/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsTouchBarInput.h" #include "mozilla/MacStringHelpers.h" #include "nsArrayUtils.h" #include "nsCocoaUtils.h" #include "nsTouchBar.h" #include "nsTouchBarInputIcon.h" @implementation TouchBarInput - (nsCOMPtr)imageURI { return mImageURI; } - (void)setImageURI:(nsCOMPtr)aImageURI { mImageURI = aImageURI; } - (RefPtr)icon { return mIcon; } - (void)setIcon:(RefPtr)aIcon { mIcon = aIcon; } - (TouchBarInputBaseType)baseType { return mBaseType; } - (NSString*)type { return mType; } - (void)setType:(NSString*)aType { [aType retain]; [mType release]; if ([aType hasSuffix:@"button"]) { mBaseType = TouchBarInputBaseType::kButton; } else if ([aType hasSuffix:@"label"]) { mBaseType = TouchBarInputBaseType::kLabel; } else if ([aType hasSuffix:@"mainButton"]) { mBaseType = TouchBarInputBaseType::kMainButton; } else if ([aType hasSuffix:@"popover"]) { mBaseType = TouchBarInputBaseType::kPopover; } else if ([aType hasSuffix:@"scrollView"]) { mBaseType = TouchBarInputBaseType::kScrollView; } else if ([aType hasSuffix:@"scrubber"]) { mBaseType = TouchBarInputBaseType::kScrubber; } mType = aType; } - (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier)nativeIdentifier { return [TouchBarInput nativeIdentifierWithType:mType withKey:self.key]; } - (nsCOMPtr)callback { return mCallback; } - (void)setCallback:(nsCOMPtr)aCallback { mCallback = aCallback; } - (NSMutableArray*)children { return mChildren; } - (void)setChildren:(NSMutableArray*)aChildren { [aChildren retain]; for (TouchBarInput* child in mChildren) { [child releaseJSObjects]; } [mChildren removeAllObjects]; [mChildren release]; mChildren = aChildren; } - (id)initWithKey:(NSString*)aKey title:(NSString*)aTitle imageURI:(nsCOMPtr)aImageURI type:(NSString*)aType callback:(nsCOMPtr)aCallback color:(uint32_t)aColor disabled:(BOOL)aDisabled children:(nsCOMPtr)aChildren { if (self = [super init]) { mType = nil; self.key = aKey; self.title = aTitle; self.type = aType; self.disabled = aDisabled; [self setImageURI:aImageURI]; [self setCallback:aCallback]; if (aColor) { [self setColor:[NSColor colorWithDisplayP3Red:((aColor >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0 green:((aColor >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0 blue:((aColor) & 0xFF) / 255.0 alpha:1.0]]; } if (aChildren) { uint32_t itemCount = 0; aChildren->GetLength(&itemCount); NSMutableArray* orderedChildren = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:itemCount]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) { nsCOMPtr child = do_QueryElementAt(aChildren, i); if (!child) { continue; } TouchBarInput* convertedChild = [[TouchBarInput alloc] initWithXPCOM:child]; if (convertedChild) { orderedChildren[i] = convertedChild; } } [self setChildren:orderedChildren]; } } return self; } - (TouchBarInput*)initWithXPCOM:(nsCOMPtr)aInput { nsAutoString keyStr; nsresult rv = aInput->GetKey(keyStr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nil; } nsAutoString titleStr; rv = aInput->GetTitle(titleStr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nil; } nsCOMPtr imageURI; rv = aInput->GetImage(getter_AddRefs(imageURI)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nil; } nsAutoString typeStr; rv = aInput->GetType(typeStr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nil; } nsCOMPtr callback; rv = aInput->GetCallback(getter_AddRefs(callback)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nil; } uint32_t colorInt; rv = aInput->GetColor(&colorInt); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nil; } bool disabled = false; rv = aInput->GetDisabled(&disabled); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nil; } nsCOMPtr children; rv = aInput->GetChildren(getter_AddRefs(children)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nil; } return [self initWithKey:nsCocoaUtils::ToNSString(keyStr) title:nsCocoaUtils::ToNSString(titleStr) imageURI:imageURI type:nsCocoaUtils::ToNSString(typeStr) callback:callback color:colorInt disabled:(BOOL)disabled children:children]; } - (void)releaseJSObjects { if (mIcon) { mIcon->Destroy(); mIcon = nil; } [self setCallback:nil]; [self setImageURI:nil]; for (TouchBarInput* child in mChildren) { [child releaseJSObjects]; } } - (void)dealloc { if (mIcon) { mIcon->Destroy(); mIcon = nil; } [mType release]; [mChildren removeAllObjects]; [mChildren release]; [super dealloc]; } + (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier)nativeIdentifierWithType:(NSString*)aType withKey:(NSString*)aKey { NSTouchBarItemIdentifier identifier; identifier = [kTouchBarBaseIdentifier stringByAppendingPathExtension:aType]; if (aKey) { identifier = [identifier stringByAppendingPathExtension:aKey]; } return identifier; } + (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier)nativeIdentifierWithXPCOM: (nsCOMPtr)aInput { nsAutoString keyStr; nsresult rv = aInput->GetKey(keyStr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nil; } NSString* key = nsCocoaUtils::ToNSString(keyStr); nsAutoString typeStr; rv = aInput->GetType(typeStr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nil; } NSString* type = nsCocoaUtils::ToNSString(typeStr); return [TouchBarInput nativeIdentifierWithType:type withKey:key]; } + (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier)shareScrubberIdentifier { return [TouchBarInput nativeIdentifierWithType:@"scrubber" withKey:@"share"]; } + (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier)searchPopoverIdentifier { return [TouchBarInput nativeIdentifierWithType:@"popover" withKey:@"search-popover"]; } @end