= The update Statement .Syntax [source,unlang] ---- update [ ] { ... } ---- The `update` statement adds attributes to, or edits the attributes in, the named __. The `update` statement consists of the following syntax elements: :: The attribute list which will be updated. The list is usually `request`, `reply`, or `control`. + If the __ qualifier is omitted, then each entry inside of the `update` section *must* be prefixed with a list name. For example, `&request.User-Name ...` :: The server attribute which is assigned the __. :: The operator such as `=`, `:=`, etc. :: The value which is assigned to the attribute. If the field is a double-quoted string, it undergoes xref:xlat/index.adoc[string expansion], and the resulting value is assigned to the attribute. The update process is atomic, in that either all of the attributes are modified, or none of them are modified. If the `update` fails for any reason, then all of the results are discarded, and the `update` does not affect any server attributes. .Example [source,unlang] ---- update reply { &Reply-Message := "Hello!" &Framed-IP-Address := } ---- == Lists The __ field sets the attribute list that will be updated. If the __ qualifier is omitted, then each entry inside of the `update` section *must* be prefixed with a list name. For example, `&request.User-Name ...` Please see the xref:list.adoc[list] page for valid list names. == Server Attributes The __ field is an attribute name, such as `&Reply-Message`. The attribute name may also be prefixed with a __ qualifier, which overrides the __ given at the start of the `update` section. NOTE: In version 3, the leading `&` is optional but recommended. == Editing Operators The `` field is used to define how the attribute is processed. Different operators allow attributes to be added, deleted, or replaced, as defined below. .Editing Operators [options="header"] [cols="10%,90%"] |===== | Operator | Description | = | Add the attribute to the list, if and only if an attribute of the same name is not already present in that list. | := | Add the attribute to the list. If any attribute of the same name is already present in that list, its value is replaced with the value of the current attribute. | += | Add the attribute to the tail of the list, even if attributes of the same name are already present in the list. | ^= | Add the attribute to the head of the list, even if attributes of the same name are already present in the list. | -= | Remove all attributes from the list that match __. | !* | Delete all occurances of the attribute, no matter what the value. |===== == Filtering Operators The following operators may also be used in addition to the ones listed above. These operators use the __ and __ fields to enforce limits on all attributes in the given __, and to edit attributes which have a matching __ name. All other attributes are ignored. .Filtering Operators [options="header] [cols="10%,90%"] |===== | Operator | Description | == | Keep only the attributes in the list that match __ | < | Keep only the attributes in the list that have values less than __. | \<= | Keep only the attributes in the list that have values less than or equal to __. | > | Keep only the attributes in the list that have values greater than __. | >= | Keep only the attributes in the list that have values greater than or equal to __. | =~ | Keep only the attributes in the list which match the regular expression given in __. | !~ | Keep only the attributes in the list which do not match the regular expression given in __. |===== The `==` operator is very different from the `=` operator listed above. The `=` operator is used to add new attributes to the list, while the `==` operator removes all attributes that do not match the given value. The comparison operators `<`, `<=`, `>`, and `>=` have some additional side effects. Any non-matching value is replaced by the __ given here. If no attribute exists, it is created with the given __. For IP addresses, the operators `>`, `>=`, `<`, and `\<=` check for membership in a network. The __ field should then be a IP network, given in `address/mask` format. .Example [source,unlang] ---- update reply { &Session-timeout := 86400 } ---- .Example [source,unlang] ---- update reply { &Reply-Message += "Rejected: Also, realm does not end with ac.uk" } ---- == Values The __ field is the value which is assigned to the __. The interpretation of the __ field depends on the data type of the contents. For example, if the string `""` is assigned to an attribute of the `string` data type, then the result is an ASCII string containing that value. However, if the same string is assigned to an attribute of the `ipaddr` data type, then the result is a 32-bit IPv4 address, with binary value `0xc0000201`. .Example [source,unlang] ---- update reply { &Session-Timeout <= 3600 } ---- // Copyright (C) 2020 Network RADIUS SAS. Licenced under CC-by-NC 4.0. // Development of this documentation was sponsored by Network RADIUS SAS.