# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import os from unittest.mock import MagicMock import pytest import yaml from moztest.resolve import TestResolver from responses import RequestsMock from taskgraph.graph import Graph from taskgraph.task import Task from taskgraph.taskgraph import TaskGraph from tryselect import push @pytest.fixture def responses(): with RequestsMock() as rsps: yield rsps @pytest.fixture def tg(request): if not hasattr(request.module, "TASKS"): pytest.fail( "'tg' fixture used from a module that didn't define the TASKS variable" ) tasks = request.module.TASKS for task in tasks: task.setdefault("task", {}) task["task"].setdefault("tags", {}) tasks = {t["label"]: Task(**t) for t in tasks} return TaskGraph(tasks, Graph(tasks.keys(), set())) @pytest.fixture def patch_resolver(monkeypatch): def inner(suites, tests): def fake_test_metadata(*args, **kwargs): return suites, tests monkeypatch.setattr(TestResolver, "resolve_metadata", fake_test_metadata) return inner @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def patch_vcs(monkeypatch): attrs = { "path": push.vcs.path, } mock = MagicMock() mock.configure_mock(**attrs) monkeypatch.setattr(push, "vcs", mock) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def run_mach(): import mach_initialize from tryselect.tasks import build mach = mach_initialize.initialize(build.topsrcdir) def inner(args): return mach.run(args) return inner def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): if all( fixture in metafunc.fixturenames for fixture in ("task_config", "args", "expected") ): def load_tests(): for task_config, tests in metafunc.module.TASK_CONFIG_TESTS.items(): for args, expected in tests: yield (task_config, args, expected) tests = list(load_tests()) ids = ["{} {}".format(t[0], " ".join(t[1])).strip() for t in tests] metafunc.parametrize("task_config,args,expected", tests, ids=ids) elif all( fixture in metafunc.fixturenames for fixture in ("shared_name", "shared_preset") ): preset_path = os.path.join( push.build.topsrcdir, "tools", "tryselect", "try_presets.yml" ) with open(preset_path, "r") as fh: presets = list(yaml.safe_load(fh).items()) ids = [p[0] for p in presets] # Mark fuzzy presets on Windows xfail due to fzf not being installed. if os.name == "nt": for i, preset in enumerate(presets): if preset[1]["selector"] == "fuzzy": presets[i] = pytest.param(*preset, marks=pytest.mark.xfail) metafunc.parametrize("shared_name,shared_preset", presets, ids=ids)