/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // This is the directory where gcov is emitting the gcda files. const gcovPrefixPath = Services.env.get("GCOV_PREFIX"); // This is the directory where codecoverage.py is expecting to see the gcda files. const gcovResultsPath = Services.env.get("GCOV_RESULTS_DIR"); // This is the directory where the JS engine is emitting the lcov files. const jsvmPrefixPath = Services.env.get("JS_CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIR"); // This is the directory where codecoverage.py is expecting to see the lcov files. const jsvmResultsPath = Services.env.get("JSVM_RESULTS_DIR"); function awaitPromise(promise) { let ret; let complete = false; let error = null; promise .catch(e => (error = e)) .then(v => { ret = v; complete = true; }); Services.tm.spinEventLoopUntil( "PerTestCoverageUtils.sys.mjs:awaitPromise", () => complete ); if (error) { throw new Error(error); } return ret; } export var PerTestCoverageUtils = class PerTestCoverageUtilsClass { // Resets the counters to 0. static async beforeTest() { if (!PerTestCoverageUtils.enabled) { return; } // Flush the counters. let codeCoverageService = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/tools/code-coverage;1" ].getService(Ci.nsICodeCoverage); await codeCoverageService.flushCounters(); // Remove coverage files created by the flush, and those that might have been created between the end of a previous test and the beginning of the next one (e.g. some tests can create a new content process for every sub-test). await IOUtils.remove(gcovPrefixPath, { recursive: true, ignoreAbsent: true, }); await IOUtils.remove(jsvmPrefixPath, { recursive: true, ignoreAbsent: true, }); // Move coverage files from the GCOV_RESULTS_DIR and JSVM_RESULTS_DIR directories, so we can accumulate the counters. await IOUtils.move(gcovResultsPath, gcovPrefixPath); await IOUtils.move(jsvmResultsPath, jsvmPrefixPath); } static beforeTestSync() { awaitPromise(this.beforeTest()); } // Dumps counters and moves the gcda files in the directory expected by codecoverage.py. static async afterTest() { if (!PerTestCoverageUtils.enabled) { return; } // Flush the counters. let codeCoverageService = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/tools/code-coverage;1" ].getService(Ci.nsICodeCoverage); await codeCoverageService.flushCounters(); // Move the coverage files in GCOV_RESULTS_DIR and JSVM_RESULTS_DIR, so that the execution from now to shutdown (or next test) is not counted. await IOUtils.move(gcovPrefixPath, gcovResultsPath); await IOUtils.move(jsvmPrefixPath, jsvmResultsPath); } static afterTestSync() { awaitPromise(this.afterTest()); } }; PerTestCoverageUtils.enabled = !!gcovResultsPath;