/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "prio.h" #include "prsystem.h" #include "nsIFile.h" #ifdef XP_WIN # include "nsILocalFileWin.h" #endif #include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h" #include "nsDirectoryServiceUtils.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "mozilla/gtest/MozAssertions.h" #ifdef XP_WIN bool gTestWithPrefix_Win = false; #endif static bool VerifyResult(nsresult aRV, const char* aMsg) { bool failed = NS_FAILED(aRV); EXPECT_FALSE(failed) << aMsg << " rv=" << std::hex << (unsigned int)aRV; return !failed; } #ifdef XP_WIN static void SetUseDOSDevicePathSyntax(nsIFile* aFile) { if (gTestWithPrefix_Win) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr winFile = do_QueryInterface(aFile, &rv); VerifyResult(rv, "Querying nsILocalFileWin"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(winFile); winFile->SetUseDOSDevicePathSyntax(true); } } #endif static already_AddRefed NewFile(nsIFile* aBase) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr file = do_CreateInstance(NS_LOCAL_FILE_CONTRACTID, &rv); VerifyResult(rv, "Creating nsIFile"); rv = file->InitWithFile(aBase); VerifyResult(rv, "InitWithFile"); #ifdef XP_WIN SetUseDOSDevicePathSyntax(file); #endif return file.forget(); } template static nsTString FixName(const char_type* aName) { nsTString name; for (uint32_t i = 0; aName[i]; ++i) { char_type ch = aName[i]; // PR_GetPathSeparator returns the wrong value on Mac so don't use it #if defined(XP_WIN) if (ch == '/') { ch = '\\'; } #endif name.Append(ch); } return name; } // Test nsIFile::AppendNative, verifying that aName is not a valid file name static bool TestInvalidFileName(nsIFile* aBase, const char* aName) { nsCOMPtr file = NewFile(aBase); if (!file) return false; nsCString name = FixName(aName); nsresult rv = file->AppendNative(name); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { EXPECT_NS_FAILED(rv) << "AppendNative with invalid filename " << name.get(); return false; } return true; } // Test nsIFile::Create, verifying that the file exists and did not exist // before, and leaving it there for future tests static bool TestCreate(nsIFile* aBase, const char* aName, int32_t aType, int32_t aPerm) { nsCOMPtr file = NewFile(aBase); if (!file) return false; nsCString name = FixName(aName); nsresult rv = file->AppendNative(name); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "AppendNative")) return false; bool exists; rv = file->Exists(&exists); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (before)")) return false; EXPECT_FALSE(exists) << "File " << name.get() << " already exists"; if (exists) { return false; } rv = file->Create(aType, aPerm); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Create")) return false; rv = file->Exists(&exists); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (after)")) return false; EXPECT_TRUE(exists) << "File " << name.get() << " was not created"; if (!exists) { return false; } return true; } // Test nsIFile::CreateUnique, verifying that the new file exists and if it // existed before, the new file has a different name. The new file is left in // place. static bool TestCreateUnique(nsIFile* aBase, const char* aName, int32_t aType, int32_t aPerm) { nsCOMPtr file = NewFile(aBase); if (!file) return false; nsCString name = FixName(aName); nsresult rv = file->AppendNative(name); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "AppendNative")) return false; bool existsBefore; rv = file->Exists(&existsBefore); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (before)")) return false; rv = file->CreateUnique(aType, aPerm); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Create")) return false; bool existsAfter; rv = file->Exists(&existsAfter); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (after)")) return false; EXPECT_TRUE(existsAfter) << "File " << name.get() << " was not created"; if (!existsAfter) { return false; } if (existsBefore) { nsAutoCString leafName; rv = file->GetNativeLeafName(leafName); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "GetNativeLeafName")) return false; EXPECT_FALSE(leafName.Equals(name)) << "File " << name.get() << " was not given a new name by CreateUnique"; if (leafName.Equals(name)) { return false; } } return true; } // Test nsIFile::OpenNSPRFileDesc with DELETE_ON_CLOSE, verifying that the file // exists and did not exist before, and leaving it there for future tests static bool TestDeleteOnClose(nsIFile* aBase, const char* aName, int32_t aFlags, int32_t aPerm) { nsCOMPtr file = NewFile(aBase); if (!file) return false; nsCString name = FixName(aName); nsresult rv = file->AppendNative(name); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "AppendNative")) return false; bool exists; rv = file->Exists(&exists); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (before)")) return false; EXPECT_FALSE(exists) << "File " << name.get() << " already exists"; if (exists) { return false; } PRFileDesc* fileDesc; rv = file->OpenNSPRFileDesc(aFlags | nsIFile::DELETE_ON_CLOSE, aPerm, &fileDesc); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "OpenNSPRFileDesc")) return false; PRStatus status = PR_Close(fileDesc); EXPECT_EQ(status, PR_SUCCESS) << "File " << name.get() << " could not be closed"; if (status != PR_SUCCESS) { return false; } rv = file->Exists(&exists); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (after)")) return false; EXPECT_FALSE(exists) << "File " << name.get() << " was not removed on close"; if (exists) { return false; } return true; } // Test nsIFile::Remove, verifying that the file does not exist and did before static bool TestRemove(nsIFile* aBase, const char* aName, bool aRecursive, uint32_t aExpectedRemoveCount = 1) { nsCOMPtr file = NewFile(aBase); if (!file) return false; nsCString name = FixName(aName); nsresult rv = file->AppendNative(name); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "AppendNative")) return false; bool exists; rv = file->Exists(&exists); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (before)")) return false; EXPECT_TRUE(exists); if (!exists) { return false; } uint32_t removeCount = 0; rv = file->Remove(aRecursive, &removeCount); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Remove")) return false; EXPECT_EQ(removeCount, aExpectedRemoveCount) << "Removal count was wrong"; rv = file->Exists(&exists); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (after)")) return false; EXPECT_FALSE(exists) << "File " << name.get() << " was not removed"; if (exists) { return false; } return true; } // Test nsIFile::MoveToNative, verifying that the file did not exist at the new // location before and does afterward, and that it does not exist at the old // location anymore static bool TestMove(nsIFile* aBase, nsIFile* aDestDir, const char* aName, const char* aNewName) { nsCOMPtr file = NewFile(aBase); if (!file) return false; nsCString name = FixName(aName); nsresult rv = file->AppendNative(name); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "AppendNative")) return false; bool exists; rv = file->Exists(&exists); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (before)")) return false; EXPECT_TRUE(exists); if (!exists) { return false; } nsCOMPtr newFile = NewFile(file); nsCString newName = FixName(aNewName); rv = newFile->MoveToNative(aDestDir, newName); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "MoveToNative")) return false; rv = file->Exists(&exists); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (after)")) return false; EXPECT_FALSE(exists) << "File " << name.get() << " was not moved"; if (exists) { return false; } file = NewFile(aDestDir); if (!file) return false; rv = file->AppendNative(newName); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "AppendNative")) return false; bool equal; rv = file->Equals(newFile, &equal); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Equals")) return false; EXPECT_TRUE(equal) << "File object was not updated to destination"; if (!equal) { return false; } rv = file->Exists(&exists); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (new after)")) return false; EXPECT_TRUE(exists) << "Destination file " << newName.get() << " was not created"; if (!exists) { return false; } return true; } // Test nsIFile::CopyToNative, verifying that the file did not exist at the new // location before and does afterward, and that it does exist at the old // location too static bool TestCopy(nsIFile* aBase, nsIFile* aDestDir, const char* aName, const char* aNewName) { nsCOMPtr file = NewFile(aBase); if (!file) return false; nsCString name = FixName(aName); nsresult rv = file->AppendNative(name); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "AppendNative")) return false; bool exists; rv = file->Exists(&exists); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (before)")) return false; EXPECT_TRUE(exists); if (!exists) { return false; } nsCOMPtr newFile = NewFile(file); nsCString newName = FixName(aNewName); rv = newFile->CopyToNative(aDestDir, newName); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "MoveToNative")) return false; bool equal; rv = file->Equals(newFile, &equal); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Equals")) return false; EXPECT_TRUE(equal) << "File object updated unexpectedly"; if (!equal) { return false; } rv = file->Exists(&exists); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (after)")) return false; EXPECT_TRUE(exists) << "File " << name.get() << " was removed"; if (!exists) { return false; } file = NewFile(aDestDir); if (!file) return false; rv = file->AppendNative(newName); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "AppendNative")) return false; rv = file->Exists(&exists); if (!VerifyResult(rv, "Exists (new after)")) return false; EXPECT_TRUE(exists) << "Destination file " << newName.get() << " was not created"; if (!exists) { return false; } return true; } // Test nsIFile::GetParent static bool TestParent(nsIFile* aBase, nsIFile* aStart) { nsCOMPtr file = NewFile(aStart); if (!file) return false; nsCOMPtr parent; nsresult rv = file->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(parent)); VerifyResult(rv, "GetParent"); bool equal; rv = parent->Equals(aBase, &equal); VerifyResult(rv, "Equals"); EXPECT_TRUE(equal) << "Incorrect parent"; if (!equal) { return false; } return true; } // Test nsIFile::Normalize and native path setting/getting static bool TestNormalizeNativePath(nsIFile* aBase, nsIFile* aStart) { nsCOMPtr file = NewFile(aStart); if (!file) return false; auto path = file->NativePath(); #ifdef XP_WIN path.Append(FixName(u"/./..")); nsresult rv = file->InitWithPath(path); VerifyResult(rv, "InitWithPath"); #else path.Append(FixName("/./..")); nsresult rv = file->InitWithNativePath(path); VerifyResult(rv, "InitWithNativePath"); #endif rv = file->Normalize(); VerifyResult(rv, "Normalize"); path = file->NativePath(); auto basePath = aBase->NativePath(); VerifyResult(rv, "GetNativePath (base)"); EXPECT_TRUE(path.Equals(basePath)) << "Incorrect normalization: " << file->HumanReadablePath().get() << " - " << aBase->HumanReadablePath().get(); if (!path.Equals(basePath)) { return false; } return true; } // Test nsIFile::GetDiskSpaceAvailable static bool TestDiskSpaceAvailable(nsIFile* aBase) { nsCOMPtr file = NewFile(aBase); if (!file) return false; int64_t diskSpaceAvailable = 0; nsresult rv = file->GetDiskSpaceAvailable(&diskSpaceAvailable); VerifyResult(rv, "GetDiskSpaceAvailable"); EXPECT_GE(diskSpaceAvailable, 0); return true; } // Test nsIFile::GetDiskCapacity static bool TestDiskCapacity(nsIFile* aBase) { nsCOMPtr file = NewFile(aBase); if (!file) return false; int64_t diskCapacity = 0; nsresult rv = file->GetDiskCapacity(&diskCapacity); VerifyResult(rv, "GetDiskCapacity"); EXPECT_GE(diskCapacity, 0); return true; } static void SetupAndTestFunctions(const nsAString& aDirName, bool aTestCreateUnique, bool aTestNormalize) { nsCOMPtr base; nsresult rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_TEMP_DIR, getter_AddRefs(base)); ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyResult(rv, "Getting temp directory")); #ifdef XP_WIN SetUseDOSDevicePathSyntax(base); #endif rv = base->Append(aDirName); ASSERT_TRUE( VerifyResult(rv, nsPrintfCString("Appending %s to temp directory name", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aDirName).get()) .get())); // Remove the directory in case tests failed and left it behind. // don't check result since it might not be there base->Remove(true); // Now create the working directory we're going to use rv = base->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0700); ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyResult(rv, "Creating temp directory")); // Now we can safely normalize the path if (aTestNormalize) { rv = base->Normalize(); ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyResult(rv, "Normalizing temp directory name")); } // Initialize subdir object for later use nsCOMPtr subdir = NewFile(base); ASSERT_TRUE(subdir); rv = subdir->AppendNative(nsDependentCString("subdir")); ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyResult(rv, "Appending 'subdir' to test dir name")); // --------------- // End setup code. // --------------- // Test leafName nsString leafName; rv = base->GetLeafName(leafName); ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyResult(rv, "Getting leafName")); ASSERT_TRUE(leafName.Equals(aDirName)); // Test path parsing ASSERT_TRUE(TestInvalidFileName(base, "a/b")); ASSERT_TRUE(TestParent(base, subdir)); // Test file creation ASSERT_TRUE(TestCreate(base, "file.txt", nsIFile::NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0600)); ASSERT_TRUE(TestRemove(base, "file.txt", false)); // Test directory creation ASSERT_TRUE(TestCreate(base, "subdir", nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0700)); // Test move and copy in the base directory ASSERT_TRUE(TestCreate(base, "file.txt", nsIFile::NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0600)); ASSERT_TRUE(TestMove(base, base, "file.txt", "file2.txt")); ASSERT_TRUE(TestCopy(base, base, "file2.txt", "file3.txt")); // Test moving across directories ASSERT_TRUE(TestMove(base, subdir, "file2.txt", "file2.txt")); // Test moving across directories and renaming at the same time ASSERT_TRUE(TestMove(subdir, base, "file2.txt", "file4.txt")); // Test copying across directories ASSERT_TRUE(TestCopy(base, subdir, "file4.txt", "file5.txt")); if (aTestNormalize) { // Run normalization tests while the directory exists ASSERT_TRUE(TestNormalizeNativePath(base, subdir)); } // Test recursive directory removal ASSERT_TRUE(TestRemove(base, "subdir", true, 2)); if (aTestCreateUnique) { ASSERT_TRUE(TestCreateUnique(base, "foo", nsIFile::NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0600)); ASSERT_TRUE(TestCreateUnique(base, "foo", nsIFile::NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0600)); ASSERT_TRUE( TestCreateUnique(base, "bar.xx", nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0700)); ASSERT_TRUE( TestCreateUnique(base, "bar.xx", nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0700)); } ASSERT_TRUE( TestDeleteOnClose(base, "file7.txt", PR_RDWR | PR_CREATE_FILE, 0600)); ASSERT_TRUE(TestDiskSpaceAvailable(base)); ASSERT_TRUE(TestDiskCapacity(base)); // Clean up temporary stuff rv = base->Remove(true); VerifyResult(rv, "Cleaning up temp directory"); } TEST(TestFile, Unprefixed) { #ifdef XP_WIN gTestWithPrefix_Win = false; #endif SetupAndTestFunctions(u"mozfiletests"_ns, /* aTestCreateUnique */ true, /* aTestNormalize */ true); #ifdef XP_WIN gTestWithPrefix_Win = true; #endif } // This simulates what QM_NewLocalFile does (NS_NewLocalFiles and then // SetUseDOSDevicePathSyntax if it's on Windows for NewFile) TEST(TestFile, PrefixedOnWin) { SetupAndTestFunctions(u"mozfiletests"_ns, /* aTestCreateUnique */ true, /* aTestNormalize */ true); } TEST(TestFile, PrefixedOnWin_PathExceedsMaxPath) { // We want to verify if the prefix would allow as to create a file with over // 260 char for its path. However, on Windows, the maximum length of filename // is 255. Given the base file path and we are going append some other file // to the current base file, let's assume the file path will exceed 260 so // that we are able to verify if the prefix works or not. nsString dirName; dirName.AssignLiteral("mozfiletests"); for (uint32_t i = 255 - dirName.Length(); i > 0; --i) { dirName.AppendLiteral("a"); } // Bypass the test for CreateUnique because there is a check for the max // length of the root on all platforms. SetupAndTestFunctions(dirName, /* aTestCreateUnique */ false, /* aTestNormalize */ true); } TEST(TestFile, PrefixedOnWin_ComponentEndsWithPeriod) { // Bypass the normalization for this because it would strip the trailing // period. SetupAndTestFunctions(u"mozfiletests."_ns, /* aTestCreateUnique */ true, /* aTestNormalize */ false); }