/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* nsIVariant based Property Bag support. */ #include "nsIPropertyBag.idl" [scriptable, uuid(625cfd1e-da1e-4417-9ee9-dbc8e0b3fd79)] interface nsIPropertyBag2 : nsIPropertyBag { // Accessing a property as a different type may attempt conversion to the // requested value int32_t getPropertyAsInt32 (in AString prop); uint32_t getPropertyAsUint32 (in AString prop); int64_t getPropertyAsInt64 (in AString prop); uint64_t getPropertyAsUint64 (in AString prop); double getPropertyAsDouble (in AString prop); AString getPropertyAsAString (in AString prop); ACString getPropertyAsACString (in AString prop); AUTF8String getPropertyAsAUTF8String (in AString prop); boolean getPropertyAsBool (in AString prop); /** * This method returns null if the value exists, but is null. * * Note: C++ callers should not use this method. They should use the * typesafe `do_GetProperty` wrapper instead. */ void getPropertyAsInterface (in AString prop, in nsIIDRef iid, [iid_is(iid), retval] out nsQIResult result); /** * This method returns null if the value does not exist, * or exists but is null. */ nsIVariant get (in AString prop); /** * Check for the existence of a key. */ boolean hasKey (in AString prop); }; %{C++ #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsAString.h" class MOZ_STACK_CLASS nsGetProperty final : public nsCOMPtr_helper { public: nsGetProperty(nsIPropertyBag2* aPropBag, const nsAString& aPropName, nsresult* aError) : mPropBag(aPropBag), mPropName(aPropName), mErrorPtr(aError) {} virtual nsresult NS_FASTCALL operator()(const nsIID&, void**) const override; private: nsIPropertyBag2* MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF mPropBag; const nsAString& mPropName; nsresult* mErrorPtr; }; /** * A typesafe wrapper around nsIPropertyBag2::GetPropertyAsInterface. Similar * to the `do_QueryInterface` family of functions, when assigned to a * `nsCOMPtr` of a given type, attempts to query the given property to that * type. * * If `aError` is passed, the return value of `GetPropertyAsInterface` is * stored in it. */ inline const nsGetProperty do_GetProperty(nsIPropertyBag2* aPropBag, const nsAString& aPropName, nsresult* aError = 0) { return nsGetProperty(aPropBag, aPropName, aError); } %}