/** * NOTE: Do not modify this file by hand. * Content was generated from source XPCOM .idl files. */ declare global { // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_attributes.idl interface nsIXPCTestObjectReadOnly extends nsISupports { readonly strReadOnly: string; readonly boolReadOnly: boolean; readonly shortReadOnly: i16; readonly longReadOnly: i32; readonly floatReadOnly: float; readonly charReadOnly: string; readonly timeReadOnly: PRTime; } interface nsIXPCTestObjectReadWrite extends nsISupports { stringProperty: string; booleanProperty: boolean; shortProperty: i16; longProperty: i32; floatProperty: float; charProperty: string; timeProperty: PRTime; } // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_bug809674.idl interface nsIXPCTestBug809674 extends nsISupports { addArgs(x: u32, y: u32): u32; addSubMulArgs(x: u32, y: u32, subOut: OutParam, mulOut: OutParam): u32; addVals(x: any, y: any): any; methodNoArgs(): u32; methodNoArgsNoRetVal(): void; addMany(x1: u32, x2: u32, x3: u32, x4: u32, x5: u32, x6: u32, x7: u32, x8: u32): u32; valProperty: any; uintProperty: u32; methodWithOptionalArgc(): void; } // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_cenums.idl } // global declare namespace nsIXPCTestCEnums { enum testFlagsExplicit { shouldBe1Explicit = 1, shouldBe2Explicit = 2, shouldBe4Explicit = 4, shouldBe8Explicit = 8, shouldBe12Explicit = 12, } enum testFlagsImplicit { shouldBe0Implicit = 0, shouldBe1Implicit = 1, shouldBe2Implicit = 2, shouldBe3Implicit = 3, shouldBe5Implicit = 5, shouldBe6Implicit = 6, shouldBe2AgainImplicit = 2, shouldBe3AgainImplicit = 3, } } declare global { interface nsIXPCTestCEnums extends nsISupports, Enums { readonly testConst: 1; testCEnumInput(abc: nsIXPCTestCEnums.testFlagsExplicit): void; testCEnumOutput(): nsIXPCTestCEnums.testFlagsExplicit; } // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_interfaces.idl interface nsIXPCTestInterfaceA extends nsISupports { name: string; } interface nsIXPCTestInterfaceB extends nsISupports { name: string; } interface nsIXPCTestInterfaceC extends nsISupports { someInteger: i32; } // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_params.idl interface nsIXPCTestParams extends nsISupports { testBoolean(a: boolean, b: InOutParam): boolean; testOctet(a: u8, b: InOutParam): u8; testShort(a: i16, b: InOutParam): i16; testLong(a: i32, b: InOutParam): i32; testLongLong(a: i64, b: InOutParam): i64; testUnsignedShort(a: u16, b: InOutParam): u16; testUnsignedLong(a: u32, b: InOutParam): u32; testUnsignedLongLong(a: u64, b: InOutParam): u64; testFloat(a: float, b: InOutParam): float; testDouble(a: double, b: InOutParam): double; testChar(a: string, b: InOutParam): string; testString(a: string, b: InOutParam): string; testWchar(a: string, b: InOutParam): string; testWstring(a: string, b: InOutParam): string; testAString(a: string, b: InOutParam): string; testAUTF8String(a: string, b: InOutParam): string; testACString(a: string, b: InOutParam): string; testJsval(a: any, b: InOutParam): any; testShortSequence(a: i16[], b: InOutParam): i16[]; testDoubleSequence(a: double[], b: InOutParam): double[]; testInterfaceSequence(a: nsIXPCTestInterfaceA[], b: InOutParam): nsIXPCTestInterfaceA[]; testAStringSequence(a: string[], b: InOutParam): string[]; testACStringSequence(a: string[], b: InOutParam): string[]; testJsvalSequence(a: any[], b: InOutParam): any[]; testSequenceSequence(a: i16[][], b: InOutParam): i16[][]; testOptionalSequence(arr?: u8[]): u8[]; testShortArray(aLength: u32, a: i16[], bLength: InOutParam, b: InOutParam, rvLength: OutParam): OutParam; testDoubleArray(aLength: u32, a: double[], bLength: InOutParam, b: InOutParam, rvLength: OutParam): OutParam; testStringArray(aLength: u32, a: string[], bLength: InOutParam, b: InOutParam, rvLength: OutParam): OutParam; testWstringArray(aLength: u32, a: string[], bLength: InOutParam, b: InOutParam, rvLength: OutParam): OutParam; testInterfaceArray(aLength: u32, a: nsIXPCTestInterfaceA[], bLength: InOutParam, b: InOutParam, rvLength: OutParam): OutParam; testByteArrayOptionalLength(a: u8[], aLength?: u32): u32; testSizedString(aLength: u32, a: string, bLength: InOutParam, b: InOutParam, rvLength: OutParam): OutParam; testSizedWstring(aLength: u32, a: string, bLength: InOutParam, b: InOutParam, rvLength: OutParam): OutParam; testJsvalArray(aLength: u32, a: any[], bLength: InOutParam, b: InOutParam, rvLength: OutParam): OutParam; testOutAString(o: OutParam): void; testStringArrayOptionalSize(a: string[], aLength?: u32): string; testOmittedOptionalOut(aJSObj: nsIXPCTestParams, aOut?: OutParam): void; readonly testNaN: double; } // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_returncode.idl interface nsIXPCTestReturnCodeParent extends nsISupports { callChild(childBehavior: i32): nsresult; } interface nsIXPCTestReturnCodeChild extends nsISupports { readonly CHILD_SHOULD_THROW: 0; readonly CHILD_SHOULD_RETURN_SUCCESS: 1; readonly CHILD_SHOULD_RETURN_RESULTCODE: 2; readonly CHILD_SHOULD_NEST_RESULTCODES: 3; doIt(behavior: i32): void; } // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/js/xpconnect/tests/idl/xpctest_utils.idl type nsIXPCTestFunctionInterface = Callable<{ echo(arg: string): string; }> interface nsIXPCTestUtils extends nsISupports { doubleWrapFunction(f: nsIXPCTestFunctionInterface): nsIXPCTestFunctionInterface; } interface nsIXPCTestNoScriptMembers extends nsISupports { exposedProp: i32; exposedMethod(arg: i32): void; } interface nsIXPCComponents_Interfaces { nsIXPCTestObjectReadOnly: nsJSIID; nsIXPCTestObjectReadWrite: nsJSIID; nsIXPCTestBug809674: nsJSIID; nsIXPCTestCEnums: nsJSIID; nsIXPCTestInterfaceA: nsJSIID; nsIXPCTestInterfaceB: nsJSIID; nsIXPCTestInterfaceC: nsJSIID; nsIXPCTestParams: nsJSIID; nsIXPCTestReturnCodeParent: nsJSIID; nsIXPCTestReturnCodeChild: nsJSIID; nsIXPCTestFunctionInterface: nsJSIID; nsIXPCTestUtils: nsJSIID; nsIXPCTestNoScriptMembers: nsJSIID; } } // global // Typedefs from xpidl. type PRTime = i64; type char16_t = u16; type nsresult = u32; /** * Gecko XPCOM builtins and utility types. */ /** * Generic IDs are created by most code which passes a nsID to js. * https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/js/xpconnect/src/XPCJSID.cpp#24 */ interface nsID { readonly number: uuid; } /** * In addition to nsID, interface IIDs support instanceof type guards, * and expose constants defined on the class, including variants from enums. * https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/js/xpconnect/src/XPCJSID.cpp#44 */ type nsJSIID = nsID & Constants & enums & { new (_: never): void; prototype: iface; } /** A union of all known IIDs. */ type nsIID = nsIXPCComponents_Interfaces[keyof nsIXPCComponents_Interfaces]; /** A generic to resolve QueryInterface return type from a nsID (or nsIID). */ export type nsQIResult = iid extends { prototype: infer U } ? U : never; /** XPCOM inout param is passed in as a js object with a value property. */ type InOutParam = { value: T }; /** XPCOM out param is written to the passed in object's value property. */ type OutParam = { value?: T }; /** A named type for interfaces to inherit from enums. */ type Enums = enums; /** Callable accepts either form of a [function] interface. */ type Callable = iface | Extract /** Picks only const number properties from T. */ type Constants = { [K in keyof T as IfConst]: T[K] }; /** Resolves only for keys K whose corresponding type T is a narrow number. */ type IfConst = T extends number ? (number extends T ? never : K) : never; declare global { // Until we have [ChromeOnly] webidl. interface BrowsingContext {} interface ContentFrameMessageManager {} interface DOMRequest {} interface FrameLoader {} interface JSProcessActorChild {} interface JSProcessActorParent {} interface TreeColumn {} interface WebExtensionContentScript {} interface WebExtensionPolicy {} interface WindowGlobalParent {} interface WindowContext {} interface XULTreeElement {} } // Non-scriptable interfaces referenced from scriptable ones. interface nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectReadyCallback {} interface nsICRLiteTimestamp {} interface nsIInputAvailableCallback {} interface nsIScriptElement {} interface nsIThreadObserver {} interface nsIUDPSocketSyncListener {} interface nsIWebAuthnRegisterArgs {} interface nsIWebAuthnRegisterPromise {} interface nsIWebAuthnSignArgs {} interface nsIWebAuthnSignPromise {} interface nsIXPCScriptable {} // Typedefs useful as a quick reference in method signatures. type double = number; type float = number; type i16 = number; type i32 = number; type i64 = number; type u16 = number; type u32 = number; type u64 = number; type u8 = number;