<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<window title="Wheel scroll tests"
  width="600" height="600"

  <script src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js" />
  <script src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js" />
  <script src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/paint_listener.js" />

<body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<style type="text/css">
  #rootview {
    overflow: auto;
    width: 400px;
    height: 400px;
    border: 1px solid;
  #container {
    overflow: auto;
    width: 600px;
    height: 600px;
  #rootview pre {
    margin: 20px 0 20px 20px;
    padding: 0;
    overflow: auto;
    display: block;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100.5px;
    font-size: 16px;
<div id="rootview" onscroll="onScrollView(event);">
  <div id="container">
    <pre id="subview1" onscroll="onScrollView(event);">
Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text.
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    <pre id="subview2" onscroll="onScrollView(event);">
    <pre id="subview3" onscroll="onScrollView(event);">
Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text.
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">

<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript">

function ok(aCondition, aMessage)
  window.arguments[0].SimpleTest.ok(aCondition, aMessage);

function is(aLeft, aRight, aMessage)
  window.arguments[0].SimpleTest.is(aLeft, aRight, aMessage);

function isnot(aLeft, aRight, aMessage)
  window.arguments[0].SimpleTest.isnot(aLeft, aRight, aMessage);

var gCurrentTestListStatus = { nextListIndex: 0 };
var gCurrentTest;

const kListenEvent_None                 = 0;
const kListenEvent_OnScroll             = 1;
const kListenEvent_OnScrollFailed       = 2;
const kListenEvent_OnTransactionTimeout = 4;
const kListenEvent_All = kListenEvent_OnScroll |
                         kListenEvent_OnScrollFailed |
var gLitesnEvents = kListenEvent_None;

 * At unexpected transaction timeout, we need to stop *all* timers.  But it is
 * difficult and it can be create more complex testing code.  So, we should use
 * only one timer at one time.  For that, we must store the timer id to this
 * variable.  And the functions which may be called via a timer must clear the
 * current timer by |_clearTimer| function.
var gTimer;

var gPrefSvc = SpecialPowers.Services.prefs;
const kPrefSmoothScroll = "general.smoothScroll";
const kPrefNameTimeout = "mousewheel.transaction.timeout";
const kPrefNameIgnoreMoveDelay = "mousewheel.transaction.ignoremovedelay";
const kPrefTestEventsAsyncEnabled = "test.events.async.enabled";

const kDefaultTimeout = gPrefSvc.getIntPref(kPrefNameTimeout);
const kDefaultIgnoreMoveDelay = gPrefSvc.getIntPref(kPrefNameIgnoreMoveDelay);

gPrefSvc.setBoolPref(kPrefSmoothScroll, false);
gPrefSvc.setBoolPref(kPrefTestEventsAsyncEnabled, true);

var gTimeout, gIgnoreMoveDelay;
var gEnoughForTimeout, gEnoughForIgnoreMoveDelay;

function setTimeoutPrefs(aTimeout, aIgnoreMoveDelay)
  gPrefSvc.setIntPref(kPrefNameTimeout, aTimeout);
  gPrefSvc.setIntPref(kPrefNameIgnoreMoveDelay, aIgnoreMoveDelay);
  gTimeout = aTimeout;
  gIgnoreMoveDelay = aIgnoreMoveDelay;
  gEnoughForTimeout = gTimeout * 2;
  gEnoughForIgnoreMoveDelay = gIgnoreMoveDelay * 1.2;

function resetTimeoutPrefs()
  if (gTimeout == kDefaultTimeout)
  setTimeoutPrefs(kDefaultTimeout, kDefaultIgnoreMoveDelay);

function growUpTimeoutPrefs()
  if (gTimeout != kDefaultTimeout)
  setTimeoutPrefs(5000, 1000);

// setting enough time for testing.
gPrefSvc.setIntPref(kPrefNameTimeout, gTimeout);
gPrefSvc.setIntPref(kPrefNameIgnoreMoveDelay, gIgnoreMoveDelay);

var gRootView = document.getElementById("rootview");
var gSubView1 = document.getElementById("subview1");
var gSubView2 = document.getElementById("subview2");
var gSubView3 = document.getElementById("subview3");

gRootView.addEventListener("MozMouseScrollFailed", onMouseScrollFailed);

function finish()

async function onload()
  // Before actually running tests, we disable auto-dir scrolling, becasue the
  // tests in this file are meant to test scrolling transactions, not meant to
  // test default actions for wheel events, so we simply disabled auto-dir
  // scrolling, which are well tested in
  // dom/events/test/window_wheel_default_action.html.
  await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["mousewheel.autodir.enabled",


function onunload()

function offsetForRootView()
  let rootViewRect = gRootView.getBoundingClientRect();
  let subView1Rect = gSubView1.getBoundingClientRect();
  return {
    x: (subView1Rect.left - rootViewRect.left) / 2,
    y: (subView1Rect.top - rootViewRect.top) / 2,

function _offsetFor(aSubView)
  let rootViewRect = gRootView.getBoundingClientRect();
  let subViewRect = aSubView.getBoundingClientRect();
  return {
    x: subViewRect.left - rootViewRect.left + subViewRect.width / 2,
    y: subViewRect.top - rootViewRect.top + subViewRect.height / 2,

function offsetForSubView1()
  return _offsetFor(gSubView1);

function offsetForSubView2()
  return _offsetFor(gSubView2);

function offsetForSubView3()
  return _offsetFor(gSubView3);

 * Define the tests here:
 *   Scrolls are processed async always.  Therefore, we need to call all tests
 *   by timer.  gTestLists is array of testing lists. In other words, an item
 *   of gTestList is a group of one or more testing. Each items has following
 *   properties:
 *     - retryWhenTransactionTimeout
 *         The testing of wheel transaction might be fialed randomly by
 *         timeout.  Then, automatically the failed test list will be retested
 *         automatically only this number of times.
 *     - steps
 *         This property is array of testing.  Each steps must have following
 *         properties at least.
 *         - func
 *             This property means function which will be called via
 *             |setTimeout|.  The function cannot have params.  If you need
 *             some additional parameters, you can specify some original
 *             properties for the test function.  If you do so, you should
 *             document it in the testing function.
 *         - delay
 *             This property means delay time until the function to be called.
 *             I.e., the value used for the second param of |setTimeout|.
 *         And also you need one more property when you call a testing function.
 *         - description
 *             This property is description of the test.  This is used for
 *             logging.
 *         At testing, you can access to current step via |gCurrentTest|.

var gTestLists;
function initTestList()
  gTestLists = [
     * Continuous scrolling test for |gRootView|
     *   |gRootView| has both scrollbars and it has three children which are
     *   |gSubView1|, |gSubView2| and |gSubView3|.  They have scrollbars.  If
     *   the current transaction targets |gRootView|, other children should not
     *   be scrolled even if the wheel events are fired on them.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Vertical case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Vertical wheel events should scroll |gRootView| even if the position
        // of wheel events in a child view which has scrollbar.
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for root view (vertical/forward)" },
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for root view (vertical/backward)" }

    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Horizontal case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: false,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Horizontal wheel events should scroll |gRootView| even if the
        // position of wheel events in a child view which has scrollbar.
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for root view (horizontal/forward)" },
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for root view (horizontal/backward)" }

     * Continuous scrolling test for |gSubView1|
     *   |gSubView1| has both scrollbars.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Vertical case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Vertical wheel events should scroll |gSubView1|.
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView1,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for sub view 1 (vertical/forward)" },
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView1,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for sub view 1 (vertical/backward)" }

    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Horizontal case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: false,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Horitontal wheel events should scroll |gSubView1|.
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gSubView1,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for sub view 1 (horizontal/forward)" },
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gSubView1,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for sub view 1 (horizontal/backward)" }

     * Continuous scrolling test for |gSubView2|
     *   |gSubView2| has only vertical scrollbar.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Vertical case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Vertical wheel events should scroll |gSubView2|.
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView2,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView2,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for sub view 2 (vertical/forward)" },
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView2,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView2,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for sub view 2 (vertical/backward)" }

    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Horizontal case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: false,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Horizontal wheel events should scroll its nearest scrollable ancestor
        // view, i.e., it is |gRootView|.
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView2,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for sub view 2 (horizontal/forward)" },
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView2,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for sub view 2 (horizontal/backward)" }

     * Continuous scrolling test for |gSubView3|
     *   |gSubView3| has only horizontal scrollbar.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Vertical case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Vertical wheel events should scroll its nearest scrollable ancestor
        // view, i.e., it is |gRootView|.
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView3,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for sub view 3 (vertical/forward)" },
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView3,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for sub view 3 (vertical/backward)" }

    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Horizontal case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: false,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Horitontal wheel events should scroll |gSubView3|.
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView3,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gSubView3,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for sub view 3 (horizontal/forward)" },
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView3,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gSubView3,
          description: "Continuous scrolling test for sub view 3 (horizontal/backward)" }

     * Don't reset transaction by a different direction wheel event
     *   Even if a wheel event doesn't same direction as last wheel event, the
     *   current transaction should not be reset.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Vertical -> Horizontal
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Create a transaction which targets |gRootView| by a vertical wheel
        // event.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Don't reset transaction by a different direction wheel event (1-1)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Don't reset transaction by a different direction wheel event (1-2)" },
        // Send a horizontal wheel event over |gSubView1| but |gRootView| should
        // be scrolled.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Don't reset transaction by a different direction wheel event (1-3)" }

    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Horizontal -> Vertical
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: false,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Create a transaction which targets |gRootView| by a horizontal wheel
        // event.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Don't reset transaction by a different direction wheel event (2-1)" },
        // Scroll back to left-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Don't reset transaction by a different direction wheel event (2-2)" },
        // Send a vertical wheel event over |gSubView1| but |gRootView| should
        // be scrolled.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Don't reset transaction by a different direction wheel event (2-3)" }

     * Don't reset transaction even if a wheel event cannot scroll
     *   Even if a wheel event cannot scroll to specified direction in the
     *   current target view, the transaction should not be reset.  E.g., there
     *   are some devices which can scroll obliquely.  If so, probably, users
     *   cannot input only intended direction.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // A view only has vertical scrollbar case.
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Create a transaction which targets |gSubView2|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView2,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView2,
          description: "Don't reset transaction even if a wheel event cannot scroll (1-1)" },
        // |gSubView2| doesn't have horizontal scrollbar but should not scroll
        // any views.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView2,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: null,
          description: "Don't reset transaction even if a wheel event cannot scroll (1-2)" }

    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // A view only has horizontal scrollbar case.
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Create a transaction which targets |gSubView3|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView3,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gSubView3,
          description: "Don't reset transaction even if a wheel event cannot scroll (2-1)" },
        // |gSubView3| doesn't have vertical scrollbar but should not scroll any
        // views.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView3,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: null,
          description: "Don't reset transaction even if a wheel event cannot scroll (2-2)" }

     * Reset transaction by mouse down/mouse up events
     *   Mouse down and mouse up events should cause resetting the current
     *   transaction.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Vertical case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Create a transaction which targets |gRootView|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Reset transaction by mouse down/mouse up events (v-1)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Reset transaction by mouse down/mouse up events (v-2)" },
        // Send mouse button events which should reset the current transaction.
        // So, the next wheel event should scroll |gSubView1|.
        { func: sendMouseButtonEvents, delay: 0,
          description: "sendMouseButtonEvents" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView1,
          description: "Reset transaction by mouse down/mouse up events (v-3)" }

    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Horizontal case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: false,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Create a transaction which targets |gRootView|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Reset transaction by mouse down/mouse up events (h-1)" },
        // Scroll back to left-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Reset transaction by mouse down/mouse up events (h-2)" },
        // Send mouse button events which should reset the current transaction.
        // So, the next wheel event should scroll |gSubView1|.
        { func: sendMouseButtonEvents, delay: 0,
          description: "sendMouseButtonEvents" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gSubView1,
          description: "Reset transaction by mouse down/mouse up events (h-3)" }

     * Reset transaction by a key event
     *   A key event should cause resetting the current transaction.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Vertical case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Create a transaction which targets |gRootView|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Reset transaction by a key event (v-1)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Reset transaction by a key event (v-2)" },
        // Send a key event which should reset the current transaction.  So, the
        // next wheel event should scroll |gSubView1|.
        { func: sendKeyEvents, delay: 0, key: "a",
          description: "sendKeyEvents" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView1,
          description: "Reset transaction by a key event (v-3)" }

    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Horizontal case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: false,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Create a transaction which targets |gRootView|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Reset transaction by a key event (h-1)" },
        // Scroll back to left-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Reset transaction by a key event (h-2)" },
        // Send a key event which should reset the current transaction.  So, the
        // next wheel event should scroll |gSubView1|.
        { func: sendKeyEvents, delay: 0, key: "a",
          description: "sendKeyEvents" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gSubView1,
          description: "Reset transaction by a key event (h-3)" }

     * Reset transaction by a mouse move event
     *   A mouse move event can cause reseting the current transaction even if
     *   mouse cursor is inside the target view of current transaction. Only
     *   when a wheel event is fired after |gIgnoreMoveDelay| milliseconds since
     *   the first mouse move event from last wheel event, the transaction
     *   should be reset.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Vertical case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Create a transaction which targets |gRootView|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (v-1)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (v-2)" },
        // Send a mouse move event immediately after last wheel event, then,
        // current transaction should be kept.
        { func: sendMouseMoveEvent, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          description: "sendMouseMoveEvent" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (v-3)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (v-4)" },
        // Send a mouse move event after |gIgnoreMoveDelay| milliseconds since
        // last wheel event, then, current transaction should be kept.
        { func: sendMouseMoveEvent, delay: gEnoughForIgnoreMoveDelay,
          offset: offsetForSubView1,
          description: "sendMouseMoveEvent" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (v-5)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (v-6)" },
        // Send a wheel event after |gIgnoreMoveDelay| milliseconds since last
        // mouse move event but it is fired immediately after the last wheel
        // event, then, current transaction should be kept.
        { func: sendMouseMoveEvent, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          description: "sendMouseMoveEvent" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: gEnoughForIgnoreMoveDelay,
          offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (v-7)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (v-8)" },
        // Send a wheel event after |gIgnoreMoveDelay| milliseconds have passed
        // since last mouse move event which is fired after |gIgnoreMoveDelay|
        // milliseconds since last wheel event, then, current transaction should
        // be reset.
        { func: sendMouseMoveEvent, delay: gEnoughForIgnoreMoveDelay,
          offset: offsetForSubView1,
          description: "sendMouseMoveEvent" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: gEnoughForIgnoreMoveDelay,
          offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView1,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gRootView },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (v-9)" }

    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Horizontal case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: false,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Create a transaction which targets |gRootView|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (h-1)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (h-2)" },
        // Send a mouse move event immediately after last wheel event, then,
        // current transaction should be kept.
        { func: sendMouseMoveEvent, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          description: "sendMouseMoveEvent" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (h-3)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (h-4)" },
        // Send a mouse move event after |gIgnoreMoveDelay| milliseconds since
        // last wheel event, then, current transaction should be kept.
        { func: sendMouseMoveEvent, delay: gEnoughForIgnoreMoveDelay,
          offset: offsetForSubView1,
          description: "sendMouseMoveEvent" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (h-5)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (h-6)" },
        // Send a wheel event after |gIgnoreMoveDelay| milliseconds since last
        // mouse move event but it is fired immediately after the last wheel
        // event, then, current transaction should be kept.
        { func: sendMouseMoveEvent, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          description: "sendMouseMoveEvent" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: gEnoughForIgnoreMoveDelay,
          offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (h-7)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (h-8)" },
        // Send a wheel event after |gIgnoreMoveDelay| milliseconds have passed
        // since last mouse move event which is fired after |gIgnoreMoveDelay|
        // milliseconds since last wheel event, then, current transaction should
        // be reset.
        { func: sendMouseMoveEvent, delay: gEnoughForIgnoreMoveDelay,
          offset: offsetForSubView1,
          description: "sendMouseMoveEvent" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: gEnoughForIgnoreMoveDelay,
          offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gSubView1,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gRootView },
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event (h-9)" }

     * Reset transaction by a mouse move event on outside of view
     *   When mouse cursor is moved to outside of the current target view, the
     *   transaction should be reset immediately.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Vertical case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Create a transaction which targets |gSubView1|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView1,
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event on outside of view (v-1)" },
        // Send mouse move event over |gRootView|.
        { func: sendMouseMoveEvent, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          description: "sendMouseMoveEvent" },
        // Send Wheel event over |gRootView| which should be scrolled.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event on outside of view (v-2)" }

    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Horizontal case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: false,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Create a transaction which targets |gSubView1|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView1,
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event on outside of view (h-1)" },
        // Send mouse move event over |gRootView|.
        { func: sendMouseMoveEvent, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          description: "sendMouseMoveEvent" },
        // Send Wheel event over |gRootView| which should be scrolled.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0,  offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Reset transaction by a mouse move event on outside of view (h-2)" }

     * Timeout test
     *   A view should not be scrolled during another to be transaction for
     *   another view scrolling. However, a wheel event which is sent after
     *   timeout, a view which is under the mouse cursor should be scrolled.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Vertical case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // First, create a transaction which should target the |gRootView|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Timeout test (v-1)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Timeout test (v-2)" },
        // A wheel event over |gSubView1| should not scroll it during current
        // transaction.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Timeout test (v-3)" },
        // Scroll back to top-most again.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: false, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Timeout test (v-4)" },
        // A wheel event over |gSubView1| after timeout should scroll
        // |gSubView1|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: gEnoughForTimeout,
          offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView1,
          isTimeoutTesting: true,
          description: "Timeout test (v-5)" }

    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Horizontal case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: false,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // First, create a transaction which should target the |gRootView|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Timeout test (h-1)" },
        // Scroll back to left-most for easy cursor position specifying.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForRootView,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Timeout test (h-2)" },
        // A wheel event over |gSubView1| should not scroll it during current
        // transaction.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Timeout test (h-3)" },
        // Scroll back to left-most again.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: false, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gSubView1 },
          description: "Timeout test (h-4)" },
        // A wheel event over |gSubView1| after timeout should scroll
        // |gSubView1|.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: gEnoughForTimeout,
          offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gSubView1,
          isTimeoutTesting: true,
          description: "Timeout test (h-5)" }

     * Timeout test even with many wheel events
     *   This tests whether timeout is occurred event if wheel events are sent.
     *   The transaction should not be updated by non-scrollable wheel events.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Vertical case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Scroll |gSubView1| to bottom-most.
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView1,
          description: "Timeout test even with many wheel events (v-1)" },
        // Don't scroll any views before timeout.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: null,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gRootView },
          description: "Timeout test even with many wheel events (v-2)" },
        // Recreate a transaction which is scrolling |gRootView| after time out.
        { func: testRestartScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Timeout test even with many wheel events (v-3)" }

    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        // Horizontal case
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: false,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        // Scroll |gSubView1| to right-most.
        { func: testContinuousScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gSubView1,
          description: "Timeout test even with many wheel events (h-1)" },
        // Don't scroll any views before timeout.
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: null,
          canFailRandomly: { possibleView: gRootView },
          description: "Timeout test even with many wheel events (h-2)" },
        // Recreate a transaction which is scrolling |gRootView| after time out.
        { func: testRestartScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gRootView,
          description: "Timeout test even with many wheel events (h-3)" }

     * Very large scrolling wheel event
     *   If the delta value is larger than the scrolling page size, it should be
     *   scrolled only one page instead of the delta value.
    { retryWhenTransactionTimeout: 5,
      steps: [
        { func: initElements, delay: 0, forVertical: true,
          description: "initElements" },
        { func: clearWheelTransaction, delay: 0,
          description: "clearWheelTransaction" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView1,
          delta: 5000,
          description: "Very large delta scrolling (v-1)" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: true, expectedView: gSubView1,
          delta: 5000,
          description: "Very large delta scrolling (v-2)" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gSubView1,
          delta: 5000,
          description: "Very large delta scrolling (h-1)" },
        { func: testOneTimeScroll, delay: 0, offset: offsetForSubView1,
          isForward: true, isVertical: false, expectedView: gSubView1,
          delta: 5000,
          description: "Very large delta scrolling (h-2)" }

 * Actions for preparing tests

function initElements()

  function resetScrollPosition(aElement)
    aElement.scrollTop = 0;
    aElement.scrollLeft = 0;

  const kDisplay = gCurrentTest.forVertical ? "block" : "inline-block";
  gSubView1.style.display = kDisplay;
  gSubView2.style.display = kDisplay;
  gSubView3.style.display = kDisplay;



function clearWheelTransaction()

function sendKeyEvents()
  synthesizeKey(gCurrentTest.key, {}, window);

function sendMouseButtonEvents()
  synthesizeMouse(gRootView, -1, -1, { type:"mousedown" }, window);
  synthesizeMouse(gRootView, -1, -1, { type:"mouseup" }, window);

function sendMouseMoveEvent()

 * Utilities for testing functions

function _clearTransaction()
  synthesizeMouse(gRootView, -1, -1, { type:"mousedown" }, window);
  synthesizeMouse(gRootView, -1, -1, { type:"mouseup" }, window);

function _saveScrollPositions()
  function save(aElement)
    aElement.prevTop = aElement.scrollTop;
    aElement.prevLeft = aElement.scrollLeft;

function _fireMouseMoveEvent(aOffset)
  synthesizeMouse(gRootView, aOffset.x, aOffset.y, { type:"mousemove" }, window);

function _fireWheelScrollEvent(aOffset, aIsVertical, aForward, aDelta)
  var event = { deltaMode: WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE };
  if (aIsVertical) {
    event.deltaY = aForward ? aDelta : -aDelta;
  } else {
    event.deltaX = aForward ? aDelta : -aDelta;
  sendWheelAndPaint(gRootView, aOffset.x, aOffset.y, event, null, window);

function _canScroll(aElement, aIsVertical, aForward)
  if (aIsVertical) {
    if (!aForward)
      return aElement.scrollTop > 0;
    return aElement.scrollHeight > aElement.scrollTop + aElement.clientHeight;
  if (!aForward)
    return aElement.scrollLeft > 0;
  return aElement.scrollWidth > aElement.scrollLeft + aElement.clientWidth;

const kNotScrolled      = 0;
const kScrolledToTop    = 1;
const kScrolledToBottom = 2;
const kScrolledToLeft   = 4;
const kScrolledToRight  = 8;

const kScrolledVertical   = kScrolledToTop | kScrolledToBottom;
const kScrolledHorizontal = kScrolledToLeft | kScrolledToRight;

function _getScrolledState(aElement)
  var ret = kNotScrolled;
  if (aElement.scrollTop != aElement.prevTop) {
    ret |= aElement.scrollTop < aElement.prevTop ? kScrolledToTop :
  if (aElement.scrollLeft != aElement.prevLeft) {
    ret |= aElement.scrollLeft < aElement.prevLeft ? kScrolledToLeft :
  return ret;

function _getExpectedScrolledState()
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
  return gCurrentTest.isVertical ?
           gCurrentTest.isForward ? kScrolledToBottom : kScrolledToTop :
           gCurrentTest.isForward ? kScrolledToRight : kScrolledToLeft;

function _getScrolledStateText(aScrolledState)
  if (aScrolledState == kNotScrolled)
    return "Not scrolled";

  var s = "scrolled to ";
  if (aScrolledState & kScrolledVertical) {
    s += aScrolledState & kScrolledToTop ? "backward" : "forward";
    s += " (vertical)"
    if (aScrolledState & kScrolledHorizontal)
      s += " and to ";
  if (aScrolledState & kScrolledHorizontal) {
    s += aScrolledState & kScrolledToLeft ? "backward" : "forward";
    s += " (horizontal)"
  return s;

function _getCurrentTestList()
  return gTestLists[gCurrentTestListStatus.nextListIndex - 1];

function _clearTimer()
  gTimer = 0;

 * Testing functions

 * Note that testing functions must set following variables:
 *   gCurrentTest.repeatTest:  See comment in |continueTest|.
 *   gCurrentTest.autoRepeatDelay:  See comment in |continueTest|.
 *   gListenScrollEvent: When this is not true, the event handlers ignores the
 *                       events.

function testContinuousScroll()
   * Testing continuous scrolling.  This function synthesizes a wheel event.  If
   * the test was success, this function will be recalled automatically.
   * And when a generating wheel event cannot scroll the expected view, this
   * function fires the wheel event only one time.
   * @param gCurrentTest.offset
   *          A function to compute the cursor position of firing wheel event.
   *          The values are offset from |gRootView|.
   * @param gCurrentTest.isVertical
   *          Whether the wheel event is for virtical scrolling or horizontal.
   * @param gCurrentTest.isForward
   *          Whether the wheel event is to forward or to backward.
   * @param gCurrentTest.expectedView
   *          The expected view which will be scrolled by wheel event. This
   *          value must not be null.

  if (!gCurrentTest.expectedView) {

  gLitesnEvents = kListenEvent_All;
  gCurrentTest.repeatTest = true;
  gCurrentTest.autoRepeatDelay = 0;

  if (!_canScroll(gCurrentTest.expectedView,
                  gCurrentTest.isVertical, gCurrentTest.isForward)) {
    gCurrentTest.expectedView = null;
  var delta = gCurrentTest.delta ? gCurrentTest.delta : 4;
                        gCurrentTest.isVertical, gCurrentTest.isForward, delta);

function testOneTimeScroll()
   * Testing one wheel event.  |runNextTestStep| will be called immediately
   * after this function by |onScrollView| or |onTimeout|.
   * @param gCurrentTest.offset
   *          A function to compute the cursor position of firing wheel event.
   *          The values are offset from |gRootView|.
   * @param gCurrentTest.isVertical
   *          Whether the wheel event is for virtical scrolling or horizontal.
   * @param gCurrentTest.isForward
   *          Whether the wheel event is to forward or to backward.
   * @param gCurrentTest.expectedView
   *          The expected view which will be scrolled by wheel event. This
   *          value can be null.  It means any views should not be scrolled.


  gLitesnEvents = kListenEvent_All;
  gCurrentTest.repeatTest = false;
  gCurrentTest.autoRepeatDelay = 0;

  var delta = gCurrentTest.delta ? gCurrentTest.delta : 4;
                        gCurrentTest.isVertical, gCurrentTest.isForward, delta);

function testRestartScroll()
   * Testing restart to scroll in expected view after timeout from the current
   * transaction.  This function recall this itself until to success this test
   * or timeout from this test.
   * @param gCurrentTest.offset
   *          A function to compute the cursor position of firing wheel event.
   *          The values are offset from |gRootView|.
   * @param gCurrentTest.isVertical
   *          Whether the wheel event is for virtical scrolling or horizontal.
   * @param gCurrentTest.isForward
   *          Whether the wheel event is to forward or to backward.
   * @param gCurrentTest.expectedView
   *          The expected view which will be scrolled by wheel event. This
   *          value must not be null.


  if (!gCurrentTest.wasTransactionTimeout) {
    gCurrentTest.repeatTest = true;
    gCurrentTest.autoRepeatDelay = gTimeout / 3;
    gLitesnEvents = kListenEvent_All;
    gCurrentTest.isTimeoutTesting = true;
    if (gCurrentTest.expectedView) {
      gCurrentTest.expectedViewAfterTimeout = gCurrentTest.expectedView;
      gCurrentTest.expectedView = null;
  } else {
    gCurrentTest.repeatTest = false;
    gCurrentTest.autoRepeatDelay = 0;
    gLitesnEvents = kListenEvent_All;
    gCurrentTest.isTimeoutTesting = false;
    gCurrentTest.expectedView = gCurrentTest.expectedViewAfterTimeout;

  var delta = gCurrentTest.delta ? gCurrentTest.delta : 4;
                        gCurrentTest.isVertical, gCurrentTest.isForward, delta);

 * Event handlers

function onScrollView(aEvent)
   * Scroll event handler of |gRootView|, |gSubView1|, |gSubView2| and 
   * |gSubView3|.  If testing is failed, this function cancels all left tests.
   * For checking the event is expected, the event firer must call
   * |_saveScrollPositions|.
   * @param gCurrentTest.expectedView
   *          The expected view which should be scrolled by the wheel event.
   *          This value can be null.  It means any views should not be
   *          scrolled.
   * @param gCurrentTest.isVertical
   *          The expected view should be scrolled vertical or horizontal.
   * @param gCurrentTest.isForward
   *          The expected view should be scrolled to forward or backward.
   * @param gCurrentTest.canFailRandomly
   *          If this is not undefined, this test can fail by unexpected view
   *          scrolling which is caused by unexpected timeout.  If this is
   *          defined, |gCurrentTest.possibleView| must be set.  If the view is
   *          same as the event target, the failure can be random.  At this
   *          time, we should retry the current test list.

  if (!(gLitesnEvents & kListenEvent_OnScroll))

  // Now testing a timeout, but a view is scrolled before timeout.
  if (gCurrentTest.isTimeoutTesting && !gCurrentTest.wasTransactionTimeout) {
    is(aEvent.target.id, "",
       "The view scrolled before timeout (the expected view after timeout is " +
         gCurrentTest.expectedView ? gCurrentTest.expectedView.id : "null" +
         "): " + gCurrentTest.description);

  // Check whether the scrolled event should be fired or not.
  if (!gCurrentTest.expectedView) {
    is(aEvent.target.id, "",
         "no views should be scrolled (" +
         _getScrolledStateText(_getScrolledState(aEvent.target)) + "): " +

  // Check whether the scrolled view is expected or not.
  if (aEvent.target != gCurrentTest.expectedView) {
    // If current test can fail randomly and the possible view is same as the
    // event target, this failure may be caused by unexpected timeout.
    // At this time, we should retry the current tests with slower settings.
    if (gCurrentTest.canFailRandomly &&
        gCurrentTest.canFailRandomly.possibleView == aEvent.target &&
        gCurrentTestListStatus.retryWhenTransactionTimeout > 0) {
    is(aEvent.target.id, gCurrentTest.expectedView.id,
       "wrong view was scrolled: " + gCurrentTest.description);

  // Check whether the scrolling direction is expected or not.
  var expectedState = _getExpectedScrolledState();
  var currentState = _getScrolledState(aEvent.target);
  if (expectedState != currentState) {
       "scrolled to wrong direction: " + gCurrentTest.description);

  ok(true, "passed: " + gCurrentTest.description);

function onMouseScrollFailed()
   * Scroll failed event handler. If testing is failed, this function cancels
   * all remains of current test-list, and go to next test-list.
   * NOTE: This event is fired immediately after |_fireWheelScrollEvent|.
   * @param gCurrentTest.expectedView
   *          The expected view which should be scrolled by the wheel event.
   *          This value can be null.  It means any views should not be
   *          scrolled.  When this is not null, this event means the test may
   *          be failed.

  if (!(gLitesnEvents & kListenEvent_OnScrollFailed))

     "failed to scroll on current target: " + gCurrentTest.description);
  if (gCurrentTest.expectedView) {


function onTransactionTimeout()
   * Scroll transaction timeout event handler.  If the timeout is unexpected,
   * i.e., |gCurrentTest.isTimeoutTesting| is not true, this function retry
   * the current test-list.  However, if the current test-list failed by timeout
   * |gCurrentTestListStatus.retryWhenTransactionTimeout| times already, marking
   * to failed the current test-list, and go to next test-list.
   * @param gCurrentTest.expectedView
   *          The expected view which should be scrolled by the wheel event.
   *          This value can be null.  It means any views should not be
   *          scrolled.  When this is not null, this event means the testing may
   *          be failed.
   * @param gCurrentTest.isTimeoutTesting
   *          If this value is true, the current testing have waited this
   *          event.  Otherwise, the testing may be failed.
   * @param gCurrentTestListStatus.retryWhenTransactionTimeout
   *          If |gCurrentTest.isTimeoutTesting| is not true but this event is
   *          fired, the failure may be randomly.  Then, this event handler
   *          retry to test the current test-list until this cound will be zero.

  if (!gCurrentTest.isTimeoutTesting &&
      gCurrentTestListStatus.retryWhenTransactionTimeout > 0) {
    // retry current test list

  gCurrentTest.wasTransactionTimeout = true;

  if (!(gLitesnEvents & kListenEvent_OnTransactionTimeout))

     "transaction timeout: " + gCurrentTest.description);
  if (!gCurrentTest.isTimeoutTesting) {


 * Main function for this tests

function runNextTestStep()
  // When this is first time or the current test list is finised, load next
  // test-list.
  if (!gCurrentTest)

function runNextTestList()

  gLitesnEvents = kListenEvent_None;
  if (gCurrentTestListStatus.nextListIndex >= gTestLists.length) {

  gCurrentTestListStatus.retryWhenTransactionTimeout =

function runTestStepAt(aStepIndex)


  // load a step of testing.
  gCurrentTestListStatus.nextStepIndex = aStepIndex;
  gCurrentTest =
  if (gCurrentTest) {
    gCurrentTest.wasTransactionTimeout = false;
    gTimer = setTimeout(gCurrentTest.func, gCurrentTest.delay);
  } else {
    // If current test-list doesn't have more testing, go to next test-list
    // after cleaning up the current transaction.

function retryCurrentTestList()

  gLitesnEvents = kListenEvent_None;
  ok(true, "WARNING: retry current test-list...");
  growUpTimeoutPrefs(); // retry the test with longer timeout settings.

function continueTest()
   * This function is called from an event handler when a test succeeded.
   * @param gCurrentTest.repeatTest
   *          When this is true, onScrollView calls |gCurrentTest.func|. So,
   *          same test can repeat.  Otherwise, this calls |runNextTestStep|.
   * @param gCurrentTest.autoRepeatDelay
   *          The delay value in milliseconds, this is used to call
   *          |gCurrentTest.func| via |setTimeout|.

  gLitesnEvents = kListenEvent_OnTransactionTimeout;

  // We should call each functions via setTimeout. Because sometimes this test
  // is broken by stack overflow.
  if (gCurrentTest.repeatTest) {
    gTimer = setTimeout(gCurrentTest.func, gCurrentTest.autoRepeatDelay);
  } else {
    gTimer = setTimeout(runNextTestStep, 0);

