# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import os from datetime import datetime, timedelta from compare_locales import parser from compare_locales.lint.linter import L10nLinter from compare_locales.lint.util import l10n_base_reference_and_tests from compare_locales.paths import ProjectFiles, TOMLParser from mach import util as mach_util from mozlint import pathutils, result from mozpack import path as mozpath from mozversioncontrol import MissingVCSTool from mozversioncontrol.repoupdate import update_git_repo, update_mercurial_repo L10N_SOURCE_NAME = "l10n-source" L10N_SOURCE_REPO = "https://github.com/mozilla-l10n/firefox-l10n-source.git" STRINGS_NAME = "gecko-strings" STRINGS_REPO = "https://hg.mozilla.org/l10n/gecko-strings" PULL_AFTER = timedelta(days=2) # Wrapper to call lint_strings with mozilla-central configuration # comm-central defines its own wrapper since comm-central strings are # in separate repositories def lint(paths, lintconfig, **lintargs): extra_args = lintargs.get("extra_args") or [] name = L10N_SOURCE_NAME if "--l10n-git" in extra_args else STRINGS_NAME return lint_strings(name, paths, lintconfig, **lintargs) def lint_strings(name, paths, lintconfig, **lintargs): l10n_base = mach_util.get_state_dir() root = lintargs["root"] exclude = lintconfig.get("exclude") extensions = lintconfig.get("extensions") # Load l10n.toml configs l10nconfigs = load_configs(lintconfig, root, l10n_base, name) # Check include paths in l10n.yml if it's in our given paths # Only the l10n.yml will show up here, but if the l10n.toml files # change, we also get the l10n.yml as the toml files are listed as # support files. if lintconfig["path"] in paths: results = validate_linter_includes(lintconfig, l10nconfigs, lintargs) paths.remove(lintconfig["path"]) else: results = [] all_files = [] for p in paths: fp = pathutils.FilterPath(p) if fp.isdir: for _, fileobj in fp.finder: all_files.append(fileobj.path) if fp.isfile: all_files.append(p) # Filter again, our directories might have picked up files the # explicitly excluded in the l10n.yml configuration. # `browser/locales/en-US/firefox-l10n.js` is a good example. all_files, _ = pathutils.filterpaths( lintargs["root"], all_files, lintconfig["include"], exclude=exclude, extensions=extensions, ) # These should be excluded in l10n.yml skips = {p for p in all_files if not parser.hasParser(p)} results.extend( result.from_config( lintconfig, level="warning", path=path, message="file format not supported in compare-locales", ) for path in skips ) all_files = [p for p in all_files if p not in skips] files = ProjectFiles(name, l10nconfigs) get_reference_and_tests = l10n_base_reference_and_tests(files) linter = MozL10nLinter(lintconfig) results += linter.lint(all_files, get_reference_and_tests) return results # Similar to the lint/lint_strings wrapper setup, for comm-central support. def gecko_strings_setup(**lint_args): extra_args = lint_args.get("extra_args") or [] if "--l10n-git" in extra_args: return source_repo_setup(L10N_SOURCE_REPO, L10N_SOURCE_NAME) else: return strings_repo_setup(STRINGS_REPO, STRINGS_NAME) def source_repo_setup(repo: str, name: str): gs = mozpath.join(mach_util.get_state_dir(), name) marker = mozpath.join(gs, ".git", "l10n_pull_marker") try: last_pull = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(marker).st_mtime) skip_clone = datetime.now() < last_pull + PULL_AFTER except OSError: skip_clone = False if skip_clone: return try: update_git_repo(repo, gs) except MissingVCSTool: if os.environ.get("MOZ_AUTOMATION"): raise print("warning: l10n linter requires Git but was unable to find 'git'") return 1 with open(marker, "w") as fh: fh.flush() def strings_repo_setup(repo: str, name: str): gs = mozpath.join(mach_util.get_state_dir(), name) marker = mozpath.join(gs, ".hg", "l10n_pull_marker") try: last_pull = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(marker).st_mtime) skip_clone = datetime.now() < last_pull + PULL_AFTER except OSError: skip_clone = False if skip_clone: return try: update_mercurial_repo(repo, gs) except MissingVCSTool: if os.environ.get("MOZ_AUTOMATION"): raise print("warning: l10n linter requires Mercurial but was unable to find 'hg'") return 1 with open(marker, "w") as fh: fh.flush() def load_configs(lintconfig, root, l10n_base, locale): """Load l10n configuration files specified in the linter configuration.""" configs = [] env = {"l10n_base": l10n_base} for toml in lintconfig["l10n_configs"]: cfg = TOMLParser().parse( mozpath.join(root, toml), env=env, ignore_missing_includes=True ) cfg.set_locales([locale], deep=True) configs.append(cfg) return configs def validate_linter_includes(lintconfig, l10nconfigs, lintargs): """Check l10n.yml config against l10n.toml configs.""" reference_paths = set( mozpath.relpath(p["reference"].prefix, lintargs["root"]) for project in l10nconfigs for config in project.configs for p in config.paths ) # Just check for directories reference_dirs = sorted(p for p in reference_paths if os.path.isdir(p)) missing_in_yml = [ refd for refd in reference_dirs if refd not in lintconfig["include"] ] # These might be subdirectories in the config, though missing_in_yml = [ d for d in missing_in_yml if not any(d.startswith(parent + "/") for parent in lintconfig["include"]) ] if missing_in_yml: dirs = ", ".join(missing_in_yml) return [ result.from_config( lintconfig, path=lintconfig["path"], message="l10n.yml out of sync with l10n.toml, add: " + dirs, ) ] return [] class MozL10nLinter(L10nLinter): """Subclass linter to generate the right result type.""" def __init__(self, lintconfig): super(MozL10nLinter, self).__init__() self.lintconfig = lintconfig def lint(self, files, get_reference_and_tests): return [ result.from_config(self.lintconfig, **result_data) for result_data in super(MozL10nLinter, self).lint( files, get_reference_and_tests ) ]