/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "Natives.h" #include "mozilla/MozPromise.h" namespace mozilla::jni { namespace details { /** * When a NativeWeakPtr is detached from its owning Java object, the calling * thread invokes the implementation's OnWeakNonIntrusiveDetach to perform * cleanup. We complete the remainder of the cleanup sequence on the Gecko * main thread by expecting OnWeakNonIntrusiveDetach implementations to invoke * this Runnable before exiting. It will move itself to the main thread if it * is not already there. */ template <typename NativeImpl> class NativeWeakPtrDetachRunnable final : public Runnable { public: NativeWeakPtrDetachRunnable( already_AddRefed<detail::NativeWeakPtrControlBlock<NativeImpl>> aCtlBlock, const Object::LocalRef& aOwner, typename NativeWeakPtrControlBlockStorageTraits<NativeImpl>::Type aNativeImpl) : Runnable("mozilla::jni::detail::NativeWeakPtrDetachRunnable"), mCtlBlock(aCtlBlock), mOwner(aOwner), mNativeImpl(std::move(aNativeImpl)), mHasRun(false) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!mCtlBlock); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!mNativeImpl); } NS_INLINE_DECL_REFCOUNTING_INHERITED(NativeWeakPtrDetachRunnable, Runnable) NS_IMETHOD Run() override { mHasRun = true; if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { NS_DispatchToMainThread(this); return NS_OK; } // Get the owner object's native implementation auto owner = ToLocalRef(mOwner); auto attachedNativeImpl = NativePtrTraits<NativeImpl>::Get(owner); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!attachedNativeImpl); // NativePtrTraits::ClearFinish cleans out the JNIObject's handle, which // obviously we don't want to attempt unless that handle still points to // our native implementation. if (attachedNativeImpl->IsSame(mCtlBlock)) { NativePtrTraits<NativeImpl>::ClearFinish(owner); } // Now we destroy that native object. mNativeImpl = nullptr; mHolder.Resolve(true, __func__); return NS_OK; } RefPtr<DetachPromise> GetPromise() { return mHolder.Ensure(__func__); } private: ~NativeWeakPtrDetachRunnable() { // Guard against somebody forgetting to call this runnable. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mHasRun, "You must run/dispatch this runnable!"); } private: RefPtr<detail::NativeWeakPtrControlBlock<NativeImpl>> mCtlBlock; Object::GlobalRef mOwner; MozPromiseHolder<DetachPromise> mHolder; typename NativeWeakPtrControlBlockStorageTraits<NativeImpl>::Type mNativeImpl; bool mHasRun; }; } // namespace details template <typename NativeImpl> RefPtr<DetachPromise> NativeWeakPtr<NativeImpl>::Detach() { if (!IsAttached()) { // Never attached to begin with; no-op return DetachPromise::CreateAndResolve(true, __func__); } auto native = mCtlBlock->Clear(); if (!native) { // Detach already in progress return DetachPromise::CreateAndResolve(true, __func__); } Object::LocalRef owner(mCtlBlock->GetJavaOwner()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!!owner); // Save the raw pointer before we move native into the runnable so that we // may call OnWeakNonIntrusiveDetach on it even after moving native into // the runnable. NativeImpl* rawImpl = detail::NativeWeakPtrControlBlock<NativeImpl>::StorageTraits::AsRaw( native); RefPtr<details::NativeWeakPtrDetachRunnable<NativeImpl>> runnable = new details::NativeWeakPtrDetachRunnable<NativeImpl>( mCtlBlock.forget(), owner, std::move(native)); RefPtr<DetachPromise> promise = runnable->GetPromise(); rawImpl->OnWeakNonIntrusiveDetach(runnable.forget()); return promise; } } // namespace mozilla::jni