/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* * Verify that background tasks don't touch `profiles.ini` for ephemeral profile * tasks. */ let condition = { skip_if: () => !AppConstants.MOZ_BACKGROUNDTASKS, }; add_task(condition, async () => { writeProfilesIni(BACKGROUNDTASKS_PROFILE_DATA); // Pretend that this is a background task. For a task that uses an ephemeral // profile, `profiles.ini` is untouched. const bts = Cc["@mozilla.org/backgroundtasks;1"].getService( Ci.nsIBackgroundTasks ); bts.overrideBackgroundTaskNameForTesting("ephemeral_profile"); let { didCreate } = selectStartupProfile(); checkStartupReason("backgroundtask-ephemeral"); Assert.equal(didCreate, true, "Created new ephemeral profile"); let profileData = readProfilesIni(); Assert.deepEqual(BACKGROUNDTASKS_PROFILE_DATA, profileData); });