= The return Statement .Syntax [source,unlang] ---- return ---- The `return` statement is used to exit a processing section such as `authorize`. It behaves similarly to the xref:break.adoc[break] statement, except that it is not limited to being used inside of a xref:foreach.adoc[foreach] loop. The `return` statement is not strictly necessary. It is mainly used to simplify the layout of `unlang` policies. If the `return` statement did not exist, then every xref:if.adoc[if] statement might need to have a matching xref:else.adoc[else] statement. The `return` statement will also exit a policy which is defined in the `policy { ... } ` subsection. This behavior allows policies to be treated as a function call. Any `return` inside of the policy section will only return from that policy. The `return` will _not_ return from the enclosing processing section which called the policy. .Example [source,unlang] ---- sql if (&reply.Filter-Id == "hello") { return } ... ---- // Copyright (C) 2020 Network RADIUS SAS. Licenced under CC-by-NC 4.0. // Development of this documentation was sponsored by Network RADIUS SAS.