/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { MockRegistry } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/MockRegistry.sys.mjs" ); const nsIWindowsRegKey = Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey; let regKeyComponent = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1"]; // We run these tests twice: once against the native Windows registry, and a // second time against `MockRegistry`. This gives some confidence that // `MockRegistry` implements the same APIs as the native Windows registry. // This order is important: the native registry test must run first, because // otherwise we would end up running the `MockRegistry` test twice without // checking it against the native Windows registry. add_task(function test_native_registry() { info("Running test for native Windows registry"); run_one_test(); }); add_task(function test_MockRegistry() { let registry = new MockRegistry(); registerCleanupFunction(() => { registry.shutdown(); }); // Before, there's nothing -- just the 3 roots (HKLM, HKCU, HKCR). let linesBefore = []; MockRegistry.dump(null, "", linesBefore.push.bind(linesBefore)); strictEqual(linesBefore.length, 3); info("Running test for MockRegistry"); run_one_test({ cleanup: false }); // After, there's something -- more than just the roots. let linesAfter = []; MockRegistry.dump(null, "", linesAfter.push.bind(linesAfter)); strictEqual(linesAfter.length, 8); }); function run_one_test({ cleanup = true } = {}) { //* create a key structure in a spot that's normally writable (somewhere under HKCU). let testKey = regKeyComponent.createInstance(nsIWindowsRegKey); // If it's already present because a previous test crashed or didn't clean up properly, clean it up first. let keyName = BASE_PATH + "\\" + TESTDATA_KEYNAME; setup_test_run(testKey, keyName); //* test that the write* functions write stuff test_writing_functions(testKey); //* check that the valueCount/getValueName functions work for the values we just wrote test_value_functions(testKey); //* check that the get* functions work for the values we just wrote. test_reading_functions(testKey); //* check that the get* functions fail with the right exception codes if we ask for the wrong type or if the value name doesn't exist at all test_invalidread_functions(testKey); //* check that removing/deleting values works test_remove_functions(testKey); //* check that creating/enumerating/deleting child keys works test_childkey_functions(testKey); //* clean up if (cleanup) { cleanup_test_run(testKey, keyName); } } function setup_test_run(testKey, keyName) { info("Setup test run"); try { testKey.open( nsIWindowsRegKey.ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, keyName, nsIWindowsRegKey.ACCESS_READ ); info("Test key exists. Needs cleanup."); cleanup_test_run(testKey, keyName); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof Ci.nsIException && e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE)) { throw e; } } testKey.create( nsIWindowsRegKey.ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, keyName, nsIWindowsRegKey.ACCESS_ALL ); } function test_writing_functions(testKey) { strictEqual(testKey.valueCount, 0); strictEqual(testKey.hasValue(TESTDATA_STRNAME), false); testKey.writeStringValue(TESTDATA_STRNAME, TESTDATA_STRVALUE); strictEqual(testKey.hasValue(TESTDATA_STRNAME), true); strictEqual(testKey.hasValue(TESTDATA_INTNAME), false); testKey.writeIntValue(TESTDATA_INTNAME, TESTDATA_INTVALUE); strictEqual(testKey.hasValue(TESTDATA_INT64NAME), false); testKey.writeInt64Value(TESTDATA_INT64NAME, TESTDATA_INT64VALUE); strictEqual(testKey.hasValue(TESTDATA_BINARYNAME), false); testKey.writeBinaryValue(TESTDATA_BINARYNAME, TESTDATA_BINARYVALUE); } function test_value_functions(testKey) { strictEqual(testKey.valueCount, 4); strictEqual(testKey.getValueName(0), TESTDATA_STRNAME); strictEqual(testKey.getValueName(1), TESTDATA_INTNAME); strictEqual(testKey.getValueName(2), TESTDATA_INT64NAME); strictEqual(testKey.getValueName(3), TESTDATA_BINARYNAME); } function test_reading_functions(testKey) { strictEqual( testKey.getValueType(TESTDATA_STRNAME), nsIWindowsRegKey.TYPE_STRING ); strictEqual(testKey.readStringValue(TESTDATA_STRNAME), TESTDATA_STRVALUE); strictEqual( testKey.getValueType(TESTDATA_INTNAME), nsIWindowsRegKey.TYPE_INT ); strictEqual(testKey.readIntValue(TESTDATA_INTNAME), TESTDATA_INTVALUE); strictEqual( testKey.getValueType(TESTDATA_INT64NAME), nsIWindowsRegKey.TYPE_INT64 ); strictEqual(testKey.readInt64Value(TESTDATA_INT64NAME), TESTDATA_INT64VALUE); strictEqual( testKey.getValueType(TESTDATA_BINARYNAME), nsIWindowsRegKey.TYPE_BINARY ); strictEqual( testKey.readBinaryValue(TESTDATA_BINARYNAME), TESTDATA_BINARYVALUE ); } function test_invalidread_functions(testKey) { try { testKey.readIntValue(TESTDATA_STRNAME); do_throw("Reading an integer from a string registry value should throw."); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof Ci.nsIException && e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE)) { throw e; } } try { let val = testKey.readStringValue(TESTDATA_INTNAME); do_throw( "Reading an string from an Int registry value should throw." + val ); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof Ci.nsIException && e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE)) { throw e; } } try { testKey.readStringValue(TESTDATA_INT64NAME); do_throw("Reading an string from an Int64 registry value should throw."); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof Ci.nsIException && e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE)) { throw e; } } try { testKey.readStringValue(TESTDATA_BINARYNAME); do_throw("Reading a string from an Binary registry value should throw."); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof Ci.nsIException && e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE)) { throw e; } } } function test_remove_functions(testKey) { strictEqual(testKey.valueCount, 4); testKey.removeValue(TESTDATA_INT64NAME); strictEqual(testKey.valueCount, 3); testKey.removeValue(TESTDATA_INT64NAME); strictEqual(testKey.valueCount, 3); } function test_childkey_functions(testKey) { strictEqual(testKey.childCount, 0); strictEqual(testKey.hasChild(TESTDATA_CHILD_KEY), false); let childKey = testKey.createChild( TESTDATA_CHILD_KEY, nsIWindowsRegKey.ACCESS_ALL ); childKey.close(); strictEqual(testKey.childCount, 1); strictEqual(testKey.hasChild(TESTDATA_CHILD_KEY), true); strictEqual(testKey.getChildName(0), TESTDATA_CHILD_KEY); childKey = testKey.openChild(TESTDATA_CHILD_KEY, nsIWindowsRegKey.ACCESS_ALL); testKey.removeChild(TESTDATA_CHILD_KEY); strictEqual(testKey.childCount, 0); strictEqual(testKey.hasChild(TESTDATA_CHILD_KEY), false); } function cleanup_test_run(testKey) { info("Cleaning up test."); for (var i = 0; i < testKey.childCount; i++) { testKey.removeChild(testKey.getChildName(i)); } testKey.close(); let baseKey = regKeyComponent.createInstance(nsIWindowsRegKey); baseKey.open( nsIWindowsRegKey.ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, BASE_PATH, nsIWindowsRegKey.ACCESS_ALL ); baseKey.removeChild(TESTDATA_KEYNAME); baseKey.close(); } // Test data used above. const BASE_PATH = "SOFTWARE"; const TESTDATA_KEYNAME = "TestRegXPC"; const TESTDATA_STRNAME = "AString"; const TESTDATA_STRVALUE = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; const TESTDATA_INTNAME = "AnInteger"; const TESTDATA_INTVALUE = 65536; const TESTDATA_INT64NAME = "AnInt64"; const TESTDATA_INT64VALUE = 9223372036854775000; const TESTDATA_BINARYNAME = "ABinary"; const TESTDATA_BINARYVALUE = "She sells seashells by the seashore"; const TESTDATA_CHILD_KEY = "TestChildKey";