/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_CycleCollectedJSRuntime_h #define mozilla_CycleCollectedJSRuntime_h #include "mozilla/CycleCollectedJSContext.h" #include "mozilla/DeferredFinalize.h" #include "mozilla/HashTable.h" #include "mozilla/Maybe.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" #include "mozilla/SegmentedVector.h" #include "jsapi.h" #include "jsfriendapi.h" #include "js/TypeDecls.h" #include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h" #include "nsTHashMap.h" #include "nsHashKeys.h" #include "nsStringFwd.h" #include "nsTHashSet.h" class nsCycleCollectionNoteRootCallback; class nsIException; class nsWrapperCache; namespace mozilla { class JSGCThingParticipant : public nsCycleCollectionParticipant { public: constexpr JSGCThingParticipant() : nsCycleCollectionParticipant(false) {} NS_IMETHOD_(void) Root(void*) override { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Don't call Root on GC things"); } NS_IMETHOD_(void) Unlink(void*) override { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Don't call Unlink on GC things, as they may be dead"); } NS_IMETHOD_(void) Unroot(void*) override { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Don't call Unroot on GC things, as they may be dead"); } NS_IMETHOD_(void) DeleteCycleCollectable(void* aPtr) override { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Can't directly delete a cycle collectable GC thing"); } NS_IMETHOD TraverseNative(void* aPtr, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCb) override; NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS_NAME_METHOD(JSGCThingParticipant) }; class JSZoneParticipant : public nsCycleCollectionParticipant { public: constexpr JSZoneParticipant() : nsCycleCollectionParticipant(false) {} NS_IMETHOD_(void) Root(void*) override { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Don't call Root on GC things"); } NS_IMETHOD_(void) Unlink(void*) override { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Don't call Unlink on GC things, as they may be dead"); } NS_IMETHOD_(void) Unroot(void*) override { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Don't call Unroot on GC things, as they may be dead"); } NS_IMETHOD_(void) DeleteCycleCollectable(void*) override { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Can't directly delete a cycle collectable GC thing"); } NS_IMETHOD TraverseNative(void* aPtr, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCb) override; NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS_NAME_METHOD(JSZoneParticipant) }; class IncrementalFinalizeRunnable; // A map from JS holders to tracer objects, where the values are stored in // SegmentedVector to speed up iteration. class JSHolderMap { public: enum WhichHolders { AllHolders, HoldersRequiredForGrayMarking }; class Iter; JSHolderMap(); ~JSHolderMap() { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!mHasIterator); } bool Has(void* aHolder) const; nsScriptObjectTracer* Get(void* aHolder) const; nsScriptObjectTracer* Extract(void* aHolder); void Put(void* aHolder, nsScriptObjectTracer* aTracer, JS::Zone* aZone); size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const; private: struct Entry { void* mHolder; nsScriptObjectTracer* mTracer; #ifdef DEBUG JS::Zone* mZone; #endif Entry(); Entry(void* aHolder, nsScriptObjectTracer* aTracer, JS::Zone* aZone); }; using EntryMap = mozilla::HashMap, InfallibleAllocPolicy>; using EntryVector = SegmentedVector; using EntryVectorMap = mozilla::HashMap, DefaultHasher, InfallibleAllocPolicy>; class EntryVectorIter; bool RemoveEntry(EntryVector& aJSHolders, Entry* aEntry); // A map from a holder pointer to a pointer to an entry in a vector. EntryMap mJSHolderMap; // A vector of holders not associated with a particular zone or that can // contain pointers to GC things in more than one zone. EntryVector mAnyZoneJSHolders; // A map from a zone to a vector of holders that only contain pointers to GC // things in that zone. // // Currently this will only contain wrapper cache wrappers since these are the // only holders to pass a zone parameter through to AddJSHolder. EntryVectorMap mPerZoneJSHolders; // Iterators can mutate the element vectors by removing stale elements. Allow // at most one to exist at a time. bool mHasIterator = false; }; // An iterator over an EntryVector that skips over removed entries and removes // them from the map. class JSHolderMap::EntryVectorIter { public: EntryVectorIter(JSHolderMap& aMap, EntryVector& aVector) : mHolderMap(aMap), mVector(aVector), mIter(aVector.Iter()) { Settle(); } const EntryVector& Vector() const { return mVector; } bool Done() const { return mIter.Done(); } const Entry& Get() const { return mIter.Get(); } void Next() { mIter.Next(); Settle(); } operator const Entry*() const { return &Get(); } const Entry* operator->() const { return &Get(); } private: void Settle(); friend class JSHolderMap::Iter; JSHolderMap& mHolderMap; EntryVector& mVector; EntryVector::IterImpl mIter; }; class JSHolderMap::Iter { public: explicit Iter(JSHolderMap& aMap, WhichHolders aWhich = AllHolders); ~Iter() { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mHolderMap.mHasIterator); mHolderMap.mHasIterator = false; } bool Done() const { return mIter.Done(); } const Entry& Get() const { return mIter.Get(); } void Next() { mIter.Next(); Settle(); } // If the holders have been removed from the map while the iterator is live, // then the iterator may point to a removed entry. Update the iterator to make // sure it points to a valid entry or is done. void UpdateForRemovals(); operator const Entry*() const { return &Get(); } const Entry* operator->() const { return &Get(); } JS::Zone* Zone() const { return mZone; } private: void Settle(); JSHolderMap& mHolderMap; Vector mZones; JS::Zone* mZone = nullptr; EntryVectorIter mIter; }; class CycleCollectedJSRuntime { friend class JSGCThingParticipant; friend class JSZoneParticipant; friend class IncrementalFinalizeRunnable; friend class CycleCollectedJSContext; protected: CycleCollectedJSRuntime(JSContext* aMainContext); virtual ~CycleCollectedJSRuntime(); virtual void Shutdown(JSContext* cx); size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const; void UnmarkSkippableJSHolders(); virtual void TraverseAdditionalNativeRoots( nsCycleCollectionNoteRootCallback& aCb) {} virtual void TraceAdditionalNativeGrayRoots(JSTracer* aTracer) {} virtual void CustomGCCallback(JSGCStatus aStatus) {} virtual void CustomOutOfMemoryCallback() {} CycleCollectedJSContext* GetContext() { return mContext; } private: void DescribeGCThing(bool aIsMarked, JS::GCCellPtr aThing, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCb) const; virtual bool DescribeCustomObjects(JSObject* aObject, const JSClass* aClasp, char (&aName)[72]) const { return false; // We did nothing. } void NoteGCThingJSChildren(JS::GCCellPtr aThing, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCb) const; void NoteGCThingXPCOMChildren(const JSClass* aClasp, JSObject* aObj, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCb) const; virtual bool NoteCustomGCThingXPCOMChildren( const JSClass* aClasp, JSObject* aObj, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCb) const { return false; // We did nothing. } enum TraverseSelect { TRAVERSE_CPP, TRAVERSE_FULL }; void TraverseGCThing(TraverseSelect aTs, JS::GCCellPtr aThing, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCb); void TraverseZone(JS::Zone* aZone, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCb); static void TraverseObjectShim(void* aData, JS::GCCellPtr aThing, const JS::AutoRequireNoGC& nogc); void TraverseNativeRoots(nsCycleCollectionNoteRootCallback& aCb); static void TraceBlackJS(JSTracer* aTracer, void* aData); // Trace gray JS roots until budget is exceeded and return whether we // finished. static bool TraceGrayJS(JSTracer* aTracer, js::SliceBudget& budget, void* aData); static void GCCallback(JSContext* aContext, JSGCStatus aStatus, JS::GCReason aReason, void* aData); static void GCSliceCallback(JSContext* aContext, JS::GCProgress aProgress, const JS::GCDescription& aDesc); static void GCNurseryCollectionCallback(JSContext* aContext, JS::GCNurseryProgress aProgress, JS::GCReason aReason, void* data); static void OutOfMemoryCallback(JSContext* aContext, void* aData); static bool ContextCallback(JSContext* aCx, unsigned aOperation, void* aData); static void* BeforeWaitCallback(uint8_t* aMemory); static void AfterWaitCallback(void* aCookie); virtual void TraceNativeBlackRoots(JSTracer* aTracer){}; #ifdef NS_BUILD_REFCNT_LOGGING void TraceAllNativeGrayRoots(JSTracer* aTracer); #endif bool TraceNativeGrayRoots(JSTracer* aTracer, JSHolderMap::WhichHolders aWhich, js::SliceBudget& aBudget); bool TraceJSHolders(JSTracer* aTracer, JSHolderMap::Iter& aIter, js::SliceBudget& aBudget); public: enum DeferredFinalizeType { // Never finalize immediately, because it would be unsafe. FinalizeLater, // Finalize later if we can, but it is okay to do it immediately. FinalizeIncrementally, // Finalize immediately, for shutdown or testing purposes. FinalizeNow, }; void FinalizeDeferredThings(DeferredFinalizeType aType); virtual void PrepareForForgetSkippable() = 0; virtual void BeginCycleCollectionCallback(mozilla::CCReason aReason) = 0; virtual void EndCycleCollectionCallback(CycleCollectorResults& aResults) = 0; virtual void DispatchDeferredDeletion(bool aContinuation, bool aPurge = false) = 0; // Two conditions, JSOutOfMemory and JSLargeAllocationFailure, are noted in // crash reports. Here are the values that can appear in the reports: enum class OOMState : uint32_t { // The condition has never happened. No entry appears in the crash report. OK, // We are currently reporting the given condition. // // Suppose a crash report contains "JSLargeAllocationFailure: // Reporting". This means we crashed while executing memory-pressure // observers, trying to shake loose some memory. The large allocation in // question did not return null: it is still on the stack. Had we not // crashed, it would have been retried. Reporting, // The condition has been reported since the last GC. // // If a crash report contains "JSOutOfMemory: Reported", that means a small // allocation failed, and then we crashed, probably due to buggy // error-handling code that ran after allocation returned null. // // This contrasts with "Reporting" which means that no error-handling code // had executed yet. Reported, // The condition has happened, but a GC cycle ended since then. // // GC is taken as a proxy for "we've been banging on the heap a good bit // now and haven't crashed; the OOM was probably handled correctly". Recovered }; const char* OOMStateToString(const OOMState aOomState) const; // Returns true if OOM was reported and a new successful GC cycle hasn't // occurred since. bool OOMReported(); void SetLargeAllocationFailure(OOMState aNewState); void AnnotateAndSetOutOfMemory(OOMState* aStatePtr, OOMState aNewState); void OnGC(JSContext* aContext, JSGCStatus aStatus, JS::GCReason aReason); void OnOutOfMemory(); void OnLargeAllocationFailure(); JSRuntime* Runtime() { return mJSRuntime; } const JSRuntime* Runtime() const { return mJSRuntime; } bool HasPendingIdleGCTask() const { // Idle GC task associates with JSRuntime. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(mHasPendingIdleGCTask, Runtime()); return mHasPendingIdleGCTask; } void SetPendingIdleGCTask() { // Idle GC task associates with JSRuntime. MOZ_ASSERT(Runtime()); mHasPendingIdleGCTask = true; } void ClearPendingIdleGCTask() { mHasPendingIdleGCTask = false; } void RunIdleTimeGCTask() { if (HasPendingIdleGCTask()) { JS::MaybeRunNurseryCollection(Runtime(), JS::GCReason::EAGER_NURSERY_COLLECTION); ClearPendingIdleGCTask(); } } bool IsIdleGCTaskNeeded() { return !HasPendingIdleGCTask() && Runtime() && JS::WantEagerMinorGC(Runtime()) != JS::GCReason::NO_REASON; } public: void AddJSHolder(void* aHolder, nsScriptObjectTracer* aTracer, JS::Zone* aZone); void RemoveJSHolder(void* aHolder); #ifdef DEBUG void AssertNoObjectsToTrace(void* aPossibleJSHolder); #endif nsCycleCollectionParticipant* GCThingParticipant(); nsCycleCollectionParticipant* ZoneParticipant(); nsresult TraverseRoots(nsCycleCollectionNoteRootCallback& aCb); virtual bool UsefulToMergeZones() const; void FixWeakMappingGrayBits() const; void CheckGrayBits() const; bool AreGCGrayBitsValid() const; void GarbageCollect(JS::GCOptions options, JS::GCReason aReason) const; // This needs to be an nsWrapperCache, not a JSObject, because we need to know // when our object gets moved. But we can't trace it (and hence update our // storage), because we do not want to keep it alive. nsWrapperCache handles // this for us via its "object moved" handling. void NurseryWrapperAdded(nsWrapperCache* aCache); void JSObjectsTenured(); void DeferredFinalize(DeferredFinalizeAppendFunction aAppendFunc, DeferredFinalizeFunction aFunc, void* aThing); void DeferredFinalize(nsISupports* aSupports); void DumpJSHeap(FILE* aFile); // Add aZone to the set of zones waiting for a GC. void AddZoneWaitingForGC(JS::Zone* aZone) { mZonesWaitingForGC.Insert(aZone); } static void OnZoneDestroyed(JS::GCContext* aGcx, JS::Zone* aZone); // Prepare any zones for GC that have been passed to AddZoneWaitingForGC() // since the last GC or since the last call to PrepareWaitingZonesForGC(), // whichever was most recent. If there were no such zones, prepare for a // full GC. void PrepareWaitingZonesForGC(); // Get the current thread's CycleCollectedJSRuntime. Returns null if there // isn't one. static CycleCollectedJSRuntime* Get(); void SetContext(CycleCollectedJSContext* aContext); #ifdef NIGHTLY_BUILD bool GetRecentDevError(JSContext* aContext, JS::MutableHandle aError); void ClearRecentDevError(); #endif // defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD) private: CycleCollectedJSContext* mContext; JSGCThingParticipant mGCThingCycleCollectorGlobal; JSZoneParticipant mJSZoneCycleCollectorGlobal; JSRuntime* mJSRuntime; bool mHasPendingIdleGCTask; JS::GCSliceCallback mPrevGCSliceCallback; mozilla::TimeStamp mLatestNurseryCollectionStart; JSHolderMap mJSHolders; Maybe mHolderIter; using DeferredFinalizerTable = nsTHashMap; DeferredFinalizerTable mDeferredFinalizerTable; RefPtr mFinalizeRunnable; OOMState mOutOfMemoryState; OOMState mLargeAllocationFailureState; static const size_t kSegmentSize = 512; using NurseryObjectsVector = SegmentedVector; NurseryObjectsVector mNurseryObjects; nsTHashSet mZonesWaitingForGC; struct EnvironmentPreparer : public js::ScriptEnvironmentPreparer { void invoke(JS::Handle global, Closure& closure) override; }; EnvironmentPreparer mEnvironmentPreparer; #ifdef DEBUG bool mShutdownCalled; #endif #ifdef NIGHTLY_BUILD // Implementation of the error interceptor. // Built on nightly only to avoid any possible performance impact on release struct ErrorInterceptor final : public JSErrorInterceptor { virtual void interceptError(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle exn) override; void Shutdown(JSRuntime* rt); // Copy of the details of the exception. // We store this rather than the exception itself to avoid dealing with // complicated garbage-collection scenarios, e.g. a JSContext being killed // while we still hold onto an exception thrown from it. struct ErrorDetails { nsString mFilename; nsString mMessage; nsString mStack; JSExnType mType; uint32_t mLine; uint32_t mColumn; }; // If we have encountered at least one developer error, // the first error we have encountered. Otherwise, or // if we have reset since the latest error, `None`. Maybe mThrownError; }; ErrorInterceptor mErrorInterceptor; #endif // defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD) }; void TraceScriptHolder(nsISupports* aHolder, JSTracer* aTracer); } // namespace mozilla #endif // mozilla_CycleCollectedJSRuntime_h