# -*- Mode: python; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- # vim: set filetype=python: # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. include("/js/app.mozbuild") PYTHON_UNITTEST_MANIFESTS += [ "/js/src/tests/test/python.toml", "/layout/tools/reftest/selftest/python.toml", "/testing/condprofile/condprof/tests/python.toml", "/testing/marionette/harness/marionette_harness/tests/harness_unit/python.toml", "/testing/mochitest/tests/python/python.toml", "/testing/raptor/test/python.toml", "/testing/talos/talos/unittests/python.toml", ] DIRS += [ "/tools", "/xpcom/xpidl", ] if CONFIG["COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT"]: DIRS += [ "/config/external", "/security", ] if CONFIG["ENABLE_TESTS"]: DIRS += [ "/toolkit/library/gtest/rust", ] if not CONFIG["MOZ_OVERRIDE_GKRUST"]: DIRS += [ "/toolkit/library/rust", ] if CONFIG["MOZ_SANDBOX"]: DIRS += ["/security/sandbox"] if CONFIG["MOZ_USING_WASM_SANDBOXING"] and CONFIG["COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT"]: DIRS += ["/security/rlbox"] # the signing related bits of libmar depend on nss if CONFIG["MOZ_UPDATER"]: DIRS += ["/modules/libmar"] DIRS += [ "/config/external/freetype2", "/xpcom", "/modules/libpref", "/intl", "/netwerk", ] if CONFIG["MOZ_AUTH_EXTENSION"]: DIRS += ["/extensions/auth"] if CONFIG["MOZ_UPDATER"] and CONFIG["OS_TARGET"] != "Android": DIRS += [ "/toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/bspatch", "/other-licenses/bsdiff", ] # Gecko/Core components. DIRS += [ "/ipc", "/hal", "/js/loader", "/js/xpconnect", "/modules/libjar", "/storage", ] if CONFIG["COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT"]: DIRS += [ "/media/libyuv", ] DIRS += [ "/extensions/permissions", ] if CONFIG["MOZ_WEBRTC"] and CONFIG["COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT"]: DIRS += [ "/media/webrtc", "/dom/media/webrtc/transport", ] if CONFIG["ENABLE_TESTS"]: DIRS += ["/testing/specialpowers"] DIRS += [ "/testing/gtest", "/uriloader", "/caps", "/parser", "/gfx", "/image", "/dom", "/view", "/widget", "/editor", "/layout", "/docshell", "/xpfe/appshell", ] if CONFIG["MOZ_UNIVERSALCHARDET"]: DIRS += ["/extensions/universalchardet"] if CONFIG["ACCESSIBILITY"]: DIRS += ["/accessible"] else: DIRS += ["/accessible/ipc"] # toolkit # This must precede xpfe. if CONFIG["MOZ_JPROF"]: DIRS += ["/tools/jprof"] DIRS += [ "/tools/code-coverage", "/tools/performance", "/tools/power", "/tools/profiler", "/extensions/spellcheck", "/security/certverifier", "/security/manager", "/toolkit", ] if CONFIG["MOZ_PREF_EXTENSIONS"]: DIRS += ["/extensions/pref"] DIRS += [ "/devtools", "/toolkit/library", "/services", "/startupcache", "/other-licenses/snappy", ] if CONFIG["MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT"] == "gtk": DIRS += [ "/media/mozva", "/toolkit/system/gnome", ] if CONFIG["ENABLE_WEBDRIVER"]: DIRS += [ "/remote", "/testing/firefox-ui", "/testing/marionette", "/toolkit/components/telemetry/tests/marionette", ] if ( CONFIG["MOZ_GECKODRIVER"] and not CONFIG["MOZ_TSAN"] and not CONFIG["FUZZING_INTERFACES"] ): DIRS += ["/testing/geckodriver"] DIRS += [ "/media/gmp-clearkey/0.1", ] if CONFIG["MOZ_WMF_CDM"] and CONFIG["ENABLE_TESTS"]: DIRS += [ "/media/wmf-clearkey", ] if CONFIG["ENABLE_TESTS"]: DIRS += [ "/testing/mochitest", "/testing/xpcshell", "/testing/tools/minidumpwriter", "/testing/tools/screenshot", "/testing/profiles", "/testing/modules", "/testing/runtimes", "/testing/web-platform", "/testing/extensions", ] if CONFIG["MOZ_MEMORY"]: DIRS += ["/memory/gtest"] if CONFIG["MOZ_WEBRTC"]: DIRS += [ "/dom/media/webrtc/transport/test", ] if CONFIG["FUZZING"]: DIRS += ["/tools/fuzzing"]