= Operands .Syntax [source,unlang] ---- string integer "double-quoted string" 'single-quoted string' `back-quoted string` ---- Any text not matching xref:attr.adoc[&Attribute-Name] or xref:condition/return_code.adoc[Return Code] is interpreted as a value for a particular xref:type/index.adoc[data type]. Double-quoted strings and back-quoted strings are dynamically expanded before the condition is evaluated. Single-quoted strings are static literals and are not dynamically expanded. When used as an existence check, the condition evaluates to `true` if the data is non-zero. Otherwise, the condition evaluates to `false`. For integer existence checks, `0` is `false`; all other values are `true`. For string existence checks, an empty string is `false`. All other strings are `true`. All other data types are disallowed in existence checks. .Examples `"hello there"` + `5` // Copyright (C) 2020 Network RADIUS SAS. Licenced under CC-by-NC 4.0. // Development of this documentation was sponsored by Network RADIUS SAS.