Performance Testing

.. toctree::
  :maxdepth: 2


Performance tests are designed to catch performance regressions before they reach our
end users. At this time, there is no unified approach for these types of tests,
but `mozperftest </testing/perfdocs/mozperftest.html>`_ aims to provide this in the future.

For more detailed information about each test suite and project, see their documentation:


Here are the active PerfTest components/modules and their respective owners:

    * AWFY (Are We Fast Yet) -
        - Owner: Beatrice A.
        - Description: A public dashboard comparing Firefox and Chrome performance metrics
    * AWSY (Are We Slim Yet)
        - Owner: Alexandru I.
        - Description: Project that tracks memory usage across builds
    * Raptor
        - Owner: Sparky
        - Co-owner: Kash
        - Description: Test harness that uses Browsertime (based on webdriver) as the underlying engine to run performance tests
    * CondProf (Conditioned profiles)
        - Owner: Sparky
        - Co-owner: Jmaher
        - Description: Provides tooling to build, and obtain profiles that are preconditioned in some way.
    * fxrecord
        - Owner: Sparky
        - Co-owners: Kash, Andrej
        - Description: Tool for measuring startup performance for Firefox Desktop
    * Infrastructure
        - Owner: Sparky
        - Co-owners: Kash, Andrej
        - Description: All things involving: TaskCluster, Youtube Playback, Bitbar, Mobile Configs, etc...
    * Mozperftest
        - Owner: Sparky
        - Co-owners: Kash, Andrej
        - Description: Testing framework used to run performance tests
    * Mozperftest Tools
        - Owner: Sparky
        - Co-owner: Alexandru I.
        - Description: Various tools used by performance testing team
    * Mozproxy
        - Owner:  Sparky
        - Co-owner: Kash
        - Description: An http proxy used to run tests against third-party websites in a reliable and reproducible way
    * PerfCompare
        - Owner: Carla S.
        - Co-owner: Beatrice A.
        - Description: Performance comparison tool used to compare performance of different commits within a repository
    * PerfDocs
        - Owner: Sparky
        - Co-owner: Alexandru I.
        - Description: Automatically generated performance test engineering documentation
    * PerfHerder
        - Owner: Beatrice A
        - Co-owner: Andra A.
        - Description: The framework used by the performance sheriffs to find performance regressions and for storing, and visualizing our performance data.
    * Performance Sheriffing
        - Owner: Alexandru I.
        - Co-owner: Andra A.
        - Description: Performance sheriffs are responsible for finding commits that cause performance regressions and getting fixes from devs or backing out the changes
    * Talos
        - Owner: Sparky
        - Co-owner: Andrej
        - Description: Testing framework used to run Firefox-specific performance tests
    * WebPageTest
        - Owner: Andrej
        - Co-owner: Sparky
        - Description: A test running in the mozperftest framework used as a third party performance benchmark

You can additionally reach out to our team on
the `#perftest <https://matrix.to/#/#perftest:mozilla.org>`_ channel on matrix

For more information about the performance testing team,
`visit the wiki page <https://wiki.mozilla.org/TestEngineering/Performance>`_.