[DEFAULT] subsuite = "mozlint" ["test_android_format.py"] ["test_black.py"] requirements = "tools/lint/python/black_requirements.txt" ["test_clang_format.py"] ["test_codespell.py"] ["test_condprof_addons.py"] ["test_eslint.py"] skip-if = ["os == 'win'"] # busts the tree for subsequent tasks on the same worker (bug 1708591) # Setup conflicts with stylelint setup so this should run sequentially. sequential = true ["test_file_license.py"] ["test_file_perm.py"] skip-if = ["os == 'win'"] ["test_file_whitespace.py"] ["test_fluent_lint.py"] ["test_ignorefile.py"] ["test_lintpref.py"] ["test_manifest_alpha.py"] ["test_manifest_toml.py"] ["test_perfdocs.py"] ["test_perfdocs_generation.py"] ["test_perfdocs_helpers.py"] ["test_rst.py"] requirements = "tools/lint/rst/requirements.txt" ["test_ruff.py"] requirements = "tools/lint/python/ruff_requirements.txt" ["test_rustfmt.py"] ["test_shellcheck.py"] ["test_stylelint.py"] skip-if = ["os == 'win'"] # busts the tree for subsequent tasks on the same worker (bug 1708591) # Setup conflicts with eslint setup so this should run sequentially. sequential = true ["test_trojan_source.py"] ["test_updatebot.py"] ["test_yaml.py"]