/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "nsAppRunner.h" #include "nsSystemInfo.h" #include "prsystem.h" #include "prio.h" #include "mozilla/SSE.h" #include "mozilla/arm.h" #include "mozilla/LazyIdleThread.h" #include "mozilla/LookAndFeel.h" #include "mozilla/Sprintf.h" #include "mozilla/Try.h" #include "mozilla/Vector.h" #include "jsapi.h" #include "js/PropertyAndElement.h" // JS_SetProperty #include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h" #ifdef XP_WIN # include # include # ifndef __MINGW32__ # include # endif // __MINGW32__ # include # include # ifndef __MINGW32__ # include # include # endif // __MINGW32__ # include "base/scoped_handle_win.h" # include "mozilla/DynamicallyLinkedFunctionPtr.h" # include "mozilla/WindowsVersion.h" # include "nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h" # include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h" # include "nsDirectoryServiceUtils.h" # include "nsWindowsHelpers.h" # include "WinUtils.h" # include "mozilla/NotNull.h" #endif #ifdef XP_MACOSX # include "MacHelpers.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GTK # include # include # include "mozilla/WidgetUtilsGtk.h" #endif #if defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID) # include # include # include "mozilla/Tokenizer.h" # include "mozilla/widget/LSBUtils.h" # include "nsCharSeparatedTokenizer.h" # include # include #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID # include "AndroidBuild.h" # include "mozilla/java/GeckoAppShellWrappers.h" # include "mozilla/jni/Utils.h" #endif #ifdef XP_MACOSX # include #endif #if defined(XP_LINUX) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX) # include "mozilla/SandboxInfo.h" #endif // Slot for NS_InitXPCOM to pass information to nsSystemInfo::Init. // Only set to nonzero (potentially) if XP_UNIX. On such systems, the // system call to discover the appropriate value is not thread-safe, // so we must call it before going multithreaded, but nsSystemInfo::Init // only happens well after that point. uint32_t nsSystemInfo::gUserUmask = 0; using namespace mozilla::dom; #if defined(XP_WIN) # define RuntimeClass_Windows_System_Profile_WindowsIntegrityPolicy \ L"Windows.System.Profile.WindowsIntegrityPolicy" # ifndef __MINGW32__ using namespace Microsoft::WRL; using namespace Microsoft::WRL::Wrappers; using namespace ABI::Windows::Foundation; # endif // __MINGW32__ #endif #if defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID) static void SimpleParseKeyValuePairs( const std::string& aFilename, std::map& aKeyValuePairs) { std::ifstream input(aFilename.c_str()); for (std::string line; std::getline(input, line);) { nsAutoCString key, value; nsCCharSeparatedTokenizer tokens(nsDependentCString(line.c_str()), ':'); if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { key = tokens.nextToken(); if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { value = tokens.nextToken(); } // We want the value even if there was just one token, to cover the // case where we had the key, and the value was blank (seems to be // a valid scenario some files.) aKeyValuePairs[key] = value; } } } #endif #ifdef XP_WIN // Lifted from media/webrtc/trunk/webrtc/base/systeminfo.cc, // so keeping the _ instead of switching to camel case for now. static void GetProcessorInformation(int* physical_cpus, int* cache_size_L2, int* cache_size_L3) { MOZ_ASSERT(physical_cpus && cache_size_L2 && cache_size_L3); *physical_cpus = 0; *cache_size_L2 = 0; // This will be in kbytes *cache_size_L3 = 0; // This will be in kbytes // Determine buffer size, allocate and get processor information. // Size can change between calls (unlikely), so a loop is done. SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION info_buffer[32]; SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION* infos = &info_buffer[0]; DWORD return_length = sizeof(info_buffer); while (!::GetLogicalProcessorInformation(infos, &return_length)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && infos == &info_buffer[0]) { infos = new SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION [return_length / sizeof(SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION)]; } else { return; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < return_length / sizeof(SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION); ++i) { if (infos[i].Relationship == RelationProcessorCore) { ++*physical_cpus; } else if (infos[i].Relationship == RelationCache) { // Only care about L2 and L3 cache switch (infos[i].Cache.Level) { case 2: *cache_size_L2 = static_cast(infos[i].Cache.Size / 1024); break; case 3: *cache_size_L3 = static_cast(infos[i].Cache.Size / 1024); break; default: break; } } } if (infos != &info_buffer[0]) { delete[] infos; } return; } #endif #if defined(XP_WIN) namespace { static nsresult GetFolderDiskInfo(nsIFile* file, FolderDiskInfo& info) { info.model.Truncate(); info.revision.Truncate(); info.isSSD = false; nsAutoString filePath; nsresult rv = file->GetPath(filePath); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); wchar_t volumeMountPoint[MAX_PATH] = {L'\\', L'\\', L'.', L'\\'}; const size_t PREFIX_LEN = 4; if (!::GetVolumePathNameW( filePath.get(), volumeMountPoint + PREFIX_LEN, mozilla::ArrayLength(volumeMountPoint) - PREFIX_LEN)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } size_t volumeMountPointLen = wcslen(volumeMountPoint); // Since we would like to open a drive and not a directory, we need to // remove any trailing backslash. A drive handle is valid for // DeviceIoControl calls, a directory handle is not. if (volumeMountPoint[volumeMountPointLen - 1] == L'\\') { volumeMountPoint[volumeMountPointLen - 1] = L'\0'; } ScopedHandle handle(::CreateFileW(volumeMountPoint, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr)); if (!handle.IsValid()) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY queryParameters = {StorageDeviceProperty, PropertyStandardQuery}; STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR outputHeader = {sizeof(STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR)}; DWORD bytesRead = 0; if (!::DeviceIoControl(handle, IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY, &queryParameters, sizeof(queryParameters), &outputHeader, sizeof(outputHeader), &bytesRead, nullptr)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } PSTORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR deviceOutput = (PSTORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR)malloc(outputHeader.Size); if (!::DeviceIoControl(handle, IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY, &queryParameters, sizeof(queryParameters), deviceOutput, outputHeader.Size, &bytesRead, nullptr)) { free(deviceOutput); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } queryParameters.PropertyId = StorageDeviceTrimProperty; bytesRead = 0; bool isSSD = false; DEVICE_TRIM_DESCRIPTOR trimDescriptor = {sizeof(DEVICE_TRIM_DESCRIPTOR)}; if (::DeviceIoControl(handle, IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY, &queryParameters, sizeof(queryParameters), &trimDescriptor, sizeof(trimDescriptor), &bytesRead, nullptr)) { if (trimDescriptor.TrimEnabled) { isSSD = true; } } if (isSSD) { // Get Seek Penalty queryParameters.PropertyId = StorageDeviceSeekPenaltyProperty; bytesRead = 0; DEVICE_SEEK_PENALTY_DESCRIPTOR seekPenaltyDescriptor = { sizeof(DEVICE_SEEK_PENALTY_DESCRIPTOR)}; if (::DeviceIoControl(handle, IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY, &queryParameters, sizeof(queryParameters), &seekPenaltyDescriptor, sizeof(seekPenaltyDescriptor), &bytesRead, nullptr)) { // It is possible that the disk has TrimEnabled, but also // IncursSeekPenalty; In this case, this is an HDD if (seekPenaltyDescriptor.IncursSeekPenalty) { isSSD = false; } } } // Some HDDs are including product ID info in the vendor field. Since PNP // IDs include vendor info and product ID concatenated together, we'll do // that here and interpret the result as a unique ID for the HDD model. if (deviceOutput->VendorIdOffset) { info.model = reinterpret_cast(deviceOutput) + deviceOutput->VendorIdOffset; } if (deviceOutput->ProductIdOffset) { info.model += reinterpret_cast(deviceOutput) + deviceOutput->ProductIdOffset; } info.model.CompressWhitespace(); if (deviceOutput->ProductRevisionOffset) { info.revision = reinterpret_cast(deviceOutput) + deviceOutput->ProductRevisionOffset; info.revision.CompressWhitespace(); } info.isSSD = isSSD; free(deviceOutput); return NS_OK; } static nsresult CollectDiskInfo(nsIFile* greDir, nsIFile* winDir, nsIFile* profDir, DiskInfo& info) { nsresult rv = GetFolderDiskInfo(greDir, info.binary); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } rv = GetFolderDiskInfo(winDir, info.system); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } return GetFolderDiskInfo(profDir, info.profile); } static nsresult CollectOSInfo(OSInfo& info) { HKEY installYearHKey; LONG status = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &installYearHKey); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } nsAutoRegKey installYearKey(installYearHKey); DWORD type = 0; time_t raw_time = 0; DWORD time_size = sizeof(time_t); status = RegQueryValueExW(installYearHKey, L"InstallDate", nullptr, &type, (LPBYTE)&raw_time, &time_size); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if (type != REG_DWORD) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } tm time; if (localtime_s(&time, &raw_time) != 0) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } info.installYear = 1900UL + time.tm_year; nsAutoServiceHandle scm( OpenSCManager(nullptr, SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT)); if (!scm) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } bool superfetchServiceRunning = false; // Superfetch was introduced in Windows Vista as a service with the name // SysMain. The service display name was also renamed to SysMain after Windows // 10 build 1809. nsAutoServiceHandle hService(OpenService(scm, L"SysMain", GENERIC_READ)); if (hService) { SERVICE_STATUS superfetchStatus; LPSERVICE_STATUS pSuperfetchStatus = &superfetchStatus; if (!QueryServiceStatus(hService, pSuperfetchStatus)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } superfetchServiceRunning = superfetchStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING; } // If the SysMain (Superfetch) service is available, but not configured using // the defaults, then it's disabled for our purposes, since it's not going to // be operating as expected. bool superfetchUsingDefaultParams = true; bool prefetchUsingDefaultParams = true; static const WCHAR prefetchParamsKeyName[] = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Memory " L"Management\\PrefetchParameters"; static const DWORD SUPERFETCH_DEFAULT_PARAM = 3; static const DWORD PREFETCH_DEFAULT_PARAM = 3; HKEY prefetchParamsHKey; LONG prefetchParamsStatus = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, prefetchParamsKeyName, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &prefetchParamsHKey); if (prefetchParamsStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD valueSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD superfetchValue = 0; nsAutoRegKey prefetchParamsKey(prefetchParamsHKey); LONG superfetchParamStatus = RegQueryValueExW( prefetchParamsHKey, L"EnableSuperfetch", nullptr, &type, reinterpret_cast(&superfetchValue), &valueSize); // If the EnableSuperfetch registry key doesn't exist, then it's using the // default configuration. if (superfetchParamStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS && superfetchValue != SUPERFETCH_DEFAULT_PARAM) { superfetchUsingDefaultParams = false; } DWORD prefetchValue = 0; LONG prefetchParamStatus = RegQueryValueExW( prefetchParamsHKey, L"EnablePrefetcher", nullptr, &type, reinterpret_cast(&prefetchValue), &valueSize); // If the EnablePrefetcher registry key doesn't exist, then we interpret // that as the Prefetcher being disabled (since Prefetch behaviour when // the key is not available appears to be undefined). if (prefetchParamStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS || prefetchValue != PREFETCH_DEFAULT_PARAM) { prefetchUsingDefaultParams = false; } } info.hasSuperfetch = superfetchServiceRunning && superfetchUsingDefaultParams; info.hasPrefetch = prefetchUsingDefaultParams; return NS_OK; } nsresult CollectCountryCode(nsAString& aCountryCode) { GEOID geoid = GetUserGeoID(GEOCLASS_NATION); if (geoid == GEOID_NOT_AVAILABLE) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } // Get required length int numChars = GetGeoInfoW(geoid, GEO_ISO2, nullptr, 0, 0); if (!numChars) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Now get the string for real aCountryCode.SetLength(numChars); numChars = GetGeoInfoW(geoid, GEO_ISO2, char16ptr_t(aCountryCode.BeginWriting()), aCountryCode.Length(), 0); if (!numChars) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // numChars includes null terminator aCountryCode.Truncate(numChars - 1); return NS_OK; } } // namespace # ifndef __MINGW32__ static HRESULT EnumWSCProductList( nsAString& aOutput, mozilla::NotNull aProdList) { MOZ_ASSERT(aOutput.IsEmpty()); LONG count; HRESULT hr = aProdList->get_Count(&count); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } for (LONG index = 0; index < count; ++index) { RefPtr product; hr = aProdList->get_Item(index, getter_AddRefs(product)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE state; hr = product->get_ProductState(&state); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } // We only care about products that are active if (state == WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE_OFF || state == WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE_SNOOZED) { continue; } _bstr_t bName; hr = product->get_ProductName(bName.GetAddress()); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } if (!aOutput.IsEmpty()) { aOutput.AppendLiteral(u";"); } aOutput.Append((wchar_t*)bName, bName.length()); } return S_OK; } static nsresult GetWindowsSecurityCenterInfo(nsAString& aAVInfo, nsAString& aAntiSpyInfo, nsAString& aFirewallInfo) { aAVInfo.Truncate(); aAntiSpyInfo.Truncate(); aFirewallInfo.Truncate(); if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } const CLSID clsid = __uuidof(WSCProductList); const IID iid = __uuidof(IWSCProductList); // NB: A separate instance of IWSCProductList is needed for each distinct // security provider type; MSDN says that we cannot reuse the same object // and call Initialize() to pave over the previous data. WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER providerTypes[] = {WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_ANTIVIRUS, WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_ANTISPYWARE, WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_FIREWALL}; // Each output must match the corresponding entry in providerTypes. nsAString* outputs[] = {&aAVInfo, &aAntiSpyInfo, &aFirewallInfo}; static_assert( mozilla::ArrayLength(providerTypes) == mozilla::ArrayLength(outputs), "Length of providerTypes and outputs arrays must match"); for (uint32_t index = 0; index < mozilla::ArrayLength(providerTypes); ++index) { RefPtr prodList; HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance(clsid, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, iid, getter_AddRefs(prodList)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } hr = prodList->Initialize(providerTypes[index]); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } hr = EnumWSCProductList(*outputs[index], mozilla::WrapNotNull(prodList.get())); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } return NS_OK; } # endif // __MINGW32__ #endif // defined(XP_WIN) #ifdef XP_MACOSX static nsresult GetAppleModelId(nsAutoCString& aModelId) { size_t numChars = 0; size_t result = sysctlbyname("hw.model", nullptr, &numChars, nullptr, 0); if (result != 0 || !numChars) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } aModelId.SetLength(numChars); result = sysctlbyname("hw.model", aModelId.BeginWriting(), &numChars, nullptr, 0); if (result != 0) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // numChars includes null terminator aModelId.Truncate(numChars - 1); return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessIsRosettaTranslated(bool& isRosetta) { # if defined(__aarch64__) // There is no need to call sysctlbyname() if we are running as arm64. isRosetta = false; # else int ret = 0; size_t size = sizeof(ret); if (sysctlbyname("sysctl.proc_translated", &ret, &size, NULL, 0) == -1) { if (errno != ENOENT) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to check for translation environment\n"); } isRosetta = false; } else { isRosetta = (ret == 1); } # endif return NS_OK; } #endif using namespace mozilla; nsSystemInfo::nsSystemInfo() = default; nsSystemInfo::~nsSystemInfo() = default; // CPU-specific information. static const struct PropItems { const char* name; bool (*propfun)(void); } cpuPropItems[] = { // x86-specific bits. {"hasMMX", mozilla::supports_mmx}, {"hasSSE", mozilla::supports_sse}, {"hasSSE2", mozilla::supports_sse2}, {"hasSSE3", mozilla::supports_sse3}, {"hasSSSE3", mozilla::supports_ssse3}, {"hasSSE4A", mozilla::supports_sse4a}, {"hasSSE4_1", mozilla::supports_sse4_1}, {"hasSSE4_2", mozilla::supports_sse4_2}, {"hasAVX", mozilla::supports_avx}, {"hasAVX2", mozilla::supports_avx2}, {"hasAES", mozilla::supports_aes}, // ARM-specific bits. {"hasEDSP", mozilla::supports_edsp}, {"hasARMv6", mozilla::supports_armv6}, {"hasARMv7", mozilla::supports_armv7}, {"hasNEON", mozilla::supports_neon}}; nsresult CollectProcessInfo(ProcessInfo& info) { nsAutoCString cpuVendor; nsAutoCString cpuName; int cpuSpeed = -1; int cpuFamily = -1; int cpuModel = -1; int cpuStepping = -1; int logicalCPUs = -1; int physicalCPUs = -1; int cacheSizeL2 = -1; int cacheSizeL3 = -1; #if defined(XP_WIN) // IsWow64Process2 is only available on Windows 10+, so we have to dynamically // check for its existence. typedef BOOL(WINAPI * LPFN_IWP2)(HANDLE, USHORT*, USHORT*); LPFN_IWP2 iwp2 = reinterpret_cast( GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32"), "IsWow64Process2")); BOOL isWow64 = FALSE; USHORT processMachine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; USHORT nativeMachine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; BOOL gotWow64Value; if (iwp2) { gotWow64Value = iwp2(GetCurrentProcess(), &processMachine, &nativeMachine); if (gotWow64Value) { isWow64 = (processMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN); } } else { gotWow64Value = IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &isWow64); // The function only indicates a WOW64 environment if it's 32-bit x86 // running on x86-64, so emulate what IsWow64Process2 would have given. if (gotWow64Value && isWow64) { processMachine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; nativeMachine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64; } } NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(gotWow64Value, "IsWow64Process failed"); if (gotWow64Value) { // Set this always, even for the x86-on-arm64 case. info.isWow64 = !!isWow64; // Additional information if we're running x86-on-arm64 info.isWowARM64 = (processMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 && nativeMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64); } // S Mode # ifndef __MINGW32__ // WindowsIntegrityPolicy is only available on newer versions // of Windows 10, so there's no point in trying to check this // on earlier versions. We know GetActivationFactory crashes on // Windows 7 when trying to retrieve this class, and may also // crash on very old versions of Windows 10. if (IsWin10Sep2018UpdateOrLater()) { ComPtr wip; HRESULT hr = GetActivationFactory( HStringReference( RuntimeClass_Windows_System_Profile_WindowsIntegrityPolicy) .Get(), &wip); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // info.isWindowsSMode ends up true if Windows is in S mode, otherwise // false // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.system.profile.windowsintegritypolicy.isenabled?view=winrt-22000 hr = wip->get_IsEnabled(&info.isWindowsSMode); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(SUCCEEDED(hr), "WindowsIntegrityPolicy.IsEnabled failed"); } } # endif // __MINGW32__ // CPU speed HKEY key; static const WCHAR keyName[] = L"HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0"; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD data, len, vtype; len = sizeof(data); if (RegQueryValueEx(key, L"~Mhz", 0, 0, reinterpret_cast(&data), &len) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cpuSpeed = static_cast(data); } // Limit to 64 double byte characters, should be plenty, but create // a buffer one larger as the result may not be null terminated. If // it is more than 64, we will not get the value. wchar_t cpuVendorStr[64 + 1]; len = sizeof(cpuVendorStr) - 2; if (RegQueryValueExW(key, L"VendorIdentifier", 0, &vtype, reinterpret_cast(cpuVendorStr), &len) == ERROR_SUCCESS && vtype == REG_SZ && len % 2 == 0 && len > 1) { cpuVendorStr[len / 2] = 0; // In case it isn't null terminated CopyUTF16toUTF8(nsDependentString(cpuVendorStr), cpuVendor); } // Limit to 64 double byte characters, should be plenty, but create // a buffer one larger as the result may not be null terminated. If // it is more than 64, we will not get the value. // The expected string size is 48 characters or less. wchar_t cpuNameStr[64 + 1]; len = sizeof(cpuNameStr) - 2; if (RegQueryValueExW(key, L"ProcessorNameString", 0, &vtype, reinterpret_cast(cpuNameStr), &len) == ERROR_SUCCESS && vtype == REG_SZ && len % 2 == 0 && len > 1) { cpuNameStr[len / 2] = 0; // In case it isn't null terminated CopyUTF16toUTF8(nsDependentString(cpuNameStr), cpuName); } RegCloseKey(key); } // Other CPU attributes: SYSTEM_INFO si; GetNativeSystemInfo(&si); logicalCPUs = si.dwNumberOfProcessors; GetProcessorInformation(&physicalCPUs, &cacheSizeL2, &cacheSizeL3); if (physicalCPUs <= 0) { physicalCPUs = logicalCPUs; } cpuFamily = si.wProcessorLevel; cpuModel = si.wProcessorRevision >> 8; cpuStepping = si.wProcessorRevision & 0xFF; #elif defined(XP_MACOSX) // CPU speed uint64_t sysctlValue64 = 0; uint32_t sysctlValue32 = 0; size_t len = 0; len = sizeof(sysctlValue64); if (!sysctlbyname("hw.cpufrequency_max", &sysctlValue64, &len, NULL, 0)) { cpuSpeed = static_cast(sysctlValue64 / 1000000); } MOZ_ASSERT(sizeof(sysctlValue64) == len); len = sizeof(sysctlValue32); if (!sysctlbyname("hw.physicalcpu_max", &sysctlValue32, &len, NULL, 0)) { physicalCPUs = static_cast(sysctlValue32); } MOZ_ASSERT(sizeof(sysctlValue32) == len); len = sizeof(sysctlValue32); if (!sysctlbyname("hw.logicalcpu_max", &sysctlValue32, &len, NULL, 0)) { logicalCPUs = static_cast(sysctlValue32); } MOZ_ASSERT(sizeof(sysctlValue32) == len); len = sizeof(sysctlValue64); if (!sysctlbyname("hw.l2cachesize", &sysctlValue64, &len, NULL, 0)) { cacheSizeL2 = static_cast(sysctlValue64 / 1024); } MOZ_ASSERT(sizeof(sysctlValue64) == len); len = sizeof(sysctlValue64); if (!sysctlbyname("hw.l3cachesize", &sysctlValue64, &len, NULL, 0)) { cacheSizeL3 = static_cast(sysctlValue64 / 1024); } MOZ_ASSERT(sizeof(sysctlValue64) == len); if (!sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.vendor", NULL, &len, NULL, 0)) { char* cpuVendorStr = new char[len]; if (!sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.vendor", cpuVendorStr, &len, NULL, 0)) { cpuVendor = cpuVendorStr; } delete[] cpuVendorStr; } if (!sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.brand_string", NULL, &len, NULL, 0)) { char* cpuNameStr = new char[len]; if (!sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.brand_string", cpuNameStr, &len, NULL, 0)) { cpuName = cpuNameStr; } delete[] cpuNameStr; } len = sizeof(sysctlValue32); if (!sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.family", &sysctlValue32, &len, NULL, 0)) { cpuFamily = static_cast(sysctlValue32); } MOZ_ASSERT(sizeof(sysctlValue32) == len); len = sizeof(sysctlValue32); if (!sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.model", &sysctlValue32, &len, NULL, 0)) { cpuModel = static_cast(sysctlValue32); } MOZ_ASSERT(sizeof(sysctlValue32) == len); len = sizeof(sysctlValue32); if (!sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.stepping", &sysctlValue32, &len, NULL, 0)) { cpuStepping = static_cast(sysctlValue32); } MOZ_ASSERT(sizeof(sysctlValue32) == len); #elif defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID) // Get vendor, family, model, stepping, physical cores // from /proc/cpuinfo file { std::map keyValuePairs; SimpleParseKeyValuePairs("/proc/cpuinfo", keyValuePairs); # if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) // The tables below were taken from // https://raw.githubusercontent.com/util-linux/util-linux/e3192bfd1dd129c70f5416e1464135d8cd22c956/sys-utils/lscpu-arm.c /* clang-format off */ struct id_part { const int id; const char* name; }; static const struct id_part arm_part[] = { { 0x810, "ARM810" }, { 0x920, "ARM920" }, { 0x922, "ARM922" }, { 0x926, "ARM926" }, { 0x940, "ARM940" }, { 0x946, "ARM946" }, { 0x966, "ARM966" }, { 0xa20, "ARM1020" }, { 0xa22, "ARM1022" }, { 0xa26, "ARM1026" }, { 0xb02, "ARM11 MPCore" }, { 0xb36, "ARM1136" }, { 0xb56, "ARM1156" }, { 0xb76, "ARM1176" }, { 0xc05, "Cortex-A5" }, { 0xc07, "Cortex-A7" }, { 0xc08, "Cortex-A8" }, { 0xc09, "Cortex-A9" }, { 0xc0d, "Cortex-A17" }, /* Originally A12 */ { 0xc0f, "Cortex-A15" }, { 0xc0e, "Cortex-A17" }, { 0xc14, "Cortex-R4" }, { 0xc15, "Cortex-R5" }, { 0xc17, "Cortex-R7" }, { 0xc18, "Cortex-R8" }, { 0xc20, "Cortex-M0" }, { 0xc21, "Cortex-M1" }, { 0xc23, "Cortex-M3" }, { 0xc24, "Cortex-M4" }, { 0xc27, "Cortex-M7" }, { 0xc60, "Cortex-M0+" }, { 0xd01, "Cortex-A32" }, { 0xd02, "Cortex-A34" }, { 0xd03, "Cortex-A53" }, { 0xd04, "Cortex-A35" }, { 0xd05, "Cortex-A55" }, { 0xd06, "Cortex-A65" }, { 0xd07, "Cortex-A57" }, { 0xd08, "Cortex-A72" }, { 0xd09, "Cortex-A73" }, { 0xd0a, "Cortex-A75" }, { 0xd0b, "Cortex-A76" }, { 0xd0c, "Neoverse-N1" }, { 0xd0d, "Cortex-A77" }, { 0xd0e, "Cortex-A76AE" }, { 0xd13, "Cortex-R52" }, { 0xd15, "Cortex-R82" }, { 0xd16, "Cortex-R52+" }, { 0xd20, "Cortex-M23" }, { 0xd21, "Cortex-M33" }, { 0xd22, "Cortex-M55" }, { 0xd23, "Cortex-M85" }, { 0xd40, "Neoverse-V1" }, { 0xd41, "Cortex-A78" }, { 0xd42, "Cortex-A78AE" }, { 0xd43, "Cortex-A65AE" }, { 0xd44, "Cortex-X1" }, { 0xd46, "Cortex-A510" }, { 0xd47, "Cortex-A710" }, { 0xd48, "Cortex-X2" }, { 0xd49, "Neoverse-N2" }, { 0xd4a, "Neoverse-E1" }, { 0xd4b, "Cortex-A78C" }, { 0xd4c, "Cortex-X1C" }, { 0xd4d, "Cortex-A715" }, { 0xd4e, "Cortex-X3" }, { 0xd4f, "Neoverse-V2" }, { 0xd80, "Cortex-A520" }, { 0xd81, "Cortex-A720" }, { 0xd82, "Cortex-X4" }, { 0xd84, "Neoverse-V3" }, { 0xd8e, "Neoverse-N3" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part brcm_part[] = { { 0x0f, "Brahma-B15" }, { 0x100, "Brahma-B53" }, { 0x516, "ThunderX2" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part dec_part[] = { { 0xa10, "SA110" }, { 0xa11, "SA1100" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part cavium_part[] = { { 0x0a0, "ThunderX" }, { 0x0a1, "ThunderX-88XX" }, { 0x0a2, "ThunderX-81XX" }, { 0x0a3, "ThunderX-83XX" }, { 0x0af, "ThunderX2-99xx" }, { 0x0b0, "OcteonTX2" }, { 0x0b1, "OcteonTX2-98XX" }, { 0x0b2, "OcteonTX2-96XX" }, { 0x0b3, "OcteonTX2-95XX" }, { 0x0b4, "OcteonTX2-95XXN" }, { 0x0b5, "OcteonTX2-95XXMM" }, { 0x0b6, "OcteonTX2-95XXO" }, { 0x0b8, "ThunderX3-T110" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part apm_part[] = { { 0x000, "X-Gene" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part qcom_part[] = { { 0x00f, "Scorpion" }, { 0x02d, "Scorpion" }, { 0x04d, "Krait" }, { 0x06f, "Krait" }, { 0x201, "Kryo" }, { 0x205, "Kryo" }, { 0x211, "Kryo" }, { 0x800, "Falkor-V1/Kryo" }, { 0x801, "Kryo-V2" }, { 0x802, "Kryo-3XX-Gold" }, { 0x803, "Kryo-3XX-Silver" }, { 0x804, "Kryo-4XX-Gold" }, { 0x805, "Kryo-4XX-Silver" }, { 0xc00, "Falkor" }, { 0xc01, "Saphira" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part samsung_part[] = { { 0x001, "exynos-m1" }, { 0x002, "exynos-m3" }, { 0x003, "exynos-m4" }, { 0x004, "exynos-m5" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part nvidia_part[] = { { 0x000, "Denver" }, { 0x003, "Denver 2" }, { 0x004, "Carmel" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part marvell_part[] = { { 0x131, "Feroceon-88FR131" }, { 0x581, "PJ4/PJ4b" }, { 0x584, "PJ4B-MP" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part apple_part[] = { { 0x000, "Swift" }, { 0x001, "Cyclone" }, { 0x002, "Typhoon" }, { 0x003, "Typhoon/Capri" }, { 0x004, "Twister" }, { 0x005, "Twister/Elba/Malta" }, { 0x006, "Hurricane" }, { 0x007, "Hurricane/Myst" }, { 0x008, "Monsoon" }, { 0x009, "Mistral" }, { 0x00b, "Vortex" }, { 0x00c, "Tempest" }, { 0x00f, "Tempest-M9" }, { 0x010, "Vortex/Aruba" }, { 0x011, "Tempest/Aruba" }, { 0x012, "Lightning" }, { 0x013, "Thunder" }, { 0x020, "Icestorm-A14" }, { 0x021, "Firestorm-A14" }, { 0x022, "Icestorm-M1" }, { 0x023, "Firestorm-M1" }, { 0x024, "Icestorm-M1-Pro" }, { 0x025, "Firestorm-M1-Pro" }, { 0x026, "Thunder-M10" }, { 0x028, "Icestorm-M1-Max" }, { 0x029, "Firestorm-M1-Max" }, { 0x030, "Blizzard-A15" }, { 0x031, "Avalanche-A15" }, { 0x032, "Blizzard-M2" }, { 0x033, "Avalanche-M2" }, { 0x034, "Blizzard-M2-Pro" }, { 0x035, "Avalanche-M2-Pro" }, { 0x036, "Sawtooth-A16" }, { 0x037, "Everest-A16" }, { 0x038, "Blizzard-M2-Max" }, { 0x039, "Avalanche-M2-Max" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part faraday_part[] = { { 0x526, "FA526" }, { 0x626, "FA626" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part intel_part[] = { { 0x200, "i80200" }, { 0x210, "PXA250A" }, { 0x212, "PXA210A" }, { 0x242, "i80321-400" }, { 0x243, "i80321-600" }, { 0x290, "PXA250B/PXA26x" }, { 0x292, "PXA210B" }, { 0x2c2, "i80321-400-B0" }, { 0x2c3, "i80321-600-B0" }, { 0x2d0, "PXA250C/PXA255/PXA26x" }, { 0x2d2, "PXA210C" }, { 0x411, "PXA27x" }, { 0x41c, "IPX425-533" }, { 0x41d, "IPX425-400" }, { 0x41f, "IPX425-266" }, { 0x682, "PXA32x" }, { 0x683, "PXA930/PXA935" }, { 0x688, "PXA30x" }, { 0x689, "PXA31x" }, { 0xb11, "SA1110" }, { 0xc12, "IPX1200" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part fujitsu_part[] = { { 0x001, "A64FX" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part hisi_part[] = { { 0xd01, "TaiShan-v110" }, /* used in Kunpeng-920 SoC */ { 0xd02, "TaiShan-v120" }, /* used in Kirin 990A and 9000S SoCs */ { 0xd40, "Cortex-A76" }, /* HiSilicon uses this ID though advertises A76 */ { 0xd41, "Cortex-A77" }, /* HiSilicon uses this ID though advertises A77 */ { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part ampere_part[] = { { 0xac3, "Ampere-1" }, { 0xac4, "Ampere-1a" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part ft_part[] = { { 0x303, "FTC310" }, { 0x660, "FTC660" }, { 0x661, "FTC661" }, { 0x662, "FTC662" }, { 0x663, "FTC663" }, { 0x664, "FTC664" }, { 0x862, "FTC862" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part ms_part[] = { { 0xd49, "Azure-Cobalt-100" }, { -1, "unknown" }, }; static const struct id_part unknown_part[] = { { -1, "unknown" }, }; struct hw_impl { const int id; const struct id_part *parts; const char *name; }; static const struct hw_impl hw_implementer[] = { { 0x41, arm_part, "ARM" }, { 0x42, brcm_part, "Broadcom" }, { 0x43, cavium_part, "Cavium" }, { 0x44, dec_part, "DEC" }, { 0x46, fujitsu_part, "FUJITSU" }, { 0x48, hisi_part, "HiSilicon" }, { 0x49, unknown_part, "Infineon" }, { 0x4d, unknown_part, "Motorola/Freescale" }, { 0x4e, nvidia_part, "NVIDIA" }, { 0x50, apm_part, "APM" }, { 0x51, qcom_part, "Qualcomm" }, { 0x53, samsung_part, "Samsung" }, { 0x56, marvell_part, "Marvell" }, { 0x61, apple_part, "Apple" }, { 0x66, faraday_part, "Faraday" }, { 0x69, intel_part, "Intel" }, { 0x6d, ms_part, "Microsoft" }, { 0x70, ft_part, "Phytium" }, { 0xc0, ampere_part, "Ampere" }, { -1, unknown_part, "unknown" }, }; /* clang-format on */ // cpuFamily from "CPU implementer". Technically, this is only the vendor, // but this is the closed to a family we can get. (void)Tokenizer(keyValuePairs["CPU implementer"_ns]) .ReadHexadecimal(&cpuFamily); // cpuModel from "CPU part". Not exactly a model number, but close enough, // and that's what lscpu uses. (void)Tokenizer(keyValuePairs["CPU part"_ns]).ReadHexadecimal(&cpuModel); // cpuStepping from "CPU variant" (that's what lscpu uses). (void)Tokenizer(keyValuePairs["CPU variant"_ns]) .ReadHexadecimal(&cpuStepping); for (auto& hw_impl : hw_implementer) { if (hw_impl.id == (int)cpuFamily) { info.cpuVendor.Assign(hw_impl.name); for (auto* p = &hw_impl.parts[0]; p->id != -1; ++p) { if (p->id == (int)cpuModel) { info.cpuName.Assign(p->name); } } } } # else // cpuVendor from "vendor_id" info.cpuVendor.Assign(keyValuePairs["vendor_id"_ns]); // cpuName from "model name" info.cpuName.Assign(keyValuePairs["model name"_ns]); // cpuFamily from "cpu family" (void)Tokenizer(keyValuePairs["cpu family"_ns]).ReadInteger(&cpuFamily); // cpuModel from "model" (void)Tokenizer(keyValuePairs["model"_ns]).ReadInteger(&cpuModel); // cpuStepping from "stepping" (void)Tokenizer(keyValuePairs["stepping"_ns]).ReadInteger(&cpuStepping); # endif } { // Get cpuSpeed from another file. std::ifstream input( "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq"); std::string line; if (getline(input, line)) { (void)Tokenizer(line.c_str()).ReadInteger(&cpuSpeed); cpuSpeed /= 1000; } } { // Get cacheSizeL2 from yet another file std::ifstream input("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index2/size"); std::string line; if (getline(input, line)) { (void)Tokenizer(line.c_str(), nullptr, "K").ReadInteger(&cacheSizeL2); } } { // Get cacheSizeL3 from yet another file std::ifstream input("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index3/size"); std::string line; if (getline(input, line)) { (void)Tokenizer(line.c_str(), nullptr, "K").ReadInteger(&cacheSizeL3); } } info.cpuCount = PR_GetNumberOfProcessors(); int max_cpu_bits = [&] { // PR_GetNumberOfProcessors gets the value from // /sys/devices/system/cpu/present, but the number of bits in the CPU masks // we're going to read below can be larger (for instance, on the 32-core // 64-threads Threadripper 3970X, PR_GetNumberOfProcessors returns 64, but // the number of bits in the CPU masks is 128). That number of bits is // correlated with the number of CPUs possible (which is different from the // number of CPUs present). std::ifstream input("/sys/devices/system/cpu/possible"); std::string line; if (getline(input, line)) { int num; Tokenizer p(line.c_str()); // The expected format is `0-n` where n is the number of CPUs possible // - 1. if (p.ReadInteger(&num) && num == 0 && p.CheckChar('-') && p.ReadInteger(&num) && p.CheckEOF()) { return num + 1; } } // If we weren't able to get the value from /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible // from some reason, fallback to cpuCount, it might work. return info.cpuCount; }(); // /proc/cpuinfo doesn't have a cross-architecture way of counting physical // cores. On x86, one could look at the number of unique combinations of // `physical id` and `core id` or `cpu cores`, but those are not present on // e.g. aarch64. (and that might not even be enough for NUMA nodes, but // realistically, there probably aren't a lot of people running this code // on such machines) // As a shortcut on x86, you'd think you could just multiply the last // physical id + 1 with the last core id + 1, but at least core ids are not // even necessarily adjacent. (notably, on 13th or 14th generation Intel // CPUs, they go in increments of 4 for performance cores, and then 1 after // hitting the first efficiency core) // /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/topology/core_cpus does show which logical // cores are associated together, such that running the command: // sort -u /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/topology/core_cpus | wc -l // gives a count of physical cores. // There are cpuCount /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu* directories, and they // are monotonically increasing. // We're going to kind of do that, but reading the actual bitmasks contained // in those files. constexpr int mask_bits = sizeof(uint32_t) * 8; Vector cpumasks; physicalCPUs = [&] { int cores = 0; if (!cpumasks.appendN(0, (max_cpu_bits + mask_bits - 1) / mask_bits)) { return -1; } for (int32_t cpu = 0; cpu < info.cpuCount; ++cpu) { nsPrintfCString core_cpus( "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/topology/core_cpus", cpu); std::ifstream input(core_cpus.Data()); // Kernel versions before 5.3 didn't have core_cpus, they had // thread_siblings instead, with the same content. As of writing, kernel // version 6.9 still has both, but thread_siblings has been deprecated // since the introduction of core_cpus. if (input.fail()) { core_cpus.Truncate(core_cpus.Length() - sizeof("core_cpus") + 1); core_cpus.AppendLiteral("thread_siblings"); input.open(core_cpus.Data()); } std::string line; if (!getline(input, line)) { return -1; } Tokenizer p(line.c_str()); bool unknown_core = false; // The format of the file is `bitmask0,bitmask1,..,bitmaskn` // where each bitmask is 32-bits wide, and there are as many as // necessary to print max_cpu_bits bits. for (auto& mask : cpumasks) { uint32_t m; if (NS_WARN_IF(!p.ReadHexadecimal(&m, /* aPrefixed = */ false))) { return -1; } if (!p.CheckEOF() && !p.CheckChar(',')) { return -1; } // We're keeping track of all the CPU bits we've seen so far. // If we're now seeing one that has never been set, it means // we're seeing a new physical core (as opposed to a logical // core). We don't want to end the loop now, though, because // we also want to track all the bits we're seeing, in case // subsequent masks have new bits as well. if ((mask & m) != m) { unknown_core = true; } mask |= m; } if (unknown_core) { cores++; } } return cores; }(); #else info.cpuCount = PR_GetNumberOfProcessors(); #endif if (cpuSpeed >= 0) { info.cpuSpeed = cpuSpeed; } else { info.cpuSpeed = 0; } if (!cpuVendor.IsEmpty()) { info.cpuVendor = cpuVendor; } if (!cpuName.IsEmpty()) { info.cpuName = cpuName; } if (cpuFamily >= 0) { info.cpuFamily = cpuFamily; } if (cpuModel >= 0) { info.cpuModel = cpuModel; } if (cpuStepping >= 0) { info.cpuStepping = cpuStepping; } if (logicalCPUs >= 0) { info.cpuCount = logicalCPUs; } if (physicalCPUs >= 0) { info.cpuCores = physicalCPUs; } if (cacheSizeL2 >= 0) { info.l2cacheKB = cacheSizeL2; } if (cacheSizeL3 >= 0) { info.l3cacheKB = cacheSizeL3; } return NS_OK; } #if defined(__MINGW32__) WINBASEAPI BOOL WINAPI IsUserCetAvailableInEnvironment(_In_ DWORD UserCetEnvironment); # define USER_CET_ENVIRONMENT_WIN32_PROCESS 0x00000000 #endif nsresult nsSystemInfo::Init() { // check that it is called from the main thread on all platforms. MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); nsresult rv; static const struct { PRSysInfo cmd; const char* name; } items[] = {{PR_SI_SYSNAME, "name"}, {PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE, "arch"}, {PR_SI_RELEASE, "version"}, {PR_SI_RELEASE_BUILD, "build"}}; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (sizeof(items) / sizeof(items[0])); i++) { char buf[SYS_INFO_BUFFER_LENGTH]; if (PR_GetSystemInfo(items[i].cmd, buf, sizeof(buf)) == PR_SUCCESS) { rv = SetPropertyAsACString(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(items[i].name), nsDependentCString(buf)); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } } else { NS_WARNING("PR_GetSystemInfo failed"); } } SetPropertyAsBool(u"isPackagedApp"_ns, false); // Additional informations not available through PR_GetSystemInfo. SetInt32Property(u"pagesize"_ns, PR_GetPageSize()); SetInt32Property(u"pageshift"_ns, PR_GetPageShift()); SetInt32Property(u"memmapalign"_ns, PR_GetMemMapAlignment()); SetUint64Property(u"memsize"_ns, PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize()); SetUint32Property(u"umask"_ns, nsSystemInfo::gUserUmask); #ifdef HAVE_64BIT_BUILD SetUint32Property(u"archbits"_ns, 64); #else SetUint32Property(u"archbits"_ns, 32); #endif uint64_t virtualMem = 0; #if defined(XP_WIN) // Virtual memory: MEMORYSTATUSEX memStat; memStat.dwLength = sizeof(memStat); if (GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memStat)) { virtualMem = memStat.ullTotalVirtual; } #endif if (virtualMem) SetUint64Property(u"virtualmemsize"_ns, virtualMem); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(cpuPropItems); i++) { rv = SetPropertyAsBool(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(cpuPropItems[i].name), cpuPropItems[i].propfun()); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } } #ifdef XP_WIN bool isMinGW = # ifdef __MINGW32__ true; # else false; # endif rv = SetPropertyAsBool(u"isMinGW"_ns, !!isMinGW); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } boolean hasPackageIdentity = widget::WinUtils::HasPackageIdentity(); rv = SetPropertyAsBool(u"hasWinPackageId"_ns, hasPackageIdentity); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } rv = SetPropertyAsAString(u"winPackageFamilyName"_ns, widget::WinUtils::GetPackageFamilyName()); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } rv = SetPropertyAsBool(u"isPackagedApp"_ns, hasPackageIdentity); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } # ifndef __MINGW32__ nsAutoString avInfo, antiSpyInfo, firewallInfo; if (NS_SUCCEEDED( GetWindowsSecurityCenterInfo(avInfo, antiSpyInfo, firewallInfo))) { if (!avInfo.IsEmpty()) { rv = SetPropertyAsAString(u"registeredAntiVirus"_ns, avInfo); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } } if (!antiSpyInfo.IsEmpty()) { rv = SetPropertyAsAString(u"registeredAntiSpyware"_ns, antiSpyInfo); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } } if (!firewallInfo.IsEmpty()) { rv = SetPropertyAsAString(u"registeredFirewall"_ns, firewallInfo); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } } } # endif // __MINGW32__ mozilla::DynamicallyLinkedFunctionPtr< decltype(&IsUserCetAvailableInEnvironment)> isUserCetAvailable(L"api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-6.dll", "IsUserCetAvailableInEnvironment"); bool hasUserCET = isUserCetAvailable && isUserCetAvailable(USER_CET_ENVIRONMENT_WIN32_PROCESS); rv = SetPropertyAsBool(u"hasUserCET"_ns, hasUserCET); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { nsString pointerExplanation; widget::WinUtils::GetPointerExplanation(&pointerExplanation); rv = SetPropertyAsAString(u"pointingDevices"_ns, pointerExplanation); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } } #endif #if defined(XP_MACOSX) nsAutoCString modelId; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetAppleModelId(modelId))) { rv = SetPropertyAsACString(u"appleModelId"_ns, modelId); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } bool isRosetta; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(ProcessIsRosettaTranslated(isRosetta))) { rv = SetPropertyAsBool(u"rosettaStatus"_ns, isRosetta); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } #endif { nsAutoCString themeInfo; LookAndFeel::GetThemeInfo(themeInfo); MOZ_TRY(SetPropertyAsACString(u"osThemeInfo"_ns, themeInfo)); } #if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK) // This must be done here because NSPR can only separate OS's when compiled, // not libraries. 64 bytes is going to be well enough for "GTK " followed by 3 // integers separated with dots. char gtkver[64]; ssize_t gtkver_len = 0; if (gtkver_len <= 0) { gtkver_len = SprintfLiteral(gtkver, "GTK %u.%u.%u", gtk_major_version, gtk_minor_version, gtk_micro_version); } nsAutoCString secondaryLibrary; if (gtkver_len > 0 && gtkver_len < int(sizeof(gtkver))) { secondaryLibrary.Append(nsDependentCSubstring(gtkver, gtkver_len)); } # ifndef MOZ_TSAN // With TSan, avoid loading libpulse here because we cannot unload it // afterwards due to restrictions from TSan about unloading libraries // matched by the suppression list. void* libpulse = dlopen("libpulse.so.0", RTLD_LAZY); const char* libpulseVersion = "not-available"; if (libpulse) { auto pa_get_library_version = reinterpret_cast( dlsym(libpulse, "pa_get_library_version")); if (pa_get_library_version) { libpulseVersion = pa_get_library_version(); } } secondaryLibrary.AppendPrintf(",libpulse %s", libpulseVersion); if (libpulse) { dlclose(libpulse); } # endif rv = SetPropertyAsACString(u"secondaryLibrary"_ns, secondaryLibrary); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } rv = SetPropertyAsBool(u"isPackagedApp"_ns, widget::IsRunningUnderFlatpakOrSnap() || widget::IsPackagedAppFileExists()); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID AndroidSystemInfo info; GetAndroidSystemInfo(&info); SetupAndroidInfo(info); #endif #if defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID) nsCString dist, desc, release, codename; if (widget::lsb::GetLSBRelease(dist, desc, release, codename)) { SetPropertyAsACString(u"distro"_ns, dist); SetPropertyAsACString(u"distroVersion"_ns, release); } #endif #if defined(XP_LINUX) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX) SandboxInfo sandInfo = SandboxInfo::Get(); SetPropertyAsBool(u"hasSeccompBPF"_ns, sandInfo.Test(SandboxInfo::kHasSeccompBPF)); SetPropertyAsBool(u"hasSeccompTSync"_ns, sandInfo.Test(SandboxInfo::kHasSeccompTSync)); SetPropertyAsBool(u"hasUserNamespaces"_ns, sandInfo.Test(SandboxInfo::kHasUserNamespaces)); SetPropertyAsBool(u"hasPrivilegedUserNamespaces"_ns, sandInfo.Test(SandboxInfo::kHasPrivilegedUserNamespaces)); if (sandInfo.Test(SandboxInfo::kEnabledForContent)) { SetPropertyAsBool(u"canSandboxContent"_ns, sandInfo.CanSandboxContent()); } if (sandInfo.Test(SandboxInfo::kEnabledForMedia)) { SetPropertyAsBool(u"canSandboxMedia"_ns, sandInfo.CanSandboxMedia()); } #endif // XP_LINUX && MOZ_SANDBOX return NS_OK; } #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID // Prerelease versions of Android use a letter instead of version numbers. // Unfortunately this breaks websites due to the user agent. // Chrome works around this by hardcoding an Android version when a // numeric version can't be obtained. We're doing the same. // This version will need to be updated whenever there is a new official // Android release. Search for "kDefaultAndroidMajorVersion" in: // https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/master:base/system/sys_info_android.cc # define DEFAULT_ANDROID_VERSION u"10.0.99" /* static */ void nsSystemInfo::GetAndroidSystemInfo(AndroidSystemInfo* aInfo) { if (!jni::IsAvailable()) { // called from xpcshell etc. aInfo->sdk_version() = 0; return; } jni::String::LocalRef model = java::sdk::Build::MODEL(); aInfo->device() = model->ToString(); jni::String::LocalRef manufacturer = mozilla::java::sdk::Build::MANUFACTURER(); aInfo->manufacturer() = manufacturer->ToString(); jni::String::LocalRef hardware = java::sdk::Build::HARDWARE(); aInfo->hardware() = hardware->ToString(); jni::String::LocalRef release = java::sdk::Build::VERSION::RELEASE(); nsString str(release->ToString()); int major_version; int minor_version; int bugfix_version; int num_read = sscanf(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(str).get(), "%d.%d.%d", &major_version, &minor_version, &bugfix_version); if (num_read == 0) { aInfo->release_version() = nsLiteralString(DEFAULT_ANDROID_VERSION); } else { aInfo->release_version() = str; } aInfo->sdk_version() = jni::GetAPIVersion(); aInfo->isTablet() = java::GeckoAppShell::IsTablet(); } void nsSystemInfo::SetupAndroidInfo(const AndroidSystemInfo& aInfo) { if (!aInfo.device().IsEmpty()) { SetPropertyAsAString(u"device"_ns, aInfo.device()); } if (!aInfo.manufacturer().IsEmpty()) { SetPropertyAsAString(u"manufacturer"_ns, aInfo.manufacturer()); } if (!aInfo.release_version().IsEmpty()) { SetPropertyAsAString(u"release_version"_ns, aInfo.release_version()); } SetPropertyAsBool(u"tablet"_ns, aInfo.isTablet()); // NSPR "version" is the kernel version. For Android we want the Android // version. Rename SDK version to version and put the kernel version into // kernel_version. nsAutoString str; nsresult rv = GetPropertyAsAString(u"version"_ns, str); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { SetPropertyAsAString(u"kernel_version"_ns, str); } // When JNI is not available (eg. in xpcshell tests), sdk_version is 0. if (aInfo.sdk_version() != 0) { if (!aInfo.hardware().IsEmpty()) { SetPropertyAsAString(u"hardware"_ns, aInfo.hardware()); } SetPropertyAsInt32(u"version"_ns, aInfo.sdk_version()); } } #endif // MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID void nsSystemInfo::SetInt32Property(const nsAString& aPropertyName, const int32_t aValue) { NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(aValue > 0, "Unable to read system value"); if (aValue > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG nsresult rv = #endif SetPropertyAsInt32(aPropertyName, aValue); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Unable to set property"); } } void nsSystemInfo::SetUint32Property(const nsAString& aPropertyName, const uint32_t aValue) { // Only one property is currently set via this function. // It may legitimately be zero. #ifdef DEBUG nsresult rv = #endif SetPropertyAsUint32(aPropertyName, aValue); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Unable to set property"); } void nsSystemInfo::SetUint64Property(const nsAString& aPropertyName, const uint64_t aValue) { NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(aValue > 0, "Unable to read system value"); if (aValue > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG nsresult rv = #endif SetPropertyAsUint64(aPropertyName, aValue); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Unable to set property"); } } #ifdef XP_WIN static bool GetJSObjForDiskInfo(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aParent, const FolderDiskInfo& info, const char* propName) { JS::Rooted jsInfo(aCx, JS_NewPlainObject(aCx)); if (!jsInfo) { return false; } JSString* strModel = JS_NewStringCopyN(aCx, info.model.get(), info.model.Length()); if (!strModel) { return false; } JS::Rooted valModel(aCx, JS::StringValue(strModel)); if (!JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "model", valModel)) { return false; } JSString* strRevision = JS_NewStringCopyN(aCx, info.revision.get(), info.revision.Length()); if (!strRevision) { return false; } JS::Rooted valRevision(aCx, JS::StringValue(strRevision)); if (!JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "revision", valRevision)) { return false; } JSString* strSSD = JS_NewStringCopyZ(aCx, info.isSSD ? "SSD" : "HDD"); if (!strSSD) { return false; } JS::Rooted valSSD(aCx, JS::StringValue(strSSD)); if (!JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "type", valSSD)) { return false; } JS::Rooted val(aCx, JS::ObjectValue(*jsInfo)); return JS_SetProperty(aCx, aParent, propName, val); } JSObject* GetJSObjForOSInfo(JSContext* aCx, const OSInfo& info) { JS::Rooted jsInfo(aCx, JS_NewPlainObject(aCx)); JS::Rooted valInstallYear(aCx, JS::Int32Value(info.installYear)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "installYear", valInstallYear); JS::Rooted valHasSuperfetch(aCx, JS::BooleanValue(info.hasSuperfetch)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "hasSuperfetch", valHasSuperfetch); JS::Rooted valHasPrefetch(aCx, JS::BooleanValue(info.hasPrefetch)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "hasPrefetch", valHasPrefetch); return jsInfo; } #endif JSObject* GetJSObjForProcessInfo(JSContext* aCx, const ProcessInfo& info) { JS::Rooted jsInfo(aCx, JS_NewPlainObject(aCx)); #if defined(XP_WIN) JS::Rooted valisWow64(aCx, JS::BooleanValue(info.isWow64)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "isWow64", valisWow64); JS::Rooted valisWowARM64(aCx, JS::BooleanValue(info.isWowARM64)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "isWowARM64", valisWowARM64); JS::Rooted valisWindowsSMode( aCx, JS::BooleanValue(info.isWindowsSMode)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "isWindowsSMode", valisWindowsSMode); #endif JS::Rooted valCountInfo(aCx, JS::Int32Value(info.cpuCount)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "count", valCountInfo); JS::Rooted valCoreInfo( aCx, info.cpuCores ? JS::Int32Value(info.cpuCores) : JS::NullValue()); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "cores", valCoreInfo); JSString* strVendor = JS_NewStringCopyN(aCx, info.cpuVendor.get(), info.cpuVendor.Length()); JS::Rooted valVendor(aCx, JS::StringValue(strVendor)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "vendor", valVendor); JSString* strName = JS_NewStringCopyN(aCx, info.cpuName.get(), info.cpuName.Length()); JS::Rooted valName(aCx, JS::StringValue(strName)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "name", valName); JS::Rooted valFamilyInfo(aCx, JS::Int32Value(info.cpuFamily)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "family", valFamilyInfo); JS::Rooted valModelInfo(aCx, JS::Int32Value(info.cpuModel)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "model", valModelInfo); JS::Rooted valSteppingInfo(aCx, JS::Int32Value(info.cpuStepping)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "stepping", valSteppingInfo); JS::Rooted valL2CacheInfo(aCx, JS::Int32Value(info.l2cacheKB)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "l2cacheKB", valL2CacheInfo); JS::Rooted valL3CacheInfo(aCx, JS::Int32Value(info.l3cacheKB)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "l3cacheKB", valL3CacheInfo); JS::Rooted valSpeedInfo(aCx, JS::Int32Value(info.cpuSpeed)); JS_SetProperty(aCx, jsInfo, "speedMHz", valSpeedInfo); return jsInfo; } RefPtr nsSystemInfo::GetBackgroundTarget() { if (!mBackgroundET) { MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS(NS_CreateBackgroundTaskQueue( "SystemInfoThread", getter_AddRefs(mBackgroundET))); } return mBackgroundET; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSystemInfo::GetOsInfo(JSContext* aCx, Promise** aResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aResult); *aResult = nullptr; if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } #if defined(XP_WIN) nsIGlobalObject* global = xpc::CurrentNativeGlobal(aCx); if (NS_WARN_IF(!global)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } ErrorResult erv; RefPtr promise = Promise::Create(global, erv); if (NS_WARN_IF(erv.Failed())) { return erv.StealNSResult(); } if (!mOSInfoPromise) { RefPtr backgroundET = GetBackgroundTarget(); mOSInfoPromise = InvokeAsync(backgroundET, __func__, []() { OSInfo info; nsresult rv = CollectOSInfo(info); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return OSInfoPromise::CreateAndResolve(info, __func__); } return OSInfoPromise::CreateAndReject(rv, __func__); }); }; // Chain the new promise to the extant mozpromise RefPtr capturedPromise = promise; mOSInfoPromise->Then( GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget(), __func__, [capturedPromise](const OSInfo& info) { AutoJSAPI jsapi; if (NS_WARN_IF(!jsapi.Init(capturedPromise->GetGlobalObject()))) { capturedPromise->MaybeReject(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); return; } JSContext* cx = jsapi.cx(); JS::Rooted val( cx, JS::ObjectValue(*GetJSObjForOSInfo(cx, info))); capturedPromise->MaybeResolve(val); }, [capturedPromise](const nsresult rv) { // Resolve with null when installYear is not available from the system capturedPromise->MaybeResolve(JS::NullHandleValue); }); promise.forget(aResult); #endif return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSystemInfo::GetDiskInfo(JSContext* aCx, Promise** aResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aResult); *aResult = nullptr; if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } #ifdef XP_WIN nsIGlobalObject* global = xpc::CurrentNativeGlobal(aCx); if (NS_WARN_IF(!global)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } ErrorResult erv; RefPtr promise = Promise::Create(global, erv); if (NS_WARN_IF(erv.Failed())) { return erv.StealNSResult(); } if (!mDiskInfoPromise) { RefPtr backgroundET = GetBackgroundTarget(); nsCOMPtr greDir; nsCOMPtr winDir; nsCOMPtr profDir; nsresult rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_GRE_DIR, getter_AddRefs(greDir)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_WIN_WINDOWS_DIR, getter_AddRefs(winDir)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(profDir)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } mDiskInfoPromise = InvokeAsync(backgroundET, __func__, [greDir, winDir, profDir]() { DiskInfo info; nsresult rv = CollectDiskInfo(greDir, winDir, profDir, info); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return DiskInfoPromise::CreateAndResolve(info, __func__); } return DiskInfoPromise::CreateAndReject(rv, __func__); }); } // Chain the new promise to the extant mozpromise. RefPtr capturedPromise = promise; mDiskInfoPromise->Then( GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget(), __func__, [capturedPromise](const DiskInfo& info) { AutoJSAPI jsapi; if (NS_WARN_IF(!jsapi.Init(capturedPromise->GetGlobalObject()))) { capturedPromise->MaybeReject(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); return; } JSContext* cx = jsapi.cx(); JS::Rooted jsInfo(cx, JS_NewPlainObject(cx)); // Store data in the rv: bool succeededSettingAllObjects = jsInfo && GetJSObjForDiskInfo(cx, jsInfo, info.binary, "binary") && GetJSObjForDiskInfo(cx, jsInfo, info.profile, "profile") && GetJSObjForDiskInfo(cx, jsInfo, info.system, "system"); // The above can fail due to OOM if (!succeededSettingAllObjects) { JS_ClearPendingException(cx); capturedPromise->MaybeReject(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return; } JS::Rooted val(cx, JS::ObjectValue(*jsInfo)); capturedPromise->MaybeResolve(val); }, [capturedPromise](const nsresult rv) { capturedPromise->MaybeReject(rv); }); promise.forget(aResult); #endif return NS_OK; } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED(nsSystemInfo, nsHashPropertyBag, nsISystemInfo) NS_IMETHODIMP nsSystemInfo::GetCountryCode(JSContext* aCx, Promise** aResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aResult); *aResult = nullptr; if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } #if defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(XP_WIN) nsIGlobalObject* global = xpc::CurrentNativeGlobal(aCx); if (NS_WARN_IF(!global)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } ErrorResult erv; RefPtr promise = Promise::Create(global, erv); if (NS_WARN_IF(erv.Failed())) { return erv.StealNSResult(); } if (!mCountryCodePromise) { RefPtr backgroundET = GetBackgroundTarget(); mCountryCodePromise = InvokeAsync(backgroundET, __func__, []() { nsAutoString countryCode; # ifdef XP_MACOSX nsresult rv = GetSelectedCityInfo(countryCode); # endif # ifdef XP_WIN nsresult rv = CollectCountryCode(countryCode); # endif if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return CountryCodePromise::CreateAndResolve(countryCode, __func__); } return CountryCodePromise::CreateAndReject(rv, __func__); }); } RefPtr capturedPromise = promise; mCountryCodePromise->Then( GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget(), __func__, [capturedPromise](const nsString& countryCode) { AutoJSAPI jsapi; if (NS_WARN_IF(!jsapi.Init(capturedPromise->GetGlobalObject()))) { capturedPromise->MaybeReject(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); return; } JSContext* cx = jsapi.cx(); JS::Rooted jsCountryCode( cx, JS_NewUCStringCopyZ(cx, countryCode.get())); JS::Rooted val(cx, JS::StringValue(jsCountryCode)); capturedPromise->MaybeResolve(val); }, [capturedPromise](const nsresult rv) { // Resolve with null when countryCode is not available from the system capturedPromise->MaybeResolve(JS::NullHandleValue); }); promise.forget(aResult); #endif return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSystemInfo::GetProcessInfo(JSContext* aCx, Promise** aResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aResult); *aResult = nullptr; if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsIGlobalObject* global = xpc::CurrentNativeGlobal(aCx); if (NS_WARN_IF(!global)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } ErrorResult erv; RefPtr promise = Promise::Create(global, erv); if (NS_WARN_IF(erv.Failed())) { return erv.StealNSResult(); } if (!mProcessInfoPromise) { RefPtr backgroundET = GetBackgroundTarget(); mProcessInfoPromise = InvokeAsync(backgroundET, __func__, []() { ProcessInfo info; nsresult rv = CollectProcessInfo(info); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return ProcessInfoPromise::CreateAndResolve(info, __func__); } return ProcessInfoPromise::CreateAndReject(rv, __func__); }); }; // Chain the new promise to the extant mozpromise RefPtr capturedPromise = promise; mProcessInfoPromise->Then( GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget(), __func__, [capturedPromise](const ProcessInfo& info) { AutoJSAPI jsapi; if (NS_WARN_IF(!jsapi.Init(capturedPromise->GetGlobalObject()))) { capturedPromise->MaybeReject(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); return; } JSContext* cx = jsapi.cx(); JS::Rooted val( cx, JS::ObjectValue(*GetJSObjForProcessInfo(cx, info))); capturedPromise->MaybeResolve(val); }, [capturedPromise](const nsresult rv) { // Resolve with null when installYear is not available from the system capturedPromise->MaybeResolve(JS::NullHandleValue); }); promise.forget(aResult); return NS_OK; }