# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from geckoprocesstypes import process_types def main(output): output.write( """\ /* THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY gen_process_types.py - DO NOT EDIT */ """ ) for p in process_types: output.write( """ #ifndef SKIP_PROCESS_TYPE_%(allcaps_name)s GECKO_PROCESS_TYPE(%(enum_value)d, %(enum_name)s, "%(string_name)s", """ """%(proc_typename)s, %(process_bin_type)s, %(procinfo_typename)s, """ """%(webidl_typename)s, %(allcaps_name)s) #endif // SKIP_PROCESS_TYPE_%(allcaps_name)s """ % { "enum_value": p.enum_value, "enum_name": p.enum_name, "string_name": p.string_name, "proc_typename": p.proc_typename, "process_bin_type": p.process_bin_type, "procinfo_typename": p.procinfo_typename, "webidl_typename": p.webidl_typename, "allcaps_name": p.allcaps_name, } )