/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ if (SpecialPowers.useRemoteSubframes) { // Bug 1586105: these tests could time out in some extremely slow conditions, // when fission is enabled. // Requesting a longer timeout should make it pass. requestLongerTimeout(2); } add_task(async function test_profile_single_frame_page_info() { // Requesting the complete log to be able to debug Bug 1586105. SimpleTest.requestCompleteLog(); Assert.ok(!Services.profiler.IsActive()); info("Clear the previous pages just in case we still have some open tabs."); await Services.profiler.ClearAllPages(); info( "Start the profiler to test the page information with single frame page." ); await startProfiler(); info("Open a tab with single_frame.html in it."); const url = BASE_URL_HTTPS + "single_frame.html"; await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(url, async function (contentBrowser) { const contentPid = await SpecialPowers.spawn(contentBrowser, [], () => { return Services.appinfo.processID; }); // Getting the active Browser ID to assert the page info tabID later. const win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); const activeTabID = win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.browsingContext.browserId; info("Capture the profile data."); const { contentProcess } = await stopProfilerNowAndGetThreads(contentPid); info( "Check if the captured page is the one with correct values we created." ); let pageFound = false; for (const page of contentProcess.pages) { if (page.url == url) { Assert.equal(page.url, url); Assert.equal(typeof page.tabID, "number"); Assert.equal(page.tabID, activeTabID); Assert.equal(typeof page.innerWindowID, "number"); // Top level document will have no embedder. Assert.equal(page.embedderInnerWindowID, 0); Assert.equal(typeof page.isPrivateBrowsing, "boolean"); Assert.equal(page.isPrivateBrowsing, false); pageFound = true; break; } } Assert.equal(pageFound, true); }); }); add_task(async function test_profile_private_browsing() { // Requesting the complete log to be able to debug Bug 1586105. SimpleTest.requestCompleteLog(); Assert.ok(!Services.profiler.IsActive()); info("Clear the previous pages just in case we still have some open tabs."); await Services.profiler.ClearAllPages(); info( "Start the profiler to test the page information with single frame page." ); await startProfiler(); info("Open a private window with single_frame.html in it."); const win = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({ fission: false, private: true, }); try { const url = BASE_URL_HTTPS + "single_frame.html"; const contentBrowser = win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser; BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(contentBrowser, url); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(contentBrowser, false, url); const contentPid = await SpecialPowers.spawn(contentBrowser, [], () => { return Services.appinfo.processID; }); // Getting the active Browser ID to assert the page info tabID later. const activeTabID = contentBrowser.browsingContext.browserId; info("Capture the profile data."); const { contentProcess, contentThread } = await stopProfilerNowAndGetThreads(contentPid); // This information is available with fission only. Assert.equal( contentThread.isPrivateBrowsing, undefined, "The content process has no private browsing flag." ); Assert.equal( contentThread.userContextId, undefined, "The content process has no information about the container used for this process." ); info( "Check if the captured page is the one with correct values we created." ); let pageFound = false; for (const page of contentProcess.pages) { if (page.url == url) { Assert.equal(page.url, url); Assert.equal(typeof page.tabID, "number"); Assert.equal(page.tabID, activeTabID); Assert.equal(typeof page.innerWindowID, "number"); // Top level document will have no embedder. Assert.equal(page.embedderInnerWindowID, 0); Assert.equal(typeof page.isPrivateBrowsing, "boolean"); Assert.equal(page.isPrivateBrowsing, true); pageFound = true; break; } } Assert.equal(pageFound, true); } finally { await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win); } });