/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef nsCocoaWindow_h_ #define nsCocoaWindow_h_ #undef DARWIN #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" #include "nsBaseWidget.h" #include "nsCocoaUtils.h" #include "nsTouchBar.h" #include <dlfcn.h> #include <queue> class nsCocoaWindow; class nsChildView; class nsMenuBarX; @class ChildView; namespace mozilla { enum class NativeKeyBindingsType : uint8_t; } // namespace mozilla // NSWindow subclass that is the base class for all of our own window classes. // Among other things, this class handles the storage of those settings that // need to be persisted across window destruction and reconstruction, i.e. when // switching to and from fullscreen mode. // We don't save shadow, transparency mode or background color because it's not // worth the hassle - Gecko will reset them anyway as soon as the window is // resized. @interface BaseWindow : NSWindow { // Data Storage NSMutableDictionary* mState; BOOL mDrawsIntoWindowFrame; // Invalidation disabling BOOL mDisabledNeedsDisplay; NSTrackingArea* mTrackingArea; NSRect mDirtyRect; BOOL mBeingShown; BOOL mDrawTitle; BOOL mIsAnimationSuppressed; nsTouchBar* mTouchBar; } - (void)importState:(NSDictionary*)aState; - (NSMutableDictionary*)exportState; - (void)setDrawsContentsIntoWindowFrame:(BOOL)aState; - (BOOL)drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame; // These two methods are like contentRectForFrameRect and // frameRectForContentRect, but they deal with the rect of the window's "main // ChildView" instead of the rect of the window's content view. The two are // sometimes sized differently: The window's content view always covers the // entire window, whereas the ChildView only covers the full window when // drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame is YES. When drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame is NO, // there's a titlebar-sized gap above the ChildView within the content view. - (NSRect)childViewRectForFrameRect:(NSRect)aFrameRect; - (NSRect)frameRectForChildViewRect:(NSRect)aChildViewRect; - (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent*)aEvent; - (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent*)aEvent; - (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent*)aEvent; - (void)updateTrackingArea; - (NSView*)trackingAreaView; - (void)setBeingShown:(BOOL)aValue; - (BOOL)isBeingShown; - (BOOL)isVisibleOrBeingShown; - (void)setIsAnimationSuppressed:(BOOL)aValue; - (BOOL)isAnimationSuppressed; // Returns an autoreleased NSArray containing the NSViews that we consider the // "contents" of this window. All views in the returned array are subviews of // this window's content view. However, the array may not include all of the // content view's subviews; concretely, the ToolbarWindow implementation will // exclude its MOZTitlebarView from the array that is returned here. // In the vast majority of cases, the array will only have a single element: // this window's mainChildView. - (NSArray<NSView*>*)contentViewContents; - (ChildView*)mainChildView; - (void)setWantsTitleDrawn:(BOOL)aDrawTitle; - (BOOL)wantsTitleDrawn; - (void)disableSetNeedsDisplay; - (void)enableSetNeedsDisplay; - (NSRect)getAndResetNativeDirtyRect; - (void)setEffectViewWrapperForStyle:(mozilla::WindowShadow)aStyle; @property(nonatomic) mozilla::WindowShadow shadowStyle; - (void)releaseJSObjects; @end @interface NSWindow (Undocumented) - (NSDictionary*)shadowParameters; // Present in the same form on OS X since at least OS X 10.5. - (NSRect)contentRectForFrameRect:(NSRect)windowFrame styleMask:(NSUInteger)windowStyle; - (NSRect)frameRectForContentRect:(NSRect)windowContentRect styleMask:(NSUInteger)windowStyle; // Present since at least OS X 10.5. The OS calls this method on NSWindow // (and its subclasses) to find out which NSFrameView subclass to instantiate // to create its "frame view". + (Class)frameViewClassForStyleMask:(NSUInteger)styleMask; @end @interface PopupWindow : BaseWindow { @private BOOL mIsContextMenu; } - (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect styleMask:(NSUInteger)styleMask backing:(NSBackingStoreType)bufferingType defer:(BOOL)deferCreation; - (BOOL)isContextMenu; - (void)setIsContextMenu:(BOOL)flag; - (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow; @end @interface BorderlessWindow : BaseWindow { } - (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow; - (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow; @end @interface WindowDelegate : NSObject <NSWindowDelegate> { nsCocoaWindow* mGeckoWindow; // [WEAK] (we are owned by the window) // Used to avoid duplication when we send NS_ACTIVATE and // NS_DEACTIVATE to Gecko for toplevel widgets. Starts out // false. bool mToplevelActiveState; BOOL mHasEverBeenZoomed; } + (void)paintMenubarForWindow:(NSWindow*)aWindow; - (id)initWithGeckoWindow:(nsCocoaWindow*)geckoWind; - (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification*)aNotification; - (nsCocoaWindow*)geckoWidget; - (bool)toplevelActiveState; - (void)sendToplevelActivateEvents; - (void)sendToplevelDeactivateEvents; @end @interface FullscreenTitlebarTracker : NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController - (FullscreenTitlebarTracker*)init; @end // NSWindow subclass for handling windows with toolbars. @interface ToolbarWindow : BaseWindow { // mFullscreenTitlebarTracker attaches an invisible rectangle to the system // title bar. This allows us to detect when the title bar is showing in // fullscreen. FullscreenTitlebarTracker* mFullscreenTitlebarTracker; CGFloat mMenuBarHeight; NSRect mWindowButtonsRect; } - (void)setDrawsContentsIntoWindowFrame:(BOOL)aState; - (void)placeWindowButtons:(NSRect)aRect; - (NSRect)windowButtonsRect; - (void)windowMainStateChanged; @end class nsCocoaWindow final : public nsBaseWidget { private: typedef nsBaseWidget Inherited; public: nsCocoaWindow(); [[nodiscard]] nsresult Create(nsIWidget* aParent, nsNativeWidget aNativeParent, const DesktopIntRect& aRect, InitData* = nullptr) override; [[nodiscard]] nsresult Create(nsIWidget* aParent, nsNativeWidget aNativeParent, const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect, InitData* = nullptr) override; void Destroy() override; void Show(bool aState) override; bool NeedsRecreateToReshow() override; void Enable(bool aState) override; bool IsEnabled() const override; void SetModal(bool aState) override; bool IsRunningAppModal() override; bool IsVisible() const override; void SetFocus(Raise, mozilla::dom::CallerType aCallerType) override; LayoutDeviceIntPoint WidgetToScreenOffset() override; LayoutDeviceIntPoint GetClientOffset() override; LayoutDeviceIntMargin ClientToWindowMargin() override; void* GetNativeData(uint32_t aDataType) override; void ConstrainPosition(DesktopIntPoint&) override; void SetSizeConstraints(const SizeConstraints& aConstraints) override; void Move(double aX, double aY) override; nsSizeMode SizeMode() override { return mSizeMode; } void SetSizeMode(nsSizeMode aMode) override; void GetWorkspaceID(nsAString& workspaceID) override; void MoveToWorkspace(const nsAString& workspaceID) override; void SuppressAnimation(bool aSuppress) override; void HideWindowChrome(bool aShouldHide) override; bool PrepareForFullscreenTransition(nsISupports** aData) override; void PerformFullscreenTransition(FullscreenTransitionStage aStage, uint16_t aDuration, nsISupports* aData, nsIRunnable* aCallback) override; void CleanupFullscreenTransition() override; nsresult MakeFullScreen(bool aFullScreen) final; nsresult MakeFullScreenWithNativeTransition(bool aFullScreen) final; NSAnimation* FullscreenTransitionAnimation() const { return mFullscreenTransitionAnimation; } void ReleaseFullscreenTransitionAnimation() { MOZ_ASSERT(mFullscreenTransitionAnimation, "Should only be called when there is animation"); [mFullscreenTransitionAnimation release]; mFullscreenTransitionAnimation = nil; } void Resize(double aWidth, double aHeight, bool aRepaint) override; void Resize(double aX, double aY, double aWidth, double aHeight, bool aRepaint) override; NSRect GetClientCocoaRect(); LayoutDeviceIntRect GetClientBounds() override; LayoutDeviceIntRect GetScreenBounds() override; void ReportMoveEvent(); void ReportSizeEvent(); void SetCursor(const Cursor&) override; CGFloat BackingScaleFactor(); void BackingScaleFactorChanged(); double GetDefaultScaleInternal() override; int32_t RoundsWidgetCoordinatesTo() override; mozilla::DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale GetDesktopToDeviceScale() final { return mozilla::DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale(BackingScaleFactor()); } nsresult SetTitle(const nsAString& aTitle) override; void Invalidate(const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect) override; WindowRenderer* GetWindowRenderer() override; nsresult DispatchEvent(mozilla::WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent, nsEventStatus& aStatus) override; void CaptureRollupEvents(bool aDoCapture) override; [[nodiscard]] nsresult GetAttention(int32_t aCycleCount) override; bool HasPendingInputEvent() override; TransparencyMode GetTransparencyMode() override; void SetTransparencyMode(TransparencyMode aMode) override; void SetWindowShadowStyle(mozilla::WindowShadow aStyle) override; void SetWindowOpacity(float aOpacity) override; void SetWindowTransform(const mozilla::gfx::Matrix& aTransform) override; void SetInputRegion(const InputRegion&) override; void SetColorScheme(const mozilla::Maybe<mozilla::ColorScheme>&) override; void SetShowsToolbarButton(bool aShow) override; void SetSupportsNativeFullscreen(bool aShow) override; void SetWindowAnimationType(WindowAnimationType aType) override; void SetDrawsTitle(bool aDrawTitle) override; nsresult SetNonClientMargins(const LayoutDeviceIntMargin&) override; void SetDrawsInTitlebar(bool aState); void UpdateThemeGeometries( const nsTArray<ThemeGeometry>& aThemeGeometries) override; nsresult SynthesizeNativeMouseEvent(LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint, NativeMouseMessage aNativeMessage, mozilla::MouseButton aButton, nsIWidget::Modifiers aModifierFlags, nsIObserver* aObserver) override; nsresult SynthesizeNativeMouseScrollEvent( LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint, uint32_t aNativeMessage, double aDeltaX, double aDeltaY, double aDeltaZ, uint32_t aModifierFlags, uint32_t aAdditionalFlags, nsIObserver* aObserver) override; void LockAspectRatio(bool aShouldLock) override; void DispatchSizeModeEvent(); void DispatchOcclusionEvent(); // be notified that a some form of drag event needs to go into Gecko bool DragEvent(unsigned int aMessage, mozilla::gfx::Point aMouseGlobal, UInt16 aKeyModifiers); bool HasModalDescendants() const { return mNumModalDescendants > 0; } bool IsModal() const { return mModal; } NSWindow* GetCocoaWindow() { return mWindow; } void SetMenuBar(RefPtr<nsMenuBarX>&& aMenuBar); nsMenuBarX* GetMenuBar(); void SetInputContext(const InputContext& aContext, const InputContextAction& aAction) override; InputContext GetInputContext() override { return mInputContext; } MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT bool GetEditCommands( mozilla::NativeKeyBindingsType aType, const mozilla::WidgetKeyboardEvent& aEvent, nsTArray<mozilla::CommandInt>& aCommands) override; void SetPopupWindowLevel(); bool InFullScreenMode() const { return mInFullScreenMode; } void PauseOrResumeCompositor(bool aPause) override; bool AsyncPanZoomEnabled() const override; bool StartAsyncAutoscroll(const ScreenPoint& aAnchorLocation, const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid) override; void StopAsyncAutoscroll(const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid) override; // Class method versions of NSWindow/Delegate callbacks which need to // access object state. void CocoaWindowWillEnterFullscreen(bool aFullscreen); void CocoaWindowDidEnterFullscreen(bool aFullscreen); void CocoaWindowDidResize(); void CocoaSendToplevelActivateEvents(); void CocoaSendToplevelDeactivateEvents(); enum class TransitionType { Windowed, Fullscreen, EmulatedFullscreen, Miniaturize, Deminiaturize, Zoom, }; void FinishCurrentTransitionIfMatching(const TransitionType& aTransition); // Called when something has happened that might cause us to update our // fullscreen state. Returns true if we updated state. We'll call this // on window resize, and we'll call it when we enter or exit fullscreen, // since fullscreen to-and-from zoomed windows won't necessarily trigger // a resize. bool HandleUpdateFullscreenOnResize(); protected: virtual ~nsCocoaWindow(); nsresult CreateNativeWindow(const NSRect& aRect, BorderStyle aBorderStyle, bool aRectIsFrameRect, bool aIsPrivateBrowsing); nsresult CreatePopupContentView(const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect, InitData*); void DestroyNativeWindow(); void UpdateBounds(); int32_t GetWorkspaceID(); void SendSetZLevelEvent(); void DoResize(double aX, double aY, double aWidth, double aHeight, bool aRepaint, bool aConstrainToCurrentScreen); void UpdateFullscreenState(bool aFullScreen, bool aNativeMode); nsresult DoMakeFullScreen(bool aFullScreen, bool aUseSystemTransition); already_AddRefed<nsIWidget> AllocateChildPopupWidget() override { return nsIWidget::CreateTopLevelWindow(); } nsIWidget* mParent; // if we're a popup, this is our parent [WEAK] nsIWidget* mAncestorLink; // link to traverse ancestors [WEAK] BaseWindow* mWindow; // our cocoa window [STRONG] WindowDelegate* mDelegate; // our delegate for processing window msgs [STRONG] RefPtr<nsMenuBarX> mMenuBar; nsChildView* mPopupContentView; // if this is a popup, this is its content widget // if this is a toplevel window, and there is any ongoing fullscreen // transition, it is the animation object. NSAnimation* mFullscreenTransitionAnimation; mozilla::WindowShadow mShadowStyle; CGFloat mBackingScaleFactor; CGFloat mAspectRatio; WindowAnimationType mAnimationType; bool mWindowMadeHere; // true if we created the window, false for embedding nsSizeMode mSizeMode; bool mInFullScreenMode; // Whether we are currently using native fullscreen. It could be false because // we are in the emulated fullscreen where we do not use the native // fullscreen. bool mInNativeFullScreenMode; mozilla::Maybe<TransitionType> mTransitionCurrent; std::queue<TransitionType> mTransitionsPending; // Sometimes we add a transition that wasn't requested by a caller. We do this // to manage transitions between states that otherwise would be rejected by // Cocoa. When we do this, it's useful to know when we are handling an added // transition because we don't want to send size mode events when they // execute. bool mIsTransitionCurrentAdded = false; // Whether we are treating the next resize as the start of a fullscreen // transition. If we are, which direction are we going: Fullscreen or // Windowed. mozilla::Maybe<TransitionType> mUpdateFullscreenOnResize; bool IsInTransition() { return mTransitionCurrent.isSome(); } void QueueTransition(const TransitionType& aTransition); void ProcessTransitions(); // Call this to stop all transition processing, which is useful during // window closing and shutdown. void CancelAllTransitions(); bool mInProcessTransitions = false; // While running an emulated fullscreen transition, we want to suppress // sending size mode events due to window resizing. We fix it up at the end // when the transition is complete. bool mSuppressSizeModeEvents = false; // Ignore occlusion events caused by displaying the temporary fullscreen // window during the fullscreen transition animation because only focused // contexts are permitted to enter DOM fullscreen. int mIgnoreOcclusionCount; // Set to true when a native fullscreen transition is initiated -- either to // or from fullscreen -- and set to false when it is complete. During this // period, we presume the window is visible, which prevents us from sending // unnecessary OcclusionStateChanged events. bool mHasStartedNativeFullscreen; bool mModal = false; bool mIsAnimationSuppressed = false; bool mInReportMoveEvent = false; // true if in a call to ReportMoveEvent(). bool mInResize = false; // true if in a call to DoResize(). bool mWindowTransformIsIdentity = true; bool mAlwaysOnTop = false; bool mAspectRatioLocked = false; bool mIsAlert = false; // True if this is an non-native alert window. bool mWasShown = false; int32_t mNumModalDescendants = 0; InputContext mInputContext; NSWindowAnimationBehavior mWindowAnimationBehavior; private: // This is class state for tracking which nsCocoaWindow, if any, is in the // middle of a native fullscreen transition. static nsCocoaWindow* sWindowInNativeTransition; // This function returns true if the caller has been able to claim the sole // permission to start a native transition. It must be followed by a call // to EndOurNativeTransition() when the native transition is complete. bool CanStartNativeTransition(); void EndOurNativeTransition(); }; #endif // nsCocoaWindow_h_