= Single Letter Expansions The following are single letter expansions. These expansions do not use the typical `%{...}` format. Instead, they are short-cuts for simple, common cases. == Miscellaneous `%%`:: Returns `%`. == Current Time `%c`:: The current Unix epoch time in seconds. This is an unsigned decimal number. It should be used with time-based calculations. `%C`:: The microsecond component of the current epoch time. This is an unsigned decimal number. It should be used with time-based calculations. == Request Time `%l`:: The Unix timestamp of when the request was received. This is an unsigned decimal number. It should be used with time-based calculations. `%Y`:: Four-digit year when the request was received. `%m`:: Numeric month when the request was received. `%d`:: Numeric day of the month when the request was received. `%H`:: Hour of the day when the request was received. `%G`:: Minute component of the time when the request was received. `%e`:: Second component of the time when the request was received. `%M`:: Microsecond component of the time when the request was received. `%D`:: Request date in the format `YYYYMMDD`. `%S`:: Request timestamp in SQL format, `YYYY-mmm-ddd HH:MM:SS`. `%t`:: Request timestamp in _ctime_ format, `Www Mmm dd HH:MM:SS YYYY`. `%T`:: Request timestamp in ISO format, `YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.000`. // Copyright (C) 2020 Network RADIUS SAS. Licenced under CC-by-NC 4.0. // Development of this documentation was sponsored by Network RADIUS SAS.