/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include #include #include #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include "mozilla/ErrorNames.h" #include "mozilla/Result.h" #include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h" #include "mozilla/SharedThreadPool.h" #include "mozilla/SpinEventLoopUntil.h" #include "mozilla/TaskQueue.h" #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h" #include "mozilla/WinHandleWatcher.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsError.h" #include "nsIEventTarget.h" #include "nsITargetShutdownTask.h" #include "nsIThread.h" #include "nsIThreadShutdown.h" #include "nsITimer.h" #include "nsTHashMap.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" // #include "nscore.h" namespace details { static nsCString MakeTargetName(const char* name) { const char* testName = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name(); nsCString ret; ret.AppendPrintf("%s: %s", testName, name); return ret; } } // namespace details using HandleWatcher = mozilla::HandleWatcher; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Error handling // nsresult_fatal_err_: auxiliary function for testing-macros. [[noreturn]] void nsresult_fatal_err_(const char* file, size_t line, const char* expr, nsresult res) { // implementation details from the MOZ_CRASH* family of macros MOZ_Crash(file, static_cast(line), MOZ_CrashPrintf("%s gave nsresult %s(%" PRIX32 ")", expr, mozilla::GetStaticErrorName(res), uint32_t(res))); } // UNWRAP: testing-oriented variant of Result::unwrap. // // We make no use of gtest's `ASSERT_*` family of macros, since they assume // that a `return;` statement is sufficient to abort the test. template T unwrap_impl_(const char* file, size_t line, const char* expr, mozilla::Result res) { if (MOZ_LIKELY(res.isOk())) { return res.unwrap(); } nsresult_fatal_err_(file, line, expr, res.unwrapErr()); } #define UNWRAP(expr) unwrap_impl_(__FILE__, __LINE__, #expr, expr) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Milliseconds() // // Convenience declaration for millisecond-based mozilla::TimeDurations. static mozilla::TimeDuration Milliseconds(double d) { return mozilla::TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(d); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TestHandleWatcher // // GTest test fixture. Provides shared resources. class TestHandleWatcher : public testing::Test { protected: static void SetUpTestSuite() { sIsLive = true; } static void TearDownTestSuite() { sPool = nullptr; sIsLive = false; } public: static already_AddRefed GetPool() { AssertIsLive(); if (!sPool) { sPool = mozilla::SharedThreadPool::Get("Test Pool"_ns); } return do_AddRef(sPool); } private: static bool sIsLive; // just for confirmation static void AssertIsLive() { MOZ_ASSERT(sIsLive, "attempted to use `class TestHandleWatcher` outside test group"); } static RefPtr sPool; }; /* static */ bool TestHandleWatcher::sIsLive = false; /* static */ RefPtr TestHandleWatcher::sPool = nullptr; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WindowsEventObject // // Convenient interface to a Windows `event` object. (This is a synchronization // object that's usually the wrong thing to use.) struct WindowsEventObject { HANDLE const handle = ::CreateEvent(nullptr, TRUE, FALSE, nullptr); WindowsEventObject() = default; ~WindowsEventObject() { ::CloseHandle(handle); } WindowsEventObject(WindowsEventObject const&) = delete; WindowsEventObject(WindowsEventObject&&) = delete; WindowsEventObject& operator=(WindowsEventObject const&) = delete; WindowsEventObject& operator=(WindowsEventObject&&) = delete; void Set() { ::SetEvent(handle); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SpawnNewThread // nsCOMPtr SpawnNewThread(const char* name) { nsCOMPtr thread; MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS( NS_NewNamedThread(details::MakeTargetName(name), getter_AddRefs(thread))); return thread; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SpawnNewBackgroundQueue // // (mozilla::TaskQueue expects the supplied name to outlive the queue, so we // just use a static string.) RefPtr SpawnNewBackgroundQueue() { return mozilla::TaskQueue::Create(TestHandleWatcher::GetPool(), "task queue for TestHandleWatcher"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SpinEventLoopUntil // // Local equivalent of `mozilla::SpinEventLoopUntil`, extended with a timeout. // // Spin the current thread's event loop until either a specified predicate is // satisfied or a specified time-interval has passed. // struct SpinEventLoopUntilRet { enum Value { Ok, TimedOut, InternalError } value; bool ok() const { return value == Value::Ok; } bool timedOut() const { return value == Value::TimedOut; } MOZ_IMPLICIT SpinEventLoopUntilRet(Value v) : value(v) {} }; template SpinEventLoopUntilRet SpinEventLoopUntil( Predicate const& aPredicate, mozilla::TimeDuration aDuration = Milliseconds(500)) { using Value = SpinEventLoopUntilRet::Value; nsIThread* currentThread = NS_GetCurrentThread(); // Set up timer. bool timedOut = false; auto timer = UNWRAP(NS_NewTimerWithCallback( [&](nsITimer*) { timedOut = true; }, aDuration, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT, "SpinEventLoop timer", currentThread)); auto onExitCancelTimer = mozilla::MakeScopeExit([&] { timer->Cancel(); }); bool const ret = mozilla::SpinEventLoopUntil( "TestHandleWatcher"_ns, [&] { return timedOut || aPredicate(); }); if (!ret) return Value::InternalError; if (timedOut) return Value::TimedOut; return Value::Ok; } // metatest for `SpinEventLoopUntil` TEST_F(TestHandleWatcher, SpinEventLoopUntil) { auto should_fail = SpinEventLoopUntil([] { return false; }, Milliseconds(1)); ASSERT_TRUE(should_fail.timedOut()); auto should_pass = SpinEventLoopUntil([] { return true; }, Milliseconds(50)); ASSERT_TRUE(should_pass.ok()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PingMainThread // // Post a do-nothing message to the main thread's event queue. (This will signal // it to wake up and check its predicate, if it's waiting for that to happen.) void PingMainThread() { MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS( NS_DispatchToMainThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction("Ping", [] {}))); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Individual tests // Test basic creation and destruction. TEST_F(TestHandleWatcher, Trivial) { HandleWatcher hw; } // Test interaction before a Watch is created. TEST_F(TestHandleWatcher, Empty) { HandleWatcher hw; ASSERT_TRUE(hw.IsStopped()); hw.Stop(); } // Start and trigger an HandleWatcher directly from the main thread. TEST_F(TestHandleWatcher, Simple) { WindowsEventObject event; HandleWatcher hw; std::atomic run = false; hw.Watch( event.handle, NS_GetCurrentThread(), NS_NewRunnableFunction("TestHandleWatcher::Simple", [&] { run = true; })); ASSERT_FALSE(run.load()); event.Set(); // Attempt to force a race below. ::Sleep(0); // This should not race. The HandleWatcher doesn't execute its delegate; it // just queues a mozilla::Task to do that onto our thread's event queue, // and that Task hasn't been permitted to run yet. ASSERT_FALSE(run.load()); ASSERT_TRUE(SpinEventLoopUntil([&] { return run.load(); }).ok()); } // Test that calling Stop() stops the watcher. TEST_F(TestHandleWatcher, Stop) { WindowsEventObject event; HandleWatcher hw; std::atomic run = false; hw.Watch( event.handle, NS_GetCurrentThread(), NS_NewRunnableFunction("TestHandleWatcher::Stop", [&] { run = true; })); ASSERT_FALSE(hw.IsStopped()); hw.Stop(); ASSERT_TRUE(hw.IsStopped()); ASSERT_TRUE(SpinEventLoopUntil([&] { return run.load(); }, Milliseconds(25)) .timedOut()); } // Test that the target's destruction stops the watch. TEST_F(TestHandleWatcher, TargetDestroyed) { WindowsEventObject event; HandleWatcher hw; bool run = false; auto queue = SpawnNewThread("target thread"); hw.Watch(event.handle, queue.get(), NS_NewRunnableFunction("never called", [&] { run = true; })); ASSERT_FALSE(hw.IsStopped()); // synchronous shutdown before destruction queue->Shutdown(); ASSERT_TRUE(hw.IsStopped()); ASSERT_FALSE(run); } // Test that calling `Watch` again stops the current watch. TEST_F(TestHandleWatcher, Rewatch) { WindowsEventObject event; HandleWatcher hw; bool b1 = false; bool b2 = false; { auto queue = SpawnNewThread("target thread"); hw.Watch(event.handle, queue.get(), NS_NewRunnableFunction("b1", [&] { b1 = true; PingMainThread(); })); hw.Watch(event.handle, queue.get(), NS_NewRunnableFunction("b2", [&] { b2 = true; PingMainThread(); })); event.Set(); ASSERT_TRUE(SpinEventLoopUntil([&] { return b1 || b2; }).ok()); queue->Shutdown(); } ASSERT_FALSE(b1); ASSERT_TRUE(b2); } // Test that watching a HANDLE which is _already_ signaled still fires the // associated task. TEST_F(TestHandleWatcher, Presignalled) { WindowsEventObject event; HandleWatcher hw; bool run = false; event.Set(); hw.Watch(event.handle, NS_GetCurrentThread(), NS_NewRunnableFunction("TestHandleWatcher::Presignalled", [&] { run = true; })); ASSERT_TRUE(SpinEventLoopUntil([&] { return run; }).ok()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Systematic tests: normal activation // // Test that a handle becoming signalled on target A correctly enqueues a task // on target B, regardless of whether A == B. // struct ActivationTestSetup { enum TargetType { Main, Side, Background }; WindowsEventObject event; HandleWatcher watcher; std::atomic run = false; nsCOMPtr sideThread; nsCOMPtr backgroundQueue; private: nsIEventTarget* GetQueue(TargetType targetTyoe) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); switch (targetTyoe) { case TargetType::Main: return NS_GetCurrentThread(); case TargetType::Side: { if (!sideThread) { sideThread = SpawnNewThread("side thread"); } return sideThread; } case TargetType::Background: { if (!backgroundQueue) { backgroundQueue = SpawnNewBackgroundQueue(); } return backgroundQueue.get(); } } } void OnSignaled() { run = true; // If we're not running on the main thread, it may be blocked waiting for // events. PingMainThread(); } public: void Setup(TargetType from, TargetType to) { watcher.Watch( event.handle, GetQueue(to), NS_NewRunnableFunction("Reaction", [this] { this->OnSignaled(); })); MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS(GetQueue(from)->Dispatch( NS_NewRunnableFunction("Action", [this] { event.Set(); }))); } bool Execute() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); bool const spin = SpinEventLoopUntil([this] { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); return run.load(); }).ok(); return spin && watcher.IsStopped(); } ~ActivationTestSetup() { watcher.Stop(); } }; #define MOZ_HANDLEWATCHER_GTEST_FROM_TO(FROM, TO) \ TEST_F(TestHandleWatcher, FROM##To##TO) { \ ActivationTestSetup s; \ s.Setup(ActivationTestSetup::TargetType::FROM, \ ActivationTestSetup::TargetType::TO); \ ASSERT_TRUE(s.Execute()); \ } // Note that `Main -> Main` is subtly different from `Simple`, above: `Simple` // sets the event before spinning, while `Main -> Main` merely enqueues a Task // that will set the event during the spin. MOZ_HANDLEWATCHER_GTEST_FROM_TO(Main, Main); MOZ_HANDLEWATCHER_GTEST_FROM_TO(Main, Side); MOZ_HANDLEWATCHER_GTEST_FROM_TO(Main, Background); MOZ_HANDLEWATCHER_GTEST_FROM_TO(Side, Main); MOZ_HANDLEWATCHER_GTEST_FROM_TO(Side, Side); MOZ_HANDLEWATCHER_GTEST_FROM_TO(Side, Background); MOZ_HANDLEWATCHER_GTEST_FROM_TO(Background, Main); MOZ_HANDLEWATCHER_GTEST_FROM_TO(Background, Side); MOZ_HANDLEWATCHER_GTEST_FROM_TO(Background, Background); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ad-hoc tests: reentrancy // // Test that HandleWatcher neither deadlocks nor loses data if its release of a // referenced object causes the invocation of another method on HandleWatcher. // Reentrancy case 1/2: the event target. namespace { class MockEventTarget final : public nsIEventTarget { NS_DECL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS private: // Map from registered shutdown tasks to whether or not they have been (or are // being) executed. (This should probably guarantee some deterministic order, // and also be mutex-protected; but that doesn't matter here.) nsTHashMap, bool> mShutdownTasks; // Out-of band task to be run last at destruction time, regardless of anything // else. std::function mDeathAction; ~MockEventTarget() { for (auto& task : mShutdownTasks) { task.SetData(true); task.GetKey()->TargetShutdown(); } if (mDeathAction) { mDeathAction(); } } public: // shutdown task handling NS_IMETHOD RegisterShutdownTask(nsITargetShutdownTask* task) override { mShutdownTasks.WithEntryHandle(task, [&](auto entry) { if (entry.HasEntry()) { MOZ_CRASH("attempted to double-register shutdown task"); } entry.Insert(false); }); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHOD UnregisterShutdownTask(nsITargetShutdownTask* task) override { mozilla::Maybe res = mShutdownTasks.Extract(task); if (!res.isSome()) { MOZ_CRASH("attempted to unregister non-registered task"); } if (res.value()) { MOZ_CRASH("attempted to unregister already-executed shutdown task"); } return NS_OK; } void RegisterDeathAction(std::function&& f) { mDeathAction = std::move(f); } // other nsIEventTarget methods (that we don't actually use) NS_IMETHOD_(bool) IsOnCurrentThreadInfallible(void) { return false; } NS_IMETHOD IsOnCurrentThread(bool* _retval) { *_retval = false; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHOD Dispatch(already_AddRefed, uint32_t) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHOD DispatchFromScript(nsIRunnable*, uint32_t) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHOD DelayedDispatch(already_AddRefed, uint32_t) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(MockEventTarget, nsIEventTarget) } // anonymous namespace // Test that a HandleWatcher neither deadlocks nor loses data if it's invoked // when it releases its target. TEST_F(TestHandleWatcher, TargetDestructionRecurrency) { WindowsEventObject e1, e2; bool b1 = false, b2 = false; HandleWatcher hw; { RefPtr p = mozilla::MakeRefPtr(); hw.Watch(e1.handle, p.get(), NS_NewRunnableFunction("first callback", [&] { b1 = true; PingMainThread(); })); p->RegisterDeathAction([&] { hw.Watch(e2.handle, mozilla::GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget(), NS_NewRunnableFunction("second callback", [&] { b2 = true; })); }); } ASSERT_FALSE(hw.IsStopped()); hw.Stop(); ASSERT_FALSE(hw.IsStopped()); // [sic] e1.Set(); // should do nothing e2.Set(); ASSERT_TRUE(SpinEventLoopUntil([&] { return b1 || b2; }).ok()); ASSERT_FALSE(b1); ASSERT_TRUE(b2); } // Reentrancy case 2/2: the runnable. namespace { class MockRunnable final : public nsIRunnable { NS_DECL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS NS_IMETHOD Run() override { MOZ_CRASH("MockRunnable was invoked"); return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } std::function mDeathAction; public: void RegisterDeathAction(std::function&& f) { mDeathAction = std::move(f); } private: ~MockRunnable() { if (mDeathAction) { mDeathAction(); } } }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(MockRunnable, nsIRunnable) } // anonymous namespace // Test that a HandleWatcher neither deadlocks nor loses data if it's invoked // when it releases its task. TEST_F(TestHandleWatcher, TaskDestructionRecurrency) { WindowsEventObject e1, e2; bool run = false; HandleWatcher hw; auto thread = SpawnNewBackgroundQueue(); { RefPtr runnable = mozilla::MakeRefPtr(); runnable->RegisterDeathAction([&] { hw.Watch(e2.handle, thread, NS_NewRunnableFunction("callback", [&] { run = true; PingMainThread(); })); }); hw.Watch(e1.handle, thread.get(), runnable.forget()); } ASSERT_FALSE(hw.IsStopped()); hw.Stop(); ASSERT_FALSE(hw.IsStopped()); // [sic] e1.Set(); // give MockRunnable a chance to run (and therefore crash) if it somehow // hasn't been discmnnected ASSERT_TRUE( SpinEventLoopUntil([&] { return false; }, Milliseconds(10)).timedOut()); e2.Set(); ASSERT_TRUE(SpinEventLoopUntil([&] { return run; }).ok()); ASSERT_TRUE(run); }