/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsTStringRepr.h" #include "double-conversion/string-to-double.h" #include "mozilla/FloatingPoint.h" #include "nsError.h" #include "nsString.h" namespace mozilla::detail { template typename nsTStringRepr::char_type nsTStringRepr::First() const { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(this->mLength > 0, "|First()| called on an empty string"); return this->mData[0]; } template typename nsTStringRepr::char_type nsTStringRepr::Last() const { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(this->mLength > 0, "|Last()| called on an empty string"); return this->mData[this->mLength - 1]; } template bool nsTStringRepr::Equals(const self_type& aStr) const { return this->mLength == aStr.mLength && char_traits::compare(this->mData, aStr.mData, this->mLength) == 0; } template bool nsTStringRepr::Equals(const self_type& aStr, comparator_type aComp) const { return this->mLength == aStr.mLength && aComp(this->mData, aStr.mData, this->mLength, aStr.mLength) == 0; } template bool nsTStringRepr::Equals(const substring_tuple_type& aTuple) const { return Equals(substring_type(aTuple)); } template bool nsTStringRepr::Equals(const substring_tuple_type& aTuple, comparator_type aComp) const { return Equals(substring_type(aTuple), aComp); } template bool nsTStringRepr::Equals(const char_type* aData) const { // unfortunately, some callers pass null :-( if (!aData) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("null data pointer"); return this->mLength == 0; } // XXX avoid length calculation? size_type length = char_traits::length(aData); return this->mLength == length && char_traits::compare(this->mData, aData, this->mLength) == 0; } template bool nsTStringRepr::Equals(const char_type* aData, comparator_type aComp) const { // unfortunately, some callers pass null :-( if (!aData) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("null data pointer"); return this->mLength == 0; } // XXX avoid length calculation? size_type length = char_traits::length(aData); return this->mLength == length && aComp(this->mData, aData, this->mLength, length) == 0; } template bool nsTStringRepr::EqualsASCII(const char* aData, size_type aLen) const { return this->mLength == aLen && char_traits::compareASCII(this->mData, aData, aLen) == 0; } template bool nsTStringRepr::EqualsASCII(const char* aData) const { return char_traits::compareASCIINullTerminated(this->mData, this->mLength, aData) == 0; } template bool nsTStringRepr::EqualsLatin1(const char* aData, const size_type aLength) const { return (this->mLength == aLength) && char_traits::equalsLatin1(this->mData, aData, aLength); } template bool nsTStringRepr::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(const char* aData, size_type aLen) const { return this->mLength == aLen && char_traits::compareLowerCaseToASCII(this->mData, aData, aLen) == 0; } template bool nsTStringRepr::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(const char* aData) const { return char_traits::compareLowerCaseToASCIINullTerminated( this->mData, this->mLength, aData) == 0; } template int32_t nsTStringRepr::Find(const string_view& aString, index_type aOffset) const { auto idx = View().find(aString, aOffset); return idx == string_view::npos ? kNotFound : idx; } template int32_t nsTStringRepr::LowerCaseFindASCII(const std::string_view& aString, index_type aOffset) const { if (aOffset > Length()) { return kNotFound; } auto begin = BeginReading(); auto end = EndReading(); auto it = std::search(begin + aOffset, end, aString.begin(), aString.end(), [](char_type l, char r) { MOZ_ASSERT(!(r & ~0x7F), "Unexpected non-ASCII character"); MOZ_ASSERT(char_traits::ASCIIToLower(r) == char_type(r), "Search string must be ASCII lowercase"); return char_traits::ASCIIToLower(l) == char_type(r); }); return it == end ? kNotFound : std::distance(begin, it); } template int32_t nsTStringRepr::RFind(const string_view& aString) const { auto idx = View().rfind(aString); return idx == string_view::npos ? kNotFound : idx; } template typename nsTStringRepr::size_type nsTStringRepr::CountChar( char_type aChar) const { return std::count(BeginReading(), EndReading(), aChar); } template int32_t nsTStringRepr::FindChar(char_type aChar, index_type aOffset) const { auto idx = View().find(aChar, aOffset); return idx == string_view::npos ? kNotFound : idx; } template int32_t nsTStringRepr::RFindChar(char_type aChar, int32_t aOffset) const { auto idx = View().rfind(aChar, aOffset != -1 ? aOffset : string_view::npos); return idx == string_view::npos ? kNotFound : idx; } template int32_t nsTStringRepr::FindCharInSet(const string_view& aSet, index_type aOffset) const { auto idx = View().find_first_of(aSet, aOffset); return idx == string_view::npos ? kNotFound : idx; } template int32_t nsTStringRepr::RFindCharInSet(const string_view& aSet, int32_t aOffset) const { auto idx = View().find_last_of(aSet, aOffset != -1 ? aOffset : string_view::npos); return idx == string_view::npos ? kNotFound : idx; } template bool nsTStringRepr::EqualsIgnoreCase(const std::string_view& aString) const { return std::equal(BeginReading(), EndReading(), aString.begin(), aString.end(), [](char_type l, char r) { return char_traits::ASCIIToLower(l) == char_traits::ASCIIToLower(char_type(r)); }); } // We can't use the method `StringToDoubleConverter::ToDouble` due to linking // issues on Windows as it's in mozglue. Instead, implement the selection logic // using an overload set. // // StringToFloat is used instead of StringToDouble for floats due to differences // in rounding behaviour. static void StringToFP( const double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter& aConverter, const char* aData, size_t aLength, int* aProcessed, float* aResult) { *aResult = aConverter.StringToFloat(aData, aLength, aProcessed); } static void StringToFP( const double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter& aConverter, const char* aData, size_t aLength, int* aProcessed, double* aResult) { *aResult = aConverter.StringToDouble(aData, aLength, aProcessed); } static void StringToFP( const double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter& aConverter, const char16_t* aData, size_t aLength, int* aProcessed, float* aResult) { *aResult = aConverter.StringToFloat(reinterpret_cast(aData), aLength, aProcessed); } static void StringToFP( const double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter& aConverter, const char16_t* aData, size_t aLength, int* aProcessed, double* aResult) { *aResult = aConverter.StringToDouble(reinterpret_cast(aData), aLength, aProcessed); } template static FloatT ParseFloatingPoint(const nsTStringRepr& aString, bool aAllowTrailingChars, nsresult* aErrorCode) { // Performs conversion to double following the "rules for parsing // floating-point number values" from the HTML standard. // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/common-microsyntaxes.html#rules-for-parsing-floating-point-number-values // // This behaviour allows for leading spaces, and will not generate infinity or // NaN values except in error conditions. int flags = double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter::ALLOW_LEADING_SPACES; if (aAllowTrailingChars) { flags |= double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter::ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK; } double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter converter( flags, mozilla::UnspecifiedNaN(), mozilla::UnspecifiedNaN(), nullptr, nullptr); FloatT result; int processed; StringToFP(converter, aString.Data(), aString.Length(), &processed, &result); *aErrorCode = std::isfinite(result) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE; return result; } template double nsTStringRepr::ToDouble(nsresult* aErrorCode) const { return ParseFloatingPoint(*this, /* aAllowTrailingChars */ false, aErrorCode); } template double nsTStringRepr::ToDoubleAllowTrailingChars( nsresult* aErrorCode) const { return ParseFloatingPoint(*this, /* aAllowTrailingChars */ true, aErrorCode); } template float nsTStringRepr::ToFloat(nsresult* aErrorCode) const { return ParseFloatingPoint(*this, /* aAllowTrailingChars */ false, aErrorCode); } template float nsTStringRepr::ToFloatAllowTrailingChars(nsresult* aErrorCode) const { return ParseFloatingPoint(*this, /* aAllowTrailingChars */ true, aErrorCode); } } // namespace mozilla::detail template class mozilla::detail::nsTStringRepr; template class mozilla::detail::nsTStringRepr;