= Directories The directories in the server source are laid out ad follows: == Documentation [width="100%",cols="50%,50%",options="header",] |=== | Directory | Description | `doc/` | Various snippets of documentation. | `doc/introduction/` | Concepts and introduction to FreeRADIUS. | `doc/raddb/` | HTML versions of the configuration files. | `doc/developers/` | Developer documentation for internal APIs | `doc/unlang/` | The unlang processing language. | `doc/upgrade/` | How to upgrade from version 3 to version 4. | `doc/rfc/` | Copies of the RFC’s. If you have Perl, do a `make` in that directory, and look at the HTML output. | `doc/antora/` | Metadata and documentation source files to build an Antora based documentation site. | `doc/doxygen/` | Files to build a Doxygen site from the source code. | `man/` | Unix Manual pages for the server, configuration files, and associated utilities. |=== == Utility [cols=",",options="header",] |=== |Directory | Description | `mibs/` | SNMP Mibs for the server. | `scripts/` | Sample scripts for startup and maintenance. |=== == Configuration [width="100%",cols="50%,50%",options="header",] |=== | Directory | Description | `raddb/` | Sample configuration files for the server. | `raddb/mods-available` | Module configuration files. | `raddb/mods-enabled` | Directory containing symlinks to `raddb/mods-available`. Controls which modules are enabled. | `raddb/sites-available` | Virtual servers. | `raddb/sites-enabled` | Directory containing symlinks to `raddb/sites-available`. Control which virtual servers are enabled. |=== == Packaging [cols=",",options="header",] |=== |Directory | Description | `debian/` | Files to build a `freeradius` Debian Linux package. | `redhat/` | Additional files for a RedHat Linux system. | `suse/` | Additional files for a SuSE (UnitedLinux) system. |=== == Source [cols=",",options="header",] |=== |Directory | Description | `src/` | Source code. | `src/bin/` | Source code for the daemon and associated utilities. | `src/lib/` | Source code for various utility libraries. | `src/include/` | Header files. | `src/protocols/` | Dynamic frontend plug-in modules. | `src/modules/` | Dynamic backend plug-in modules. |===