# Example log-courier configuration file for RADIUS detail files. # # This has been tested with log-courier version 2.0.4 # { "general": { "persist directory": "/var/lib/log-courier", "log syslog": true, "log stdout": false }, "network": { "transport": "tcp", # Servers to connect to. # "servers": [ "logstash1.example:5140", "logstash2.example:5140" ] }, "files": [ { # Match RADIUS detail files, but not anything that has # been gzipped. # "paths": [ "/var/log/radius/radacct/*/detail-????????" ], # Add a type:"radiusdetail" field to the data so that # logstash can tell what type of data this is (in case # log-courier is being used for other data as well). # "fields": { "type": "radiusdetail" }, # Stop watching a file if nothing has been written in 12h. # "dead time": "12h", # Process multilines. If this is being used then the # "multiline" section should be commented out from the # logstash configuration. Logstash can then also be run # with multiple workers (using -w). # "codecs": [ { "name": "multiline", "patterns": [ "^[A-Z\t]" ], "what": "next" } ] } ] }