Example configuration for logstash/elasticsearch ================================================ So you've got all these RADIUS logs, but how do you analyse them? What is the easiest way to query the logs, find out when a client connected or disconnected, or view the top ten clients logging into the system over the last six hours? The elastic stack is designed and built to do just that. elasticsearch is a search engine; logstash is commonly used to feed data in, and kibana the web interface to query the logs in near real time. Installing the elastic stack is beyond the scope of this document, but can be done in a short amount of time by any competent sysadmin. Then comes getting the logs in. This directory contains the following files as a starting point for feeding RADIUS logs into elasticsearch via logstash, then sample dashboards for Kibana to explore the data. Files ----- Please note that all files should be reviewed before use to determine if they are suitable for your configuration/system, especially if you are integrating this into an existing logstash/elasticsearch setup. radius-mapping.sh Each elasticsearch index needs a mapping to describe how fields are stored. If one is not provided then all is not lost as elasticsearch will build one on the fly. However, this may not be optimal, especially for RADIUS data, as all fields will be analyzed making some visualisations hard or impossible (such as showing top N clients). This shell script (which just runs curl) pushes a template mapping into the elasticsearch cluster. logstash-radius.conf A sample configuration file for logstash that parses RADIUS 'detail' files. It processes these by joining each record onto one line, then splitting the tab-delimited key-value pairs out. Some additional data is then extracted from certain key attributes. The logstash config will need to be edited at least to set the input method: for experimentation the given input (file) may be used. If logstash is running on the RADIUS server itself then this example input may be appropriate, otherwise a different input such as log-courier or filebeat may be better to get the data over the network to logstash. It would be best to use an input method that can join the multiple lines of the detail file together and feed them to logstash as a single entry, rather than using the logstash multiline codec. log-courier.conf An example configuration for the log-courier feeder. kibana4-dashboard.json Basic RADIUS dashboard (for Kibana 4 to Kibana 6). To import the dashboard first create a new index called "radius-*" in Settings/Indices. Then go to Kibana's Settings page, "Objects" and "Import". Once imported open the "RADIUS detail" dashboard. Example usage ------------- Install mapping (only needs to be done once): $ ./radius-mapping.sh Edit logstash-radius.conf to point to the correct file, then feed a detail file in: # /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash --path.settings=/etc/logstash -f logstash-radius.conf To view debug output, append `--log.level=debug`. See also -------- elasticsearch web site: http://www.elastic.co/ The configuration examples presented here have been tested with the following software versions: elasticsearch 6.7.0 logstash 6.7.0 kibana 6.7.0 kibana 5.1.2 kibana 4.1.11