1. INTRO The FreeRADIUS Server Project is a high performance and highly configurable multi-protocol policy server, supporting RADIUS, DHCPv4 and VMPS. It is available under the terms of the GNU GPLv2. All code in this server was written for this project. 2. INSTALLATION See the INSTALL file, in the parent directory. 3. CONFIGURATION FILES Much of the server documentation is included only in the comments in the configuration files. Reading the configuration files is REQUIRED to fully understand how to create complex configurations of the server. 3a. 'clients.conf' Make sure the clients (NAS, switches, access points etc) are set up to use the host radiusd is running on as authentication and accounting host. Configure these clients with a "radius secret", which should also be entered into the client definition in /etc/raddb/clients.conf. See also the manual page for clients.conf(5). 3b. 'users' Users may be defined in the "users" file (raddb/mods-config/files/authorize). All entries are processed in the order as they appear in the file. If an entry matches the username, radiusd will stop scanning the users file (unless the attribute "Fall-Through = Yes" is set). You can uses spaces in usernames by escaping them with \ or by using quotes. For example, "joe user" or joe\ user. The 'users' file is read by the "rlm_files" module. 3c. NEW RADIUS ATTRIBUTES (to be used in the USERS file). Name Type Descr. ---- ---- ------ Simultaneous-Use integer Max. number of concurrent logins Fall-Through integer Yes/No Login-Time string Defines when user may login. Current-Time string Allows you to perform time-based checks when a request is received. Login-Time defines the time span a user may login to the system. The format of a so-called time string is like the format used by UUCP. A time string may be a list of simple time strings separated by "|" or ",". Each simple time string must begin with a day definition. That can be just one day, multiple days, or a range of days separated by a hyphen. A day is Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa or Su, or Wk for Mo-Fr. "Any" or "Al" means all days. After that a range of hours follows in hhmm-hhmm format. For example, "Wk2305-0855,Sa,Su2305-1655". radiusd calculates the number of seconds left in the time span, and sets the Session-Timeout to that number of seconds. So if someones Login-Time is "Al0800-1800" and she logs in at 17:30, Session-Timeout is set to 1800 seconds so that she is kicked off at 18:00. 4. LOG FILES 4a. /var/log/radius/radutmp In this file the currently logged in users are held. The program "radwho" reads this file and gives you a summary. Rogue sessions can be deleted from this file with the "radzap" program. 4b. /var/log/radius/radwtmp This file is "wtmp" compatible and keeps a history of all radius logins/ logouts. This file can be read with the "last" program, and other Unix accounting programs (such as "ac" and "sac") can be used to produce a summary. 4c. /var/log/radius/radius.log All RADIUS informational, diagnostic and error messages are logged in this file, including all login attempts. 4d. /var/log/radius/radacct//detail This is the original radius logfile, as written by all the Livingston radius servers. It's only created if the directory /var/log/radius/radacct exists. For more configuration options on the detail file please see raddb/mods-available/detail as it expands upon this greatly. 5. MORE INFO, SUPPORT The latest version of FreeRADIUS is always available from the git repository hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/FreeRADIUS/freeradius-server or see http://freeradius.org/git/ for more information. There are two mailing lists for users and developers. General user, administrator and configuration issues should be discussed on the users list at: http://lists.freeradius.org/mailman/listinfo/freeradius-users When asking for help on the users list, be sure the include a detailed and clear description of the problem, together with full debug output from FreeRADIUS, obtained by running radiusd -X Developers only discussion is to be had on the devel list: http://lists.freeradius.org/mailman/listinfo/freeradius-devel Please do not raise general configuration issues here. 6. OTHER INFORMATION The files in other directories are: debian/ Files to build Debian Linux packages. doc/ Various snippets of documentation doc/rfc/ Copies of the RFC's. If you have Perl, do a 'make' in that directory, and look at the HTML output. man/ Unix Manual pages for the server, configuration files, and associated utilities. mibs/ SNMP Mibs for the server. raddb/ Default configuration files for the server. redhat/ Files to build RedHat RPM packages. scripts/ Sample scripts for startup and maintenance. share/ Attribute dictionaries. src/ Source code src/main source code for the daemon and associated utilities src/lib source code for the RADIUS library src/include header files src/modules dynamic plug-in modules src/tests test harness used by "make test" suse/ Files to build SuSE RPM packages. If you have ANY problems, concerns, or surprises when running the server, then run it in debugging mode, as root, from the command line: # radiusd -X It will produce a large number of messages. The answers to many questions, and the solution to many problems, can usually be found in these messages. For further details, see: https://freeradius.org/documentation/ and the 'bugs' file, in this directory. $Date$