firmware-free ============= Upstream -------- firmware-free is based on the linux-firmware.git repository, which does not currently make tarball (or tagged) releases. Also, most of its contents are non-free. git:// We set the upstream version to the date of the last commit and use uscan to generate a tarball from upstream git. The Files-Excluded field in 'debian/copyright' lists file patterns that should be excluded from the tarball. We also pull module information from Linux binary packages. To update this information, run: debian/bin/update-modinfo You can optionally pass a specific kernel release string or directory in which to look for modules. Licences -------- The upstream source includes the file 'WHENCE' which lists the licence and any source code for each file. The script 'debian/bin/' will warn about any files that aren't recognised to be free based on the information in 'WHENCE' and that haven't been excluded. Binary package definition ------------------------- The binary package definitions are placed under 'debian/config' and written in a format similar to INI files, parsed using the Python ConfigParser module , The [base] packages field in the top-level 'defines' file lists all the binary package names, without the fixed prefix 'firmware-'. For each binary package, there is a subdirectory with matching name (again without the prefix) containing another 'defines' file with metadata. Any non-upstream firmware files are also included in these subdirectories. The script 'debian/bin/' will list the upstream firmware files that are free but not assigned to any binary package. Required metadata: [base] desc: Short description of related hardware, used in Description [base] files: List of files to be included, one per line [base] longdesc: Longer description of related hardware and drivers, used in Description. Optional metadata: [base] uri: Upstream URL, used as Homepage and in copyright file. Not needed if the contents come from linux-firmware.git. [base] support: Set to 'initramfs-tools' if update-initramfs should be invoked after installation [base] replaces: Used as Replaces field [base] conflicts: Used as Conflicts field [base] provides: Used as Provides field Optional per-file metadata: [_base] desc: One-line description for this file, used in package description [_base] version: Verson number for this file, used in package description To re-generate debian/control (and other files) based on these definitions: 1. Install the current linux-support- package 2. Ensure debian/rules.defs has the right value of KERNELVERSION 3. If the 'orig.tar' archive is not yet available, retrieve it as follows: ``uscan --download-version `` ( is f.e. ``20230210``) To retrieve programmatically, use f.e. this: $(head -n1 debian/changelog | sed 's/.*\([[:digit:]]\{8\}\).*/\1/') Combined that results in: ``uscan --download-version $(head -n1 debian/changelog | sed 's/.*\([[:digit:]]\{8\}\).*/\1/')`` 4. Run: debian/rules orig 5. Run: debian/rules debian/control To update the current package's changelog with the new upstream version: 1. Run: PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/linux-support-/lib/python \ debian/bin/release-update /path/to/linux-firmware-repository This will update debian/changelog with the changes added between the commit of the current package version and the HEAD commit found in the linux firmware repository, passed as argument. 2. Remove entries regarding firmwares files not packaged -- Ben Hutchings , Sun, 20 Aug 2023 18:33:40 +0200