/* -*- Mode: asm; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * Version: MPL 1.1 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ .LEVEL 1.1 .TEXT .ALIGN 4 curframesz: .EQU 128 ; SharedStub has stack size of 128 bytes lastframesz: .EQU 64 ; the StubN C++ function has a small stack size of 64 bytes .globl SharedStub .type SharedStub, @function SharedStub: .PROC .CALLINFO CALLER,FRAME=80,SAVE_RP .ENTRY STW %rp,-20(%sp) LDO 128(%sp),%sp STW %r19,-32(%r30) STW %r26,-36-curframesz(%r30) ; save arg0 in previous frame LDO -80(%r30),%r28 FSTD,MA %fr5,8(%r28) ; save darg0 FSTD,MA %fr7,8(%r28) ; save darg1 FSTW,MA %fr4L,4(%r28) ; save farg0 FSTW,MA %fr5L,4(%r28) ; save farg1 FSTW,MA %fr6L,4(%r28) ; save farg2 FSTW,MA %fr7L,4(%r28) ; save farg3 ; Former value of register 26 is already properly saved by StubN, ; but register 25-23 are not because of the argument mismatch STW %r25,-40-curframesz-lastframesz(%r30) ; save r25 STW %r24,-44-curframesz-lastframesz(%r30) ; save r24 STW %r23,-48-curframesz-lastframesz(%r30) ; save r23 COPY %r26,%r25 ; method index is arg1 LDW -36-curframesz-lastframesz(%r30),%r26 ; self is arg0 LDO -40-curframesz-lastframesz(%r30),%r24 ; normal args is arg2 LDO -80(%r30),%r23 ; floating args is arg3 .CALL ARGW0=GR,ARGW1=GR,ARGW2=GR,ARGW3=GR,RTNVAL=GR ;in=23-26;out=28; BL PrepareAndDispatch, %r31 COPY %r31,%r2 LDW -32(%r30),%r19 LDW -148(%sp),%rp LDO -128(%sp),%sp BV,N (%rp) NOP NOP .EXIT .PROCEND ;in=26;out=28; .SIZE SharedStub, .-SharedStub