/* metaflac - Command-line FLAC metadata editor * Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Josh Coalson * Copyright (C) 2011-2023 Xiph.Org Foundation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include "options.h" #include "utils.h" #include "FLAC/assert.h" #include "share/grabbag.h" #include "share/compat.h" #include "operations_shorthand.h" static FLAC__bool import_cs_from(const char *filename, FLAC__StreamMetadata **cuesheet, const char *cs_filename, FLAC__bool *needs_write, FLAC__uint64 lead_out_offset, unsigned sample_rate, FLAC__bool is_cdda, Argument_AddSeekpoint *add_seekpoint_link); static FLAC__bool export_cs_to(const char *filename, const FLAC__StreamMetadata *cuesheet, const char *cs_filename); FLAC__bool do_shorthand_operation__cuesheet(const char *filename, FLAC__Metadata_Chain *chain, const Operation *operation, FLAC__bool *needs_write) { FLAC__bool ok = true; FLAC__StreamMetadata *cuesheet = 0; FLAC__Metadata_Iterator *iterator = FLAC__metadata_iterator_new(); FLAC__uint64 lead_out_offset = 0; FLAC__bool is_cdda = false; unsigned sample_rate = 0; if(0 == iterator) die("out of memory allocating iterator"); FLAC__metadata_iterator_init(iterator, chain); do { FLAC__StreamMetadata *block = FLAC__metadata_iterator_get_block(iterator); if(block->type == FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO) { lead_out_offset = block->data.stream_info.total_samples; if(lead_out_offset == 0) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: FLAC file must have total_samples set in STREAMINFO in order to import/export cuesheet\n", filename); FLAC__metadata_iterator_delete(iterator); return false; } sample_rate = block->data.stream_info.sample_rate; is_cdda = (block->data.stream_info.channels == 1 || block->data.stream_info.channels == 2) && (block->data.stream_info.bits_per_sample == 16) && (sample_rate == 44100); } else if(block->type == FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET) cuesheet = block; } while(FLAC__metadata_iterator_next(iterator)); if(lead_out_offset == 0) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: FLAC stream has no STREAMINFO block\n", filename); FLAC__metadata_iterator_delete(iterator); return false; } if(sample_rate == 0) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: cannot parse cuesheet when sample rate is unknown\n", filename); FLAC__metadata_iterator_delete(iterator); return false; } switch(operation->type) { case OP__IMPORT_CUESHEET_FROM: if(0 != cuesheet) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: FLAC file already has CUESHEET block\n", filename); ok = false; } else { ok = import_cs_from(filename, &cuesheet, operation->argument.import_cuesheet_from.filename, needs_write, lead_out_offset, sample_rate, is_cdda, operation->argument.import_cuesheet_from.add_seekpoint_link); if(ok) { /* append CUESHEET block */ while(FLAC__metadata_iterator_next(iterator)) ; if(!FLAC__metadata_iterator_insert_block_after(iterator, cuesheet)) { print_error_with_chain_status(chain, "%s: ERROR: adding new CUESHEET block to metadata", filename); FLAC__metadata_object_delete(cuesheet); ok = false; } } } break; case OP__EXPORT_CUESHEET_TO: if(0 == cuesheet) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: FLAC file has no CUESHEET block\n", filename); ok = false; } else ok = export_cs_to(filename, cuesheet, operation->argument.filename.value); break; default: ok = false; FLAC__ASSERT(0); break; }; FLAC__metadata_iterator_delete(iterator); return ok; } /* * local routines */ FLAC__bool import_cs_from(const char *filename, FLAC__StreamMetadata **cuesheet, const char *cs_filename, FLAC__bool *needs_write, FLAC__uint64 lead_out_offset, unsigned sample_rate, FLAC__bool is_cdda, Argument_AddSeekpoint *add_seekpoint_link) { FILE *f; const char *error_message; char **seekpoint_specification = add_seekpoint_link? &(add_seekpoint_link->specification) : 0; unsigned last_line_read; if(0 == cs_filename || strlen(cs_filename) == 0) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: empty import file name\n", filename); return false; } if(0 == strcmp(cs_filename, "-")) f = stdin; else f = flac_fopen(cs_filename, "r"); if(0 == f) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: can't open import file %s: %s\n", filename, cs_filename, strerror(errno)); return false; } *cuesheet = grabbag__cuesheet_parse(f, &error_message, &last_line_read, sample_rate, is_cdda, lead_out_offset); if(f != stdin) fclose(f); if(0 == *cuesheet) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: while parsing cuesheet \"%s\" on line %u: %s\n", filename, cs_filename, last_line_read, error_message); return false; } if(!FLAC__format_cuesheet_is_legal(&(*cuesheet)->data.cue_sheet, /*check_cd_da_subset=*/false, &error_message)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR parsing cuesheet \"%s\": %s\n", filename, cs_filename, error_message); FLAC__metadata_object_delete(*cuesheet); return false; } /* if we're expecting CDDA, warn about non-compliance */ if(is_cdda && !FLAC__format_cuesheet_is_legal(&(*cuesheet)->data.cue_sheet, /*check_cd_da_subset=*/true, &error_message)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING cuesheet \"%s\" is not audio CD compliant: %s\n", filename, cs_filename, error_message); (*cuesheet)->data.cue_sheet.is_cd = false; } /* add seekpoints for each index point if required */ if(0 != seekpoint_specification) { char spec[128]; unsigned track, indx; const FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet *cs = &(*cuesheet)->data.cue_sheet; if(0 == *seekpoint_specification) *seekpoint_specification = local_strdup(""); for(track = 0; track < cs->num_tracks; track++) { const FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Track *tr = cs->tracks+track; for(indx = 0; indx < tr->num_indices; indx++) { flac_snprintf(spec, sizeof (spec), "%" PRIu64 ";", (tr->offset + tr->indices[indx].offset)); local_strcat(seekpoint_specification, spec); } } } *needs_write = true; return true; } FLAC__bool export_cs_to(const char *filename, const FLAC__StreamMetadata *cuesheet, const char *cs_filename) { FILE *f; char *ref = 0; size_t reflen; if(0 == cs_filename || strlen(cs_filename) == 0) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: empty export file name\n", filename); return false; } if(0 == strcmp(cs_filename, "-")) f = stdout; else f = flac_fopen(cs_filename, "w"); if(0 == f) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: can't open export file %s: %s\n", filename, cs_filename, strerror(errno)); return false; } reflen = strlen(filename) + 7 + 1; if(0 == (ref = malloc(reflen))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: allocating memory\n", filename); if(f != stdout) fclose(f); return false; } flac_snprintf(ref, reflen, "\"%s\" FLAC", filename); grabbag__cuesheet_emit(f, cuesheet, ref); free(ref); if(f != stdout) fclose(f); #ifdef FUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION /* Delete output file when fuzzing */ if(f != stdout) flac_unlink(cs_filename); #endif return true; }