getChecksNotAllowedObject(checkId); } if ( checkType == Ci.nsIUpdateChecker.BACKGROUND_CHECK && !lazy.AUS.canCheckForUpdates ) { LOG("CheckerService:checkForUpdates - !canCheckForUpdates"); return this.#getChecksNotAllowedObject(checkId); } // We want to combine simultaneous requests, but only ones that are // equivalent. If, say, one of them uses the force parameter and one // doesn't, we want those two requests to remain separate. This key will // allow us to map equivalent requests together. It is also the key that we // use to lookup the update check data in this.#updateCheckData. let requestKey = checkType; if (requestKey in this.#updateCheckData) { LOG( `CheckerService:checkForUpdates - Connecting check id ${checkId} to ` + `existing check request.` ); } else { LOG( `CheckerService:checkForUpdates - Making new check request for check ` + `id ${checkId}.` ); this.#updateCheckData[requestKey] = this.#makeUpdateCheckDataObject( checkType, this.#updateCheck(checkType, requestKey) ); } this.#requestKeyByCheckId[checkId] = requestKey; return { id: checkId, result: this.#updateCheckData[requestKey].promise, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIUpdateCheck"]), }; } #getChecksNotAllowedObject(checkId) { return { id: checkId, result: Promise.resolve( Object.freeze({ checksAllowed: false, succeeded: false, request: null, updates: [], QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIUpdateCheckResult"]), }) ), QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIUpdateCheck"]), }; } async #updateCheck(checkType, requestKey) { await waitForOtherInstances(); let url; try { url = await this.getUpdateURL(checkType); } catch (ex) {} if (!url) { LOG("CheckerService:#updateCheck - !url"); return this.#getCheckFailedObject("update_url_not_available"); } let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("GET", url, true); // Prevent the request from reading from the cache. request.channel.loadFlags |= Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE; // Prevent the request from writing to the cache. request.channel.loadFlags |= Ci.nsIRequest.INHIBIT_CACHING; // Disable cutting edge features, like TLS 1.3, where middleboxes might // brick us request.channel.QueryInterface( Ci.nsIHttpChannelInternal ).beConservative = true; request.overrideMimeType("text/xml"); // The Cache-Control header is only interpreted by proxies and the // final destination. It does not help if a resource is already // cached locally. request.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0 servers might not implement Cache-Control and // might only implement Pragma: no-cache request.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); const UPDATE_CHECK_LOAD_SUCCESS = 1; const UPDATE_CHECK_LOAD_ERROR = 2; const UPDATE_CHECK_CANCELLED = 3; let result = await new Promise(resolve => { // It's important that nothing potentially asynchronous happens between // checking if the request has been cancelled and starting the request. // If an update check cancellation happens before dispatching the request // and we end up dispatching it anyways, we will never call cancel on the // request later and the cancellation effectively won't happen. if (!(requestKey in this.#updateCheckData)) { LOG( "CheckerService:#updateCheck - check was cancelled before request " + "was able to start" ); resolve(UPDATE_CHECK_CANCELLED); return; } let onLoad = event => { request.removeEventListener("load", onLoad); LOG("CheckerService:#updateCheck - request got 'load' event"); resolve(UPDATE_CHECK_LOAD_SUCCESS); }; request.addEventListener("load", onLoad); let onError = event => { request.removeEventListener("error", onLoad); LOG("CheckerService:#updateCheck - request got 'error' event"); resolve(UPDATE_CHECK_LOAD_ERROR); }; request.addEventListener("error", onError); LOG("CheckerService:#updateCheck - sending request to: " + url); request.send(null); this.#updateCheckData[requestKey].request = request; }); // Remove all entries for this request key. This marks the request and the // associated check ids as no longer in-progress. delete this.#updateCheckData[requestKey]; for (const checkId of Object.keys(this.#requestKeyByCheckId)) { if (this.#requestKeyByCheckId[checkId] == requestKey) { delete this.#requestKeyByCheckId[checkId]; } } if (result == UPDATE_CHECK_CANCELLED) { return this.#getCheckFailedObject(Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED); } if (result == UPDATE_CHECK_LOAD_ERROR) { let status = this.#getChannelStatus(request); LOG("CheckerService:#updateCheck - Failed. request.status: " + status); // Set MitM pref. try { let secInfo = request.channel.securityInfo; if (secInfo.serverCert && secInfo.serverCert.issuerName) { Services.prefs.setStringPref( "security.pki.mitm_canary_issuer", secInfo.serverCert.issuerName ); } } catch (e) { LOG("CheckerService:#updateCheck - Getting secInfo failed."); } return this.#getCheckFailedObject(status, 404, request); } LOG("CheckerService:#updateCheck - request completed downloading document"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("security.pki.mitm_canary_issuer"); // Check whether there is a mitm, i.e. check whether the root cert is // built-in or not. try { let sslStatus = request.channel.securityInfo; if (sslStatus) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "security.pki.mitm_detected", !sslStatus.isBuiltCertChainRootBuiltInRoot ); } } catch (e) { LOG("CheckerService:#updateCheck - Getting sslStatus failed."); } let updates; try { // Analyze the resulting DOM and determine the set of updates. updates = this.#parseUpdates(request); } catch (e) { LOG( "CheckerService:#updateCheck - there was a problem checking for " + "updates. Exception: " + e ); let status = this.#getChannelStatus(request); // If we can't find an error string specific to this status code, // just use the 200 message from above, which means everything // "looks" fine but there was probably an XML error or a bogus file. return this.#getCheckFailedObject(status, 200, request); } LOG( "CheckerService:#updateCheck - number of updates available: " + updates.length ); if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_APP_UPDATE_BACKGROUNDERRORS)) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_BACKGROUNDERRORS); } return Object.freeze({ checksAllowed: true, succeeded: true, request, updates, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIUpdateCheckResult"]), }); } /** * @param errorCode * The error code to include in the return value. If possible, we * will get the update status text based on this error code. * @param defaultCode * Optional. The error code to use to get the status text if there * isn't status text available for `errorCode`. * @param request * The XMLHttpRequest used to check for updates. Or null, if one was * never constructed. * @returns An nsIUpdateCheckResult object indicating an error, using the * error data passed to this function. */ #getCheckFailedObject( errorCode, defaultCode = Cr.NS_BINDING_FAILED, request = null ) { let update = new Update(null); update.errorCode = errorCode; update.statusText = getStatusTextFromCode(errorCode, defaultCode); if (errorCode == Cr.NS_ERROR_OFFLINE) { // We use a separate constant here because nsIUpdate.errorCode is signed update.errorCode = NETWORK_ERROR_OFFLINE; } else if (this.#isHttpStatusCode(errorCode)) { update.errorCode = HTTP_ERROR_OFFSET + errorCode; } return Object.freeze({ checksAllowed: true, succeeded: false, request, updates: [update], QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIUpdateCheckResult"]), }); } /** * Returns the status code for the XMLHttpRequest */ #getChannelStatus(request) { var status = 0; try { status = request.status; } catch (e) {} if (status == 0) { status = request.channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRequest).status; } return status; } #isHttpStatusCode(status) { return status >= 100 && status <= 599; } /** * @param request * The XMLHttpRequest that successfully loaded the update XML. * @returns An array of 0 or more nsIUpdate objects describing the available * updates. * @throws If the XML document element node name is not updates. */ #parseUpdates(request) { let updatesElement = request.responseXML.documentElement; if (!updatesElement) { LOG("CheckerService:#parseUpdates - empty updates document?!"); return []; } if (updatesElement.nodeName != "updates") { LOG("CheckerService:#parseUpdates - unexpected node name!"); throw new Error( "Unexpected node name, expected: updates, got: " + updatesElement.nodeName ); } let updates = []; for (const updateElement of updatesElement.childNodes) { if ( updateElement.nodeType != updateElement.ELEMENT_NODE || updateElement.localName != "update" ) { continue; } let update; try { update = new Update(updateElement); } catch (e) { LOG("CheckerService:#parseUpdates - invalid , ignoring..."); continue; } update.serviceURL = request.responseURL; update.channel = lazy.UpdateUtils.UpdateChannel; updates.push(update); } return updates; } /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ stopCheck(checkId) { if (!(checkId in this.#requestKeyByCheckId)) { LOG(`CheckerService:stopCheck - Non-existent check id ${checkId}`); return; } LOG(`CheckerService:stopCheck - Cancelling check id ${checkId}`); let requestKey = this.#requestKeyByCheckId[checkId]; delete this.#requestKeyByCheckId[checkId]; if (Object.values(this.#requestKeyByCheckId).includes(requestKey)) { LOG( `CheckerService:stopCheck - Not actually cancelling request because ` + `other check id's depend on it.` ); } else { LOG( `CheckerService:stopCheck - This is the last check using this ` + `request. Cancelling the request now.` ); let request = this.#updateCheckData[requestKey].request; delete this.#updateCheckData[requestKey]; if (request) { LOG(`CheckerService:stopCheck - Aborting XMLHttpRequest`); request.abort(); } else { LOG( `CheckerService:stopCheck - Not aborting XMLHttpRequest. It ` + `doesn't appear to have started yet.` ); } } } /** * See nsIUpdateService.idl */ stopAllChecks() { LOG("CheckerService:stopAllChecks - stopping all checks."); for (const checkId of Object.keys(this.#requestKeyByCheckId)) { this.stopCheck(checkId); } } classID = Components.ID("{898CDC9B-E43F-422F-9CC4-2F6291B415A3}"); QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIUpdateChecker"]); } /** * Manages the download of updates * @param background * Whether or not this downloader is operating in background * update mode. * @param updateService * The update service that created this downloader. * @constructor */ function Downloader(updateService) { LOG("Creating Downloader"); this.updateService = updateService; } Downloader.prototype = { /** * The nsIUpdatePatch that we are downloading */ _patch: null, /** * The nsIUpdate that we are downloading */ _update: null, /** * The nsIRequest object handling the download. */ _request: null, /** * Whether or not the update being downloaded is a complete replacement of * the user's existing installation or a patch representing the difference * between the new version and the previous version. */ isCompleteUpdate: null, /** * We get the nsIRequest from nsIBITS asynchronously. When downloadUpdate has * been called, but this._request is not yet valid, _pendingRequest will be * a promise that will resolve when this._request has been set. */ _pendingRequest: null, /** * When using BITS, cancel actions happen asynchronously. This variable * keeps track of any cancel action that is in-progress. * If the cancel action fails, this will be set back to null so that the * action can be attempted again. But if the cancel action succeeds, the * resolved promise will remain stored in this variable to prevent cancel * from being called twice (which, for BITS, is an error). */ _cancelPromise: null, /** * BITS receives progress notifications slowly, unless a user is watching. * This tracks what frequency notifications are happening at. * * This is needed because BITS downloads are started asynchronously. * Specifically, this is needed to prevent a situation where the download is * still starting (Downloader._pendingRequest has not resolved) when the first * observer registers itself. Without this variable, there is no way of * knowing whether the download was started as Active or Idle and, therefore, * we don't know if we need to start Active mode when _pendingRequest * resolves. */ _bitsActiveNotifications: false, /** * This is a function that when called will stop the update process from * waiting for language pack updates. This is for safety to ensure that a * problem in the add-ons manager doesn't delay updates by much. */ _langPackTimeout: null, /** * If gOnlyDownloadUpdatesThisSession is true, we prevent the update process * from progressing past the downloading stage. If the download finishes, * pretend that it hasn't in order to keep the current update in the * "downloading" state. */ _pretendingDownloadIsNotDone: false, /** * Cancels the active download. * * For a BITS download, this will cancel and remove the download job. For * an nsIIncrementalDownload, this will stop the download, but leaves the * data around to allow the transfer to be resumed later. */ cancel: async function Downloader_cancel(cancelError) { LOG("Downloader: cancel"); if (cancelError === undefined) { cancelError = Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } if (this.usingBits) { // If a cancel action is already in progress, just return when that // promise resolved. Trying to cancel the same request twice is an error. if (this._cancelPromise) { await this._cancelPromise; return; } if (this._pendingRequest) { await this._pendingRequest; } if (this._patch.getProperty("bitsId") != null) { // Make sure that we don't try to resume this download after it was // cancelled. this._patch.deleteProperty("bitsId"); } try { this._cancelPromise = this._request.cancelAsync(cancelError); await this._cancelPromise; } catch (e) { // On success, we will not set the cancel promise to null because // we want to prevent two cancellations of the same request. But // retrying after a failed cancel is not an error, so we will set the // cancel promise to null in the failure case. this._cancelPromise = null; throw e; } } else if (this._request && this._request instanceof Ci.nsIRequest) { // Normally, cancelling an nsIIncrementalDownload results in it stopping // the download but leaving the downloaded data so that we can resume the // download later. If we've already finished the download, there is no // transfer to stop. // Note that this differs from the BITS case. Cancelling a BITS job, even // when the transfer has completed, results in all data being deleted. // Therefore, even if the transfer has completed, cancelling a BITS job // has effects that we must not skip. if (this._pretendingDownloadIsNotDone) { LOG( "Downloader: cancel - Ignoring cancel request of finished download" ); } else { this._request.cancel(cancelError); } } }, /** * Verify the downloaded file. We assume that the download is complete at * this point. */ _verifyDownload: function Downloader__verifyDownload() { LOG("Downloader:_verifyDownload called"); if (!this._request) { AUSTLMY.pingDownloadCode( this.isCompleteUpdate, AUSTLMY.DWNLD_ERR_VERIFY_NO_REQUEST ); return false; } let destination = getDownloadingUpdateDir(); destination.append(FILE_UPDATE_MAR); // Ensure that the file size matches the expected file size. if (destination.fileSize != this._patch.size) { LOG("Downloader:_verifyDownload downloaded size != expected size."); AUSTLMY.pingDownloadCode( this.isCompleteUpdate, AUSTLMY.DWNLD_ERR_VERIFY_PATCH_SIZE_NOT_EQUAL ); return false; } LOG("Downloader:_verifyDownload downloaded size == expected size."); return true; }, /** * Select the patch to use given the current state of updateDir and the given * set of update patches. * @param update * A nsIUpdate object to select a patch from * @param updateDir * A nsIFile representing the update directory * @return A nsIUpdatePatch object to download */ _selectPatch: function Downloader__selectPatch(update, updateDir) { // Given an update to download, we will always try to download the patch // for a partial update over the patch for a full update. // Look to see if any of the patches in the Update object has been // pre-selected for download, otherwise we must figure out which one // to select ourselves. var selectedPatch = update.selectedPatch; var state = selectedPatch ? selectedPatch.state : STATE_NONE; // If this is a patch that we know about, then select it. If it is a patch // that we do not know about, then remove it and use our default logic. var useComplete = false; if (selectedPatch) { LOG( "Downloader:_selectPatch - found existing patch with state: " + state ); if (state == STATE_DOWNLOADING) { LOG("Downloader:_selectPatch - resuming download"); return selectedPatch; } if ( state == STATE_PENDING || state == STATE_PENDING_SERVICE || state == STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE || state == STATE_APPLIED || state == STATE_APPLIED_SERVICE ) { LOG("Downloader:_selectPatch - already downloaded"); return null; } // When downloading the patch failed using BITS, there hasn't been an // attempt to download the patch using the internal application download // mechanism, and an attempt to stage or apply the patch hasn't failed // which indicates that a different patch should be downloaded since // re-downloading the same patch with the internal application download // mechanism will likely also fail when trying to stage or apply it then // try to download the same patch using the internal application download // mechanism. selectedPatch.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag); if ( selectedPatch.getProperty("bitsResult") != null && selectedPatch.getProperty("internalResult") == null && !selectedPatch.errorCode ) { LOG( "Downloader:_selectPatch - Falling back to non-BITS download " + "mechanism for the same patch due to existing BITS result: " + selectedPatch.getProperty("bitsResult") ); return selectedPatch; } if (update && selectedPatch.type == "complete") { // This is a pretty fatal error. Just bail. LOG("Downloader:_selectPatch - failed to apply complete patch!"); cleanupDownloadingUpdate(); return null; } // Something went wrong when we tried to apply the previous patch. // Try the complete patch next time. useComplete = true; selectedPatch = null; } // If we were not able to discover an update from a previous download, we // select the best patch from the given set. var partialPatch = getPatchOfType(update, "partial"); if (!useComplete) { selectedPatch = partialPatch; } if (!selectedPatch) { if (lazy.UM.readyUpdate) { // If we already have a ready update, we download partials only. LOG( "Downloader:_selectPatch - not selecting a complete patch because " + "this is not the first download of the session" ); return null; } if (partialPatch) { partialPatch.selected = false; } selectedPatch = getPatchOfType(update, "complete"); } // if update only contains a partial patch, selectedPatch == null here if // the partial patch has been attempted and fails and we're trying to get a // complete patch if (selectedPatch) { selectedPatch.selected = true; update.isCompleteUpdate = selectedPatch.type == "complete"; } LOG( "Downloader:_selectPatch - Patch selected. Assigning update to " + "downloadingUpdate." ); lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate = update; return selectedPatch; }, /** * Whether or not the user wants to be notified that an update is being * downloaded. */ get _notifyDuringDownload() { return Services.prefs.getBoolPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_NOTIFYDURINGDOWNLOAD, false ); }, _notifyDownloadStatusObservers: function Downloader_notifyDownloadStatusObservers() { if (this._notifyDuringDownload) { let status = this.updateService.isDownloading ? "downloading" : "idle"; Services.obs.notifyObservers( this._update, "update-downloading", status ); } }, /** * Whether or not we are currently downloading something. */ get isBusy() { return this._request != null || this._pendingRequest != null; }, get usingBits() { return this._pendingRequest != null || this._request instanceof BitsRequest; }, /** * Returns true if the specified patch can be downloaded with BITS. */ _canUseBits: function Downloader__canUseBits(patch) { if (getCanUseBits() != "CanUseBits") { // This will have printed its own logging. No need to print more. return false; } // Regardless of success or failure, don't download the same patch with BITS // twice. if (patch.getProperty("bitsResult") != null) { LOG( "Downloader:_canUseBits - Not using BITS because it was already tried" ); return false; } LOG("Downloader:_canUseBits - Patch is able to use BITS download"); return true; }, /** * Instruct the add-ons manager to start downloading language pack updates in * preparation for the current update. */ _startLangPackUpdates: function Downloader__startLangPackUpdates() { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_LANGPACK_ENABLED, false)) { return; } // A promise that we can resolve at some point to time out the language pack // update process. let timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this._langPackTimeout = resolve; }); let update = unwrap(this._update); let existing = LangPackUpdates.get(update); if (existing) { // We have already started staging lang packs for this update, no need to // do it again. return; } // Note that we don't care about success or failure here, either way we will // continue with the update process. let langPackPromise = lazy.AddonManager.stageLangpacksForAppUpdate( update.appVersion, update.appVersion ) .catch(error => { LOG( `Add-ons manager threw exception while updating language packs: ${error}` ); }) .finally(() => { this._langPackTimeout = null; if (TelemetryStopwatch.running("UPDATE_LANGPACK_OVERTIME", update)) { TelemetryStopwatch.finish("UPDATE_LANGPACK_OVERTIME", update); } }); LangPackUpdates.set( update, Promise.race([langPackPromise, timeoutPromise]) ); }, /** * Download and stage the given update. * @param update * A nsIUpdate object to download a patch for. Cannot be null. */ downloadUpdate: async function Downloader_downloadUpdate(update) { LOG("UpdateService:downloadUpdate"); if (!update) { AUSTLMY.pingDownloadCode(undefined, AUSTLMY.DWNLD_ERR_NO_UPDATE); throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER); } var updateDir = getDownloadingUpdateDir(); this._update = update; // This function may return null, which indicates that there are no patches // to download. this._patch = this._selectPatch(update, updateDir); if (!this._patch) { LOG("Downloader:downloadUpdate - no patch to download"); AUSTLMY.pingDownloadCode(undefined, AUSTLMY.DWNLD_ERR_NO_UPDATE_PATCH); return false; } // The update and the patch implement nsIWritablePropertyBag. Expose that // interface immediately after a patch is assigned so that // this.(_patch|_update).(get|set)Property can always safely be called. this._update.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag); this._patch.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag); if ( this._update.getProperty("disableBackgroundUpdates") != null && lazy.gIsBackgroundTaskMode ) { LOG( "Downloader:downloadUpdate - Background update disabled by update " + "advertisement" ); return false; } this.isCompleteUpdate = this._patch.type == "complete"; let canUseBits = false; // Allow the advertised update to disable BITS. if (this._update.getProperty("disableBITS") != null) { LOG( "Downloader:downloadUpdate - BITS downloads disabled by update " + "advertisement" ); } else { canUseBits = this._canUseBits(this._patch); } if (!canUseBits) { this._pendingRequest = null; let patchFile = updateDir.clone(); patchFile.append(FILE_UPDATE_MAR); if (lazy.gIsBackgroundTaskMode) { // We don't normally run a background update if we can't use BITS, but // this branch is possible because we do fall back from BITS failures by // attempting an internal download. // If this happens, we are just going to need to wait for interactive // Firefox to download the update. We don't, however, want to be in the // "downloading" state when interactive Firefox runs because we want to // download the newest update available which, at that point, may not be // the one that we are currently trying to download. // However, we can't just unconditionally clobber the current update // because interactive Firefox might already be part way through an // internal update download, and we definitely don't want to interrupt // that. let readyUpdateDir = getReadyUpdateDir(); let status = readStatusFile(readyUpdateDir); // nsIIncrementalDownload doesn't use an intermediate download location // for partially downloaded files. If we have started an update // download with it, it will be available at its ultimate location. if (!(status == STATE_DOWNLOADING && patchFile.exists())) { LOG( "Downloader:downloadUpdate - Can't download with internal " + "downloader from a background task. Cleaning up downloading " + "update." ); cleanupDownloadingUpdate(); } return false; } // The interval is 0 since there is no need to throttle downloads. let interval = 0; LOG( "Downloader:downloadUpdate - Starting nsIIncrementalDownload with " + "url: " + this._patch.URL + ", path: " + patchFile.path + ", interval: " + interval ); let uri = Services.io.newURI(this._patch.URL); this._request = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/incremental-download;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIIncrementalDownload); this._request.init(uri, patchFile, DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE, interval); this._request.start(this, null); } else { let noProgressTimeout = BITS_IDLE_NO_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT_SECS; let monitorInterval = BITS_IDLE_POLL_RATE_MS; this._bitsActiveNotifications = false; // The monitor's timeout should be much greater than the longest monitor // poll interval. If the timeout is too short, delay in the pipe to the // update agent might cause BITS to falsely report an error, causing an // unnecessary fallback to nsIIncrementalDownload. let monitorTimeout = Math.max(10 * monitorInterval, 10 * 60 * 1000); if (this.hasDownloadListeners) { noProgressTimeout = BITS_ACTIVE_NO_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT_SECS; monitorInterval = BITS_ACTIVE_POLL_RATE_MS; this._bitsActiveNotifications = true; } let updateRootDir = FileUtils.getDir(KEY_UPDROOT, []); try { updateRootDir.create( Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY ); } catch (ex) { if (ex.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS) { throw ex; } // Ignore the exception due to a directory that already exists. } let jobName = "MozillaUpdate " + updateRootDir.leafName; let updatePath = updateDir.path; if (!Bits.initialized) { Bits.init(jobName, updatePath, monitorTimeout); } this._cancelPromise = null; let bitsId = this._patch.getProperty("bitsId"); if (bitsId) { LOG( "Downloader:downloadUpdate - Connecting to in-progress download. " + "BITS ID: " + bitsId ); this._pendingRequest = Bits.monitorDownload( bitsId, monitorInterval, this, null ); } else { LOG( "Downloader:downloadUpdate - Starting BITS download with url: " + this._patch.URL + ", updateDir: " + updatePath + ", filename: " + FILE_UPDATE_MAR ); this._pendingRequest = Bits.startDownload( this._patch.URL, FILE_UPDATE_MAR, Ci.nsIBits.PROXY_PRECONFIG, noProgressTimeout, monitorInterval, this, null ); } let request; try { request = await this._pendingRequest; } catch (error) { if ( (error.type == Ci.nsIBits.ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_GET_BITS_JOB || error.type == Ci.nsIBits.ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_CONNECT_TO_BCM) && error.action == Ci.nsIBits.ERROR_ACTION_MONITOR_DOWNLOAD && error.stage == Ci.nsIBits.ERROR_STAGE_BITS_CLIENT && error.codeType == Ci.nsIBits.ERROR_CODE_TYPE_HRESULT && error.code == HRESULT_E_ACCESSDENIED ) { LOG( "Downloader:downloadUpdate - Failed to connect to existing " + "BITS job. It is likely owned by another user." ); // This isn't really a failure code since the BITS job may be working // just fine on another account, so convert this to a code that // indicates that. This will make it easier to identify in telemetry. error.type = Ci.nsIBits.ERROR_TYPE_ACCESS_DENIED_EXPECTED; error.codeType = Ci.nsIBits.ERROR_CODE_TYPE_NONE; error.code = null; // When we detect this situation, disable BITS until Firefox shuts // down. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, without any // kind of flag, we enter an infinite loop here where we keep trying // BITS over and over again (normally setting bitsResult prevents // this, but we don't know the result of the BITS job, so we don't // want to set that). Second, since we are trying to update, this // process must have the update mutex. We don't ever give up the // update mutex, so even if the other user starts Firefox, they will // not complete the BITS job while this Firefox instance is around. gBITSInUseByAnotherUser = true; } else { this._patch.setProperty("bitsResult", Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE); lazy.UM.saveUpdates(); LOG( "Downloader:downloadUpdate - Failed to start to BITS job. " + "Error: " + error ); } this._pendingRequest = null; AUSTLMY.pingBitsError(this.isCompleteUpdate, error); // Try download again with nsIIncrementalDownload return this.downloadUpdate(this._update); } this._request = request; this._patch.setProperty("bitsId", request.bitsId); LOG( "Downloader:downloadUpdate - BITS download running. BITS ID: " + request.bitsId ); if (this.hasDownloadListeners) { this._maybeStartActiveNotifications(); } else { this._maybeStopActiveNotifications(); } lazy.UM.saveUpdates(); this._pendingRequest = null; } if (!lazy.UM.readyUpdate) { LOG("Downloader:downloadUpdate - Setting status to downloading"); writeStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir(), STATE_DOWNLOADING); } if (this._patch.state != STATE_DOWNLOADING) { LOG("Downloader:downloadUpdate - Setting state to downloading"); this._patch.state = STATE_DOWNLOADING; lazy.UM.saveUpdates(); } // If we are downloading a second update, we don't change the state until // STATE_SWAP. if (lazy.AUS.currentState == Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_PENDING) { LOG( "Downloader:downloadUpdate - not setting state because download is " + "already pending." ); } else { LOG( "Downloader:downloadUpdate - setting currentState to STATE_DOWNLOADING" ); transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_DOWNLOADING); } this._startLangPackUpdates(); this._notifyDownloadStatusObservers(); return true; }, /** * This is run when a download listener is added. */ onDownloadListenerAdded: function Downloader_onDownloadListenerAdded() { // Increase the status update frequency when someone starts listening this._maybeStartActiveNotifications(); }, /** * This is run when a download listener is removed. */ onDownloadListenerRemoved: function Downloader_onDownloadListenerRemoved() { // Decrease the status update frequency when no one is listening if (!this.hasDownloadListeners) { this._maybeStopActiveNotifications(); } }, get hasDownloadListeners() { return this.updateService.hasDownloadListeners; }, /** * This speeds up BITS progress notifications in response to a user watching * the notifications. */ _maybeStartActiveNotifications: async function Downloader__maybeStartActiveNotifications() { if ( this.usingBits && !this._bitsActiveNotifications && this.hasDownloadListeners && this._request ) { LOG( "Downloader:_maybeStartActiveNotifications - Starting active " + "notifications" ); this._bitsActiveNotifications = true; await Promise.all([ this._request .setNoProgressTimeout(BITS_ACTIVE_NO_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT_SECS) .catch(error => { LOG( "Downloader:_maybeStartActiveNotifications - Failed to set " + "no progress timeout. Error: " + error ); }), this._request .changeMonitorInterval(BITS_ACTIVE_POLL_RATE_MS) .catch(error => { LOG( "Downloader:_maybeStartActiveNotifications - Failed to increase " + "status update frequency. Error: " + error ); }), ]); } }, /** * This slows down BITS progress notifications in response to a user no longer * watching the notifications. */ _maybeStopActiveNotifications: async function Downloader__maybeStopActiveNotifications() { if ( this.usingBits && this._bitsActiveNotifications && !this.hasDownloadListeners && this._request ) { LOG( "Downloader:_maybeStopActiveNotifications - Stopping active " + "notifications" ); this._bitsActiveNotifications = false; await Promise.all([ this._request .setNoProgressTimeout(BITS_IDLE_NO_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT_SECS) .catch(error => { LOG( "Downloader:_maybeStopActiveNotifications - Failed to set " + "no progress timeout: " + error ); }), this._request .changeMonitorInterval(BITS_IDLE_POLL_RATE_MS) .catch(error => { LOG( "Downloader:_maybeStopActiveNotifications - Failed to decrease " + "status update frequency: " + error ); }), ]); } }, /** * When the async request begins * @param request * The nsIRequest object for the transfer */ onStartRequest: function Downloader_onStartRequest(request) { if (this.usingBits) { LOG("Downloader:onStartRequest"); } else { LOG( "Downloader:onStartRequest - original URI spec: " + request.URI.spec + ", final URI spec: " + request.finalURI.spec ); // Set finalURL in onStartRequest if it is different. if (this._patch.finalURL != request.finalURI.spec) { this._patch.finalURL = request.finalURI.spec; lazy.UM.saveUpdates(); } } this.updateService.forEachDownloadListener(listener => { listener.onStartRequest(request); }); }, /** * When new data has been downloaded * @param request * The nsIRequest object for the transfer * @param progress * The current number of bytes transferred * @param maxProgress * The total number of bytes that must be transferred */ onProgress: function Downloader_onProgress(request, progress, maxProgress) { LOG("Downloader:onProgress - progress: " + progress + "/" + maxProgress); if (progress > this._patch.size) { LOG( "Downloader:onProgress - progress: " + progress + " is higher than patch size: " + this._patch.size ); AUSTLMY.pingDownloadCode( this.isCompleteUpdate, AUSTLMY.DWNLD_ERR_PATCH_SIZE_LARGER ); this.cancel(Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); return; } // Wait until the transfer has started (progress > 0) to verify maxProgress // so that we don't check it before it is available (in which case, -1 would // have been passed). if (progress > 0 && maxProgress != this._patch.size) { LOG( "Downloader:onProgress - maxProgress: " + maxProgress + " is not equal to expected patch size: " + this._patch.size ); AUSTLMY.pingDownloadCode( this.isCompleteUpdate, AUSTLMY.DWNLD_ERR_PATCH_SIZE_NOT_EQUAL ); this.cancel(Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); return; } this.updateService.forEachDownloadListener(listener => { if (listener instanceof Ci.nsIProgressEventSink) { listener.onProgress(request, progress, maxProgress); } }); this.updateService._consecutiveSocketErrors = 0; }, /** * When we have new status text * @param request * The nsIRequest object for the transfer * @param status * A status code * @param statusText * Human readable version of |status| */ onStatus: function Downloader_onStatus(request, status, statusText) { LOG( "Downloader:onStatus - status: " + status + ", statusText: " + statusText ); this.updateService.forEachDownloadListener(listener => { if (listener instanceof Ci.nsIProgressEventSink) { listener.onStatus(request, status, statusText); } }); }, /** * When data transfer ceases * @param request * The nsIRequest object for the transfer * @param status * Status code containing the reason for the cessation. */ /* eslint-disable-next-line complexity */ onStopRequest: async function Downloader_onStopRequest(request, status) { if (gOnlyDownloadUpdatesThisSession) { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - End of update download detected and " + "ignored because we are restricted to update downloads this " + "session. We will continue with this update next session." ); // In order to keep the update from progressing past the downloading // stage, we will pretend that the download is still going. // A lot of this work is done for us by just not setting this._request to // null, which usually signals that the transfer has completed. this._pretendingDownloadIsNotDone = true; // This notification is currently used only for testing. Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "update-download-restriction-hit"); return; } if (!this.usingBits) { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - downloader: nsIIncrementalDownload, " + "original URI spec: " + request.URI.spec + ", final URI spec: " + request.finalURI.spec + ", status: " + status ); } else { LOG("Downloader:onStopRequest - downloader: BITS, status: " + status); } let bitsCompletionError; if (this.usingBits) { if (Components.isSuccessCode(status)) { try { await request.complete(); } catch (e) { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - Unable to complete BITS download: " + e ); status = Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; bitsCompletionError = e; } } else { // BITS jobs that failed to complete should still have cancel called on // them to remove the job. try { await this.cancel(); } catch (e) { // This will fail if the job stopped because it was cancelled. // Even if this is a "real" error, there isn't really anything to do // about it, and it's not really a big problem. It just means that the // BITS job will stay around until it is removed automatically // (default of 90 days). } } } var state = this._patch.state; var shouldShowPrompt = false; var shouldRegisterOnlineObserver = false; var shouldRetrySoon = false; var deleteActiveUpdate = false; let migratedToReadyUpdate = false; let nonDownloadFailure = false; var retryTimeout = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_SOCKET_RETRYTIMEOUT, DEFAULT_SOCKET_RETRYTIMEOUT ); // Prevent the preference from setting a value greater than 10000. retryTimeout = Math.min(retryTimeout, 10000); var maxFail = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_SOCKET_MAXERRORS, DEFAULT_SOCKET_MAX_ERRORS ); // Prevent the preference from setting a value greater than 20. maxFail = Math.min(maxFail, 20); LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - status: " + status + ", " + "current fail: " + this.updateService._consecutiveSocketErrors + ", " + "max fail: " + maxFail + ", " + "retryTimeout: " + retryTimeout ); if (Components.isSuccessCode(status)) { if (this._verifyDownload()) { AUSTLMY.pingDownloadCode(this.isCompleteUpdate, AUSTLMY.DWNLD_SUCCESS); LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - Clearing readyUpdate in preparation of " + "moving downloadingUpdate into readyUpdate." ); // Clear out any old update before we notify anyone about the new one. // It will be invalid in a moment anyways when we call // `cleanUpReadyUpdateDir()`. lazy.UM.readyUpdate = null; // We're about to clobber the ready update so we can replace it with the // downloading update that just finished. We need to let observers know // about this. if ( lazy.AUS.currentState == Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_PENDING ) { transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_SWAP); } Services.obs.notifyObservers(this._update, "update-swap"); // Swap the downloading update into the ready update directory. cleanUpReadyUpdateDir(); let downloadedMar = getDownloadingUpdateDir(); downloadedMar.append(FILE_UPDATE_MAR); let readyDir = getReadyUpdateDir(); try { downloadedMar.moveTo(readyDir, FILE_UPDATE_MAR); migratedToReadyUpdate = true; } catch (e) { migratedToReadyUpdate = false; } if (migratedToReadyUpdate) { AUSTLMY.pingMoveResult(AUSTLMY.MOVE_RESULT_SUCCESS); state = getBestPendingState(); shouldShowPrompt = !getCanStageUpdates(); // Tell the updater.exe we're ready to apply. LOG( `Downloader:onStopRequest - Ready to apply. Setting state to ` + `"${state}".` ); writeStatusFile(getReadyUpdateDir(), state); writeVersionFile(getReadyUpdateDir(), this._update.appVersion); this._update.installDate = new Date().getTime(); this._update.statusText = lazy.gUpdateBundle.GetStringFromName("installPending"); Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS, 0); } else { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - failed to move the downloading " + "update to the ready update directory." ); AUSTLMY.pingMoveResult(AUSTLMY.MOVE_RESULT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE); state = STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; status = Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_COPY_OR_MOVE_FAILED; const mfCode = "move_failed"; let message = getStatusTextFromCode(mfCode, mfCode); this._update.statusText = message; nonDownloadFailure = true; deleteActiveUpdate = true; cleanUpDownloadingUpdateDir(); } } else { LOG("Downloader:onStopRequest - download verification failed"); state = STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; status = Cr.NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT; // Yes, this code is a string. const vfCode = "verification_failed"; var message = getStatusTextFromCode(vfCode, vfCode); this._update.statusText = message; if (this._update.isCompleteUpdate || this._update.patchCount != 2) { LOG("Downloader:onStopRequest - No alternative patch to try"); deleteActiveUpdate = true; } // Destroy the updates directory, since we're done with it. cleanUpDownloadingUpdateDir(); } } else if (status == Cr.NS_ERROR_OFFLINE) { // Register an online observer to try again. // The online observer will continue the incremental download by // calling downloadUpdate on the active update which continues // downloading the file from where it was. LOG("Downloader:onStopRequest - offline, register online observer: true"); AUSTLMY.pingDownloadCode( this.isCompleteUpdate, AUSTLMY.DWNLD_RETRY_OFFLINE ); shouldRegisterOnlineObserver = true; deleteActiveUpdate = false; // Each of NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT, ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, // NS_ERROR_NET_RESET and NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED can be returned // when disconnecting the internet while a download of a MAR is in // progress. There may be others but I have not encountered them during // testing. } else if ( (status == Cr.NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT || status == Cr.NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED || status == Cr.NS_ERROR_NET_RESET || status == Cr.NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED) && this.updateService._consecutiveSocketErrors < maxFail ) { LOG("Downloader:onStopRequest - socket error, shouldRetrySoon: true"); let dwnldCode = AUSTLMY.DWNLD_RETRY_CONNECTION_REFUSED; if (status == Cr.NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT) { dwnldCode = AUSTLMY.DWNLD_RETRY_NET_TIMEOUT; } else if (status == Cr.NS_ERROR_NET_RESET) { dwnldCode = AUSTLMY.DWNLD_RETRY_NET_RESET; } else if (status == Cr.NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED) { dwnldCode = AUSTLMY.DWNLD_ERR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED; } AUSTLMY.pingDownloadCode(this.isCompleteUpdate, dwnldCode); shouldRetrySoon = true; deleteActiveUpdate = false; } else if (status != Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED && status != Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT) { if ( status == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED || status == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY ) { LOG("Downloader:onStopRequest - permission error"); nonDownloadFailure = true; } else { LOG("Downloader:onStopRequest - non-verification failure"); } let dwnldCode = AUSTLMY.DWNLD_ERR_BINDING_ABORTED; if (status == Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT) { dwnldCode = AUSTLMY.DWNLD_ERR_ABORT; } AUSTLMY.pingDownloadCode(this.isCompleteUpdate, dwnldCode); // Some sort of other failure, log this in the |statusText| property state = STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; // XXXben - if |request| (The Incremental Download) provided a means // for accessing the http channel we could do more here. this._update.statusText = getStatusTextFromCode( status, Cr.NS_BINDING_FAILED ); // Destroy the updates directory, since we're done with it. cleanUpDownloadingUpdateDir(); deleteActiveUpdate = true; } if (!this.usingBits) { LOG(`Downloader:onStopRequest - Setting internalResult to ${status}`); this._patch.setProperty("internalResult", status); } else { LOG(`Downloader:onStopRequest - Setting bitsResult to ${status}`); this._patch.setProperty("bitsResult", status); // If we failed when using BITS, we want to override the retry decision // since we need to retry with nsIncrementalDownload before we give up. // However, if the download was cancelled, don't retry. If the transfer // was cancelled, we don't want it to restart on its own. if ( !Components.isSuccessCode(status) && status != Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED && status != Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT ) { deleteActiveUpdate = false; shouldRetrySoon = true; } // Send BITS Telemetry if (Components.isSuccessCode(status)) { AUSTLMY.pingBitsSuccess(this.isCompleteUpdate); } else { let error; if (bitsCompletionError) { error = bitsCompletionError; } else if (status == Cr.NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT) { error = new BitsVerificationError(); } else { error = request.transferError; if (!error) { error = new BitsUnknownError(); } } AUSTLMY.pingBitsError(this.isCompleteUpdate, error); } } LOG("Downloader:onStopRequest - setting state to: " + state); if (this._patch.state != state) { this._patch.state = state; } if (deleteActiveUpdate) { LOG("Downloader:onStopRequest - Clearing downloadingUpdate."); this._update.installDate = new Date().getTime(); lazy.UM.addUpdateToHistory(lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate); lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate = null; } else if ( lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate && lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate.state != state ) { lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate.state = state; } if (migratedToReadyUpdate) { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - Moving downloadingUpdate into readyUpdate" ); lazy.UM.readyUpdate = lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate; lazy.UM.downloadingUpdate = null; } lazy.UM.saveUpdates(); // Only notify listeners about the stopped state if we // aren't handling an internal retry. if (!shouldRetrySoon && !shouldRegisterOnlineObserver) { this.updateService.forEachDownloadListener(listener => { listener.onStopRequest(request, status); }); } this._request = null; // This notification must happen after _request is set to null so that // the correct this.updateService.isDownloading value is available in // _notifyDownloadStatusObservers(). this._notifyDownloadStatusObservers(); if (state == STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED) { var allFailed = true; // Don't bother retrying the download if we got an error that isn't // download related. if (!nonDownloadFailure) { // If we haven't already, attempt to download without BITS if (request instanceof BitsRequest) { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - BITS download failed. Falling back " + "to nsIIncrementalDownload" ); let success = await this.downloadUpdate(this._update); if (!success) { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - Failed to fall back to " + "nsIIncrementalDownload. Cleaning up downloading update." ); cleanupDownloadingUpdate(); } else { allFailed = false; } } // Check if there is a complete update patch that can be downloaded. if ( allFailed && !this._update.isCompleteUpdate && this._update.patchCount == 2 ) { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - verification of patch failed, " + "downloading complete update patch" ); this._update.isCompleteUpdate = true; let success = await this.downloadUpdate(this._update); if (!success) { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - Failed to fall back to complete " + "patch. Cleaning up downloading update." ); cleanupDownloadingUpdate(); } else { allFailed = false; } } } if (allFailed) { let downloadAttempts = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS, 0 ); downloadAttempts++; Services.prefs.setIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS, downloadAttempts ); let maxAttempts = Math.min( Services.prefs.getIntPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_MAXATTEMPTS, 2), 10 ); transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_IDLE); if (downloadAttempts > maxAttempts) { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - notifying observers of error. " + "topic: update-error, status: download-attempts-exceeded, " + "downloadAttempts: " + downloadAttempts + " " + "maxAttempts: " + maxAttempts ); Services.obs.notifyObservers( this._update, "update-error", "download-attempts-exceeded" ); } else { this._update.selectedPatch.selected = false; LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - notifying observers of error. " + "topic: update-error, status: download-attempt-failed" ); Services.obs.notifyObservers( this._update, "update-error", "download-attempt-failed" ); } // We don't care about language pack updates now. this._langPackTimeout = null; LangPackUpdates.delete(unwrap(this._update)); // Prevent leaking the update object (bug 454964). this._update = null; // allFailed indicates that we didn't (successfully) call downloadUpdate // to try to download a different MAR. In this case, this Downloader // is no longer being used. this.updateService._downloader = null; } // A complete download has been initiated or the failure was handled. return; } // If the download has succeeded or failed, we are done with this Downloader // object. However, in some cases (ex: network disconnection), we will // attempt to resume using this same Downloader. if (state != STATE_DOWNLOADING) { this.updateService._downloader = null; } if ( state == STATE_PENDING || state == STATE_PENDING_SERVICE || state == STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE ) { if (getCanStageUpdates()) { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - attempting to stage update: " + this._update.name ); // Stage the update let stagingStarted = true; try { Cc["@mozilla.org/updates/update-processor;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIUpdateProcessor) .processUpdate(); } catch (e) { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - failed to stage update. Exception: " + e ); stagingStarted = false; } if (stagingStarted) { transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_STAGING); } else { // Fail gracefully in case the application does not support the update // processor service. shouldShowPrompt = true; } } } // If we're still waiting on language pack updates then run a timer to time // out the attempt after an appropriate amount of time. if (this._langPackTimeout) { // Start a timer to measure how much longer it takes for the language // packs to stage. TelemetryStopwatch.start( "UPDATE_LANGPACK_OVERTIME", unwrap(this._update), { inSeconds: true } ); lazy.setTimeout( this._langPackTimeout, Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_LANGPACK_TIMEOUT, LANGPACK_UPDATE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ) ); } // Do this after *everything* else, since it will likely cause the app // to shut down. if (shouldShowPrompt) { // Wait for language packs to stage before showing any prompt to restart. let update = this._update; promiseLangPacksUpdated(update).then(() => { LOG( "Downloader:onStopRequest - Notifying observers that " + "an update was downloaded. topic: update-downloaded, status: " + update.state ); transitionState(Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_PENDING); Services.obs.notifyObservers(update, "update-downloaded", update.state); }); } if (shouldRegisterOnlineObserver) { LOG("Downloader:onStopRequest - Registering online observer"); this.updateService._registerOnlineObserver(); } else if (shouldRetrySoon) { LOG("Downloader:onStopRequest - Retrying soon"); this.updateService._consecutiveSocketErrors++; if (this.updateService._retryTimer) { this.updateService._retryTimer.cancel(); } this.updateService._retryTimer = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/timer;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); this.updateService._retryTimer.initWithCallback( async () => { await this.updateService._attemptResume(); }, retryTimeout, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT ); } else { // Prevent leaking the update object (bug 454964) this._update = null; } }, /** * This function should be called when shutting down so that resources get * freed properly. */ cleanup: async function Downloader_cleanup() { if (this.usingBits) { if (this._pendingRequest) { await this._pendingRequest; } this._request.shutdown(); } }, /** * See nsIInterfaceRequestor.idl */ getInterface: function Downloader_getInterface(iid) { // The network request may require proxy authentication, so provide the // default nsIAuthPrompt if requested. if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIAuthPrompt)) { var prompt = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/default-auth-prompt;1"].createInstance(); return prompt.QueryInterface(iid); } throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_NOINTERFACE); }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIRequestObserver", "nsIProgressEventSink", "nsIInterfaceRequestor", ]), }; // On macOS, all browser windows can be closed without Firefox exiting. If it // is left in this state for a while and an update is pending, we should restart // Firefox on our own to apply the update. This class will do that // automatically. class RestartOnLastWindowClosed { #enabled = false; #hasShutdown = false; #restartTimer = null; #restartTimerExpired = false; constructor() { this.#maybeEnableOrDisable(); Services.prefs.addObserver( PREF_APP_UPDATE_NO_WINDOW_AUTO_RESTART_ENABLED, this ); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application"); } shutdown() { LOG("RestartOnLastWindowClosed.shutdown - Shutting down"); this.#hasShutdown = true; Services.prefs.removeObserver( PREF_APP_UPDATE_NO_WINDOW_AUTO_RESTART_ENABLED, this ); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "quit-application"); this.#maybeEnableOrDisable(); } get shouldEnable() { if (AppConstants.platform != "macosx") { return false; } if (this.#hasShutdown) { return false; } return Services.prefs.getBoolPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_NO_WINDOW_AUTO_RESTART_ENABLED, false ); } get enabled() { return this.#enabled; } observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case "nsPref:changed": if (data == PREF_APP_UPDATE_NO_WINDOW_AUTO_RESTART_ENABLED) { this.#maybeEnableOrDisable(); } break; case "quit-application": this.shutdown(); break; case "domwindowclosed": this.#onWindowClose(); break; case "domwindowopened": this.#onWindowOpen(); break; case "update-downloaded": case "update-staged": this.#onUpdateReady(data); break; } } // Returns true if any windows are open. Otherwise, false. #windowsAreOpen() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for (const win of Services.wm.getEnumerator(null)) { return true; } return false; } // Enables or disables this class's functionality based on the value of // this.shouldEnable. Does nothing if the class is already in the right state // (i.e. if the class should be enabled and already is, or should be disabled // and already is). #maybeEnableOrDisable() { if (this.shouldEnable) { if (this.#enabled) { return; } LOG("RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#maybeEnableOrDisable - Enabling"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "domwindowclosed"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "domwindowopened"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "update-downloaded"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "update-staged"); this.#restartTimer = null; this.#restartTimerExpired = false; this.#enabled = true; // Synchronize with external state. this.#onWindowClose(); } else { if (!this.#enabled) { return; } LOG("RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#maybeEnableOrDisable - Disabling"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "domwindowclosed"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "domwindowopened"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "update-downloaded"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "update-staged"); this.#enabled = false; if (this.#restartTimer) { this.#restartTimer.cancel(); } this.#restartTimer = null; } } // Note: Since we keep track of the update state even when this class is // disabled, this function will run even in that case. #onUpdateReady(updateState) { // Note that we do not count pending-elevate as a ready state, because we // cannot silently restart in that state. if ( [ STATE_APPLIED, STATE_PENDING, STATE_APPLIED_SERVICE, STATE_PENDING_SERVICE, ].includes(updateState) ) { if (this.#enabled) { LOG("RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#onUpdateReady - update ready"); this.#maybeRestartBrowser(); } } else if (this.#enabled) { LOG( `RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#onUpdateReady - Not counting update as ` + `ready because the state is ${updateState}` ); } } #onWindowClose() { if (!this.#windowsAreOpen()) { this.#onLastWindowClose(); } } #onLastWindowClose() { if (this.#restartTimer || this.#restartTimerExpired) { LOG( "RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#onLastWindowClose - Restart timer is " + "either already running or has already expired" ); return; } let timeout = Services.prefs.getIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_NO_WINDOW_AUTO_RESTART_DELAY_MS, 5 * 60 * 1000 ); LOG( "RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#onLastWindowClose - Last window closed. " + "Starting restart timer" ); this.#restartTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); this.#restartTimer.initWithCallback( () => this.#onRestartTimerExpire(), timeout, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT ); } #onWindowOpen() { if (this.#restartTimer) { LOG( "RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#onWindowOpen - Window opened. Cancelling " + "restart timer." ); this.#restartTimer.cancel(); } this.#restartTimer = null; this.#restartTimerExpired = false; } #onRestartTimerExpire() { LOG("RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#onRestartTimerExpire - Timer Expired"); this.#restartTimer = null; this.#restartTimerExpired = true; this.#maybeRestartBrowser(); } #maybeRestartBrowser() { if (!this.#restartTimerExpired) { LOG( "RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#maybeRestartBrowser - Still waiting for " + "all windows to be closed and restartTimer to expire. " + "(not restarting)" ); return; } if (lazy.AUS.currentState != Ci.nsIApplicationUpdateService.STATE_PENDING) { LOG( "RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#maybeRestartBrowser - No update ready. " + "(not restarting)" ); return; } if (getElevationRequired()) { // We check for STATE_PENDING_ELEVATE elsewhere, but this is actually // different from that because it is technically possible that the user // gave permission to elevate, but we haven't actually elevated yet. // This is a bit of a corner case. We only call elevationOptedIn() right // before we restart to apply the update immediately. But it is possible // that something could stop the browser from shutting down. LOG( "RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#maybeRestartBrowser - This update will " + "require user elevation (not restarting)" ); return; } if (this.#windowsAreOpen()) { LOG( "RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#maybeRestartBrowser - Window " + "unexpectedly still open! (not restarting)" ); return; } if (!this.shouldEnable) { LOG( "RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#maybeRestartBrowser - Unexpectedly " + "attempted to restart when RestartOnLastWindowClosed ought to be " + "disabled! (not restarting)" ); return; } LOG("RestartOnLastWindowClosed.#maybeRestartBrowser - Restarting now"); Services.telemetry.scalarAdd("update.no_window_auto_restarts", 1); Services.startup.quit( Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eSilently ); } } // Nothing actually uses this variable at the moment, but let's make sure that // we hold the reference to the RestartOnLastWindowClosed instance somewhere. // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars let restartOnLastWindowClosed = new RestartOnLastWindowClosed();