# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. .set r0,0; .set sp,1; .set RTOC,2; .set r3,3; .set r4,4 .set r5,5; .set r6,6; .set r7,7; .set r8,8; .set r9,9 .set r10,10; .set r11,11; .set r12,12; .set r13,13; .set r14,14 .set r15,15; .set r16,16; .set r17,17; .set r18,18; .set r19,19 .set r20,20; .set r21,21; .set r22,22; .set r23,23; .set r24,24 .set r25,25; .set r26,26; .set r27,27; .set r28,28; .set r29,29 .set r30,30; .set r31,31 .set f0,0; .set f1,1; .set f2,2; .set f3,3; .set f4,4 .set f5,5; .set f6,6; .set f7,7; .set f8,8; .set f9,9 .set f10,10; .set f11,11; .set f12,12; .set f13,13; .set f14,14 .set f15,15; .set f16,16; .set f17,17; .set f18,18; .set f19,19 .set f20,20; .set f21,21; .set f22,22; .set f23,23; .set f24,24 .set f25,25; .set f26,26; .set f27,27; .set f28,28; .set f29,29 .set f30,30; .set f31,31 # Define the correct name of the stub function based on the object model define(STUB_NAME, ifelse(AIX_OBJMODEL, ibm, `Stub'$1`__EI14nsXPTCStubBaseFv', `Stub'$1`__14nsXPTCStubBaseFv')) define(STUB_ENTRY, ` .rename H.10.NO_SYMBOL{PR},"" .rename H.18.'STUB_NAME($1)`{TC},"'STUB_NAME($1)`" .csect H.10.NO_SYMBOL{PR} .globl .'STUB_NAME($1)` .globl 'STUB_NAME($1)`{DS} .'STUB_NAME($1)`: li r12, '$1` b .SharedStub nop .toc T.18.'STUB_NAME($1)`: .tc H.18.'STUB_NAME($1)`{TC},'STUB_NAME($1)`{DS} .csect 'STUB_NAME($1)`{DS} .llong .'STUB_NAME($1)` .llong TOC{TC0} .llong 0x00000000 ') define(SENTINEL_ENTRY, `') include(xptcstubsdef.inc) .rename H.10.NO_SYMBOL{PR},"" .rename H.18.SharedStub{TC},"SharedStub" # .text section .csect H.10.NO_SYMBOL{PR} .globl .SharedStub .globl SharedStub{DS} .extern .PrepareAndDispatch .SharedStub: mflr r0 std r0,16(sp) stdu sp,-248(sp) # room for linkage (24*2), fprData (104), gprData(28*2) # outgoing params to PrepareAndDispatch (40) std r4,88(sp) # link area (48) + PrepareAndDispatch params (20) std r5,96(sp) std r6,104(sp) std r7,112(sp) std r8,120(sp) std r9,128(sp) std r10,136(sp) stfd f1,144(sp) stfd f2,152(sp) stfd f3,160(sp) stfd f4,168(sp) stfd f5,176(sp) stfd f6,184(sp) stfd f7,192(sp) stfd f8,200(sp) stfd f9,208(sp) stfd f10,216(sp) stfd f11,224(sp) stfd f12,232(sp) stfd f13,240(sp) addi r6,sp,88 # gprData addi r7,sp,144 # fprData # r3 has the 'self' pointer already mr r4,r12 # methodIndex selector (it is now LATER) addi r5,sp,360 # pointer to callers args area, beyond r3-r10 # mapped range bl .PrepareAndDispatch nop ld r0,264(sp) addi sp,sp,248 mtlr r0 blr # .data section .toc # 0x00000038 T.18.SharedStub: .tc H.18.SharedStub{TC},SharedStub{DS} .csect SharedStub{DS} .llong .SharedStub # "\0\0\0\0" .llong TOC{TC0} # "\0\0\0008" .llong 0x00000000 # "\0\0\0\0" # End csect SharedStub{DS} # .bss section